• Thu. Mar 13th, 2025


…bringing our past into the future

Cedar Hill Cemetery, Section 4


May 12, 2011

Baker, Amelia E. b 8-22-1868 d 1-12-1910 (Listed on Doebler Stone) Barner, Catharine M. 1902 Infant of Charles E. & Rosie H. Charles E. 1869 1942 Etta M. 1893 1966 Kevin Michael 1981 1981 Metal Funeral Marker Rosie H. 1869 1935 w/o Charles E. Barner Bartholomew, Anna A. 1840 1915 w/o Enos Bartholomew Catharine B. d 5-24-1885 2y 4m 2d d/o Enos & Amelia Enos 1836 1905 Joseph E. 1858 1903 Father Mary A. 1852 1940 w/o Jos.E. Bartholomew N. Pearl 1879 1961 Priscilla No dates Mother Wendel J. d 4-23-1903 25y 10m 23d s/o Enos & Amelia William T. b 4-25-1865 d 4- 7-1905 Bassinger, C. Truman 1909 1924 Charles 1881 1942 J. Max 1904 1953 Minnie Mae 1879 1938 Rose M. 1907 1907 Bechtel, Catharine b 7-17-1837 d 6-18-1887 w/o Jacob Bechtel Jacob b 12- 8-1827 d 11-11-1913 Berry, Barbara Anna 1936 1937 Forrest M. 1893 1905/6 s/o G.W. & Mary J. Berry George W. 1864 1921 Kenneth W. 1934 1937 Margaret M. 1895 1982 w/o William B. Berry Mary J. 1867 1924 w/o George W. Berry William B. 1892 1971 U.S. Army WWI Bickel, Barbara See Barbara Bickel Yearick Bishop, Besse B. 1884 1921 Harry H. 1875 1905 Bitner, Corelli B. b 8-14-1900 d 10-16-1994 w/o Harold N. Bitner Florence See Florence Bitner McVey Harold N. b 6-23-1898 d 2-19-1989 Jacob A. b 11-28-1837 d 3-23-1916 May See May Bitner Stevenson Nancy E. b 10-22-1844 d 6-25-1922 Samuel C. 1869 1904 Sarah J. 1872 1962 Bollinger, Esther Tate 1897 1978 Bossert, Anna B. See Anna B. Bossert Hamilton Florence See Florence Bossert Grenard George Harold b 12- 5-1900 d 1-11-1902 s/o John S. & Minnie Holmes Jane R. 1887 1970 John S. 1851 1934 Minnie Holmes 1866 1931 William Brown 1902 1983 William M. 1935 Infant s/o W. Max & Edythe H. Bouse, Edward G. b 7-24-1886 d 10-23-1905 Elizabeth C. 1850 1913 w/o James Bouse James 1846 1904 Bowman, Edward H. 1892 1985 Jennie E. 1895 1946 Brady, George W. b 8- 3-1915 d 3-21-1916 s/o P. S. & M. H. Brady Helen Yearick 1897 1973 w/o Philip Sheridan Brady Infant No dates s/o P. S. & Helen Brady Philip Sheridan 1895 1945 Bridgens, James N. 1879 1957 Matilda E. 1881 1965 w/o James N. Bridgens Brown, Eleanor F. 1920 1933 Helen L. 1926 1937 John W. 1860 1908 Mattie E. See Mattie Brown Watts Brungard, Anna E. 1879 1964 w/o Harry T. Brungard Eva M. 1892 1969 w/o Joseph F. Brungard Florence A. 1895 1938 Daughter d/o Sarah E.? Freda K. No dates Geo. B. 1850 1908 Father Harry T. 1878 1941 Hilda R. No dates Infant Dau. 1921 Infant Son 1918 John H. 1915 1976 