• Fri. Mar 28th, 2025


…bringing our past into the future

Altoona Tribune – 1860 Editions – April through May


Mar 15, 2013

April 5, 1860

Walter C. Roe, junior partner of the firm of D. R. Miller & Co., proprietors of the Logan House, in this place, died at 8 ‘clock on Sunday afternoon last. He had been confined to his room for some six weeks with disease of the heart. About a week previous to his death he was attacked with dropsy and erysipelas. Over this combination of diseases, medical skill could not be expected to triumph, and he sank under them at the hour mentioned. In his death his family sustains the loss of a husband and father who was kind and indulgent to a fault.

A Stage Burned. On Friday morning of last week the coach carrying the mail from Lock Haven to this place took fire between Lock Haven and Bellefonte, and was entirely consumed, together with the mails, and the baggage belonging to the passengers. The accident occurred through the negligence of one of the passengers throwing a lighted match into the straw in the bottom of the coach. In an instant everything was enveloped in flames. It was with difficulty that the passengers escaped from the stage unhurt, and, to make matters worse, the horses took fright and ran. Before they could be stopped the coach was so much burned that neither mails nor baggage could be saved. It was fortunate that no ladies were on board, as they could not have been rescued, the flames spread so rapidly. We doubt whether there is a similar accident on record. Tyrone Star.

Married on the 22d ult., near Springfield Furnace, by Rev. A. H. Aughe, Mr. John Burket, and Miss Catharine Sheel, all of Blair county, Pa.

Died in Williamsburg, on the 13th ult., of inflammation of the brain, John, infant son of Alexander and Margaret Trout, aged 11 months.

Died on the 28th ult., Parthenia Elizabeth, daughter of Adelphus and Sallie A. Roush, aged 8 weeks.

On Tuesday last, Coroner Fox was called upon to hold an inquest upon the body of an infant female child, which had been found by Abraham Loudon in a fence corner on the farm of Wm. Loudon, adjoining this place. From all appearances, the jury were convinced that the child had lived, but no information could be obtained which would give a clue to the inhuman wretch who had thus murdered her offspring, and they consequently rendered a verdict to the effect that the child had come to its death by exposure and neglect of some person unknown. Cases of this kind are becoming a little too common, and the inquiry is naturally started, cannot something be done to check it? The aprons and cloths in which the child was wrapped can be seen at the office of Esquire Griffin, in Loudonville, and it is hoped they will lead to the detection of the guilty. The owner can have them by coming forward and proving properly.

April 12, 1860

Death of a Revolutionary Soldier.
John Ludwig, one of the soldiers of the Revolution, and the oldest man at the time, perhaps, in the State, died in New Washington, Clearfield county, the other day. The deceased was born in Michaelstadt, Germany, in 1746, and came to this country in 1758, being then twelve years old. He resided in Pennsylvania one hundred and one years, seven months and eighteen days. He died March 23d, at the wonderful age of one hundred and thirteen years, seven months and eighteen days. The deceased entered the American service in 1775, and fought throughout the whole war. He was with Washington when he crossed the Delaware on Christmas night, 1775, and was in the battle of Trenton, on the 26th of December. The light of day was just breaking when the Americans drove in the outposts of the Hessians through a thick snow storm. He was in the battle of Brandywine September 11, 1777, under Lafayette. He was transferred to the command of Gen. Wayne, and was in his defeat near Paoli, September 20, 1777. He was in the battle of Germantown, October 4, 1774. He was encamped with Washington at Valley Forge, December 11, 1777. He has said that the winter of that year was the coldest he ever experienced. Our troops, he has told us, shot squirrels and drew their skins over their feet for shoes. He was in the battle of Monmouth, June 28, 1774, under Wayne, and was with Wayne at the taking of Stony Point, where the watchword was, Remember Paoli, brave boys. He was with Lafayette at the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown, on the 19th of October, 1781, and, in his own words, in many more scrimmages that he could not remember the particulars of. This warrior left descendants to the fourth generation and to the number of nearly three hundred. He was a gunsmith by trade, and made a perfect gun when he was one hundred and seven years of age. During the last summer he could read without spectacles. When he was over ninety he walked to Clearfield and back, a distance of nearly thirty miles and then back again, a distance in all of nearly sixty miles, before dark, on one and the same day. We are assured that he did not feel any the worse of this walk. He never missed a Presidential or Gubernatorial election since the very first. He always enjoyed good health until a short time previous to his death, when he began to have weak spells, and was only bedfast from the Sabbath before he died.

