• Fri. Mar 28th, 2025


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Altoona Tribune – 1860 Editions – June through July


Mar 15, 2013

June 7, 1860

Finally Committed. Hamilton and Helfright, whom we noticed last week, as having been arrested on the charge of being the persons who broke into the store of Gen. B. F. Bell, at Bell’s Mills, last winter, were brought before Esquire Cherry on Thursday last, for a second hearing. One of the railroad tickets was traced to Hamilton, and on the strength of this he and Helfright, who is considered his partner, were remanded to jail to await their trial at the July term.

Married in this place, on Tuesday, the 5th inst., by Rev. A. B. Clark, Mr. John H. Wallace, of this county, to Miss Susan Stauffer, of Huntingdon county.

Married at the Lutheran Parsonage in Williamsburg, on the 24th of May, by Rev. A. H. Aughe, Mr. David Lise of Blair Co., to Miss Elizabeth Procht of Huntingdon Co.

Married at the house of Anthony Burford in Hollidaysburg, Pa., on the 3rd inst., by the Rev. Lloyd Knight, Mr. Joseph Stacy of Frankstown township, to Miss Esther Sellick, late of England.

A shaft for the new Rolling Mill was cast at the Hollidaysburg Foundry, a few days ago, that weighed 9,660 lbs. It was 15 feet long and 15 ½ inches in diameter.

A young man named Dougherty, of Gaysport, had his leg badly crushed by being caught between the bumpers of the cars on the Pennsylvania R. R., on Wednesday last.

A New Military Company.
A new military company was organized in this place on last Saturday evening. Its name, United States Protectors, was unanimously selected. It has on its roll some 80 or 90 young men. At an election for officers, held that evening, the following military gentlemen were elected:
Captain – Joseph Pluck 1st Lieut. – Jeremiah Bloomfield 2d Lieut. – Timothy Dutton, Sr. 3d Lieut – James Bluff. Corporal – Patrick Tucker, Jr. Serg’t – John Monroe.
The company intends making its first dress parade on the morning of the glorious Fourth, when our citizens will have an opportunity of witnessing their soldier-like bearing and the admirable military precision with which they will perform all their manoeuvres under the direction of the well drilled and disciplined Pluck.

Frightful Tornado in Clarion County.
An extra of the Clarion Banner brings us the intelligence of the terrible tornado which swept over a large district in that county on Wednesday last, and a brief notice of which we have already given our reader. About noon, writes our cotemporary, a heavy black cloud was seen advancing about thirty rods south of St. Charles Furnace. An awful roaring sound accompanied it, and passing on to the farm of a Mr. Shoemaker, it burst with terrible fury, tearing his house and barn into fragments and breaking one of his legs; the dwelling of Mr. Thomas Dougherty was next struck, and which was blown to pieces, the furniture broken to atoms, and his daughter killed; next the house of McConnel Henry was blown down and his wife seriously hurt. The barn of Jos. Smith was completely wrecked. The house of Mr. Charles Stewart, three-quarters of a mile north of New Bethlehem, was blown down and his wife killed, and other members of the family injured. The storm, in passing through Hessville, destroyed the tavern of Nathan Hane, and killed his daughter. In passing north of Millville, the storm destroyed the barns of Jabob Hartzell, John and Samuel Shick, the house of John Mohney was blown to pieces and his wife carried away, and, up to twelve o’clock that night, no traces of her had been found.
In its course the storm did not strike either Millville or New Bethlehem, but beyond the former place it struck the village of Hessville. In this place where a number of dwellings, brick, frame and log, and also a large grist mill, and a substantial bridge, spanning Redbank; every house, barn, mill, bridge, and store of Irvin McFarland were destroyed and four lives lost. Among the killed were the wives of Irvin McFarland and Mr. Hess. A terrible hail-storm passed through a portion of Porter and Redbank townships which in its course did immense damage. Besides destroying every fence in its track, fields of grain were badly injured, and as a matter of course, being left open, the cattle got in and committed still further ravages. Taken altogether, an immense amount of damage has been sustained in the townships of Porter and Redbank, and the Banner thinks it will take $100,000 to cover the loss.

