• Fri. Mar 14th, 2025


…bringing our past into the future

Altoona Tribune – 1860 Editions – October through December


Mar 15, 2013

October 4, 1860

A sad accident occurred in the vicinity of Easton, in this State, on the 25th ult., by which a Mr. Leastner, a farmer, and his two sons lost their lives. It was at a cider mill; they have a very large tank to put the cider in for fermentation. The tank leaking, one of the sons went down to stop it. The foul air, together with the gas, suffocated him, and he fell to the bottom. His father heard him fall and went to his assistance, and in attempting to get his son out, he to fell in. A young man at work at the mill, in attempting to get them out, fell also, but succeeded in getting out. The other son attempted to rescue his father and brother, but fell to the bottom, and all three were drowned in about 18 inches of cider, or were suffocated by the foul air and gas.

Accident West of the Mountain. – The Express Train west, on Friday morning last, met with an accident near Stewart’s station, by which the baggage car and three passenger cars were precipitated down an embankment. It appears that the train was behind time and moving at a speed of twenty-five or thirty miles an hour, when the locomotive struck a cow and knocked her off the track, but she afterwards fell between the express and baggage car, throwing the latter and three passenger cars off the track, and injuring twenty-three persons, many of them slightly, and only three of the whole seriously. They were taken to Pittsburgh, where every possible attention was given them.

Huntingdon Fair and Encampment. – Distressing Accident. – On Thursday morning last, we jumped about the Mail Train, Col. Weitzel, Conductor, and were soon rushing over bridges and dashing through the vales on our way to the ancient borough, to see the sights to be seen at the military encampment and agricultural fair then in progress at that place. The train consisted of the usual express and baggage cars and six passenger cars, in which there were barely seats enough for those on board when it left this place. Passengers were added at all the stations between this and Spruce Creek and the train was over-loaded. At the latter station there were some 150 or 200 persons waiting to take the train. The scene here beggars description. The train had not stopped at the station ere the excited crowd began to pour into the cars, and soon every inch of space inside and outside, on which it was possible to obtain a foothold, was occupied. We have been in crowds before but never in one like this. We pitied the ladies, for certainly their hoops needed mending or straightening after getting out of the crowd. The train would not hold all the passengers to get on at this station, consequently some 25 or 30 had to wait for the Accommodation Train. – At Barree station and Petersburg there was 200 more passengers waiting, but they didn’t get on this train. Some of them who were not piously inclined gave vent to their feelings forwards to railroad and the crowd in terms more expressive than chaste. Notwithstanding their imprecations we arrived safely at our destination and found there the largest crowd that was ever seen in the town.
The encampment was a decided success. There were some 17 or 19 companies on the ground on Thursday. Gen. W. H. Keim, of Harrisburg, acted as Commander-in-Chief. Gen Negley and staff, of Pittsburg, and Gen. B. F. Bell and staff, of this Division, were also on the ground. A drizzling rain which continued to fall during the entire day, detracted very much from the pleasure of spectators, as also from the display the military would otherwise have made. The streets and houses in different parts of Huntingdon were decorated with arches and wreaths.
The fair was what we would call a failure, although the managers say that the receipts in money were larger than on any previous occasion, no doubt from the fact that there were more people in attendance at the encampment that are usually drawn to fairs. The only redeemable feature was the floral display. Some of the boquets were really beautiful. The centre of attraction on the fair ground appeared to be a baby, some seven months old, which weighs in neighborhood of 80 pounds, and which was exhibited at 15 cents a sight.
On Thursday evening a terrible accident occurred on the railroad track, in the vicinity of the depot, by which two men named Peter McCarty and James McMahon were instantly killed, and Francis Kane seriously injured. The facts, so far as we could ascertain them at the time, are as follows. There was to have been a Republican meeting in the place that evening, and a club of Wide Awakes were parading the streets, followed by a tremendous crowd of people. The club was passing down Railroad street at the time the Fast Line for the East was due at the station. The procession was a considerable distance above the station when the train came in, and, had it stopped at the station, as it should have done, the procession would have turned up the first street and been out of the way ere the train pulled out. But for some reason the breaks on the train would not hold, and instead of stopping at the station, it ran the length of the train past it, and into the crowd which was in the street above, causing the death and injury of the persons above named. Considering the crowd which was in the street, and the fact that there was a train of coal cars standing on the track next to that on which the train came in, which prevented people from getting off to that side, we think it miraculous that there were not more persons killed or hurt. The citizens of the town appeared to be very much excited after the accident, and were severe in their strictures upon the engineer of the train, but from what we can learn the accident was unavoidable on his part.

