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Center Presbyterian Church, Marriage Records, Rev John Linn


Jan 25, 2014


(An Exact Copy: – Of the marriage record kept by the Rev. John Linn of the Center Presbyterian Church of then Cumberland County, now Perry County, Pennsylvania, from 1778 to 1793. This congregation then covered the territory known in that day as Shermans or Sherman’s Valley.)

The three brothers, Adam, John and Robert Linn came from Scotland about 1739 and settled in Cumberland Countv, Penn. Adam and John were naturalized in 1749. Rev. John Linn, son of John, was born in Cumberland Co., in 1749 He was ordained a minister of the Presbyterian Church, in 1771 and in 1776 married, Mary, daughter of James and Mary Gettys. James Gettys was a merchant, and the founder of Gettysburg. Rev. John Linn died 15 March 1790 His son Rev. James Linn was born in Sherman’s Valley, Cumberland County, 4 Sept. 1783.

July 29th, 1778 – James to Catherine Adams, daughter of Robert Adams of LTpper Shermans.
August 4th, 1778 – John Davidson to Agnes Robertson both of Upper Shermans.
August 11th, 1778- John Thomas Maekentire to Margaret Macabe.
September 17th, 1778 – William Shields to Florence Morrow both of Upper Shermans.
September 30th, 1778- Matthew Merritt to Sarah Jnmeson, both of Lower Sherman.
October 26, 1778 – John Hilton to Margaret Maurca,
October 26th 1778- John Christie of Tuscarora to Agness Herron.
Nov. 17th, 1778- Thomas Purdie to Elizabeth Hunter .
Jan. 5th, 1779- Samuel Nisbit to Elsey Watt
March 11th, 1779- Alexander Smith of Big Spring Congregation to Jean Miller.
Mch. 16th, 1779- Moses Littrem to Margt. Elliot.
April 1st, 1779- Robt. Purdie to Ann Hunter.
April 5th, 1779 – William Foster to Sarah Lowrey.
June 1st, 1779 – Hugh Hardy to – Hurrelboth of Milford Township.
August 2nd, 1779 – Samuel Macguire to Mary Purdy .
Aug. 5th, 1779 – David Logan to Susanna Cord.
Aug. 9th, 1779 – John Holt on Juniatta, to Sarah Milligan, in Kish Valley.
Aug. 12th, 1779- James Little of Carlisle to Mary Delaney of Shermans Valley.
Aug. 19th, 1779 – John Miller to Ann Maeciintock.
Aug. 20th, 1779 – James Black to Eleanor Long, both Lack Township, Tuscarora.
Sept. 2nd, 1779- William White to Gazel Rusel.
Sept . 2nd, 1779 – Andrew Mackashlin to Christiana Brown .
Sept. 9th, 1779 – James Macklin to Jean Germon.
Sept. 16th, 1779- Samuel Logan to Margaret Robertson.
Sept. 16th, 1779 – James Fisher to Agness Robertson.
Oct. 8th, 1779- Hugh Mackutchin to Mary Maecrea.
Nov. 2nd, 1779- Thomas Elliot to Jean Holliday.
Nov. 4th, 1779 – Andrew Kinkead to Elizabeth Maxwell .
Nov. 8th, 1779 – Alex. Rogers to Jerusia Dunnem.
Nov. 30th, 1779- James Waugh of Carlisle to Elizabeth Powers.
Dec. 21st, 1779 – Benjamin Junkin to Margaret Wallace.
Feb. 17th, 1780- James Matteer of East Pennsboro to Elizabeth Nelson.
Feb. 29th, 1780- Joseph Horn to Margaret Or.
Mch. 9th, 1780 – Robert Clark to Mary Alexander.
Mch. 23rd, 1780- William Mitchel to Elizabeth Hamilton .
Apr. 3rd, 1780 – Benj. Perkison to Elizabeth Dickey, both of East Pennsboro.
Apr. 24th, 1780 – John Alexander to Margt. Clark.
Apr. 27, 1780 – William Cree to Jean Marshal.
May 8th, 1780- John Ardery to Mary Watt.
May 9th, 1780- Ross Mitchell to Isabella Blaine.
June 6th, 1780 – John Mahon to Elizabeth Stewart, both Shermans Creek.
June 7th, 1780 – Glbert McCoy to Agnes Martin, of Dicks Gap .
