• Fri. Mar 28th, 2025


…bringing our past into the future

Altoona Tribune – 1860 Editions – January 26 through March


Mar 15, 2013

January 26, 1860

The Harrisburg Telegraph says a child of Mr. Cowden, of that place, aged about four years, died on Sunday last, from that terrible disease, hydrophobia.

On Wednesday week the house of Mr. Michael Garrity, near Locke’s Mills, Mifflin county, was destroyed by fire. Two children, aged five and ten years, perished in the flames.

George W. Parsons, of Duncannon, Perry county, was killed, on Thursday week, by the fall of a tree, while he was engaged in cutting timber for the re-building of the Nail Factory at that place, which was recently destroyed by fire. He leaves a wife and six children to mourn his death.

Cornwall Ore Mountain. – One of the elements of Pennsylvania riches is the Cornwall ore mountain, in Lebanon county. This Cornwall ore-bed is a geological wonder, containing, as it does, upwards of fifty millions of tons of the purest iron ore, which can be mined and loaded into cars for ten cents per ton. We are informed that in a single season more than two hundred thousand tons of this ore, more valuable than the gold mines of California, have been taken out. The Cornwall mines are owned by different proprietors, the Coleman heirs owning a considerable proportion.

A few days since, as the workmen at the Mill Creek Bridge, below Lancaster, were returning from their work on a hand car, the clothing of Wm. Percival, of this place, who was working at the crank, was caught by it, and he was thrown from the car, on the track, the wheels passing over his right leg, fracturing both bones, and cutting and bruising him about the head and other parts of the body. Five other workmen on the car were also thrown off, and more or less cut and bruised, but not seriously.
On Tuesday afternoon last, Mr. Robert M’Coy a breakman on the Local Freight, was seriously injured in attempting to jump from his train, which was in motion, upon a wood train, standing at Petersburg station. In making the leap from the moving train, he threw his arm around a standard of the wood truck, which, not being able to bear his weight gave way and he fell with his hip against the cabin car of the train, injuring the joint so much that he has not been able to help himself since, and from which he suffers much pain, when he attempts to exert himself, or is moved. Dr. Gemmill is attending him.

Distressing Occurrence. – A sad accident occurred on Tuesday the 10th inst., by which Robert M., son of James Hamilton, Esq., of West township, Huntingdon county, lost his life. He was engaged in removing some saw-logs from the top of a pile, which being icy, his feet slipped, and he fell, striking his head upon the ground which produced concussion of the brain. He lingered until the ensuing Friday, when death released him from his sufferings. He was in his twenty-fourth year. His friends miss his welcome voice, and sigh as they glance at the vacant chair in their family circle, never more to be occupied by him.
He joined the Presbyterian Church in Altoona during a revival four years ago of which church he was still a member. In the midst of life, we are in death. – Huntingdon Journal & American.

Accident at Larimer’s – On Friday morning last, an accident occurred at the first cut west of Larimer’s Station, Western Division, P. R. R., which resulted in the death of Nathan Burger, engineer, and the serious injury of Asberry Westfall, fireman, and Daniel McGary, conductor, on the Express Freight train westward. It appears that just as the train was passing through the cut, a large body of earth and slate rock fell directly upon the locomotive, almost burying it beneath the ruins, and killing and injuring the persons above named, who were on it at the time. No other persons on the train were injured.

Almost a Fire. – A number of our citizens were rather unceremoniously summoned from their warm couches, about two o’clock on Friday morning last, by the ringing of the fire alarm bell. The Good Will boys were soon on hand and with their hose proceeded to the scene of conflagration, which proved to be in a building owned by dr. Ickes and occupied by Mr. Newhart, situate on Branch street immediately below Annie. The fire originated from a stovepipe passing through the ceiling and floor of the first and second stories. It had just began to blaze, when first discovered, but was soon extinguished by the copious showers of water played upon it, and but little damage was done.