Joseph F. 1886 1966 Kathryn M. 1880 1957 w/o Maurice A. Brungard Margaret 1870 1927 w/o John E. Brungard Maurice A. 1881 1950 Mildred 1923 1976 w/o John H. Brungard Raymond W. d 3- 2-1908 4m 6d s/o Harry T. & Anna E. Sarah E. 1851 1942 w/o George B. Brungard? Burrell, E. Ellen 1858 1936 w/o Edward S. Burrell Edward S. 1859 1936 Caldwell, Clara A. 1869 1908 Coffey, Augusta B. 1874 1903 Mother w/o George Coffey George 1873 1935 Helen See Helen Coffey Hull Copenhaver, Lois B. 1912 1994 Culvey, Cora R. 1885 1961 w/o James Culvey Floyd V. 1916 1977 U. S. Army WWII James 1878 1951 Paul R. 1913 1987 Doebler, Ammon M. b 12- 5-1843 d 4-10-1916 Pvt. Co. H. 16 PA Cav. Lewis E. b 11-13-1873 d 10- 9-1908 Michael A. b 12- 5-1843 d 4-10-1916 Co. H. 16 Reg. Pa. Cav. Susam M. b 5- 6-1844 d 11-25-1923 Dornblaser, John b 12-30-1815 d 4-19-1900 Lewis W. 1848 1921 Margaret P. 1854 1941 w/o Lewis W. Dornblaser Mary b 8-16-1824 d 7-10-1908 w/o John Dornblaser Mary Elizabeth 1880 1956 Downs, Debbie T. 1875 1964 w/o Edward F. Downs Edward F. 1875 1952 Eaton, Harriet E. 1870 1944 Eckley, Caroline S. 1856 1925 w/o J. H. Eckley John S. 1881 1921 Joseph H. 1854 1902 Eddy, Charles M. b 8- 7-1879 d 12- 8-1910 Katherine R. 1856 1934 w/o William J. Eddy Eddy, William J. 1853 1922 Elder, Barbara F. 1840 1914 Bessie E. 1888 1889 Francis M. 1841 1909 Harry W. 1866 1935 Jane E. 1841 1917 Mary A. 1867 1942 May See May Elder Wiedhahn Thomas J. 1837 1920 Co. D. 49th Rev. Pa. Vol. Inf. Eldred, Alice E. 1907 1975 Annie E. 1845 1902 Carrie Harvey 1877 1928 Elbie O. Leathers 1879 1951 w/o Laroy C. Eldred H. Jarvis 1873 1927 John W. 1848 1912 Katharine I. 1849 1916 Laroy C. 1879 1953 M. Kate 1856 1925 w/o D. Irvine McNaul Robert C. 1849 1904 Emerick, Benj. F. 1851 1920 Forrest C. 1877 1948 Mattie 1882 1960 Mother 1856 1909 w/o Benj. F. Emerick Oscar F. 1880 1974 Rebecca 1868 1945 w/o Albert H. Spayd (Mother) Sallie M. 1884 1942 w/o Oscar F. Emerick See last page of this section for Emericks? Esenwine, Barbara 1856 1937 w/o George Esenwine Bertha 1881 1907 Edward F. 1877 1948 Elizabeth M. 1878 1964 w/o Edward F. Esenwine Eva 1879 1972 w/o William A. Esenwine George 1853 1908 Father William A. 1876 1960 Figgles, Harold E. 1888 1972 Helen K. Thompson 1890 1943 Fisher, Kathryn See Kathryn Fisher Markle Flanigan, America G. b 12- 8-1892 d 3-14-1903 s/o Harry F. & Annie M. Annie M. 1873 1936 w/o Harry F. Flanigan Guy A. 1890 1963 Co. C. 3 Dev. BN WWI Harry F. 1870 1920 Infant b & d 6-13-1904 s/o H. F. & A. M. Flanigan Fortney, Anna F. 1911 No date