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Altoona Tribune – 1860 Editions – August through September


Mar 15, 2013

August 2, 1860

Fatal Mistake. – Mrs. Myers, wife of Mr. John Myers, of Rayne township, Indiana country, who had been for some time in delicate health, used as a remedy a tea made of a green plant, known to botanists as Pipsissiwa, which grows wild in the woods. Going out on last Thursday to gather the plant, she mistook for it some other evergreen, boiling which she drank the decoction as usual, but unfortunately this plant proved poisonous, and caused the woman’s death.

A few days since a woman died in Philadelphia, 107 years of age, and on the day of her funeral there were present five brothers and sisters, the youngest being 90 years of age, and the eldest 111 years. A sight like this has but seldom, if ever, been witnessed in this or any other country.

Married on the 26th ult., at the Methodist Parsonage, by Rev. S. Creighton, Mr. John Brady, of Huntingdon county, (formerly of this place) to Miss Mary Jane Geist, of this place.

Died in Hollidaysburg, on Thursday evening last, Joshua W. M’Cord, after a lingering illness, aged 52 years and 5 months.

Barn Burned. – We learn that the barn of Phillip Faddle, a short distance above this place, was struck by lightning during the thunder storm on Sunday evening last, and entirely consumed. Mr. Faddle had just finished housing his grain and hay, consequently his entire stock was lost. He had barely time to get his horses out of the stable. We did not learn whether there was any insurance on the barn or contents, but presume not.

August 9, 1860

Boiled Alive. – A horrible accident occurred on the 28th ult., at Freeport, Armstrong county, by which a man named Frank McCallom lost his life in the following shocking manner. He was boiling salt at Mr. James’ works, when, by some mischance, he was precipitated head foremost into the cistern of boiling salt water. He succeeded in crawling out, but there being no one near to assist him, he unfortunately fell back again into the scalding brine. Notwithstanding this second and terrible mishap, he got out without assistance, and walked home. He was actually flayed alive, and after suffering unknown tortures, at last found ease in death, twenty-four hours after the accident. _ Pittsburg Chronicle.

Collionsion. – On Thursday morning last, the Fast Freight trains east and west came in collision near the second bridge above Lewistown. They had both been thrown out of time by the Express Passenger train East, which was an hour behind time. The engines of both trains were completely wrecked, and the fireman on the down train, Frank Pelan, of Harrisburg, was instantly killed. It appears that when he saw the trains about to come into collision, he attempted to get back over the train to help apply the breaks on the cars, and that just as he reached the hind end of the first car the engines struck, the concussion throwing him forward on the engines and from thence some eight or ten feet from the train. He was immediately picked up, but only drew a few breaths after being found. He was taken to Harrisburg, where his parents reside, on the same day.

Fire Almost. – One day last week, a party of boys, who were playing in the cellar under the kitchen part of Mr. Alex. Mock’s new house, in East Altoona, attempted to get up a bon-fire, igniting a match and setting fire to a lot of shavings and kindling wood which had been stored away therein. Fortunately the fire was discovered before it had obtained headway and a few buckets of water, judiciously applied, extinguished it, and saved the Good Will boys a run with the mersheen.

On Tuesday morning last, Steel Peacht fell from the roof of a building in this place, upon which he was working, bruising his thigh and straining his back considerably. He was taken into Drs. Good & Gemmill’s office, where proper medical attention was given him.

On Monday afternoon, a son of Reuben Leader, of North Ward, had his leg broken above the knee by a fall. The fracture was reduced by Dr. Good and the boy is now getting along as well as the nature of the case will admit.

Married on Thursday the 2d inst., at the Lutheran parsonage, in Newry, by the Rev. Jos. Fichtner, Mr. George H. Moses, of Blair county, to Miss Catharine Mechtley, of Bedford county, Pa.

Married on the 31 of July, at the Lutheran parsonage, in Birmingham, Pa., by the Rev. J. B. Crist, Miss M. Jennie Fleck, of Sinking Valley, Pa., to Mr. J. H. Keatley, of Boalsburg, Centre county, Pa.

Married on the 31st of July, by W. H. Brooke, Esq., Mr. Andrew Smith to Miss Emma Wildason, both of Taylor township.

Died in Blair township, on Wednesday last, John L. Ingram, aged 62 years. He formerly resided in Chester county.