Narrow Escape. Mr. A. B. Long, pipe-layer on the Penna. R. R., made a narrow escape from a terrible death, on Friday morning last. It appears that he was crossing a track in the yard, beneath a car attached to a train which was about moving off, and ere he could clear the track, the break of the last truck struck him and knocked him forward on the track. Luckily he succeeded in clearing the rails before the cars came upon him – not a little frightened, as any would be, at his narrow escape.

Death of Mr. David Courter, one of our most esteemed citizens, died, after a long and tedious illness, on Monday of last week. He was buried on Wednesday with Masonic honors – the ceremonies of both the Lodge and Commandary being performed on the occasion.

Married on the 26th ult., by Rev. J. A. Melick, Mr. Alfred A. Smith to Miss Amelia Turnbaugh, both of Antes township, Blair county.

Married on the 26th ult., by Samuel Jones, Esq., Mr. William Myers, of Cumberland, to Mrs. Gingerich, of Tyrone, this county.

Married on the 25th ult., by Samuel Jones, Esq., MR. Wm. Rogers to Miss Mary J. Gardner, both of Snyder township, this county.

Died in Martinsburg, on the 15th ult., of croup, Samuel C. Morrow, only son of Anthony S. and Mary Morrow, aged 5 years 2 months and 15 days.

Died at Tyrone, on the 30th ult., of scarlet fever, Rebecca Jane, daughter of Wm. and Margaret Stoke, aged 3 years and 3 months.

Died in Sinking Valley, on the 30th ult., Mr. Joseph Bridenbaugh, aged 27 years and 15 days.

Died in Duncansville, on the 2d inst., Michael Stover, aged 72 years, 9 months and 27 days.

Hunting a Panther. – Abraham Nivling, of Janesville, and Amassa Smith, Sr., of Beccaria Mills, Clearfield county, went recently to the Moshannon woods to hunt panthers. They soon struck the trail of a very large one, which they followed for four successive days, camping at nights by a large fire, without shelter or any kind, during very cold weather. On the fourth day, 27th of December, the animal caught a rabbit, after devouring which, it proceeded about two hundred yards, and laid down. Here the dog found it, when it took to a tree, ascending to the height of about seventy feet. Nivling raised his gun, and brought it down the first fire, the ball entering the nostrils and after traversing the neck, lodged in the breast. The varmint measured twelve feet six inches from end of nose to tip of tail.

A Child Mangled By a Dog. – On Sunday last, a son of Mr. Christian Rider, residing in York township, about seven years of age, was mangled in a most frightful manner by a large dog kept on his farm. The boy was amusing himself in playing with the dog, when all at once the dog became enraged and fell upon the child with the ferocity of a tiger, and inflicted severe wounds upon his face, arms and one of his limbs. We are told that a piece of flesh was torn from the boy’s leg by the enraged animal. – York Press.

February 2, 1860

A little daughter of Mr. Aultz, of Lewistown, died recently from the effects, it is supposed, of a new cent, which she swallowed some time since.

Another Mail Robber Arrested. – United States Deputy Marshal Dougherty arrested a young man named Bartley Thompson, at Huntingdon, on Monday, on a charge of robbing the post office at Mill Creek, in Huntingdon county. T he post office is kept in a dry goods store, and Thompson, as is alleged, besides carrying off a number of letters, also appropriated to himself some dry goods, which were found in the woods where he was in the habit of loafing. A lock and key, belonging to the mail bag in the post office, were found on him. Thompson is now in jail in Pittsburg, awaiting trial. It is said that he hails from Lancaster county.

Married on Tuesday, 17th ultimo, by the Rev. R. W. Oliver, Mr. Arthur C. Devlan to Mrs. Margaret F. Denning, both of Altoona.

Married on Tuesday evening last, at the Exchange Hotel, in this place, by Rev. A. B. Clark, Mr. James Templeton to Miss Margaret Dickson, both of Sinking Valley.