June 27th, 1780 – Jas. Sanderson to Jean Little of Tuscarora.
June 27th, 1780 – Wm. Rogers, to Margaret Mc Coson of Dicks Gap.
July 25th, 1780 – Daniel Hart to Jean Hutchison.
Sept. 12th, 1780- Robert Little of Tuscarora to Margt. Elliot.
Sept. 26th, 1780 – John Davies to Jemima Barnhill.
Nov. 21st, 1780 – Ambrose Quillen to Sidney Evans.
Nov. 23rd, 1780 – Allen Nisbet to Margaret Murray.
Nov. 23rd, 1780- David McClure to Elizabeth (last name torn off page . )
Dec. 7th, 1780- Robert Holliday to Isabel! Campbell.
Dec. 21st, 1780 – James Eakine to Eleanor Pollock, daughter of James Pollock.
Jan. 4th, 1781- Matthew McCleran to Mary Kincead.
Feb. 1st, 1781- John Berry to Elizabeth Minit.
Feb. 27th, 1781- Thos. McConnell to Elizabeth Mc Cutchin, of Upper Tuscarora.
Mch. 1st, 1781- Wm. Lamb of Deny Tp. to Susanna Watson of Tyrone Township.
Mch. 1st, 1781 – Alex. Armstrong to Mary Murray, both Toboine Township.
Mch. 15th, 1781- Saml. Graham to Christiana McLead .
Mch. 20th, 1781- Richard Nickleson to Margaret Griffith.
Apr. 17th, 1781- George Black to Margt. Morrisson.
May 23rd, 1781- Richard Smith to Mary Welsh, both of Rye Township.
May 23rd, 1781- Hngh Rodman to Elizabeth Hearst.
June 26th, 1781- John Marshall to Elizabeth Graham, of Rye Township .
June 26th, 1781- Robert Miles to Catherine Watt of Rye Township.
June 26th, 1781 – John Gillespie to Jean Hart of Juniatta .
June 26th, 1781 – George Evans to Frances Leonard of Tyrone Township .
June 27th, 1781- Charles Macoy to Mary Cahy of Tyrone Township.
June 28th, 1781 – David Buchannan to Jean Mc Clintock of Tobine Township.
July 5th, 1781- James Goudy of Rye Tp. to Catherine Pollock of Tyrone Tp.
Aug. 15th, 1781- Wm. Walker to Prudence Walker.
Aug. 28th, 1781- Thomas Coleman to Phoebe Gray of Hartslog Settlement.
Sept. 27th, 1781- Richard Taylor to Margt. Buchannan .
Nov. 1st, 1781- John Machlin to Margt. McCrackin both Tobine Township.
Nov. 15th, 1781 – John Erwin to Elizabeth Gardner.
Nov. 15th, 1781 – James Nelson to Rachael Russel.
Nov. 26th, 1781- John McCutchin to Esther Mc Connell of Upper Tuscarora.
Nov. 29th, 1781- Jas. Holliday of Upper Connoguige to Janet Herron.
Dec. 6th, 1781- Hugh McCracken to Elizabeth Townsby .
Jan. 10th, 1782- John Divin to Margt. Baskin of Susquehanna,
Jan. 10th, 1782 – James Garvin to Mary Sharp. 52
Jan. 15th, 1782- Rbt. Wilson to Martha Ewin.
Jan. 17th, 1782- Thos. Townsley to Sarah Pat terson .
Feb. 4th, 1782 – John Byers to Margery Dunnan.
Feb. 5th, 1782- Wra. Longwell to Rachael Walker.
Mch. 14th, 1782- James Blain e of Teboine to Margery Watts of Rye Tp.
April 15th, 1782- John Coulter to Elizabeth White of Rye Township.
Apr. 16th, 1782 – Jolin Lemmon to Dianna Patterson .
Apr. 18th, 1782- John Morrow to Elizabeth Pollock.
May 2nd, 1782 – Joseph Watts of Upper Paxtang to Isabel Murray.
July 1st, 1782 – Robt. Kirkpatrick to Bridget Jacobs of Derry on Juaniatta.
July 25th, 1782- Samuel Hutchison of Rye to Agnes Ogden of Tyrone Tp.
July 25th, 1782- John McEntire to Sarah Lowe of Toboine.
July 26th, 1782- David Mc Clintock to Frances Clark of Toboine.