Died on Thursday last, after a settled and lingering disease, Consumption, Joseph L. Fluke, of Logan township, and formerly of Williamsburg, aged 37 years.

August 16, 1860

Engine House. – Workmen are now engaged in preparing the foundation for a new building to be erected on the site of the old Branch road, in East Altoona, immediately opposite Ickes’ Store. The building is to be frame, 25 feet wide by 50 feet deep, and two stories high. The first floor room is intended for the engine of the Good Will Fire Company, and the second story for a hall for meetings, concerts, &c. The building will be finished in a style which will make it an ornament to the place.

We learn from the Hollidaysburg papers that workmen are now engaged in putting in vaults in the Court House at that place, for the better securing of the books and papers of the county. This measure of precaution is taken by the Commissioners, at the suggestion of the Grand Jury, and with the approval of the Court. Although it may prove costly now, it will guard against a loss far greater than the cost, should the building ever take fire.

Married at the Lutheran Parsonage, July 14th, by the Rev. Lloyd Knight, Mr. David P. Corbin to Miss Sarah P. Swires, both of Hollidaysburg.

Died at Hamburg, Berks county, Pa., on the morning of April 1st, Sallie Amanda, and on the Evening of June 5th, Harrie Tobias, children of H. A. and M. M. Sellers, formerly of this place.

Died in Hollidaysburg, on the 11th instant, William Donaldson, one of the oldest residents of Hollidaysburg, in the 71st year of his age.

August 23, 1860

Yesterday afternoon, says the Harrisburg Patriot and Union, of the 21st inst., a man was killed on the railroad about a mile and a half this side of Lewistown, by being struck by the locomotive of the mail train coming east. It appears that the man was walking on the track, and got out of the way of a freight train going west, by standing upon a tie on the down track. The mail train rounded a curve and was almost up to the man before he was observed by the engineer. He sounded the whistle, and just as the man turned, the corner of the engine bumping-beam struck him in the breast, the force of which threw him against an embankment, from which he rolled down within a few inches of the track. The dead body of the man was taken to Mifflin by Conductor Barto. On the person of the deceased was a copybook, in which was written the name of A. Nebit, beyond which there was nothing to identify the man. From his dress it was supposed that he was an itinerant mendicant, but he had no bundle with him, and nobody about Mifflin could recognize him.

Philip Farbauch, an employee at McNamare’s rolling mill, was severely injured abut the back and shoulders, on Thursday last, by the falling upon him of a derrick.

Wm. Stone, of the Gaysport Foundry, sustained a severe injury to one of his legs on the same day. He was assisting to remove a heavy casting which accidentally slipped off the rollers and rolled over his leg. The limb was painfully bruised but fortunately no bones were broken. – Standard.

Married on the 16th inst., by the Rev. S. Creighton, Mr. Azur Dravensted to Miss Hellen Keesberry, both of this place. [Mifflin papers please copy.]

Married on Thursday, Aug. 16th, at the Lutheran parsonage, in Altoona, Pa., by Rev. Chas. L. Ehrenfeld, Mr. James Meloy to Miss Margaret Ann Kopp, both of Cambria Co., Pa.

The officiating Catholic Priest, at Huntingdon, publishes a card in the last Huntingdon American, denying that he caused the removal of a young lady from the Catholic cemetery at that place, because he discovered she had been a protestant. He says he did not know her friends intended to remove her, did not know that she had been a protestant, and never asked for her removal.

A daring but unsuccessful attempt to assassinate the Hon. John A. Poor, Mayor of the city of Carbondale, Pa., by shooting, was made on Sunday evening last. Four slugs passed through his hat.

Mail Bag Found. Last week, whilst the landlord of the Mansion House, in Clearfield, was searching for a pair of saddle-bags on the attic story, he found an old mail bag, which was delivered to the Postmaster and on opening was found to contain several packages of letters, the postmarks dating back three years. How the mail bag happened to be put on the garret is a mystery.