Married on the 24th ult., by Jacob H. Stifler, Esq., Mr. Samuel Clossin, of Allegheny township, to Miss Elizabeth Dixon, of Tyrone.

New Smoke Consuming Locomotive. – One of our exchanges contains a description of a new locomotive, built by Mr. George Grier, of this place, Master Machinist of the Pennsylvania Railroad. It is constructed after a plan of Mr. Grier’s designing, and is regarded by those competent to judge of such matters, as one of the most powerful and complete engines of the class ever constructed anywhere. In appearance it resembles the ordinary camelback, or coal burning engines now in use on the eastern division of the line, with the exception that it is far more highly finished, and seems built for greater speed. Its chief recommendation however, lies not in its attractive appearance. It has other qualities which give it far more interest in the eyes of the railroad men – improvements which have long been desired in locomotives, but which it remained for Mr. Grier to successfully accomplish. It consumes its own smoke, so that instead of the vast volumes of smoke which the ordinary locomotive belches forth at each revolution, a little steam only is seen escaping from that of Mr. Grier’s invention. In consuming the smoke, a great saving of fuel is effected. – She made the run from Altoona to Pittsburg, a distance of one hundred and seventeen miles, upon twenty-five bushels of coal, maintaining a high rate of speed all the time, and evincing the possession of extraordinary power. The engine is a complete success, and a triumph for Mr. Grier, of which, however high his reputation as one of the first machinists in the country, he may well feel proud.

Horrible Accident. – It is with the deepest sorrow that we announce the sudden and horrible death, on Monday morning last, of Mr. William Peal, of Bloomfield, Perry county. Whilst attending to the engine in his steam tannery, in that place, he was caught by the shaft, which whirled him around about 150 times, mangling his body in a horrible manner. His breast was crushed in, his collar-bone broken, his left arm broken in three places, his toe nails and some of his finger nails torn off, and his clothes stripped from his body. He was immediately carried to his house and died in about an hour after the accident. He was one of the most wealthy and influential citizens of the place, and a kind and affectionate husband and father. He leaves a wife and four children to mourn his untimely end.

Adam Kemerer, the defaulting and absconding Millville Constable, returned to the home of his father, in Westmoreland county, some week or two ago. Soon after his return, he wrote to his wife at this place, requesting her to come to him, and telling her that he was the victim of misplaced confidence. His story is, that while on his way to Blair county to execute a warrant, he fell in with several Englishmen, who induced him to accompany them to Canada. After his arrival there, his new friends further induced him to try his hand at a little game of cards. Being but a novice in the tricks of the game, his companions always managed to hold the best hands, and finally sewed him up. In short, they cheated him out of all his money, not leaving him enough to come home with. He also says he wrote to his wife from Canada, informing her of his whereabouts and misfortune, but so far as we can learn no such letter was ever received by her. This, however, is his story, and we give him the benefit of it without comment.
Our readers, who are acquainted with the circumstances of his disappearance, can form their own opinion as to its probability. His wife has complied with his request, and is now with him in Westmoreland county. – Johnstown Tribune.

A Respectable Scoundrel. – A Clerk, or salesman, in the large mercantile establishment of Wood, Morrell & Co., Johnstown, named Stephen G. Evans, was detected and arrested, some two weeks ago, while on a wedding tour in Philadelphia, for robbing the Company of a considerable sum of money. It is not known to what extent he carried his thefts, as he was a very fast young man, but the amount of nineteen hundred dollars was traced to him – thirteen hundred of which he was forced to disgorge, and his note taken for the balance, when he was permitted to depart. Steve, says the Echo, played the respectable so well, and assumed so many winning ways, as to enable him to captivate and marry one of the gayest of our gay belles – the daughter of one of our most worthy and respectable citizens. The gay young buck was too respectable connected, and the amount stolen was too large, to justify a prosecution. It is only when a wretched, destitute urchin purloins a small sum, or when some poor man or woman steals a ham for a famished family, that a prosecution and punishment is deemed necessary.