October 11, 1860

Fire. – On Tuesday evening, about ten o’clock, the cry of fire resounded through the town, and brought out all who had retired for the night. A bonfire had been kindled in East Altoona, and every person at first ran in that direction. Finding out their mistake, it was thought to be a false alarm, but it was soon after ascertained that the boarding-house, on Emma street, near the Methodist Church, owned by Mrs. Sawdon and occupied by Dr. Vicroy, was on fire, and the crowd moved to that place. The house was on fire between the weatherboarding and plastering of the back part of the lower wing. A portion of the weatherboarding was torn off and water applied which soon quenched the fire. From the fact that there had been smoke in the house all the day previous, it is supposed that the fire had been burning all day but did not break out until the time mentioned. It was well it was discovered before all had retired, else it would have been hard to save the house.

Married in this place, on the 3d inst., by Rev. John Leithard, Mr. Wm. A. Adams to Miss Mary Ferry, both formerly of Lancaster.

Married on the 19th ult, at the residence of John Christy, in Juniata county, by Rev. M. Allison, Mr. Michael Marshall, of this place, to Miss M. J. Hoffman, of Juniata county.

Died in Altoona, on the 30th of September, Mrs. Sophia Kendig, wife of George B. Kendig, in the twenty-fourth year of her age.

Horrible Tragedy. – We are informed that, on Tuesday evening last, a fracas occurred at Lewistown, between Gen. Wm. H. Irwin and a Mr. Hawker, resulting in the almost fatal wounding of Mr. John McNeall. The particulars are as follows: – Mr. Irwin and Mr. Hawker were talking politics, and got into a quarrel, when Irwin drew a revolver and fired at Hawker, but, missing his aim, the ball struck McNeall, tearing the muscle from his right arm. He fired a second time and the ball struck McNeall in the side, passing through his kidneys. McNealls’s recovery is considered doubtful. We learn the above from a person who was present at the time, and saw the occurrence. [see correction in next issue]

Accident. On Saturday morning last, Cyrus Bates, engineer on Express Train west, was knocked off his engine, while coming up the yard, by coming in contact with a water tank which stands near the track. He was leaning over the side of his engine looking back at a passing train, when the tank struck him just behind the ear, knocking him off the engine and cutting an ugly gash in his scalp but doing no injury to his skull. He was taken to Dr. Finley’s office where his wound was dressed.

October 18, 1860

We learn from the Tyrone Star that a man named Jacob Mingle was killed near Hensheystown, in this county, on Friday night last, by falling from his horse, while driving a four horse team, and being run over by one of the wheels of the wagon. He was intoxicated.

Married at the Exchange Hotel, in this place, on the 10th inst., by Rev. A. B. Clark, Mr. Samuel F. Dickson to Miss Mary E. Roseberry, both of Sinking Valley.

Married at the residence of the bride’s father, by the Rev. Mr. Zahuizer, Mr. John Brown of Shirleysburg, and Miss Kate Hamilton, of Oncida township, Huntingdon County.

Married in Chillisquaque, Northumberland Co., Pa., on the 30th Sept. by the Rev. Jno. W. Hedges, Mr. John G. McGraw, of Hollidaysburg, to Miss Henrietta P. Hart, formerly of Montrose, Susquehanna Co., Pa.

Married on the 4th inst., at the Lutheran Parsonage, by the Rev. Lloyd Knight, Mr. James M. Igou to Miss Amelia Hunter, both of Antis township, Blair County.

Died in this place, on Sunday, October 7th, 1860, Anna E., wife of Mr. G. W. Cunningham, aged 23 years, 11 months and 15 days.