June 14, 1860

A miner, named Thomas Edwards, was seriously injured on Monday afternoon in Wood, Morrell & Co’s ore bank, near this place, by the premature explosion of a blast. In addition to being severely burned about the face, breast and arms, he suffered a compound fracture of the right fore arm, and one of his legs was severely cut and the bone somewhat injured. He also sustained several lesser cuts and bruises. His wounds were dressed by Dr. Leisenring, and he is recovering as rapidly as their nature will permit. He had been in the employ of W., M. & Co. only a day or two, and had but recently arrived in this country. – Standard.

On Saturday week, Michael Travers, a laborer on the Pennsylvania Railroad, in attempting to jump upon an engine which was in motion, near Barree station, fell with one of his legs across the rail, and was caught just at the ankle by the wheels of the tender. His ankle was badly crushed. He was brought to this place on the Mail train, on the evening of the same day, and placed under the care of Dr. J. T. Christy. The Dr. thinks he will be able to save the foot and avoid the necessity of amputation.

Died on Monday evening, May 14th, near Davenport, Scott Co., Iowa, Miss Nannie B. Watson, in the 24th year of her age, formerly of Blair county, Pa.

Died in Hollidaysburg, on Thursday morning, June 7th, Mary Ellen, daughter of David and Phebe Pope, aged 10 months and 21 days.

Died in Pleasant Valley, on the 5th inst., William son of John Westley, aged 6 years.

Arrested. A young man named Jesse Kooken has been arrested at Johnstown, charged with being the person who has been doing the cellar robbing in that place for some time past. Probably he is the same person who carried on a like business here, some time since, under the name of Jesse Cogen.

Mr. John Glenn, of South Woodberry township, Bedford county, while engaged in cutting down some bushes in his garden, was struck in the face by the branch of a thorn, striking one of his eyes exactly in the centre, and instantly destroying the pupil. The wounded eye has almost totally disappeared; and, singular, to relate, Mr. Glenn has suffered but little pain from the mishap.

A cow raised by Reuben Myers, of Cheltenham township, Montgomery county, and by him sold to a butcher of Frankford, was killed a few days ago for market. Before slaughtering her, she was weighed and drew 1710. After being dressed she weighed 1003 pounds, being 59 to the 100 live weight. She yielded 196 pounds of rough fat. Her age was four years and she had been fattened nine months.

June 21, 1860

A Valuable Log. – Recently the administrators of one Elisha Harris, deceased, late a resident of Luzerne county, Pa., offered his effects at public sale, among them an uncouth block of wood, supposed to be part of a cheese press, and which was purchased for 15 cents, by one David M. Hatmacher. On the morning succeeding the sale, the purchaser, in a spirit of inquiry characteristic of the age we live in, split the block open, when he discovered a queer secret door, opened by the pressure of a long rod, and containing bonds, notes and other matters, besides about $2,000 in silver coin. To test the right of ownership in the treasure, an amicable suit for its recovery was instituted in the Common Pleas of Luzerne county, resulting in a verdict for the executors of $4,000.

A Child Hurt. – On Saturday evening last, a little daughter of Mr. Daniel Pope, of this borough, aged about four years, wandered to the depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad, and while the 7 o’clock train was lying there she clambered upon the platform of one of the cars, and escaping the notice of the employees on the train was carried off. As the train passed through town the child was observed on the platform by a number of our citizens, but they could render no assistance. Her father, thinking that she would be put off at Petersburg, the next station, started for that place, but had no proceeded more than half a mile on his journey before he found his child lying on the ground, with her skull badly fractured, and life almost extinct. She was brought to town as soon as possible, and medical aid summoned. During Saturday night she revived a little, but remained insensible. At the time we put this in type – Monday 11 o’clock A.M. – the child is still alive, but its recovery is considered doubtful. – Huntingdon American.

Married on Tuesday, the 12th inst., at the Lutheran parsonage in Newry, by the Rev. Jos. Lichtner, Mr. Peter Shafer, of Greenfield township, to Miss Elizabeth Slear, of Hollidaysburg, Pa.

Married on the 13th inst., by the Rev. L. Knight, Mr. William T. Stitler, of Frankstown township, to Miss Kate Gorley, of Hollidaysburg.

Married on the 14th inst., by Isaac Yingling, Esq., at his residence in Williamsburg, Mr. Jacob Noland to Miss Sarah Cowen, both of Catharine township.

Died at Duncansville, on Saturday, June 2d, 1860, Mr. William Kidd, aged about 45 years.