Sleeping With a Dead Person.
A Philadelphia paper say: We were put in possession of the facts of a case, a few days ago and assured of their authenticity, which cause our blood to run cold upon every recurrence of them to our memory. A young man returning at a late hour, slightly inebriated, to his boarding place, a house in a row of buildings exactly alike in —–street, entered by mistake the house adjoining the one in which he lived. Groping his way in the dark up to the second floor, he unlocked what he supposed to be his own room door, and entered. He could find no matches, undressed himself, tumbled into bed and was almost immediately in a hasty stupor. Some time in the night he was awakened by the contact of a cold body, and being sobered, was enabled to see by the rays of the moon in the bed with him a dead man! The truth flashed upon him immediately, he bounded from the bed, donned his clothes and rushed from the house, never waiting to lock the doors. The day previous a person had died in the house next to his landlady’s. The body had been habited in grave clothes, and locked up in the room in which the intruder found it. He had not noticed the hardness of the bed, nor its scanty covering, but laid down and slept several hours with the dead body. The young man says the experience of that night has taught him a lesson which temperance lectures never could.

February 9, 1860

A little daughter of Mr. Michael J. Smith, of Gallitzin, Cambria county, was scalded to death, on Saturday week last, upsetting a pan of boiling water on her head.

It is ever a most unpleasant duty to be called upon to record an accident resulting in the death of a person who may be an entire stranger to us, and for whom, naturally, we do not feel the sympathy which is created by daily associations of the most agreeable character; how much more unpleasant then it is for us to be compelled to record the sudden taking off of our much esteemed fellow-citizen. William Renner, a workman in the car-shop, in this place, the injuries causing which, occurred on Friday afternoon last, and his death on Saturday afternoon following. The facts are as follows:
On Friday afternoon, he and three other workmen were engaged in taking down car tracks from a pile on which they had been placed, just outside of the half-round house. The trucks weigh in the neighborhood of 1400 or 1600 lbs., and were piled up to the height of six or seven feet. In taking them down they used a large crane with a chain. The chain was fastened to the truck and then drawn up until the truck was lifted from the pile, after which the crane was moved around and the truck lowered to the spot where it was wanted. In endeavoring to move one of the trucks, it caught fast, and Mr. Renner attempted to pull it loose, when unfortunately, the chain unhooked and the truck fell upon him, striking him across the bowels and crushing him to the ground. His companions raised the truck off him as soon as possible and conveyed him to the residence of his father-in-law, Mr. George Hawkesworth. Dr. Finley was immediately summoned, and, upon examination, found that he was so badly crushed, inwardly, that he could not survive, and so informed him, but proceeded to do all in his power to alleviate his sufferings, which were intense. He lingered in agony until five o’clock on Saturday evening, when the shades of death came with the shades of night and relieved him of his misery.
His funeral took place at two o’clock, P.M., on Monday. Out of respect for the deceased, the shops of the Company were closed during the afternoon, and the workmen turned out in a body. The Logan Rifle Rangers and the Good Mill Fire Company, of which companies he was a member, turned out, the former in full uniform and the latter in citizens’ dress, (together numbering over one hundred,) and escorted the remains of their late companion to their last resting place in the cemetery. The procession was the largest ever witnessed in this place, and evidenced the high regards entertained for him better than we could convey it in words.
The deceased leaves a young wife and two interesting children to mourn their sudden bereavement. As a husband and father, all who knew him will sustain us in saying that he was a pattern of devotion and kindness, and appeared to have his affections entirely wrapped up in his partner and his household idols, from whom he was seldom absent except when engaged at his daily labor. In their bereavement his family have the sympathy of the entire community.