Died at the residence of his brother in Frankstown, on the night of the 24th of September, of palsy, Mr. Peter Stephens, aged 57 years; formerly of Huntingdon.

Died at Chicago on the 19th ult., Prof. J. G. Martin, formerly of Blair county, Pa., aged 28 years, 3 months.

Died at the residence of her parents, in Logan tp., Blair county, on the 13th ult., Isabella Priscilla, daughter of Samuel and Nancy McAteer, aged 3 years, and 7 months.

Died at Allegheny Furnace, on the morning of the 13th inst., of Consumption, Mrs. Mary R., wife of Henry T. McClelland, in the 38th year of her age…………She leaves a very large number of relatives to mourn their bereavement. But the chief mourners were- an only surviving sister, a brother, her aged and deeply afflicted parents – but above all, the husband and father, with six motherless children.

On Thursday night last, the house of our neighbor, Andrew Clabaugh, was forcibly entered by a young man of this place, who gives as an excuse for his conduct that he was under the influence of liquor and thought that he was going into White Hall Hotel, where he says he boards. His mistake, if such it was, secured him a night in the Lock Up, and came well nigh costing him more dearly, as Mr. C. fired two loads of shot at him out of a large pistol, none of which, however, is known to have touched him. On Friday morning he was taken before Esquire Cherry, where he was placed under bail to appear at next term of Court to answer. Out of respect to his friends we have not mentioned his name.

On Tuesday evening of last week, the Lutheran parsonage in this place, occupied by Rev. Mr. Ehrenfelt, was entered by some villainous scamp or scamps, who carried away a $25 shawl belonging to Mrs. Ehrenfelt, a shawl, three vests and nearly all the underclothes of Mr. Ehrenfelt, a gold pencil and gold thimble, several likenesses, among which were those of Mr. and Mrs. E’s parents, together with a good stock of eatables and other small articles. Mr. E. had put his goods into the parsonage the day previous, but did not remain in the house that night, having accepted the invitation of a friend to stop with him. No clue has yet been obtained to the missing article.

Correction – We extremely regret that through false information we last week unfortunately coupled the name of Gen. W. H. Irwin, of Lewistown, with a difficulty which occurred in that place on the evening of election day. – We confess that we could not credit the report, yet when the facts as we gave them were detailed by one who claimed to have been a witness, we thought there could be no mistake. It turns out, however, that Gen. Irvin was not engaged in the difficulty. The fight was between Hawker and McNeal, and McNeal was cut on the arm by Hawker who was armed with a large knife. The cut was a severe one though not dangerous.

On Thursday morning last, a partition in the back part of A. A. Smyth’s house, in East Altoona, caught fire from a stove, and alarmed the women so much that they raised the cry of fire. In a short time the engine was out and a crowd of people collected on the spot, but a few buckets of water, judiciously applied, put out the fire before the engine arrived, and but little damage was done to the house.

October 25, 1860

Married on the 17th inst., by the Rev. John Walsh, Christ. N. Snyder, to Miss Bridget E. Lynch, both of Hollidaysburg.

Married on the 11th inst., by the Rev. E. B. Snyder, Jacob B. Bowser, of Greenfield township, to Miss Catharine M. McGuire, of Duncansville.

Married at the Logan House, in Hollidaysburg, on the 18th inst., by Rev. Lloyd Knight, Mr. John Lantz of Logan township, to Miss Mary J. Reigh, of Antis township.

Married on the 17th inst., at the residence of Col. John Halfpenny, by Rev. Geo. W. Young, Mr. David P. Hunger to Miss Lydia Halfpenny, all of Bell’s Mills.

Married on the 21st inst., by Isaac Yingling, Esq., Mr. Joseph Puterbaugh, of Williamsburg, to Miss Mary Jane Walls, of Catharine township.

Married in Hollidaysburg, on the 22d inst., by Wm. Burley, Esq., Mr. Joseph McFarland to Miss Anna McFarland, both of Logan Valley, Blair county.

Died in Hollidaysburg, on the 12th inst., Asbury, son of David and Phoebe Pope, aged 3 years and 8 months.

