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…bringing our past into the future

Historical and Biographical Work – J. MILTON FUREY – Clinton County


May 12, 2011


J. Milton Furey, the author and compiler of this work, was born near the village of Pleasant Gap, Centre county, Pa., September 16th, 1857. His father was a farmer, and reared his son to the same calling. His early education was received at what was called the “Horn Town” school, named after the first settler of the place. He attended school during the winter and worked on the farm during the remainder of the year until 1877,when he left his home to seek his fortune in the far West. After a year spent in roaming, and failing to find the said fortune, he returned penniless and penitent to his home in Centre county, and again followed farming until December, 1879, when he started a bakery and confectionery in Bellefonte, Pa. The business was not a profitable one, and he soon gave it up, losing all he had invested. After spending a year in employments of a various nature, he entered the “Centre Hall Academy,” as it was then called, where he remained one term. In January, 1882, he entered the Lock Haven Normal School, and graduated from that institution in July, 1883 After his graduation he secured a school in Montgomery county, Pa., where he taught one term. On the 25th of June, 1884, he was married to Ella Pauline Bigony, a daughter of Dr. F. W. Bigony, who is a prominent physician of Montgomery county, Pa. He taught the following winter at Pleasant Gap, and, in the spring of 1885, moved to Bellefonte. In the fall of the same year he was elected teacher of the colored school of that town, which position he held for two years. In 1887 he was elected principal of the North Ward Schools of Bellefonte, and re-elected in 1888. Having been elected principal of the Third Ward Grammar School of Lock Haven in July 1888, he resigned his position in the Bellefonte Schools and moved to the city of Lock Haven, where he has had charge of the said school up to the present time. In the summer of 1891, while preparing some work of an historical nature for one of the city papers, it was suggested to him by several friends that he publish a book of the same character. After giving the matter some thought he decided to undertake the task, with what result has already been shown. He has spent nearly a year of time and considerable money in the preparation of this work, which he hopes will meet its requirement, and satisfy its readers; if it does this he feels amply rewarded for his efforts in this his first literary venture.

SOURCE: Page(s) 5-6 Historical and Biographical Work, of Past and Present of Clinton County by J. Milton Furey, Pennsylvania Grit Publishing House, Williamsport PA, 1892

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