A Pennsylvanian Killed by a Grizzly Bear in California.
On the 25th of June last, a young man named Barkeley Woodward, a native of Pennsylvania, was killed in an encounter with a grizzly bear, near San Antonia, Monterey county, California. A companion narrates the particulars of the affair as follows:
It was on Monday, the 25th of June, that this man left the place where he was encamped to go in search of some cattle, which appeared to be missing. While on his rambles, he came upon the tracks of a grizzly bear, and followed them into the mountains as far as he could ride. Then he dismounts, ties his horse to a tree, takes his rifle and follows in the tracks of the dangerous animal until he overtakes it; then he goes to within twenty feet of it and fires from behind a rock. He leaves his rifle leaning against the rock and makes for some trees, but the bear is too fast for him; he has not even the time to use his revolver. The bear throws him to the ground and chews his head and face nearly to pieces, he being left entirely blind. In that most horrible condition he wandered for about three quarters of a mile down the creek, towards where his horse was tied, at times walking, at times tumbling and rolling down the rough rocks, until through exhaustion he lay down and died. In that state he was found four days after being missed.
I have taken the pains to send you this communication, hoping that you will insert it or part of it in your paper, with the request that all Pennsylvania papers will copy, so that Mr. Woodward’s widowed mother may learn of her son’s untimely end. I was one of the persons who went in search of him, and I can vouch for the truth of what is written. He had but lately come to this vicinity to live, and none of his best friends know that he has any relatives in this State. He mentioned that he had a mother living in Pennsylvania, but we cannot recollect in what part. Francis Sylvester.

August 30, 1860

Leg Broken. Wm. Ball, the proprietor of the barber shop under the Altoona House, had his leg broken immediately above the ankle, by a fall on the board walk in front of the Exchange Hotel, on Wednesday last, while attempting to separate two dogs that were fighting. The fracture was adjusted by Dr. J. T. Christy, and the man is now getting well as fast as could be expected.

Foot Smashed. – On Wednesday afternoon last, George Bolinger, a brakeman on the Local Freight train between this place and Mifflin, had one of his feet severely injured by being caught between the bull-nose of a freight car and a piece of iron, Y shaped, which holds the coupling of a market car. One part of the Y shaped iron was driven completely through the instep of his foot. Other parts of his foot were somewhat bruised. He was brought to this place and placed under the care of Dr. Gemmill, who thinks that he can save the foot.

Married on the 9th inst., by Rev. Thomas Barnhart, Mr. Edward McArdle and Miss Julia Ann Gettleman, both of Springfield Furnace, Blair county.

A man named Patrick Henesy died from excessive joy, at Johnstown, on Saturday. The father of the deceased suddenly arrived in Johnstown from Ireland, and his son was so overcome by the intelligence that ere he met his parents he fell down and expired. He was a worthy young man, and his death is deeply regretted by all who knew him.

September 6, 1860

Terrible Catastrophe. – On Friday afternoon last, a terrible catastrophe occurred in Pittsburg, by which three men lost their lives and a fourth is not expected to recover. It appears that three men made an agreement to dig a well for the purpose of bleeding an out-house. After it had been sunk to the depth of ten or twelve feet, one of the men tapped an opening, when he was observed by the others to fall insensible to the bottom. One of them went immediately to his aid but had scarcely got his head below the level of the yard when he too fell. The other went to the aid of his fellows, and when a few steps above them, inhaled the foul air and fell senseless. Another person who was attracted to the spot, in opposition to the counsel of those who stood around, determined on descending to the aid of the unfortunate men, but ere he had descended far shared the fate of the others. A rope was then put around another man, who was lowered into the well and managed to attach a rope to the sufferers, who were drawn out by those above. Two of the men were dead when taken out, one died shortly after, and the last one that fell in is lying in a precarious condition.

On last Tuesday evening, Mr. John Shriver, of this county, went to Janesville, in Clearfield county, for the purpose of purchasing a farm. He had a large amount of money in his possession, which he carried in a belt upon his person. He stayed all night at the hotel of Mr. Jordan. The next day he made arrangements with Mr. Wesly Nevling for the purchase of his farm, and after dinner, whilst an article of agreement was being drawn up, he said he would go into a piece of woods, which is upon the place, for the purpose of examining the timber. He went into the woods alone, and from that time nothing has been heard of him. The community in the neighborhood of Janesville is in a great state of excitement. It is believed that he has been foully dealt with, but we have not learned that any one in that neighborhood is suspected.- Tyrone Star.