Henry McCaulley, of Altoona, met with a severe accident, in this place on Thursday evening last. He was in the act of stepping into the door of the Wm. Penn Hotel, when he slipped and fell upon the pavement with such force as fractured the neck of his thigh bone. The fracture which is a very bad one, the bone being considerably splintered, as well as broken, was reduced by Drs. Happersett and Landis, and he is now doing as well as could be expected, though it will probably be some time before he is able to be on his pins again. – Standard.

The Right Rev. Alonzo Potter, Bishop of Pennsylvania, will consecrate the Episcopal Church in Altoona, on Thursday, the first day of November next.

The dwelling house of E. L. Faxson, at Maria Forges, in this county, together with all his household furniture and the wearing apparel of himself and family, were totally destroyed by fire on the 11th instant. It is not known certainly how it originated, but it is supposed to have been caused by a defective flue. – Standard.

Railroad Conductor Arrested.
We learn from the Harrisburg Telegraph that Andrew Roloff, formerly a Conductor on the Penn’s R. R., and who was Conductor of the train which ran into a crowd of people at Huntingdon a few weeks since, and killed two men and injured another, was recently arrested in Harrisburg, on a warrant issued by a Huntingdon magistrate, charging him with manslaughter. The Coroner’s jury which investigated the affair at Huntingdon rendered a verdict that the accident was the result of carelessness on the part of the employees who had charge of the train, and warrants were issued for the arrest of Andrew Roloff, the conductor, and Wm. Armstrong, the engineer. Armstrong has not yet been arrested. How a case can be made out against Roloff we cannot image.
P.S. Since penning the above we learn that Mr. Armstrong the engineer, went to Huntingdon and surrendered himself to the authorities, after which he gave bail in the sum of $2,000 for his appearance at the next Court and was discharged. Mr. Roloff also gave bail and was liberated.

Pretty Experiment. – Professor Rogers has solved the problem of seeing through a mill stone. In a paper read before the Scientific Association at Newport, she says:
Take a sheet of foolscap or letter paper, roll it up so that the opening at one end shall be large enough to take in the full size of the eye, and at the other end let the opening be hot half as large. Take it in the right hand, holding it between the thumb and the forefinger; place the large end to the right eye and look through it with both eyes, open to the light. You will see a hole through your hand. If you take it in your left hand it will be the same. You will in both cases be astonished to see that you have a hold in your hand. The illusion is most complete.

November 1, 1860

November 8, 1860

The Lost Boy Found. – The son of Mr. David Buchanan, of Newport, Perry county, Pa., who had been enticed from his home a few weeks since, by a straggling Yankee, was found in Clearfield county by his father. The vagabond who had taken the boy, had been giving some theatrical performances in that county, assisted by the boy, and finally succeeded in picking a man’s pocket, and then left for parts unknown, and also leaving the boy behind. Mr. Buchanan having ascertained by a boatman the direction they had taken, went in pursuit of them, and finally found the boy as above, and brought him home, perhaps a better and wiser boy.

Some days ago an accident, resulting in the death of a man named McIntosh, occurred near Portage station on the Pennsylvania Railroad. McIntosh, it appears, had gone to a spring along the Railroad, and in the vicinity of the station, for the purpose of procuring a drink, and after quenching his thirst, stepped upon the track with the intention of returning, but seeing a freight train eastward coming towards him, he passed to the other track without noticing the Express train approaching in an opposite direction, and which came upon and crushed him to death almost instantly. McIntosh was a man of family and in destitute circumstances.

Poor old Hoss. – A crowd of men and boys had a high old time, last evening, in abstracting an old horse from the ditch which had been dug in the street at the entrance of the alley back of the Superintendent’s Office. The horse had ran away from his owner, who was stopping at White Hall Hotel, and not knowing the ropes about town, tumbled into the aforesaid ditch and injured his back and hind legs so much that he was unable to get out. The crowd which collected to render him the needed assistance was large enough to have pulled a four horse team and a yoke of oxen out of an Illinois swamp and they did yelling enough to raise the roof of a bank barn. After getting the horse out he was unable to stand up, whereupon a kindly board was placed under him, with several men at each end, and he was helped up street, followed by the crowd, some of whom were feeding him hay, others rubbing him down, and altogether making capital sport out of the folly and misfortunes of a poor old hoss.