Died in Hollidaysburg, on the 15th inst., Mrs. Mary Jane Cohill, (wife of A. A. Cohill) aged 32 years.

Brutal Outrage. – Mrs. Mills, wife of James Mills, of Cambria township, while returning home last Wednesday, on horseback, from a visit to her parents, in Jackson township, was met by a man named Welch, also mounted on horseback, just as she was turning into the road leading to her residence, a short distance west of the farm, of Capt. M’Vicker, on the Pittsburg road. He immediately rode up to her, caught hold of the bridle of her horse, and jumping from his horse, compelled her to dismount. He then, in spite of her resistance, violated her person. She states that when he pulled her from her horse, she supposed he was a horse thief, and that his object was to steal her horse. He was arrested next day in Johnstown, and is now safely lodged in jail. His residence is, we learn, in Allegheny City, and he is said to be wealthy. He came to this place on Tuesday for the purpose of obtaining a pedler’s license from the County Treasurer. He was on his way to Johnstown when the outrage was perpetrated. It occurred three miles west of this place. – Ebensburg Sentinel, June 14.

June 28, 1860

Married on Thursday night last, 21st by Rev. A. A. Taylor, Mr. Geo. McDonough, Jr., of Altoona, to Mrs. Ann Jackson, of Duncansville.

Died on the 28th of May, David R. Porter Cox, aged 21 years, 11 months and 9 days.

Died on the 16th instant, Michael Moses, of Greenfield township, in the 76th year of his age.

Died on the 16th instant, John Bennet, Esq., of Greenfield township, in the 71st year of his age.

The building in which the post office is kept at Curwensville, Clearfield county, was struck by lightning on Saturday morning week, and the contents of the office considerably scattered.

The German Lutheran Church, in Johnstown, was struck by lightning during a storm on Monday week, and the dome almost entirely demolished.

The wife and child of Mr. Isaac Garriston, who removed from Clearfield county to Iowa, lost their lives during the late tornado which swept over that country.

A man named Jesse Adams, of Boggs township, Centre county, recently died from the effects of a boil which came out on his chin a few days previous.

Frightful Occurrence. – A little girl eight years of age, daughter of Mr. Masoner, of Dauphinville, Dauphin county, was recently attacked by a dog belonging to the family, and bitten in the neck. The main artery was severed, and the child bled to death in five minutes. The dog had never been vicious, and is supposed to have been under the influence of hydrophobia. He was instantly shot.

A German, named Jonas Yoder, residing in Yoder township, Cambria county, was killed in his stable on Monday week, by being kicked in the breast by one of his horses. He was a member of the Amish Church.

Altoona Tribune 1860

Altoona, Pa
July 12, 1860

Married on the evening of the 26th ult., in Allegheny City, by Rev. Dr. Rodgers, Col. James M. Swank, junior editor of the Johnstown Tribune, to Miss Lizzie, daughter of Mr. James Hamilton.

Accident at the Foundry. – On Wednesday last a laborer at the Hollidaysburg Foundry, named James Cully, whilst assisting in pouring metal from a large ladle, was very severely burned by the accidental oversetting of the ladle. The principal injury was to his right leg and foot, the metal getting into his boot and embedding itself in the flesh. His right arm was also considerably burned. We are pleased to add, however, that he is doing well, and is not likely to be permanently crippled. He expects to be about in the course of four or five weeks. – Register, 4th inst.

Mill Burnt. – the fine stone grist mill of Mr. Samuel Isett, at Etna Iron Works, in this county, we regret to say, was totally destroyed by fire on Sunday last, together with all its contents. Loss estimated at from $10,000 to $15,000; and no insurance. He had about 1,000 bushels of wheat in the garners at the time, besides a quantity in the mill belonging to customers. A large corncrib attached to the mill, containing some 2,500 bushels of corn was also destroyed. The fire is supposed to have been communicated by a half-witted fellow residing about the Works. – Register.

Judging from the number of snakes that have been killed lately by parties in search of berries, these reptiles must be numerous. A rattlesnake bearing fourteen rattles was killed by Peter Marks, and another bearing nine rattles was killed by Pink Clark, some days since. Rather ugly companions in a strawberry patch – their room is certainly preferable to their company.