February 16, 1860

Fight With A Mad Dog.
A few nights ago Mr. Owen Hamilton, of Chester county, was aroused by his dog going mad in the room occupied by himself and family. Lighting a candle as quick as possible, he saw the dog coming towards him as if to make battle. Not knowing in that moment of excitement what to do, he jumped upon the bed; but seeing the danger of his wife and children, and having no weapon at hand to kill him with, he made an effort and succeeded in catching him back of the neck.
After a desperate struggle, we might say for life or death, he over powered the dog. Then came the trouble to dispatch him – being almost overcome in the struggle. The gun was brought, but is was unloaded; the axe, but both hands were required to hold the dog. Finally a rope was procured, and the wife tied him. He was then killed. Mr. Hamilton fortunately received no injury, but one hand was completely paralyzed for a time from the effects of the struggle.

Married on the 9th inst., by the Rev. J. Steck, Mr. Turbot Kierns to Miss Sarah Ellen Arbel, both of Richland, Cambria county, Pa.

Married on the 31st ult., by Rev. Lloyd Knight, Mr. Joseph McCune, to Miss Maggie J. Wertz, both near Hollisdaysburg.

Married on the 2d inst., by Rev. J. Hassler, Mr. Benj. Fouse, of Huntingdon county, to Miss Anna Greaser, from near Martinsburg, Blair county.

Married on the 2d inst., by Jacob Walter, Esq., Mr. Samuel Burket, of Bedford county, to Mrs. Susannah Christty, of Duncansville, Blair county.

Married on the 9th inst., at the Lutheran Parsonage, in Newvy, by Rev. Jos. Fichtner, Mr. Charles Coltabaugh to Miss Maria A. Selwitz, both of Allegheny township.

Died at Beyer’s Mills, this county, on the 29th ult., of Scarlet Fever, Emma M., daughter of Joseph and Jane Gardner, aged 2 years, 10 months and 9 days.

Died on the 1st inst., of scarlet fever, Lloyd Gardner, son of Joseph and Jane Gardner, aged 6 years and 4 months. [brother of Emma M, above]

Died at Williamsburg, on the 29th ult., of Scarlet Fever, Heister St. Clair, aged 8 months and 15 days. And on the 1st inst., of the same disease, James Buchanan, aged 2 years and 1 month – children of John and Margery Westbrook.

Died near Williamsburg, on the 1st inst., of Scarlet Fever, Rosa May, infant daughter of Washington and Martha Lang.

Died on the 25th ult., in Frankstown, Hudson Perry, son of George and Margaret Leamor, aged 8 months.

The venerable mother of Sheriff Funk, and wife of Mr. John Funk, of Allegheny township, met with a sad accident on Sabbath morning last. She started to the barn to milk, and when passing down the back steps leading to the stable below, she slipped and fell, fracturing her left arm below the shoulder and dislocated the shoulder joint. She suffered very severely, but is doing as well as could be expected. Drs. Landis and Christy performed the surgical duties in the case. – Whig.

The dwelling house of Mr. George A. Smith of Antes township, was entirely destroyed by fire on the night of the 4th inst. The family barely escaped with their lives, and nothing was saved but a few bed clothes.

Jake Foust, formerly of this county, has had the third trial for murder, at Erie, and has been sentenced to 11 years and 9 months in the Western Penitentiary.

The Jury who investigated the Elm street calamity returned a verdict censuring Mr. Waring, the owner of the tenement building for omitting to construct an iron staircase, or otherwise provide for the safety of the inmates, in case of fire, and called upon the Legislature to stringently enact that no building to be occupied by a number of families shall be over five stores in height, and that all of them be provided with outside iron stairways, with doors opening upon them from each story.

A Railroad Accident.
A terrible accident happened on Monday to Mr. Kelly, foreman of the Railroad machine shop at York, on the arrival of the train from Baltimore. He was standing between the wood shed, at the station-house, and the track, when the train came along. The entire train passed him without injury, except the last car, which being wider than the rest, caught him and rolled him along with it, breaking a number of ribs and his collar bone. Surgical aid was immediately summoned; and the unfortunate man now lies in an extremely critical condition.