Shocking Railroad Accident. – An old man named James George, while returning home from a Republican meeting at Latrobe, on Friday night, was run over by the lightning train on the Pennsylvania Railroad, and instantly killed. The engineer saw him about thirty feet ahead of the locomotive and signaled him to leave the track. The unfortunate man attempted to get out of the way, but was too late. The engine struck him with tremendous force, pitching him a distance of several feet, and inflicting injuries from which instant death must have ensued. But the most distressing feature, perhaps, of the occurrence yet remains to be told. The train was stopped as soon as possible, and one of the brakesmen going back to where the body lay, was horrified to recognize, in the mutilated remains before him, the person of his own father. The young man’s anguish may be more easily imagined than described, and drew tears from many of the passengers. An inquest was held on the body on Saturday, and a verdict of accidental death rendered.

Married on the 30th ult., by the Rev. S. Creighton, Mr. George H. Hawksworth, to Miss Tillie Cauffman, both of this place.

Married on the 6th inst., by Rev. J. B. Ehrenfelt, Mr. E. P. Miller, of this place, to Miss Nannie J. Bell, of Logan township.

Married on the 25th ult., by John Griffin, Esq., Mr. Wm. H. Yingling to Miss Nancy C. Miller, all of Logan township.

Will McCrea, son of C. R. McCrea, was relieved of his watch while waiting for the mail to be changed at the Post Office in this place, on Saturday evening last. He felt it going out of his pocket, and made immediate search for it but could find nothing of it. We have often thought, while being crowded around in the small delivery room at the Post Office, which is always packed on the arrival of the evening mail, that it would be a fine place for pickpockets to operate, and the wonder to us is that money and valuables have not been missed ere this. Undoubtedly there are now some light fingered gentry in our midst, as we have heard of another case of pocket picking lately, and it would be well for those who attend the Post Office in the evening to keep their hands on their pocket books and have their watches well secured.

A little boy, named Power, was severely bitten on Friday evening last, by the watch dog kept in J & J. Lowther’s store. The dog is naturally good natured and would not harm any one on the street, but some of the boys have a fashion of throwing stones at, and otherwise annoying, him during the day, while he is tied in the warehouse, adjoining the store, and he evidently remembers those who thus annoy him, as the boy who was bitten has been one of his worst tormentors.

November 15, 1860

Distressing Occurrence. – Mr. David Bolger of Martinsburg, whose mind for some days previously seemed to be unbalanced, went out of his house on Wednesday evening last at about 8 o’clock, remarking that he would be back in a few moments, but not returning as promised, his family looked for him but could not find him. They at once gave the alarm to their neighbors, and nearly the whole town turned out in search of him, pushing their search and inquiry to all the neighborhood around, but he could no where be found, nor has he yet been discovered or heard of. He was an estimable man, and his sudden and mysterious disappearance has overwhelmed his family in grief, and the Martinsburg community in sadness. The only clue to his derangement was the recent death of a beloved son, which had deeply affected him. He had spoken of going to the Asylum at Harrisburg, and in the hope that he had gone thither inquiry has been made by telegraph, but he is not there. On the day before his disappearance he seemed cheerful and happy, engaging in religious exercises with a lively interest. – We still hope to hear of his turning up alive somewhere, and of his ultimate recovery.
Since the above was put in type we have received a note in regard to the matter from Messrs. Hassler, Morrow, and Everhart, neighbors of Mr. Bolger. The describe Mr. Bolger as about 50 years of age, with rather sharp features, and as between 5 ft. 10 inches and 6ft. high. He was dressed in a black frock coat, black pants, morocco shoes, and a brown straw hat. Any tidings of him will be thankfully received by those gentlemen, on behalf of his distressed and afflicted family. Address them at Martinsburg, Blair County, Pa. – Register.

On Saturday evening last, Augustine Hamstead, a fireman on the P. R. R. between this place and Conemaugh, had his leg broken about half way between the knee and ankle and his foot badly crushed by being caught between the cross heads of the locomotive which he was oiling. He was brought over to this place on the Fast Line, on Sunday morning, and placed under the care of Dr. J. T. Christy, who thinks that he can save the leg and foot.