Married on the 22d ult., by the Rev. George Hildt, Rev. Samuel A. Wilson, of the East Baltimore Conference, to Miss Sophia A., daughter of Mr. Hammond Stansbury, of Baltimore.

Married at the Lutheran parsonage, on the 14th ult., by Rev. Lloyd Knight, John M. Baird, of Altoona, and Miss Jane Droneberg, of Hollidaysburg.

Married on Thursday evening, April 5th, at the house of the bride’s father, by the Rev. A. H. Taylor, Mr. Henry B. Whittington to Miss Sallie E. McCord, eldest daughter of Joshua W. McCord, Esq., all of Hollidaysburg.

Died in this place, on Thursday, the 5th inst., of Typhoid fever, Mr. Jonathan Lantz, aged 40 years.

Died in this place, on Saturday, 7th inst., of congestion of the brain, Franklin Rush, son of Rev. A. B. and Mary F. Clark, aged 10 months.

Died at Altoona, Pa., April 1st, 1860, Walter C. Roz, in the 37th year of his age. He was a son of the late Rev. J. A. Roe, of Pittsburg. He joined the M. E. Church in the year 1851, and continued a faithful member until his death. He possessed a combination of qualities such as is rarely seen. Whilst he was humble and modest, he was dignified and firm, respecting all men but when in the path of duty fearing none. He was a most attentive hearer, but despised the office of a critic, liberal without extravagance, a prudent, wise and safe counselor. He loved the Church, and the Church loved him. As a business man, he was correct, attentive and persevering, one of the most efficient stewards we have ever met. As such, his influence with his brethren was almost unbounded, and his value was beyond computation. As a husband and father, he was a model after which but few could pattern without improvement. The moments not occupied in business were spent in his family, where, by the voice of music and the smile of love, he taught all to honor and reverence him. To know him was to love him. His death, life his life, presented a beautiful exhibition of the power of religion. It was a glorious triumph. For some days previous, through the complication and peculiarity of his affliction, he had been quite delirious, but a few hours before his departure his intellect became vigorous and realizing his condition, he gave the fullest proof that all was well. He called his wife and children to his bedside and kissing each one, he bade them farewell, and whilst a few persons who had assembled in the room were engaged in prayer, and singing On Jordan’s stormy banks I stand, he leaned his head, by faith upon the bosom of his Saviour, and sweetly breathed his life away. It was not a cross to stand by the side of Walter C. Roe when dying. No, No. It was witnessing a glorious victory. He has gone, and with him a bright light. Peace to his ashes and honor to his memory.
S. Creighton.

April 19, 1860

Terrible accident at Mr. Martin Bell’s Furnace April 16th.
A terrible accident occurred here yesterday. A young man named John Bush, while in the act of greasing the engine, which blows the Furnace, had his right arm torn off and terribly mangled, by being caught between the crank of the fly wheel and the pitman, making it necessary to amputate the arm near the shoulder, which was done by Dr. Christy, of Altoona, Dr. Clark, of Bell’s Mills, and Dr. Schlemn, of Davidsburg. The patient is now said to be doing well, and his friends entertain the hope that he will speedily recover.

Married on the 15th inst., by Rev. Lloyd Knight, Mr. David Weaver, to Miss Frances Crist, both of Hollidaysburg.

Married on the 2nd day of April, 1860, by Samuel Jones, Esq., in Tyrone City, Mr. Johnston Gardner, to Miss Mary Nash, both of Tyrone township, Blair county, Pa.

Died at his residence near Davenport, Iowa, on the 27th of March, after a lingering illness, John Walker, formerly of this county.

Died at the foot of Plain 10, on the 15th inst., Pearson F. Knee, aged 7 years and 28 days.

Died on the 15th inst., in Hollidaysburg, Edward, infant son of Andrew Shinefelt.