w/o Robert S. Fortney Catharine O. b 8-21-1857 d 2-28-1917 Clifford J. 1879 1938 Clyde J. W. b 9- 7-1908 d 6- 4-1909 Emma B. 1882 1957 John F. b 7-14-1847 d 6- 6-1916 Richard V. b 8-28-1914 d 1- 8-1917 Robert S 1912 1979 Winnifred b 3-28-1878 d 5- 4-1906 Frazier, Levi Snook b 12-19-1856 d 7-27-1910 Fritzgerald, Annie Rine 1895 1923 Furst, Adessa See Adessa Furst McCulley Amanda C. 1862 d 9-19-1908 46y 2m w/o John E. Furst Furst, Clara C. 1891 1967 Elizabeth R. 1885 1921 John E. 1859 1948 Samuel W. 1851 1921 Sarah E. b 10-21-1838 d 6- 4-1922 W. W. b 5-21-1835 d 3- 2-1904 Garies, George F. 1878 1913 Isaiah 1851 1883 Rebecca See Rebecca J. Williams, believe she was w/o Isaiah Garies Rebecca Jane b 5-30-1880 d 4-23-1883 2y 11m 7d d/o Isaiah & Reuben E. J. 1882 1912 William R. 1873 1894 Glantz, Abbie L. b 2- 7-1865 d 2-20-1912 Glossner, Daniel E. 1869 1951 Father Dora E. 1869 1943 Mother w/o Daniel E. Lola P. 1897 1966 Mildred See Mildred Glossner Taylor Sheldon J. b 8-30-1903 d 11-23-1910 s/o Daniel E. & Dora E. Graden, George H. 1874 1913 John W. 1849 1907 Ruth M. 1892 1905 Susanna 1850 1923 Gray, Frances R. 1856 1915 w/o Harrison Gray Harrison 1839 1904 Green, Edward 1871 1942 Laura E. 1869 1944 w/o Edward Greene Grenard, Florence Bossert 1897 1985 Hall, John b 9- 1-1855 d 5- 3-1933 Mary J. b 12-15-1853 d 10- 5-1903 w/o John Hall Hamilton, Anna B. Bossert 1890 1932 w/o William T. Hamilton Hammersley, Almina b 11-16-1879 d 11-16-1879 d/o Jasper & Almina Jasper b 9- 4-1856 d 12-22-1915 Maggie L. b 12-16-1852 d 11-30-1907 W. Cloid b 5-31-1881 d 8-31-1881 s/o Jasper & Almina Harris, Letitia B. b 10- 4-1847 d 6-12-1923 w/o Samuel D. Harris M. E. 1857 1915 Samuel E. b 12- 2-1845 d 7- 6-1909 W. H. 1849 1914 Harry, Cora M. b 1- 8-1883 d 9- 9-1955 Harry, Irvin H. b 2-17-1875 d 4- 2-1967 Harter, E. A. 1849 1929 J. S. 1846 1921 Hartsock, H. Willis, Rev. 1877 1964 Maude Letitia 1875 1949 Harvey, Origen A. 1838 1907 Sergt. Co. E. 137 Ref. PA. Vol. Heard, Henrietta 1849 1921 w/o Horace M. Heard Horace M. 1846 1920 Heltman, Clare See Clare Heltman Pifer Gilman C. 1860 1935 Lydia L. 1861 1934 w/o Gilman C. Heltman Herman, Maude B. 1869 1935 Herr, Emma F. See Emma F. Herr Hyatt Hickoff, Jas. 1832 1907 Hockman, Rhoda E. 1893 1951 w/o Russell E. Hockman Russell E. 1891 1946 Holmes, Amanda C. 1857 1939 w/o R. H. Holmes Clyde C. 1881 1954 Cora S. 1883 1973 Minnie See Minnie Holmes Bossert R. H. 1858 1924 Howell, Janet b 8-15-1916 d 1- 6-1981 Hull, Helen Coffey 1897 1964 Hyatt, Charlotte See Charlotte Hyatt Thompson Ely E. 