February 23, 1860

Death from Fright. Miss Stewart, a young lady residing in Cumberland county, was so badly frightened a short time ago, by meeting a will-o-the-wisp, that she was taken ill upon reaching home, and in a short time afterward died from the effects of the prostration of her nervous system, superinduced by the fright.

Married on the 9th inst., at the Lutheran parsonage, in Newry, by the Rev. Jos. Fichtner, Mr. Charles Coltabaugh to Miss Maria A. Selwitz, both of Allegheny tp.

Married on the 16th inst., near Martinsburg, by Rev. Henry Seifert, Mr. George Acker to Miss Elizabeth Gest, both of this county.

Married on the 16th inst., by the Rev. Lloyd Knight, at the House of Mr. Jas. Condron, Hollidaysburg, Mr. Wm. Westover of Frankstown, to Miss Matilda Hartsock of Hollidaysburg.

March 1, 1860

A Child Born in the Snow and Frozen to Death.
The Armstrong Democrat, published at Kittaning, in this State, relates the following horrible story:
A case of child birth came to our knowledge a short time ago, so peculiar in its character, and horrible in result, that we cannot refrain giving facts, withholding names. A young lady, we shall presume her to be, in this county, loved not wisely, and fell a sacrifice to the wiles of the seducer. On Sunday, the 1st of January, one of the most bitter cold days this winter, she left the house at which she was employed as a help, and retiring a short distance from it, in the open air, upon the snow, gave birth to a living, healthy child, after which she returned to the house as if nothing had occurred. The woman in whose employ she was, noticing that all was not right, by marks tracked to where the child was lying upon the snow, kicking about and crying. She took it to the house and cared for it as tenderly, as possible, but the surface of the body was so badly frozen, that in a few days it became literally flayed and died. Its inhuman mother recovered in due time, having been but little the worse of her exposure.

Run-off and Breakdown.
On Friday evening last, two horses attached to a carriage, the property of Col. E. Baker, of Allegheny Furnace, took fright at something in front of Mann’s store, and started down Virginia street at a speed not consistent with safety. First the carriage struck a butcher wagon, standing in front of Leonard’s Market house, breaking an axle of the wagon, proceeding a little further, it run into the gutter in front of Jaggard’s store, where one of the wheels broke down and brought the carriage to a sudden halt, but the horses being inclined to go on broke the tongue loose and proceeded on their way down town, much to the detriment of tree boxes and trees, and were finally brought up by a tree in front of the Superintendent’s office. The driver, who was in the carriage at the time, and had a fast hold on the lines, was jerked out rather unceremoniously when the carriage halted, but was not much injured.

Married at the Lutheran Parsonage, on the 23d ult., by the Rev. J. Steck, Mr. James A. McGuire to Miss Ellen Fleck both of Altoona.

Married in Hollidaysburg, by the Rev. Lloyd Knight, Mr. John Stults to Miss Jane Curry, all of the Loup.

Married on the 25th ult., by the Rev. Lloyd Knight, Mr. John Harpster to Miss Ellen Jane Wertz, both of Frankstown twp.

Married on Jan. 12th, by Rev. J. H. C. Dosh, Mr. Thomas C. Donally to Miss Rachel Hammell, both of Blair co.

Married on the 19th ult., by Rev. J. H. C. Dosh, Mr. J. B. Ickes to Miss Frances M. Brotherline, of Hollidaysburg.

Died on the 21st ult., in Williamsburg, Miss Emma Patterson, aged 16 years.

Died on the 22d in the same place [Williamsburg], Sarah Ann Hewitt, aged 2 years.

Died on the 20th ult., in the same place [Williamsburg], Sarah Ellen Decker, aged 3 years, 6 months and 13 days.

Died on the 21st ult., in Duncansville, Mrs. Mary S. Cole, aged 39 years.