Narrow Escape from Drowning. – On Saturday last, a son of Col. A. DeArmit, about 12 years of age, while playing with some boys on the wall of the Gaysport viaduct, was precipitated into the river and would certainly have been drowned but for the timely assistance of Wm. Henry, Sr., and Hugh Curry, who rescued him just as he was sinking the fourth time under the water, which was some eight or ten feet deep. – Standard.

Married June 27th by Rev. A. H. Taylor, Mr. Harry Keely, of Hollidaysburg, and Miss Ann E. Carothers, of Gaysport.

Married on the 30th, by A. H. Taylor, Mr. J. Choate Underhill, of Ipswich, Mass., and Miss Philenda H. Hart, of Hollidaysburg.

Married at the house of Mr. P. Shelly, in Huston township, by Rev. A. H. Aughe, on the 24th ult., Mr. G. W. Lower and Miss E. C. Greaser.

Married on the 27th ult., by Rev. Lloyd Knight, Mr. Peter Wensel, of Hollidaysburg, to Miss Margaret J. Kennedy, of Juniata county.

Married in Altoona, on the 3d inst., by Rev. S. Creighton, Mr. T. S. Matterson to Miss Sallie Davis, all of Tyrone.

Married on Thursday, the 3d inst., by Rev. A. H. Sembower, Mr. Johnston Kennedy, of this place, to Miss Hannah Stephens, of Tipton.

Married on the 4th inst., by Wm. Smith, Esq., Mr. Jacob Wilhelm to Miss Hannah Patton, both of Duncansville, Blair county.

Married on the 4th of July, at the Lutheran Parsonage, by the Rev. Lloyd Knight, Mr. W. H. Lias to Miss Rebecca Fleck, both of Frankstown Township.

Married on Tuesday evening last, July 3d, by Samuel Jones, Esq., Mr. Samuel Boyer, to Miss Angeline Archer, both of Tyrone City.

Died June 28th, Mrs. Margaret Hileman, of Frankstown township, in the 76th year of her age.

Died in this place, on the 9th inst., of consumption, Harriet McClelland, daughter of John McClelland, Esq., aged 20 years.

July 19, 1860

A girl, aged 14 years, the daughter of John Grove, of Jackson township, Cambria county, was bitten by a rattlesnake on the evening of the 4th of July, and, notwithstanding everything was done which could be suggested, she died on the sixth of July, after having suffered intense agony for two days.

Mr. George Hoover, of Brothersvalley township, Somerset county, lately visited a rattlesnake den, on the mountain, about two miles from his house. He dispatched, thirty-four of them – the shortest four feet in length, the longest five feet and a half. One of the largest had twenty-two rattles and a button upon his tail. Mr. Hoover, who is a gentleman of veracity, says he could have killed a barrel of them but for the poisonous exhalations from the den.

Another Mysterious Disappearance. – Mr. J. W. Dutcher, formerly of this place, but who has latterly been residing in Greensburg, Westmoreland Co., left his home, on the 26th of June, for the purpose of going into Clearfield county, to look for a place where he might establish himself as a jeweler. His wife, not hearing from him for some days, became alarmed and, on making inquiries, learned that her faithless husband had left Clearfield, on the evening of the 1st of July, in the direction of Brookville, in company with a woman named Martha Potts, who had formerly resided in his family as a domestic, and who is well known in this neighborhood. She also learned that, previous to leaving Clearfield, Dutcher had bought this woman a handsome bonnet and a silk dress, and made her many other presents. Mrs. Dutcher is now in this place, and in the deepest distress. Her heartless husband had left her entirely destitute, with a young child, and a prospect of soon becoming again a mother. A mark should be placed upon him wherever he goes, and editors will confer a favor upon his wife by noticing this article. Dutcher is a jeweler by trade, dresses well, and is rather prepossessing in his appearance. He has jewelry with him for sale. The girl is rather stout, with black hair, and large black eyes. Any information of her husband’s whereabouts will be gratefully received by Mrs. Dutcher, and, if he will return, she is willing to forgive him everything. – Tyrone Star, 14th inst.

The Protestant Church erected at Gallitzin, on the summit of the Allegheny Mountain, will be dedicated to the worship on Saturday, July 28th.

