• Thu. Mar 13th, 2025


…bringing our past into the future

Cedar Hill Cemetery, Section 11


May 12, 2011

Allen, Helen I. 1916 1988 w/o John W. Allen, Jr. John W., Jr. 1925 1984 U S Army WWII Raymond F. b 9-26-1931 d 3-12-1981 Korean Conflict Andrews, Elizabeth E. b 4- 5-1920 ND w/o Harold W. Andrews Harold W. b 11-17-1918 d 7- 3-1987 USAF WWII Andrus, Leon S., Jr. "Andy" b 2-23-1956 d 10-22-1993 Barner, Evelyn G. 1934 ND w/o Raymond W. Barner Raymond W. 1933 ND U S Army Korea Bauman, Russel W. b 3-18-1924 d 12- 7-1981 Pvt U S Amry WWII Berry, William E. b 5-19-1944 d 5-10-1995 PFC U S Marine Corps Bitner, Edward G., Sr. b 9-23-1910 d 6-25-1989 O'Dessa B. b 5-25-1914 d 7- 1-1988 w/o Edward G. Bitner, Sr. Blazina, Frank T. 1926 1982 Teressa L. 1960 1988 w/o Timothy L. Blazina Theo V. 1927 ND w/o Frank T. Blazina Timothy L. 1957 ND Boyce, Gene E. 1923 1983 U S Air Force WWII Harold J. 1922 1992 U S Army WWII Hazel M. 1924 1984 w/o Harold J. Boyce Burnell, June V. 1933 1992 w/o Robert K. Burnell Robert K. 1929 ND Robert M. 1957 1980 On stone with Robert & June Chubb, Betty J. 1931 ND w/o Harry W. Chubb Harry W. 1928 1984 Conner, Paul L., Sr. 1930 ND U S Navy WWII Rosie J. 1922 ND w/o Paul L. Conner, Sr. Decker, Donald I. "Big D" b 11- 7-1929 d 3- 3-1994 Jean A. Rippey b 8-25-1937 ND w/o Donald I. Decker Parents of Debbie, Donald, Candy and Douglas Dickey, Kevin R. 1962 1984 Marguerite Kelley 1925 ND w/o Robert Glen Dickey Robert Glen 1928 1994 Signal Corp WWII Dolan, Clarence E. 1929 ND U S Army WWIi Margaret E. 1931 ND w/o Clarence E. Dolan Dress, Dorothy M. Runkle 1923 ND w/o Harold A. Dress Harold A. 1920 1990 Mason M/Sgt USA Ret WWII & Korea m. 1-22-1944 Duck, Elsie L. 1931 ND w/o Ray O. Duck H. Alvin b 1-23-1908 d 6-15-1987 Kathryn L. b 6-25-1911 d 12-18-1995 w/o H. Alvin Duck Ray O. 1931 ND Durkin, Alma Jane b 12-11-1925 d 7-11-1996 Englert, William R. "Pete" b 12- 3-1932 d 4- 1-1994 Ferrara, Eleanor E. b 5- 9-1915 d 7-27-1991 w/o Mack J. Ferrara, Sr. Mack J., Sr. b 12-12-1914 d 3- 3-1993 Ferree, Elizabeth K. 1907 1987 Frazier, Alma P. M. b 3- 9-1931 ND w/o Guy Frazier m. 5-27-1950 Guy b 4-23-1928 d 9-30-1991 Fry, Dorothy E. b 1-21-1925 ND Edward L. b 5- 2-1924 d 12-27-1983 Frye, Kenneth L. 1910 1977 Sara E. 1910 ND w/o Kenneth Frye Galentine, Edwina J. 1962 1992 Garrett, Roy M. b 1- 6-1957 d 10-11-1994 PFC US Army George, Betty C. b 9-29-1949 ND w/o Robert L. George George, Robert L. b 1-16-1951 d 1- 9-1989 m. 6-27-1970 Giminiani, Shirley F. b 8- 8-1931 ND w/o William D. Giminiani William D. b 8- 7-1923 d 3- 9-1978 Gingerich, Carl E. 1911 1996 Helt Funeral Marker Herr, David L. 1949 1995 Wetzler Funeral Marker Hiller, Paul L., Jr. 1932 1996 Yost-Gedon Funeral Marker Hironimus, David R. 1943 1990 Mason Sue A. 1942 ND w/o David R. Hironimus Hogencamp, Earl Glen 1915 1975 Kelley, Marguerite See Marguerite Kelley Dickey Kerstetter, Joyce E. 1935 1988 w/o William M. Kerstetter William M. 1934 ND Killinger, Kathleen 1936 ND w/o Robert W. Killinger Robert W. 1933 1994 Kramer, Frances C. 1925 ND w/o Roy L. Karamer Roy L. 1924 1986 