Caution. Whereas my wife has left my bed and board without any just cause or provocation, this is to warn all persons not to harbor or trust her on my account, as I am determined to pay no debts of her contracting after this date, unless compelled by law. Daniel W. Newhard, April 19, 1860

April 26, 1860

Married in Hollidaysburg, on the 22d inst., by the Rev. Lloyd Knight, Mr. Lewis Monzert, to Miss Mary Neely, both of Sunny Mount.

Married in White township, Cambria county, by Rev. Thos. Van Scoyoc, on Thursday, March 29th, Mr. William Hamilton, of Blair county, to Miss Lydia M. Baker, of Cambria.

Died in this borough, on Monday morning last, of Scarlet Fever, John, son of John Coyle, aged 2 years and nine months.

Died in Williamsburg, on Tuesday, April 10th, Mrs. Anna Mary, wife of Col. J. S. P. Harris, aged about 40 years.

Died in Williamsburg, on the 18th inst., Robert Kinkead, aged about 55 years.

Relic Of Olden Times. A few days ago, our friend Joe Metzgar, of Sinking Valley, presented us with an old bayonet, which had been -wed up in the neighborhood of the old fort, block-house, erected in that valley, during the Indian war. From its appearance, it must have been in the ground many years, and was doubtless dropped from the musket of some of those who inhabited the house referred to at the time that tried men’s souls. Whether it ever pierced the flesh of a redskin, we can not say, but imagination can picture many frightened combats in which it may have done good service, and it may be that the hand that wielded it was stilled in death on the very spot where it was picked up. Who can tell the scenes through which it may or may not have passed? Of the latter no doubt preponderating. But it is a relic of the olden times, and we shall keep it until somebody carries it off, or the pro— of a museum of curiosities gives us a good price for it.
P.S. It can be seen at this office.

May 3, 1860

Death from Strangulation – A little daughter of James Alexander, a colored man residing in this place, was choked to death on last Friday night, by a grain of corn getting into its windpipe. Strange to say she had gotten the corn in her throat some ten days before her death, and it did not affect her in the least until some five or six hours before her death.

Married on the evening of the 26th inst., at the house of the bridegroom in Turkey Valley, by Isaac Yingling, Esq., Mr. John Baird and Mrs. Mary Westover, both of Frankstown township.

Married on Thursday, April 26, 1860, at the home of the bride’s father, by the Rev. Jos. Fitchner, Mr. Josiah C. Burk, of Blair county, to Miss Annie Sloop, of Bedford county.

Died in this place, on Monday last, at the residence of Mr. R. Reibenack, Miss Anna Catharine Itel, of Jefferson, Cambria county, in the 20th year of her age.

Died of Consumption, after an illness of over a year, on the 24th ult., at Sharpsburg, Blair county, Mrs. Susan E. Nicodemus, aged 27 years and 26 days.

May 17, 1860

Extraordinary Freak of Nature.
One day last week a cow belonging to Mr. James Mears, of Loyalhanna township, Westmoreland county, gave birth to a calf upon which nature had played some strange freaks. The skin of the calf was turned wrong side out, the hairy side being next to the flesh. There were no entrails in the body – the tail was struck upon its back, about six inches from its head, one of its fore legs was close to the head, and the other was set considerable back from its proper place. It was a most singular looking object, and Mr. Mears intends having the skin dressed and exhibited at the Blairsville Fair, which will be held on the first Tuesday of June next.

Attempted Suicide. William White, cashier of the Freight Department of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, at Pittsburgh, attempted to commit suicide by shooting himself in the mouth with a pistol. The ball took effect in the roof of his mouth but did not kill him. He was still living on Tuesday, but no hopes are entertained of his recovery. There are many rumors concerning the supposed cause of his self-destruction, but time alone can determine what was the true cause.

On Saturday afternoon last, a little girl, aged about five years, daughter of Mrs. Wire, was so much injured by a fall from the balcony of the Washington House, above the R. R. Warehouse, that her life is despaired of. It appears that she was playing on the balcony, attached to the second story of the rear building, around which there are no banisters, and getting too near the edge, tumbled over and fell into the cellar of the building, the door leading to which had been left open. In falling her head struck some hard substance and broke a hole in her forehead about the size of a penny. Medical aid was summoned and all done that could be to alleviate her sufferings. At this time she is in a critical situation and but little hopes are entertained of her recovery.