On Thursday of last week, Frank, the youngest son of Mr. D. D. Woods, of this place, met with a singular and very painful accident. He was playing on the side walk in front of his father’s house, when he fell – his chin striking the pavement – and bit off the end of his tongue. Dr. Gemmill, of Altoona, was sent for, who sewed on the piece, but up to this time it is not healed, and causes the little fellow a great deal of suffering. – Tyrone Star.

Married at the house of the bride’s father, Nov. 6th, 1860, by the Rev. Chas. L. Ehrenfeld, Mr. E. P. Miller of Altoona, to Miss Nannie J. Bell, of Pleasant Valley, near Altoona.
{Greensburg papers please copy.]

Married recently, by Wm. Swartz, Esq., Andrew J. White of Blair county, to Miss Rebecca Ready, of Mifflin County.

Married on the evening of the 8th inst., at the residence of the bride’s father, by the Rev. D. X. Junkin, Thomas McFarlane and Miss Leah R. Carney, both of Hollidaysburg.

Married on Thursday, 8th inst., at the residence of Martin Bell, by Rev. Geo. W. Young, Mr. Thomas H. Baleman, and Miss Isabella McIntosh.

November 24, 1860

On the 14th inst., John M’Clain, in the fourteenth year of his age. On the 7th, Alvinah M’Clain, aged twelve years, on the same day Margaret M’Clain, aged ten years, and the 16th Mary M’Clain, in her twelfth year. All died of diptheria, and were children of Daniel and Rachel M’Clain, of Hanover township, Washington County. This terrible disease has left but one child in a family of ten, nine of whom have died within about three years.

Man Killed. – On Tuesday morning last, Mr. A. Sloss, of Pittsburgh, flagman on the westward bound Fast Freight train, met with an accident at Kittanning Point which resulted in his death in about six hours afterwards. He was riding on the pusher of the train and when it stopped at the Point he jumped off the engine, (intending to get on one of the cars of the train,) and not noticing that the Eastward stock trains were coming down the mountain, he jumped against the engine of the first train, which was then passing, by which he was struck on the side and face and knocked down between the tracks. His forehead was broken in and his face much mangled. He was brought to this place and medical aid summoned, but his injuries were such that aid could be of no avail, and after lingering in much misery, for about 6 hours, death came to his relief. He leaves a wife and one child.

Married on the 15th of Nov. 1860, at the Lutheran parsonage, Altoona, Pa., by the Rev. Chas. L. Ehrenfeld, Mr. Samuel B. Trees to Miss Mary E. Arthur, both of Altoona.

Died in this place, on the 20th inst., Thornton Trout, in the 31st year of his age.

December 6, 1860

Capture of a Bear. – One of the most singular captures, or rather crippling, of a bear that probably ever took place, occurred on the Pennsylvania Rail Road, about 5 o’clock on Thursday evening last, a short distance above Black Log Station, in the Long Narrows between Mifflin and Lewistown. As engine No. 139 – Grif. A. Conner, engineer – with a freight train attached, was coming down the Narrows, the hands on the train observed a large black bear crossing the river some distance ahead. It came up to the road, just as the engine reached the point where he crossed the river, and the speed of the train having been checked, bruin ran along ahead of the engine for some time, and seemed determined on crossing the track. At last he made the attempt when he was struck by the cowcatcher which broke his right fore-leg at the shoulder and his left hind-leg.
When the train reached Black Log Station, Grif gave his engine in charge of the fireman, and procuring an axe he started back to dispatch the bear, which he found in a ravine close to where the accident occurred, but when he attempted to acquaint bruin with the axe, the latter backed up to a tree and showed two dangerous rows of ivory and wielded his dexter paw in an ugly manner. Under the impression that he was too much injured to travel, and as night had set in, Grif went to Mifflin, intending to return and have the fun out the next day.
Accordingly, on Friday morning, he, in company with another man, both armed, and a dog, went in search of the bear, but when they came to the spot where he was last seen, it was found he had swam the river, crippled as he was, and made for the mountain. They followed his track and finally overtook him, when he immediately showed fight against the dog, whom he pinioned back of the neck and would not release his hold until dispatched by a rifle ball. He was taken to Mifflin, and after being dressed weighed 284 pounds. On of his claws shown us, would leave a track in the snow about seven inches long by 4 ½ inches broad.