Seaman 1/C U S Navy WWII Wilbur H. 1921 1986 U S Army WWII Kreidler, Charles M. b 4- 7-1921 d 7-26-1989 Isabel S. b 1-25-1924 d 1- 5-1987 w/o Charles M. Kreidler Lamey, Steven Edward 1955 1991 Pvt U S Army Vietnam Lanen, Loretta 1924 1986 Lewis, Clair, Jr. 1926 ND Clair, III (Sam) 1951 1989 Son of Clair & Marie T. Lewis Marie T. 1931 ND Lucas, Dustin Willis b 7-28-1989 d 4-20-1990 Lyons, Harry C. 1930 1986 Joyce M. 1935 ND w/o Harry C. Lyons Mack, George J. 1922 ND Madeline E. 1925 1995 w/o George J. Mack McGill, James L. 1925 1995 Wetzler Funeral Marker Mapstone, Kenneth V., Rev. b 3-12-1942 d 1-26-1984 Marden, Marjorie D. 1918 1994 Martin, Clarence L. b 2-22-1913 d 10-12-1987 Margaret G. b 4- 5-1921 d 2- 9-1990 w/o Clarence L. Martin Miller, Lois L. 1925 ND Warren E. 1921 1978 USMC WWII Korea & Vietnam Morton, Dorothy C. 1919 1995 Myers, Earl D. 1994 Rearick Carpenter Marker Porth, Clair L. 1914 1988 Violet C. 1920 ND w/o Clair L. Porth Powell, Charles B. 1919 1987 Mary Marie 1935 1985 w/o Charles B. Powell Probst, Benjamin N. 1974 1995 On stone with Thomas E. Thomas E. 1947 1987 Mason Roan, George E. b 8-28-1934 d 12- 7-1987 Jane S. b 4- 8-1939 ND w/o George E. Roan Robb, Harold C. 1913 1995 2nd Lt. U. S. Navy WWII Ruth L. 1915 ND w/o Harold C. Robb Shady, Howard Miles b 4- 5-1918 d 5-22-1982 Tec 4 U S Navy WWII Shaffer, Bonita M. b 1- 6-1960 d 12-17-1991 w/o Steven A. Shaffer Steven A. b 6-21-1956 ND m. 5-27-1950 Shearer, Gertrude G. 1918 ND w/o William F. Shearer Patricia Michele 1972 ND Daughter On stone with W. Michael Shearer W. Michael 1947 1988 Father Shearer, William F. 1919 1982 Smead, John W. 1911 ND Ruth E. 1918 1986 w/o John W. Smead Smith, Anna K. b 1-10-1930 ND w/o Karl G. Smith Bruce E. 1911 1994 Jennifer Lynn b 9-22-1984 d 6-16-1991 My Loving Daughter Jon Calvin, Jr. b 5- 7-1981 d 6-16-1991 My Loving Son Justin Michael b 7-11-1986 d 6-16-1991 My Loving Son Karl G. b 8-22-1927 d 6-18-1981 U S Army WWII Mae I. 1914 1995 w/o Bruce E. Smith Strouse, Audrey K. 1930 ND w/o Richard S. Strouse Richard S. "Speed" 1923 1986 Sgt US Army WWII m. 9-27-1948 Styers, Arnold E. (Little Huck) 1941 1986 Sp 5 U S Army Wagner, Earl L. "Moon" 1927 1991 U S Army WWII Esther M. 1929 ND w/o Earl L. Wagner Helen L. b 11-24-1945 d 12- 5-1992 Welsh, Ethel L. 1917 ND w/o Robert W. Welsh Patricia A. 1939 ND Robert W. 1915 1980 U S Army WWII Williams, Connie R. b 11- 1-1948 d 9-25-1980 Deanna Lynn b 9- 5-1971 d 7-10-1988 Wolfe, 1924 1982 Workman, Joyce L. 1922 1990 w/o Richard E. Workman Richard E. 1923 ND U S Army WWII Yearick, Debra Lee b 7-19-1968 d 7-23-1990 In Loving Memory Kenneth M., Sr. b 10- 2-1944 ND Husband & Father Marion Gail b 2-24-1942 d 3-25-1989 w/o Kenneth M., Young, Bernice G. 1921 ND w/o Clair F. Young, Sr. Clair F., Sr. 1918 ND 8th AF WWII P.O.W. Ernest C. b 2- 1-1940 ND Nancy J. b 4- 4-1939 d 1-22-1994 w/o Ernest C. Young Zimmerman, Charles H. 1926 1987 Maxine R. 1923 ND w/o Charles H. Zimmerman

Transcribed by John J. Johnstonbaugh and Vivian Johnstonbaugh Welch

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