1832 1894 Emma F. Herr 1835 1917 w/o Ely E. Hyatt Ethel E. d 5- 1-1897 8y 5m d/o G. T. & Effie E. Jobson, Frank H. 1843 1915 Sarah W. Porter 1844 1922 w/o Frank H. Jobson Karstetter, Morris F. 1909 1994 Mason Nora H. 1912 1992 Keister, Annie Eddy 1872 1904 w/o G. Reuben Keister Beulah M. 1872 1958 w/o Charles H. Keister Charles H. 1874 1946 Elizabeth E. b 3-19-1899 d 11-28-1904 Elsie Rine 1897 1986 w/o Ralph Eddy Keister G. Reuben 1873 1911 John 1849 1911 Martha A. 1850 1916 Ralph Eddy 1894 1966 321st FLD Art. WWI Kessinger, Claire E. b 12-24-1879 d 12- 7-1904 Edith F. b 1- 9-1883 d 11-12-1969 Margaret D. 1876 1974 Nora J. See Nora J. Kessinger Saiers Sarah E. 1854 1914 Torrence E. 1874 1957 Torrence W. 1910 1974 William F. 1853 1918 Krape, Charles H. 1903 1975 Charles I. 1875 1951 Father Jennie F. 1875 1941 Mother w/o Charles I. Krape Kyle, Anne E. 1897 1982 Fannie F. Wilson 1859 1916 w/o James Addison Kyle Helen W. 1896 19 No date James Addison 1865 1932 James Bruce 1903 1907 Margaret M. 1900 1949 Lewis, Marie M. b 9- 7-1909 d 6-29-1962 w/o Thomas E. Lewis Thomas E. b 9-20-1906 d 10- 9-1974 Lindemuth, Blanche E. 1881 1959 Christine M. 1845 1907 w/o John Z. Lindemuth John Z. 1825 1901 Logue, Barbara A. 1847 1939 w/o John T. Logue Carrie 1870 1951 John T. 1846 1929 Co. D. 190 Reg. Pa. Vol. Lohr, E. Jane See E. Jane Lohr McLean Long, Barbara A. b 1-25-1837 d 6- 5-1905 d/o Martin & Maria Long Ellen D. 1859 1915 Infant Son 1898 1898 Joseph H. 1833 1916 Mary E. 1890 1891 Lose, Mary A. 1850 1904 w/o Jacob Lose (Mother) Lundy, Chas. H. d 9-15-1905 No age given Hannah H. 1835 1908 w/o L. T. Lundy Harry W. 1876 1938 L. T. 1837 1906 Margaret 1862 1929 Lupold, Anna 1831 1911 McAfee, James C. 1883 1949 Ruth A. 1885 1964 McCaleb, C. Perry 1871 1923 Emolyan V. 1877 1950 w/o C. Perry McCaleb McClintick, Mary J. d 5- 1-1892 89y w/o A. McClintick McClintock, Clara B. 1861 1949 w/o Elmer E. McClintock Elmer E. 1861 1936 Father George B. 1861 1919 Jane Rishel 1873 1958 w/o George B. McClintock Mary 1895 1911 s/o Clara B. & Elmer E. McCloskey, J. B. b 4-19-1844 d 6-12-1899 Jennie W. b 7-19-1841 d 1-10-1890 w/o J. B. McCloskey Mary W. b 8-27-1858 d 10-29-1916 w/o J. B. McCloskey Nancy B. b 8-12-1879 d 4-12-1913 d/o J. B. & Jennie W. McC. McCulley, Adessa Furst 1894 19 No date McKibben, Ethel Waite 1898 1989 Huston H. 1871 1956 Father Isabel b 4-10-1909 d 9-10-1909 Jessie b 5- 9-1901 d 7-23-1991 Joseph b 4-21-1899 d 11-12-1966 Lucetta 1874 1945 w/o Huston H. McKibben Lucetta b 7-17-1914 d 2-12-1976 Ruth b 10-11-1907 d 4- 