Serious Accident. – On Friday afternoon last an accident occurred in the yard in this place, by which Mr. John Cramer, of Tyrone, who runs a market car on the road, was severely, if not fatally injured. It is customary to run the Local Freight Train to the head of the yard, when coming in from the East, and drop the cars down the different tracks on which they are wanted. On Friday afternoon Mr. C’s car was the last on the train, and after being run to the head of the yard, it and several box cars were dropped down a track on which a number of coal trucks were standing. By some means the cars which were being dropped down became unmanageable and ran down the yard at considerable speed, driving Mr. C’s car with great force against the trucks. Mr. C. was standing on the front end of his car, consequently did not see his danger. After the concussion and, as he thinks, when the cars were springing back, his head was caught between the top of his car and the one following it and received a squeeze sufficiently hard to fracture his skull for several inches, extending from his forehead, and over his left ear, to the base of the skull. Otherwise he was not injured in the least. He was taken to the office of Drs. Good & Gemmill, where his wound was dressed, after which he was removed to Bowman’s Exchange, where he now lies. Everything that medical skill can suggest is being applied for his relief and he now appears to rest easy, although he is not out of danger. [see next issue]

Anthony Roeloff, conductor, and James Armstrong, engineer, who had charge of the train which ran into the crowd at Huntingdon, during the fair and encampment at that place, last fall, thereby killing two men and injuring another, and who were arrested therefore on the charge of manslaughter, had their trial at the recent term of Court in that county. In the case of Roeloff, the jury returned a verdict of not guilty. In the case of Armstrong, the District Attorney entered a noile prosequi.

Conductor Killed. _ Mr. Herman Updegraff, a citizen of Johnstown, and for several years past Conductor on the Pennsylvania Railroad, was killed on Wednesday afternoon, near Latrobe, by falling from his train, which passed over and mangled him in a most horrible manner. We did not learn the cause of the accident. Mr. Updegraff was a married man, and the father of several small children, all dependent on him for support. His remains were taken to Johnstown, on the Accommodation, for interment.

Married on the 18th ult., by the Rev. Jos. Fichtner, Mr. Jeremiah Long, and Miss Maria Ritchey, both of Greenfield township.

Married on the Cars of the Pennsylvania Rail Road, at Tyrone Station, on the 21st ult., by Wm. Burley, Esq., Mr. David Robison, and Miss Susan Walls, both of Birmingham, Huntingdon county.

Married on the 20th ult., by Rev. J. Burns, Mr. John Ginter, of Logan township, Blair county, to Miss Jearldine Hoover, of St. Augustine, Cambria county.

Romantic. – The Tyrone Star details an account of a novel wedding which took place on the Huntingdon Accommodation train on its upward trip one day, some two weeks since. Esquire Burley, of Tyrone, received word that the couple would be on the Accommodation Train, and wished him to meet them. Upon the arrival of the train. Esquire B. stepped in and performed the ceremony, much to the surprise of the other passengers, after which the model conductor sung out all right, and the happy couple passed on their journey over the rail and through life.

Died at the residence of Mr. Samuel Ha—y, near Altoona, on Saturday, Dec. 1st, Howard, son of William and Jane E. McDovell of Mo—- county, —-, aged 3 years and ? months.

Died on the 2?d ult., Mrs. Eleanore Wallace, at her residence in Sinking Valley, aged 70 years.

Died in Hollidaysburg, on the 1st inst., Thomas O’Brian, aged about ?? years.

Died in Dun—-ville, on the 14th ult., Ella M., daughter of D. C. and S. M. Gibbony, in the 9th year of her age.

Died in Hollidaysburg, on the 1st inst., Mrs. Agnes Shomo, aged -3 years.

December 13, 1860

Mr. John Cramer, whom we noticed last week as having been injured by a collision in the yard, in this place, died on Sunday evening last, from inflammation of the brain, he leaves a wife and two children to mourn their loss.