March 8, 1860

Married on the evening of the 5th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Sembewer, Capt. Wm. K. Leonard, late of Lancaster City, to Mrs. Maria M. Reeves, of the Borough of Altoona.
[Harrisburg and Lancaster papers please copy]

Married on Tuesday, February 2d, Wm. H. Brooke, Esq., Job Barefoot, of Newry, to Elizabeth Yingling, of Greenfield tp., Blair county.

Died on Wednesday morning, 29th of February, at the residence of Col. Wm. G. Murray, Hollidaysburg, of disease of the heart, Lizzie Belany, in the twentieth year of her age.

Died at her late residence, on Brush Mountain, on the 1st inst., Mrs. Mary Stitler, wife of Jonathan Stitler, aged 58 years, 6 months and 3 days.

March 15, 1860

Married on the 23d ult., by Rev. Thomas Stevenson, Mr. Peter Crider to Miss Ruth McFarland, both of Blair county.

Married on the 1st inst., by Rev. Thomas Stevenson, Mr. B. F. Framer, of Tyrone City, to Miss Mary E. Swarm, Curlsville, Clarion Co.

Died on Sunday, the 4th inst., of scarlet fever, Paschal Wieland, only son of Robert and Lucy S. Waring, of Tyrone City, aged 1 year, 9 months and 16 days.

Died on the 25th ult., John A. Blodget, son of Alfred and Eliza D. Craine, aged 5 years and 11 months.

Died in Williamsburg, on the 4th inst., from burns caused the day previous by her clothes taking fire, Jennie, little daughter of Henry and Mary Benear, aged 5 years. [last name is either Benear or Henear]

March 22, 1860

Fallen to Rise No More. – On Monday afternoon last, the ancient habitation, known as the old farm house, lost its most important apprendage, (in the days of yore,) the tail end – the kitchen. Ashamed, no doubt, of its old-fashioned and shabby appearance, and feeling itself unworthy the lofty society of the more aristocratic edifices by which it was surrounded, it sunk, in humility (and in the mud) to rise no more. Peace to its ashes! (if it should ever be used for kindling wood.) This portion of the first house in Altoona is the oldest fabric in town, and it would naturally be supposed that our people would have collected in crowds, on Friday evening, to chip off the logs sundry pieces of oak to preserve as sacred relics. But our people apparently showed as little regard for this important monument of antiquity, as they have for the Great National Washington Monument. A box to receive contributions for the latter can be seen at the Post Office.

Married on the 15th instant, by the Rev. A. H. Sembower, Mr. Samuel C. Henderson to Miss Julia A. Wilson, both of Spruce Creek, Huntingdon county.

Married on Tuesday, 20th inst., by the Rev. R. W. Oliver, Mr. Richard Gill to Miss Mary E. Ward, daughter of Ambrose Ward, Esq., all of this place.

Shocking And Fatal Accident. – A shocking accident, resulting in the death of Dennis E. Dimond, occurred on the Branch Railroad on Tuesday evening of last week. Mr. Dimond was returning home from Altoona on the freight train, and while crossing over the top of the cars, he was struck by a water trough leading to Baker’s Mill, which knocked him off, and the train ran over him, killing him instantly. He was engineer of the Branch freight train, but was not running the train at the time of the inmentable occurrence.
The deceased was a resident of Gaysport, a worthy, industrious citizen, and leaves a wife and four children to deplore his loss. He was a native of Cambria county, where his remains were taken for interment. – Standard.

A little daughter of Mr. Lamp, of Huntingdon, was rescued from drowning in the river, at that place, a few days since, by a lad named Westbrook, who plunged in after her and brought her to the shore. When taken from the water she had ceased to breathe, but by the timely application of restoratives she was brought to and is now well.

Corporal John Keefer, Proprietor of the Logan House, Hollidaysburg, died on the 9th inst. Having been a volunteer in the Mexican war, he was buried with military honors by the companies of Hollidaysburg. All who have enjoyed his hospitality as a landlord will be sorry to hear of his death.