7-1922 W. Brady b 4- 1-1903 d 9-23-1924 McLean, E. Jane Lohr 1910 No date T. Scott 1910 1991 McNaul, D. Irvine 1852 1932 M. Kate Eldred 1856 1925 w/o D. Irvine McNaul McVey, Florence Bitner 1884 1971 McZettle, Faye 1893 1919 Maddox, Guy T. 1872 1952 Markle, Kathryn Fisher 1874 1950 w/o Samuel C. Markle Samuel Calvin 1874 1950 Martin, Austin S. b 2- 6-1859 d 2- 5-1903 Clyde A. b 11-17-1881 d 3-20-1941 Rose Jane b 10- 4-1884 d 9- 7-1950 w/o Clyde A. Martin Sarah J. b 3- 3-1832 d 3-25-1902 w/o Silas Martin (Mother) Sarah J. b 1-26-1910 d 12- 5-1913 d/o T. F. & R. E. Rishel Sherman T. b 3- 28-1875 d 1-25-1907 Father Silas b 8-10-1823 d 6- 3-1891 Miller, Amelia M. 1870 1952 s/o Matthew B. Miller Harry d 2- 4-1901 10m 21d s/o Jospeh M. A. &
M. Virgie Miller Joseph M. A. 1854 1933 Julia A. 1895 1986 w/o Maxwell M. Miller M. Helen 1904 1898 M. Virgie 1861 1933 Mary C. b 11-26-1838 d 9-12-1906 Mother Miller, Matthew B. 1866 1948 Maxwell M. 1890 1982 Theoda E. 1900 1981 Minnich, John A. d 6-16-1937 89y 9m 5d Sarah R. d 4-11-1892 41y 3m 3d w/o John A. Moore, Frank A. 1860 1910 M. Blanche 1864 1935 w/o Frank A. Moore Myers, Laura Ohl b 6- 1-1878 d 1-21-1902 w/o John E. Myers Nixon, David Allison 1865 1943 Eleanor L. 1837 1918 w/o James T. Nixon Helen E. 1891 1917 James T. 1834 1898 Kate A. 1871 1947 Sarah E. 1859 1934 W. Edward 1861 1950 Father Nolen, Israel B. 1882 1964 John 1860 1910 Mamie E. 1880 1962 w/o Israel B. Nolen Sarah 1862 1910 w/o John Nolen Ohl, Laura See Laura Ohl Myers Orner, Mira Miller Williams See Mira Miller Williams Packer, Fannie L. 1869 1956 w/o W. A. Packer Mabel C. 1889 1916 Mildred 1900 1910 d/o W. A. & F. L. Packer W. A. 1865 1915 William T. 1896 1952 Page, Josephine M. 1869 1930 w/o Wm. F. Page Mother Kathleen E. 1898 1976 William F. 1855 1923 Father Painter, A. B., M.D. 1873 1941 Audessa 1878 1939 w/o A. B. Painter, M.D. Baby No dates J. Arlington 1908 1969 Virginia T. 1912 1983 Paul, A. Lincoln 1861 1954 Father Charles E. 1885 d 4-24-1903 17y 11m 15d Infant d 3- 1-1884 Infant of A. L. & M. J. Paul Lester M. 1896 d 11-26-1905 8y 7m 17d or1904 Two dates Minnie J. 1865 1946 w/o A. L. Paul Mother Pifer, Laura A. b 10-30-1856 d 10-18-1928 Victor E. b 9-18-1882 d 4-17-1909 W. H. b 9-24-1859 d 11- 6-1909 Porter, Adolphus D. 1852 1920 Calvin J. 1882 1908 Sarah W. 1844 1922 w/o Frank H. Jobson Savilla R. 1880 1904 w/o Adolphus D. Porter Rader, Carl M. 1906 1981 Tec 4 U.S. Army WWII Rena S. d 1-18-1910 26y 4m 14d w/o Wm C. Reeser, Effie N. 1869 1906 w/o Rev. I. J. Reeser I. J., Rev. 1858 1914 