A Railroad Incident. – The Chambersburg Repository, in speaking of Col. Thos. A. Scott, Vice President of the Pennsylvania Railroad, incidentally gives the following:
A gentleman from Mercersburg, and his wife, in very feeble health, were visiting friends in Philadelphia, when, a few weeks since, the lady, whom all her relatives supposed could scarcely withstand the fatigues of the trip, desired to be brought home to die. The opinion of eminent physicians was, that if her home was on the line of the Pennsylvania or some other railroad leading out of Philadelphia, so that she would not be compelled to change from car to car, and if a bed could be placed in a car she might live to reach her place of destination; but if she were to be obliged to be removed as often as there were different trains of cars between the two points, she could not survive the fatigue of the journey.
These facts were communicated to Col. T. A. Scott, when, without the least begging, coaxing, or solicitation, he had a first-class car prepared, hauled to within one square of where the lady was staying, and she taken to the car, placed comfortable in a bed, and, without the molestation of strangers, with the whole given up to the accommodation of the sick lady, and her husband and mother, had her conveyed from Philadelphia to Greencastle without having to leave her bed in the car once.

July 26, 1860

A little daughter of Col. James W. Power, of the States Union Hotel, in Philadelphia, was burned to death on Wednesday last, by her clothes catching fire from the careless handling of matches. This is the second death which has occurred in Mr. P.’s family, within a few years, from the same cause.

A copperhead snake, measuring six feet in length, was killed on the farm of Mr. Thomas Adams, near Blairsville, a few days since.

Married at Altoona, on the 2d inst., by J. M. Cherry, Esq., Mr. Jacob Dress to Miss Alice Flinn, both of Hollidaysburg, Pa.

Married on the 4th inst., by J. M. Cherry, Esq., Mr. Frederick Fogle to Miss Anna Mary Smith, both of Hollidaysburg.

Married in this place, on the 15th inst., by Rev. S. Creighton, Mr. John Miller to Miss Anna Mary Dougherty, both of Hollidaysburg.

Married on the evening of the 3rd inst., at the Presbyterian Mansion in this place, by Rev. A. B. Clark, Mr. John H. Saussman, to Miss Elizabeth Trass, both of Altoona.

Married on Tuesday morning, July 17, 1860, by the Rev. Jacob Hasslar, Mr. George Hawk and Miss Catharine Brown, both of Martinsburg, Pa.

Married on the 15th inst., by Geo. L. Cowen, Esq., Mr. William Cartwright of Bloomfield Furnace, to Miss Margaret Linn of Frankstown.

Married on the 22nd inst., by Geo. L. Cowen, Esq., Mr. William Shaffer to Miss Sarah Snowbarger, all of Taylor township.

Died in Hollidaysburg, on the morning of the 21st instant, after a long and painful illness. Mrs. Jane Cooper, wife of Mr. John Cooper, Esq., aged 68 years.

On Friday week, the 6th inst., Mr. Reinhard Keeler, of Zeiglersville, Montgomery county, Pa., killed a horned snake three feet long, in a meadow on his premises. Ten years ago Mr. Keeler killed one of the same kind. These snakes are very rare in this section of the country. They have perfect horns on or near the tail, and are very poisonous.

Frightful Accident. – About 6 o’clock last Saturday afternoon, a frightful accident occurred at the drug store of Loraine & Co., in this borough. It appears that among other articles which had just been unloaded at their door, was a 5-gallon bottle of sulphuric acid, which, after being placed on a box, was accidentally broken. A large quantity of the acid struck Mr. Loraine on the legs above the knees, and running to his feet, destroyed his pantaloons and burnt his limbs in a dreadful manner. Several other persons standing close by, were more or less burned, among them two small boys, one a son of George Richards, and the other a son of George Thorn. Mr. Charles Larrimer and Mr. George Rheem were also slightly burned. Whilst Mr. Richard’s boy was being taken home, to the opposite side of the street, H. B. Swoope, Esq., hurried into the drug to get some soda to apply to the burns and neutralize the effects of the acid. When he came out of the door he did not perceive that the acid had collected there, and stepping into it, he fell, dashing his right foot and right hand through it, burning them frightfully. His face was also burned badly, and his entire suit of clothes destroyed. He has been confined to his room ever since, but his wounds are gradually improving. Mr. Loraine has been moving round some, but his injuries are also severe. The injuries sustained by others were comparatively slight, and subject them to little or no inconvenience. It is rather astonishing that, with such a number in close proximity when the accident occurred, so many escaped unhurt. – Clearfield Journal, July 18th.

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