March 29, 1860

Serious Accident From a Fluid Lamp. – On Wednesday evening last, a step-daughter of Mr. John Schweigert, proprietor of the Red Lion Hotel, in this place, was seriously burned by her clothes taking fire from a fluid lamp, which was upset or exploded. The accident occurred in a room on the second floor. As soon as the girl found her clothes on fire, she screamed and ran down stairs. Her step-father, hearing her scream, came to her relief, and meeting her on the stairs, attempted to tear off the burning clothes, but her dress being a new woolen one, it would not tear easily. After considerable effort he succeeded in getting it off and quenching the fire, but not until his hands were badly burned. The girl, who is about 14 years of age, was severely burned about the left breast and arm and right thigh. For a while it was thought that she could not survive her injuries, but, under the skillful treatment of Dr. J. M. Gemmill, she is now on fair way to recover.

On Monday evening last, the wife of Mr. A. Eckel, tobacconist, in this place, was terribly burned about the face, breast and hands, by the explosion of a lighted fluid lamp which she was attempting to fill. The fire ignited the fluid and blew it up into her face and breast, setting fire to her clothes. In attempting to put it out her hands were badly and deeply burned. Most of the hair was burned from her head and the skin on her face so much seared that it will come off and most likely leave a scar, or disfigure her for life. One of her ear-rings was burned out of her ear. She is now under the care of Dr. Finley, who has done all in his power to relieve her. Her injuries are not considered dangerous.

Died in Logan township, on the 24th inst., Emalissa, daughter of T. E. and Mary Williams, aged 7 years, 3 months and 25 days.

Died in this place, on the 14th inst., Fletcher, son of Mr. John Allison, aged about 23 years.

Appalling Loss of Life. – On Thursday evening the 1st instant, at Porter’s Salt Works, in Conemaugh Township, Indiana county, five persons, viz:
David King and his two daughters, whose Christian names we have not learned; the wife of Samuel King, son of David, and a Miss Waddle, entered a skiff or small craft to cross the Conemaugh river, in going to a singing school on the opposite side. It appears that the river was pretty full, and the navigators did not use the necessary precaution of sitting down closely to the craft, and when the wind beat on their bodies and the craft caught the current in the river, it was upset, and all the five precious souls cast into the muddy waters of the Conemaugh. It appears that William Waddle, father of Miss Waddle, saw the frail upset, or saw the result of its upsetting and ran and waded in with a pole, extending it to his daughter, who appeared to be nearest him, and though she had caught it, but a Miss King and her appeared to be clinging together, and neither were benefited by his efforts. Mr. King is said to have been a good swimmer, and it is believed that the other two unfortunately clung to him, and prevented his own safety, as well as any further efforts on their behalf. All five are lost. – Blairsville Record.
P.S. – The body of Mr. King has since been found.

A young woman, named Ann Marie Riffle, of Somerset county, was, unknown to any one, delivered of a child, on the 7th day of January last, in Cambria City, which she placed in her carpet bag and kept concealed until the 15th of the present month, when it was discovered by a gentleman with whom she was living, during her temporary absence. Information was immediately made, and the girl arrested by Officer Gageby, when she at once acknowledged being the mother of the child, and having kept it in the carpet bag from the time of its birth – a period of near ten weeks. Esquire Flattery held an inquisition on the body of the child, and a post mortem examination was made by Drs. Lowman and Bingell. No marks of violence were discovered, and the physicians and jury were satisfied that the child had not come to its death by violence. Another singular thing is the fact that there was not the least scent or unpleasant smell about the child. The mother appears to be an innocent, simple creature, and had evidently no disposition to destroy her child. She was released on bail for her appearance at the next term of Court. A young man, named James McAnulty, of Bairdstown, Westmoreland county, the reputed father of the child, was arrested by officer Bradley and brought to this place on Saturday evening last. Mr. McAnulty was also released on giving bail. – Johnstown Echo.

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