Married on the 7th inst., at the Lutheran Parsonage in Williamsburg, by the Rev. A. Aughe, Mr. Alfred S. Hancuff and Miss Mary A. Sorrick, all of Catharine township, Blair county.

Married on the 8th inst., by Rev. A. Aughe, at the house of the bride’s father, in Williamsburg, Mr. Samuel S. Wareham and Miss Sarah Edleblute.

Married at the M. E. Parsonage in Hollidaysburg, on the 6th inst., by Rev. E. B. Snyder, Mr. Richard Vipond and Miss Sarah E. Dunlap, all of Frankstown township.

Married on Thursday, the 3rd inst., at the residence of Wm. Taylor, by Rev. I. J. Whiten, Mr. Nelson William, of Johnstown, to Miss Elizabeth Taylor, of Allegheny Furnace, Blair county.

Large Gun. Yesterday morning a mammoth cannon manufactured at Fort Pitt Foundry, near Pittsburgh, and intended to be mounted at Old Point Comfort, passed through this place. It weighs 49,099 pounds, has a 15 inch bore, and the metal at the muzzle is 5 inches thick. It being too heavy for one car, a kind of arch bridge was built over two cars and the gun swung underneath it, in order to equalize the weight on each car. If a full load out of it wouldn’t make a ship bound and glass rattle, we don’t know what would.

May 24, 1860

We are sorry to note that our military friend, Maj. H. Wayne, met with an accident on Friday evening last, in the yard of the Company, by which his right forearm was broken. It appears that he had stepped between two cars, which were standing a short distance apart, and placed his arms against the bumper of one of them for the purpose of moving it. While so doing, the car behind him was moved up suddenly and caught his elbow, thus breaking his arm between them. He was also bruised a little about the body, but not seriously. His arm was dressed by Drs. Good & Gemmill, and he is doing as well as the circumstances of the case will admit.

A little son of Mr. Samuel Pollet, of this place, was severely stunned, on Monday last, by a fall of 20 or 25 feet from a tree in the yard attached to West Ward school house. He was picked up and carried home in an almost insensible state. A physician was summoned who examined him but found no bones broken. Boys should be careful how they perform feats of agility among the branches, as all may not escape so easily as this little fellow did, in case they come down before they are ready.

A machinist in the shops at this place, named Wm. Albright, had three of his fingers badly crushed, one day last week, by being caught in the belting of a planing machine. We learn that he has since had one of them amputed.

A young man named Spayd, residing with his father, on the farm of Capt. Ramey, near this place, met with a singular and severe accident on Wednesday last. He was sitting on the fence, watching some boys passing, when his feet slipped off the rail on which they were resting, and he was precipitated forward. He instinctively threw his hands forward to save himself from falling upon his face, which he succeeded in doing, but at the expense of his left forearm, both bones of which were broken off close to the wrist. The fracture, which was a most severe one, was reduced by Dr. Leisenring, but it will probably be some time before the young man will have the use of his arm. – Standard.

A German butcher, residing in Tyrone, had his leg broke, between the knee and ankle, on Friday last, whilst engaged in a good natured tussel with a friend. – Standard.

It becomes our painful duty this week to chronicle another fatal accident, resulting in the instant death of a little son of Mr. Joseph Bush, of this place, which occurred at noon on Monday last. It appears that a train of cars had been cut at the crossing on Annie street, and the boy, in company with another, was passing between them, when a locomotive struck the cars, causing them to come together and knocking the boy under them. He fell upon the track and two wheels passed over his breast and right shoulder, crushing his bones, and yet, strange to say, not cutting the skin. How this could occur, we cannot understand, although we have no doubt of the truth of it, as we have it from reliable witnesses who were on the spot at the time. The boy was immediately picked up and medical aid summoned, but all to no purpose, as the vital spark had fled. We sympathize with the parents of the little boy in this their sad bereavement.

Arrest on Suspicion. On Wednesday morning last, two men, named Helfeight and Hamilton were arrested on suspicion of being the persons who entered the store of H. Fettinger, a short time since, and carried away a lot of jewelry, portmonaies, etc. they were brought before Esquire Cherry and had a hearing, but for want of sufficient evidence were discharged.

