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Early Mitchell surname marriages in Pennsylvania


Jan 24, 2014


(From Original Records)

Mitchell, Abraham and Frances Gardner, 22 July, 1773, Philadelphia.
Mitchell, Alexander and Mary Greenlow, 10 April, 1766, Philadelphia.
Mitchell, Alexander and Jenny Moorhead, 9 March, 1769, Lebanon.
Mitchell, Amos and Elizabeth Pettit, 9 July, 1801, Philadelphia.
Mitchell, Andrew and Margaret Hamilton, widow, June, 1795, Harrisburg.
Mitchell, Ann and John Baker, 13 November, 1720, Philadelphia.
Mitchell, Ann and Joseph Potts, 3rd m., 10 October, 1774, Philadelphia.
Mitchell, Ann and John Estens, 21 October, 1778, Philadelphia.
Mitchell, Ann and James King, 24 Jan, 1785, Lancaster.
Mitchell, Ann and John Merchant, 18 October, 1791, Philadelphia.
Mitchell, Ann and John Brown, 16 April, 1801, Middletown.
Mitchell, Benjamin and Mary Hamilton, 3 May, 1763, Lancaster Co.
Mitchell, Catherine and Solomon White, 7 October, 1766, Dauphin Co.
Mitchell, Catherine and Nathaniel Gorssiin, 28 February, 1796, Philadelphia.
Mitchell, Charles and Sarah Williams, 13 July, 1797, Philadelphia.
Mitchell, Christiana and William Whitewell, 1 June, 1794, Philadelphia.
Mitchell, David and Mary Smith, 6 July, 1762 Lancaster Co.
Mitchell, Daniel and Agnes Reagh, 1 1 June, 1777, Lancaster.
Mitchell, David and Susanna Wilson, 3 April, 1787, Paxtang, Dauphin Co.
Mitchel, Eben and Jean Ritchey, 13 Dec, 1774, Gettysburg.
Mitchell, Edah and Abraham Yocum, 27 June, 1793, Philadelphia.
Mitchell, Edward P, and Elizabeth Tindale, 4 February, 1834, Philadelphia.
Mitchell, Eleanor and James Marshall, 1 July, 1767, Lancaster.
Mitchell, Eleanor and Robert Irvine, 19 December, 1811, Carlisle.
Mitchell, Eliza and William Montgomery, 9 January, 1800, Philadelphia.
Mitchell, Elizabeth and James Arbuckle, 22 August, 1722, Philadelphia.
Mitchell, Elizabeth and Richard Stapler, 21 September, 1722, Philadelphia.
Mitchell, Elizabeth and James Barber, 16 September, 1728, State License.
Mitchell, Elizabeth and Robert Johnston, 1 1 October, 1750, Philadelphia.
Mitchell, Elizabeth and Richard Griss, 28 October, 1755, Philadelphia.
Mitchell, Elizabeth and Thomas Holt, 3 February, 1756, Lancaster.
Mitchell, Elizabeth and Charles Weer, 3 February, 1756, Abington.
Mitchell, Elizabeth and William Brown, 2 August, 1798, Philadelphia.
Mitchell, Esther and Uriah Brock, 27 November, 1776, Philadelphia.
Mitchel, Friedrich and Christina Stahl, 10 July, 1783, Philadelphia.
Mitchell, Frances and John Gregory, 20 May, 1794, Philadelphia.
Mitchell, Gabriel and Martha Watson, 7 June, 1798, Bucks Co.
Mitchell, George and Eliza Horsford, 6 October, 1736, Philadelphia.
Mitchell, George and Susanna Betts, 9 October, 1776,, Wrightstown.
Mitchell, George and Rebecca Wood, 10 January, 1802,, Bucks Co.
Mitchell, George and Eliza Anderson, 24 October, 1817, Northumberland Co.
Mitchell, Hanna and John Armstrong, 4 October, 1794, Philadelphia.
Mitchell, Hannah and Robert Croasdale, 25 December, 1792, Middletown.
Mitchell, Hannah C, and Fred Waydell, 27 September, 1853, Philadelphia.
Mitchell, Henry and Mary Bessinett, 10 October, 1743, Philadelphia.
Mitchell, Hester and Thomas Bowman, 18 November, 1735, Philadelphia.
Mitchel, Isabel and James Wilson, 30 August, 1774, Gettysburg.
Mitchell, Jacob and Rebecca Burden, 3 March, 1790, State License.
Mitchell, James and Mary Sloan, 17 August, 1756, Derry.
Mitchell, James and Amy Cloe, 31 July, 1777, Philadelphia.
Mitchell, James and Maria E, Walker, 13 October, 1794, Philadelphia.
Mitchell, James and Sarah Woglam, 22 November, 1799, Philadelphia.
Mitchell, James and Margaret Edwards, 1 1 November, 1805, Philadelphia.
Mitchell, James and Hanncih McManemy, 9 August, 1811, Chester Co.
Mitchell, James and A, Brackenridge, 23 October, 1833, Chambersburg.
Mitchell, Jane and Andrew Caldwell, 18 December, 1761, Philadelphia.
Mitchel, Jane and William Thompson, 3 April, 1780, Gettysburg.
Mitchell, Janet and Thomas Porter, 18 June, 1761, Lancaster.
Mitchell, John and Margery Fennell, 29 May, 1715, Philadelphia.
Mitchell, John and Ann Hudson, 23 September, 1721, Philadelphia.
Mitchell, John and Mary Dunbar, 12 July, 1732, Philadelphia.
Mitchell, John and Margaret Staggers, 19 December, 1738, Philadelphia.
Mitchell, John and Margaret Lacklin, 23 November, 1755, Lancaster.
Mitchell, John and Mary Hoswell, 18 May, 1762, Philadelphia.
Mitchell, John and Mary Pearson, 31 December, 1767, Philadelphia.
Mitchell, John and Elizabeth Robinson, 27 January, 1768, Lancaster.
Mitchell, John and Hannah Rudulph, 21 February, 1774, Philadelphia.
Mitchell, John and Jene Wilson, 27 March, 1776, Gettysburg.
Mitchell, John and Mary Marlin, 15 May, 1777, Lancaster.
Mitchell, John and Mary Blair, 10 June, 1794, Carlisle.
Mitchell, John and Eliza Boggs, 9 October, 1807, Montgomery Co.
Mitchell, John and Sarah Hibbs, 17 Sept., 1807, Middletown.
Mitchell, John and Mrs, Nancy Miles, 29 April, 1814, Huntingdon Co.
Mitchell, John K, and Sarah M, Henry, 1822, Philadelphia.
Mitchell, Jonathan W, and Harriet Milnor, 24 October, 1804, Bucks Co.
Mitchell, Joseph and Elizabeth Zearing, 5 May, 1808, Dauphin Co.
Mitchell, Joshua and Rebecca Davis, 21 November, 1747, Philadelphia.
Mitchell, Joshua and Sarah Randle, 15 January, 1763, Philadelphia.
Mitchell, Joshua and Jeane Carot, 24 February, 1765, Philadelphia.
Mitchell, Joshua and Jane Harvey, 11 April, 1790, Philadelphia.
Mitchell, Joshua and Ann Merrick, 1 1 August, 1794, Philadelphia.
Mitchell, Katherine and Barnably McGarvot, 19 October, 1765, Philadelphia.
SOURCE:  Vol, VIII, No 1, January 1918 Genealogy: a journal of American ancestry

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