Riegel, Arthur M. 1863 1936 Jennie B. 1851 1919 w/o Wm. T. Riegel Mary B. 1861 1933 w/o Arthur M. Riegel William T. 1852 1929 Rine, Annie See Annie Rine Fritzgerald Rine, Elsie See Elsie Rine Keister Frances E. 1870 1948 w/o James A. Rine James A. 1865 1939 Lena J. 1903 1904 Rishel, Catharine C. b 6-17-1843 d 8- 2-1903 w/o M. A. Rishel Jane See Jane Rishell McClintock John d 9-28-1893 77y 10m 24d M. A. b 12- 1-1841 d 2- 9-1918 Sarah 1815 1903 w/o John Rishel Sarah J. b 1-26-1910 Stone sunk d/o T. F. & R. E. Rishel Ritzman, Mary C. d 5-26-1889 29y 8m 23d w/o John W. Roan, Blanche B. 1860 1907 Robinson, Elizabeth A. 1878 1947 Romig, Catharine b 4- 4-1844 d 1- 1-1939 w/o Henry E. Romig Henry E. b 9-30-1836 d 11-18-1906 Mary Ellen 1870 1941 w/o William H. Romig William H. 1866 1940 Rossman, Audrey D. 1900 1900 Bland J. 1897 1918 Prv. M.D. 305th Amb. Corp.
Died in France F. Bruce 1904 1906 John Elias 1873 1932 Sidney J. 1873 1967 Rote, Frederick H. d 4-18-1939 Isabella M. d 6- 2-1938 w/o Frederick H. Rote Ruhl, Charles 1870 1904 Dora A. b 4- 2-1869 d 8-17-1901 Elizabeth 1893 1985 William H. b 1-19-1868 d 2-10-1904 Rute, John B. 1838 1920 Rute, Mary C. 1838 1912 w/o John B. Rute Sairs, Albert L. b 12- 4-1876 d 6-19-1956 Bertha M. Smith 1872 1912 w/o A. L. Sairs Margaret M. E. b 3-17-1921 d 9- 3-1987 Nora J. Kessinger b 9-19-1886 d 6- 2-1957 w/o Albert L. Sairs Salmon, William Huff b 1-21-1884 d 2-21-1909 Shay, Florence 1903 1904 Infant Son 1910 Nancy E. 1886 1966 Smith, Bertha M. See Bertha M. Smith Sairs Clarence R. 1889 1964 Diana R. 1855 1930 Oliver P. 1851 1935 Spayd, Albert H. 1862 1939 Father (See last page) Rebecca Emerick 1868 1945 Mother w/o Albert H. Spayd Stark, Lillian A. 1872 1956 Mother Stevenson, Mary Bitner 1874 1970 Torrence R. 1869 1938 Stiverr, Fearon 1876 1916 Horace 1874 1920 James b 5-17-1847 d 1- 3-1904 M. P. 1849 1926 Father Sarah A. 1851 1925 w/o M. P. Stiver Sarah C. b 8- 7-1847 d 12-31-1928 w/o James Stiver Strouse, Charles N. 1904 19 No date Strouse, Mabel R. 1901 1995 w/o Charles N. Strouse Sweitzer, Emma 1855 1941 w/o James Sweitzer James 1849 1891 Tate, Beulah M. 1897 1931 Boyd 1885/6 1909 Esther See Esther Tate Bollinger J. Ward 1894 1962 John J. 1858 1928 Mattie E. Brown 1902 1990 w/o Samuel Watts & J. Ward