Married on the 13th ult., by the Rev. S. L. M. Consor, Samuel G. Whittaker, editor of the Huntingdon American, to Miss Hattie Hagey.

John Simpson, an employee of the Broad Top Railroad, was killed Wednesday morning, at Saxton, by accidently falling between the cars. He was a sober, industrious man, lived at M’Connellstown, and leaves a wife and four children.

Married on the 25th ult., by the Rev. Samuel Creighton, Mr. John G. Maize, of Altoona, to Miss Jane Sailor, of Petterson.

Married on the 6th inst., by J. M. Cherry, Esq., Mr. Jacob Mathias to Miss Elizabeth Gallaher, both of Cambria county.

Died in Barree township, Huntingdon county, on the 28th ult., after a lingering illness, E. H. Love, aged 24 years, 10 months and 17 days.

Died in Duncansville, on the 4th instant, Robert M. Williamson, aged 29 years, 9 months and 1 day.

Died in this place, on the 8th instant, of scarlet fever, J. S. Burkhart, son of Prof. Burkhart, aged 4 years, 2 months and 4 days.

December 20, 1860

Delicate Surgical Operation. – On Monday afternoon, a surgical operation of the most delicate nature was performed by Drs. Gemmill, of Altoona, and Roberts, of Tyrone, upon a little son of Mr. John Litzinger’s, of Sinking Valley. On Saturday, the little fellow, who is but three years old, got a grain of corn in his windpipe. He suffered severely for a few hours, when it passed through the larynx into the trachen, and he remained comparatively easy, until Monday morning. Every thing had been done by Dr. Roberts, to expel the grain that could be devised, but to no purpose, and as inflammation was beginning to set in, it became evident that nothing but a surgical operation could save his life. Dr. Roberts called in Dr. Gemmill, and on Monday afternoon, the windpipe was opened, and the grain of corn removed. The little fellow had become entirely livid in the face from the difficulty of respiration, but the instant a free circulation of air to his lungs was afforded by the artificial opening he revived, and in a few minutes after the operation was talking and laughing to the great delight of his parents, who considered him as rescued from the grave. – Tyrone Star.

Married in Pacific City, Iowa, Nov. 15th, by Rev. D. S. Hughes, Hon. C. H. Fletcher, of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, to Miss Mary B. Hughes, of Cold Spring Cape May, N.J.

Married on the 16th of December, by Elias Dell, Esq., Mr. John A. Nipple, to Miss Martha Benton, all of Bedford county.

Married by Isaac Yingling, Esq., at Williamsburg, on Thursday, 13th inst., Mr. Elijah Kelly, of Clover Creek, to Miss Kate Lonts, of Canoe Valley.

Died in Tyrone City, on Dec. 2d inst., Mr. John B. Stewart, aged 57 years, 11 months and 2 days.

Died in Duncansville, after a lingering illness, on Nov. 4th, Robert M. Williamson, aged 26 years, 2 months and 1 day.

December 27, 1860

Died in Hollidaysburg, on the 20th inst., of Diptheria, Sallie Gray, daughter of Wm. G. and Elizabeth D. Murray, in the 4th year of her age.

A Terrible Calamity in Marietta.
Four Children Burnt to Death. On Sunday evening, about 8 o’clock, a fire broke out in a two-story frame house occupied by a colored man named John Walker, in an alley opposite Samuel Johnson’s stable, Marietta, and before it was discovered, or before assistance reached the spot, the interior was a sheet of flame, and four children – three of them belonging to Walker, and the other a child of his sister-in-law – perished in the flames. It appears, says the Express, that, early in the evening, the children were put to bed on the second story, and that shortly afterwards the father locked the door and went to church, leaving the fire in the stove down stairs. There was some kindling wood on the tope of the stove, which it is supposed caught fire, and hence the cause of the frightful calamity. As soon as the alarm was given several persons were quickly on the spot, and for a few seconds the terrified faces of the children were seen at an upper window, but they soon disappeared and were not afterwards seen until their charred remains were picked out of the smouldering ruins. The ages of the children ran from about four to ten years. Another, a boy about 13 years, who was also in bed at the time, fortunately escaped without injury. – Patriot & Union.

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