Little Jimmy Cats, an orphan boy whom Mr. Robert Waring is raising, a few days since was bitten upon the leg by a spotted snake. He was alone in the field at the time, but instantly cut out with his pocket knife the place that was bitten. A few ulcerated sores have made their appearance in the neighborhood of the wound, but beyond this he has sustained no inconvenience from the poison. He is not ten years old, and for his age certainly displayed a great deal of courage and presence of mind, Mr. Waring’s farm adjoins Tyrone. – Tyrone Star.

On Friday last, a son of Mr. James McFarland, of this place, whilst engaged in gathering plums for his mother, fell from the tree, a distance of some ten feet, injuring himself quite seriously. Fortunately, however no bones were broken. – Tyrone Star.

Married in Tyrone, on the 19th ult., by Sam’l Jones, Esq., Mr. Peter Denny, of Tyrone, and Miss Catharine A. Powell, of Lewistown, Mifflin county.

Married on the 16th ult., at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. Samuel T. Lowrie, Geo. M. Brisbin, Esq., of New Orleans, to Miss Hannah E., eldest daughter of Dr. D. Houtz, of Alexandria, Huntingdon County, Pa.

Died at the Manor Hill, Huntingdon County, on Thursday, Aug. 30th, after a brief illness, Miss Emily Jane Love, aged 22 years, 6 months and 16 days.

Died at Claysburg, on the 19th ult., Mrs. Sophia, wife of Maj. Jacob Zeth, aged 47 years, 8 months and 7 days.

Died in West Point, Lee County, Iowa, May 23d, 1860, Mrs. Willamina Scott, wife of Alexander Barnes, and formerly of this place.
She was a member of the Presbyterian church in West Point. One week after, her youngest born was laid in the same grave with his mother.

A little child, three weeks old, of Russell Vantassel, in Pinecreek township, Jefferson county, came to its death a few days ago in the following manner: One of the other children, two years old, was endeavoring to reach into the cradle to raise the infant, and fell into the cradle upon it, and crushed it in such a manner that the little sufferer died in a few hours afterwards.

A man named Reuben Fry fell from a window on the Court Room, in Somerset, on Monday night week, and was so much injured that he died shortly after. He was in attendance at a meeting held in the room the previous evening, and being intoxicated, was not noticed when the meeting adjourned, and was locked in.

We learn from the Lewistown Democrat that Mr. Wm. R. Ewing, who was injured by being struck with a stone some time ago, at Newton Hamilton, and whose life was despaired of, is improving, with a fair prospect of recovery. He has recovered his speech, and is perfectly sensible upon all subjects.

September 13, 1860

Terrible Accident. – On Thursday morning last, Mr. George Denning, a freight conductor on the Penn’a R. R., met with an accident which resulted in his death in less than 24 hours thereafter. According to information he was either thrown off or fell from the bumper of a car, near Thompsontown station, and falling upon the track the wheels of a car passed over his legs breaking one and badly mutilating the other, besides severely bruising his person internally and externally. He was taken to the residence of his father in Harrisburg, where he died at 12 o’clock the following night. From the Harrisburg Telegraph of Friday last we clip the following:
The deceased had for some time been betrothed to an estimable young lady of this city, Miss Gray, and both looked forward to a speedy and happy union. When it was ascertained that Mr. Denning could not possibly survive, at the mutual request of him and his betrothed, and with the consent of the parents of both, they were married, Rev. Mr. Carson performing the solemn and impressive ceremony by the bedside of the dying man. The bridegroom passed from the altar to the tomb, and the devoted bride of an hour changed her wedding garments for the habiliments of mourning. The bride of yesterday is the widow of to-day! In the midst of her grief, however, there is sweet consolation in the thought of a re-union with the loved one hereafter in a world where partings are no more.

An old citizen of Cambria county, by the name of Fred George, and two young men named Brindle, were arrested on Monday last and lodged in the jail of this county, on the charge of having, on Sunday last, stolen a heifer, the property of James Stevens, of Juniata township, in this county. They were seen shoot the heifer, and the beef and hide was found in their possession on Monday. They confessed their guilt. George is said to be an old offender in the way of taking other people’s cattle which have been put in the mountains to pasture.

September 20, 1860

The Shirleysburg Herald, of the 13th inst., says: – On Sunday last, a Mrs. Vaughan, residing in Black-Log Valley, about ten miles from this place, in opening her mouth very wide, gaping, threw one side of her lower jaw out of its place, and closing her mouth, was unable to replace it. Dr. McKirnon was sent for in the evening, and readily, adjusted the difficulty.