Died in this place, on the 17th inst., Mrs. Annie, wife of Col. C. Campbell.

May 31, 1860

Among Laurel 24 hours. We learn from Mr. George McDowell, constable of Millville borough, that a young girl named Hopkins, aged about thirteen years, was lost in the laurel on Benshoof’s Hill, on Wednesday afternoon of last week, while hunting a cow belonging to a relative with whom she was living. Finding about 5 o’clock that she had unconsciously departed from the road, she attempted to retrace her steps, but in doing so became still more bewildered, and when darkness fell upon her she discovered that she was indeed lost. All night long she wandered through the laurel in an agony of terror, and when daylight dawned she could still discover no outlet from the labyrinth which surrounded her. Hungry and fatigued she felt when she made this discovery like giving up in despair, but, hope springs eternal in the human breast, and Miss Hopkins again attempted to extricate herself from the laurel which extended in every direction as far as her eye could reach. So she trudged on, all day, at times hopeful, but often desponding and despairing, until at 4 o’clock in the afternoon, her heart was gladdened by the sight of a mountaineer’s cabin, by the owner of which she was kindly cared for. Here she was found the same evening by a party which had that morning started in search of her. – Johnstown Tribune.

In Captivity Thirteen Years. The Lancaster Express says that recently Mr. George Brubaker, a citizen of that county, returned home after an absence of some years. He was captured by a band of Chamanchese, while on his way to California, in 1847, thirteen years ago, and had just escaped from them. After becoming acquainted with the language and habits of the Indians he was made a medicine man, and in that capacity did a great deal of good among them, preaching to them, and has succeeded in converting over two hundred to the Christian religion. It was only after the most solemn promises that he would return that they would allow him to depart, and he will go back as soon as he has seen his family, who have mourned him for years as dead.

Mr. Johnston Moore of Scotch Valley, went out to one of his pasture fields on Thursday evening last, to salt his colts, and whilst among them received a kick on his leg from one of them which broke it about half way between the knee and ankle, and so disabled him that he couldn’t get to his house. And being at some distance from it his cries for assistance were not heard until some three hours after, about 9 o’clock. Dr. Smith was called, and the fracture adjusted, and every possible relief afforded, and we are pleased to say he is doing well and promises a speedy recovery. – Register.

Again Arrested. – The two men, Hamilton and Helfright, whom we noticed last week as having been arrested on suspicion of being concerned in the robbery of Fettinger’s store, and were discharged for want of sufficient evidence, were again arrested on Monday last, at the instance of Gen. B. F. Bell, of Bell’s Mills, on suspicion of being the persons who entered the ticket office at that station, some time since, and stole a number of railroad tickets and other articles. The evidence adduced was not sufficient to convict them, but the Commonwealth demanded that they should be held for a further hearing to-day. In default of bail they were taken to jail, at Hollidaysburg, for safe keeping.

Wm. Gable, of this place, a brakesman on one of the freight trains on the P. R. R., had one of his hands severely crushed on Friday morning last, while coupling cars at Mifflin station. The first and second fingers were so much injured that they required amputation. The skin on the back and palm of his hand was much cut and torn. His fingers were amputated and his hand dressed by Dr. —dio, of Mifflin, after which he returned to this place in the evening train.

Married on the 24th inst., by Rev. Lloyd Knight, Mr. Conrad Ott, of Cincinnati, Ohio, to Miss Catharine Netner of Frankstown township.

Married on the 27th inst., by Rev. Lloyd Knight, Mr. Michael Gentner, of this place, to Mrs. Elizabeth Shirk, of Middle Woodberry township, Bedford County.

Married on the 24th inst., by Rev. A. H. Sembewer, Mr. John H. Tinker to Miss Elizabeth Cox, both of this place.

Died in this place, on the 24th inst., Mrs. Catherine, consort of Joshua Hooper, in the 62nd year of her age.
The subject of the above notice suffered long and painfully from Pneumonia, which terminated fatally in the complete exhaustion of the bodily functions. She died as she had lived, an affectionate wife and mother, a self denying Christian.The deceased has left behind her a wide circle of weeping friends, an aged husband, and a number of children grown to man and womanhood, who will ever cherish in their heart of hearts her sacred memory which shall always abide as grateful incense on the altar of finial affection.

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