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Historical Sketch of the Quiet Dell Brethren Church


Dec 10, 2012

Historical Sketch of the Quiet Dell Brethren Church

submitted by David Mackey

[From a 1943 mimeographed church bulletin observing the church’s 50th anniversary and homecoming. The church is located on Palmer Road at the intersection of Quiet Dell Road, Aleppo Twp., Greene Co., Pa.]
Material assembled by Mr. Bud Wise.
Most of the charter members of this church were formerly members of the Aleppo Brethren Church and held their first service in the Quiet Dell School House. At least one revival was held in the Mt. Carmel Church of God, then later another meeting was held by J. B. Wampler in the school just prior to the plans for a new building.
The church was organized August 13th, 1893, with J. M. Murray as the first pastor. He was the moving spirit as they met in the school and for many years after.
Rev. Spanogle preached the sermon of dedication.
The carpenters who built the church were Alfred Wood, Adam Miller, J.B. Miller. All now deceased.
The stone for the foundation was taken from the Fred Wise farm and hauled by Bud Wise. It was hand dressed and laid in the foundation by John Staggers and Perry Wood.
The lumber for the frame of the building was cut on the Wise farm and sawed at the old saw mill which was located across the creek from the church.
The lumber for the seats was sawed at the same mill, kiln dried, then hauled to Cameron [W.Va.] to the planning mill and dressed. The seats were made by Henry Wise, Alfred Wood and Adam Miller.
The sand for the plastering was dug from a sand bank near where Monty Wood now lives and hauled by Bud Wise. The lime was slacked [slaked] by digging a hole in the ground about the size of a barrel. This was filled with lime and covered with water. The old fashioned plaster of hair, lime and sand was put on by George W. Simms. The lathing was done by Alfred Wood, J.B. Miller and Bud Wise.
The painting was done by Dowler Bros.
The choir at the dedication were: J.S. McCormick and J.H. Wise, tenor; Rachel Miller, Lizzie Wood, Maggie Hartzel, soprano; Edna Simms, alto; William Caldwell, Alfred Wood and Adam Miller, bass. There were others whom memory and records do not reveal.
The organ was purchased in Wheeling [W.Va.] by Henry Wise and was played by Bud Wise, the one who collected these facts.
Fred Wise was janitor of the church from the time of its dedication until his death in 1912.
Henry Wise along with J.M. Murray were perhaps the ones who did most to father the church in its early days.
       Former Pastors of the Quiet Dell Church
J.M. Murray from its beginning to 1912
H.M. Oberholter 1912-1914
J.M. Murray  1915
W.T. Hilbert  1915-1921
Vacant 1921-1922
W.S. Crick  1922-1925
A.V. Jeffers  1928-1929
Tom Presnell1931
Bernard Snyder [no dates given]
Norman Uphouse 1937
J. Edgar Berkshire  1940-1941
Paul Burket  summer of 1941
Most of these dates are approximate and we may even be mistaken in the order in which these men were here. We are sorry to confess that our records are not as complete as we would like.
A mimeographed church bulletin from the 75th anniversary observance, Oct.13, 1968, adds this information:
At the close of the fiftieth anniversary celebration in 1943 it was decided to start a redecoration and building fund to redecorate the interior and to secure new pews. The idea grew until it now includes new heating equipment and electric lights, with the possible hope for the future of new carpet for the platform and aisles.
The old pews for which there were [sic] considerable sentiment were carefully dismantled and replaced and used for paneling across the back and in front of the platform. Draperies were added to form two classrooms and make space for our communion service. The W.M.S. [Women’s Missionary Society] added venetian blinds to the windows. All of this greatly adds beauty and lends a worshipful atmosphere. These innovations have been accomplished during the pastorate of Arthur Baer.
In the late summer of 1968, the members joined together in repairing and painting the fence around the church.
[This 75th anniversary bulletin adds the following to the list of pastors]
Arthur R. Baer 1942-51
Robert Holsinger 1951-53
Cecil Bolton Jr. 1954-64
C. Edward West Jr. 1967 –

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