Elder John Winebrenner, of Harrisburg, died in that city on Tuesday night of last week, after a lingering illness. For years past the deceased has been prominently connected in various capacities with the Church of God, of which he was the founder. He accomplished a vast amount of good in his time, and was honored and esteemed by all who knew him.

Awful Accident. – A man named Morgan whilst driving a load of shingles into Tipton, on Wednesday evening last, fell from his horse, and the wheels of the wagon passed over him, breaking his leg in several places, and crushing his head in a most shocking manner. Death ensued immediately. We are informed that he was a man of intemperate habits, and that at the time of the accident he was very much intoxicated. He leaves a family. A singular coincidence occurs by this accident. Last fall the same wagon that ran over Morgan was instrumental in the death of William Pruner, which occurred near Bald Eagle Furnace. Both were horrible affairs. – Tyrone Star.

A lad named Baldwin, was killed, on Friday last, by being run over by the cars at Gap Station, on the Pennsylvania Rail Road.

About forty sheep belonging to Wesley Chambers, of Amwell township, Westmoreland county, were killed by dogs a few nights since. They were among the most valuable sheep in the county.

One day last week while Robert L. Campbell, of Cook township, Westmoreland county, was loading some tan bark he was attacked by a large black snake, which succeeded in winding itself around one of his legs, but, by the assistance of his son, it was disengaged, and killed before it could do any harm. It measured nearly six feet.

A man named Nathaniel Carter, of Washington township, Lawrence county, while putting a bridle on one of his horses, last week, got his hand bruised in some way, but deeming it a mere scratch, he paid no attention to the matter, but pursued his work next day as usual. Inflammation, however, set in, which speedily assumed a malignant character, and invading his body, proved fatal on the following Monday.

Caution. Notice is Hereby given to all persons not to harbor or trust my wife, Sarah Jane, she having left my bed and board without just cause or provocation, and I will pay no debts of her contracting after this date unless compelled by law. Simon Wilt, Sept. 20, 1860

Married at the Presbyterian Parsonage in this place, on the evening of the 17th inst., by Rev. A. B. Clark, Mr. William Myers to Miss Anna Jane Stewart, all of Altoona.

Died in Shellsburg, Bedford county, on the morning of the 6th inst., Mr. John Clark, father of Rev. A. B. Clark, of this place, in the 71st year of his age.

September 27, 1860

Another Calamity. – On Monday last, at 4 minutes before 1 o’clock P.M. the boiler in the marble and machine works of W. W. Wallace, in Pittsburgh, blew up and knocked the entire works into a heap of ruins, burying a number beneath it. Ten dead bodies and 14 persons more or less injured have been taken from the ruins. The cause of the explosion can not be accounted for. The man who had charge of the engine says that shortly before the explosion he tried the water gauge and found the water at the second guage. The safety value was gauged to 60 pounds, and the boiler seems to have been in good condition. Some idea of the force of the explosion may be inferred from the fact that after leaving its bed, it passed through and demolished six stout brick walls. The affair has cast quite a gloom over the city and thousands have visited the scene of the catastrophe.
Among the killed, we regret to notice the name of John DeArmit, formerly of Hollidaysburg, who was universally respected and esteemed by all who knew him.

Married on the 20th inst., in the German Reformed church, by the Rev. D. Gans, Mr. William Dent, of this place, to Miss Martha Jane Jones, of Harrisburg.

Died in Williamsburg, on the 23d inst., of consumption, Thomas Rees (formerly Sheriff in this county) aged about 40 years.

Tall Shooting. – Samuel Hartzell, of the Ingram House, Jefferson, Greene county, one of the five who beat an equal number of Pittsburghers, a year or two ago, at rifle shooting, fired nine shots, across a strong wind, a few days since, a distance of one hundred and five yards, off hand, and put seven balls within the circumference of a paper five inches in diameter, four of which balls struck the black centre mark, the size of a quarter dollar, and most of the others in the immediate vicinity of the centre.

In Philadelphia on Saturday, while Mr. and Mrs. Lewis were absent taking a carriage to attend the funeral of a neighbor, a child of theirs, which was on the balcony of the house, watching the carriage, accidentally lost its balance, and fell to the pavement, dashing out its brains.

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