Tate Sarah J. 1858 1927 Taylor, Mildred Glossner 1907 1933 Thompson, Charles B. 1868 1893 Charlotte Hyatt 1859 1926 w/o John R. Thompson Emma L. 1897 1988 Hannah M. d 2- 9-1890 57y 1m 21d w/o James T. Helen K. See Helen K. Thompson Figgles James T. b 4-30-1826 d 5-16-1906 John R. 1859 1945 Mason Sarah J. 1824 1899 Solomon B. 1818 1896 Toner, Charles R. 1895 1980 Charles W. 1867 1918 Charlotte L. 1913 1989 w/o Guy I. Toner Guy I. 1907 1988 Lee Roy b 10-20-1905 d 11-18-1906 s/o Chas. W. & Amelia Toner Mae E. 1896 1990 Tyson, George H. 1884 1921 John W. 1920 1920 Mary Shearer 1886 1923 W, H. L. 1921 Buried in Long Plot Waite, Cora May 1874 1930 Ethel See Ethel Waite McKibben George H. 1871 1934 Ruth Rebecca 1900 1900 Watts, Mattie E. Brown See Mattie E. Brown Tate w/o Samuel Watts Weaver, Albert M. b 7- 4-1922 d 1-17-1923 Clarence D. 1890 1969 Father Laura M. 1892 1963 w/o Clarence D. Weaver Weber, Glenn L., Sr. b 12-15-1895 d 9-21-1985 Wetzel, Curtin J. b 3-29-1860 d 6-18-1908 Mary 1829 1918 w/o Tobias Wetzel Palmer T. 1904 1993 Sarah E. b 12-28-1867 d 1-31-1931 w/o Curtin J. Wetzel Tobias 1833 1909 Whitcomb, Alice 1859 1957 No Stone Funeral Marker Lloyd b 1-17-1884 d 9-24-1904 White, Bertha M. b 5-25-1882 d 10-10-1901 Wickizer, Emanuel b 1-12-1845 d 3- 3-1922 Pvt Co. E. 67 Reg. Pa. Vol. In Wiedhahn, May Elder 1873 1930 w/o William B. Wiedhahn William B. 1870 1931 Williams, Mira Miller 1890 1986 w/o Ray R. Williams 2nd w/o
Lester Orner Ray R. 1883 1956 Rebecca J. 1853 1938 Buried next to Wm. T. Williams, William T. 1837 1918 Co. D. 1st Reg. Pa. Res. Cav. Wilson, Fannie F. 1859 1916 Wolfe, Donavan K. 1908 1976 Frances A. b 1- 3-1872 d 5-28-1962 Mother Milford W. b 3-17-1868 d 10-26-1916 Sara M. 1915 No date w/o Donavan K. Wolfe Work, Lawrence A. d 9- 3-1899 1y 1m 5d s/o Harry T. Work Lawrence Luther b 3-22-1873 d 2-27-1902 s/o T. A. & Matilda Work Matilda d 1- 8-1913 77y 3m w/o Thomas A. Work Thomas A. b 6- 6-1829 d 7-18-1892 63y 1m 1d Pvt.Co E7 PA Cav. Yeager, Fred W. 1881 1964 Jennie K. 1880 1904 Mother Maude K. 1877 1916 Mother Yearick, Amy I. d 11- 9-1895 4days d/o Geo. L. & Barbara Barbara Bickel 1873 1950 w/o George L. Yearick, M.D. George L., M.D. 1870 1947 Medical Corps WWI George W. d 9-27-1906 26d s/o Geo. I. & Barbara B. Henry 1837 1921 Co. E. 7th Reg. Pa. Vol. Cav. Infant d 11-18-1908 s/o Geo. I. & Barbara B. Infant b & d 6-12-1910 d/o Geo. I. & Barbara B. Lucinda C. b 6-11-1854 d 12-16-1929 Yocum, Infant No dates s/o H. D. & M. Yocum (Buried in Glossner Plot) Zettle, Clarence S. 1887 1965 Husband Faye Mc. 1893 1919 Wife w/o Clarence S. Zettle These two stones are on the Emerick & Spayd Plot ? , Father 1846 1915 ? , Mother 1845 1893

Transcribed by John J. Johnstonbaugh and Vivian Johnstonbaugh Welch

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