Sept. 26th, 1782- John Robison to Margt. Logan.
October 31st, 1782- John Kinkead to Margaret Miller.
October 31st, 1782- Win. Wiley of Rye to Ale^ Nobel of Tyron .
Oct. 31st. 1782- Alex. Ogden of Fermanagh to Mary McCalliister of Tyrone.
Nov. 18th, 1782- Robert Goodion to Rachael Miller.
Dec. 3rd, 1782 – Josiah Roddy to Sarah Leonard.
Jan. 2nd, 1783- John McClure to Janet Officer.
Jan. 30th, 1783- Robt. Cummins to Rachael Kilgore
Mch. 17th, 1783 – Angney Montgomery to Silans Montgniery of Tobine Tp.
Apr. 14th, 1783- John Cord to Rebecca Byers.
May 12th, 1783- Christopher Grimes of Tuscarora to Sarah Sanderson.
June 23rd, 1783- Robert Gree to Mary Roddy.
June 24th, 1783 – Anthony Logan to Jane McClure.
June 26th, 1783- Robt. Hunter to Elizabeth Thompson .
July 24th, 1783 – James Fergus to Sarah Robison.
Aug. 7th, 1783 – Joseph Ross to Elizabeth Evans of Tyrone Tp.
Aug. 14th, 1783 – Joseph Hoge to Ann McConnell of Upper Tuscarora.
Sept. 16th, 1783 – Wm. Furguson to Ann Ross.
Sept. 16th, 1783 – Alex. Roddy to Agnes Jameson.
Sept. 18th, 1783- Joseph Patton to Margt. Me Clintock.
Sept. 18th, 1783 – Joseph McClintoek to Rebecca Patton.
Sept. 30th, 1783 – James Wilson to Mary McCrery.
Sept. 30th, 1783- William Morrow to Agnes Christie .
Nov. 11th, 1783 – John Brown to Sarah Stone.
Nov. 11th, 1783- Wm. Campbell to Margaret Carson .
Nov. 24th, 1783 – Mathias Bird to Katherine Panter.
Dec. 4th, 1783- Alex. Barr to Sarah Mills of Donegal .
Mch. 2nd, 1784- Wm. McClure, to Martha Parker of Carlisle.
Apr. 12th, 1784- Alex. McKinzey to Nancy Bell.
Apr. 5th, 1784 – Wm: Graham of Kischocoquillis to Jean White of Rye Tp.
June 29th, 1784- James Elliot to Elizabeth Erwin.
July 29th, 1784- John Erwin to Rachael DeLong.
Aug 16th, 1784 – Joshua Bushey to Mary Evans of Tyrone.
Aug. 26th, 1784 – James Power to Mary Marshall.
Aug. 31st, 1784- William Bull of Eye Tp. to Sarah Darlington of Tyrone.
Sept. 2nd, 1784 – James Logan to Esther Robison,
Nov. 2nd, 1784- William McCord to Rachael Scouten.
Nov. 4th, 1784 – John Thompson to Elizabeth Gibson . .
Nov. 9th, 1784- William Perkins to Elizabeth Fathy, Horse Valley.
Nov. 16th, 1784 – Laurence Laughran to Mary Mc Kee of Rye Tp.
Dec. 23rd, 1784 – George Sharpe to Catherine Mc Clure.
Jan. 4th, 1785 – Rev. Wm. Jas. Johnson to Betty Brown of Kishacoquillas.
Jan. 13th, 1785 – Alex. Meyers of Hanover to Eleanor Morrison.
Feb. 3rd, 1785- William Mathers to Esther Thorn of Tyrone Tp.
Feb. 3rd, 1785 – Hugh Glenn to Susanna Scadden, both late New York .
Feb. 17th, 1785 – Jas. Hiddleson, Tuscarora to Elizabeth Miller.
Mch. 15th, 1785 – Hugh Strain, Shermans to Agnes Hastings of Big Spring.
Apr. 21st, 1785 – James Morrow to Isabell Watts.
Apr. 26th, 1785 – John Beaty to Eleanor McCowan of Dicks Gap .
July 5th, 1785 – Enos Graham to Agness McDonald of Tyrone Tp .
Aug. 15th, 1785 – Samuel Woods to Sarah Hamilton of Tyrone Tp .
Aug. 18th, 1785 – James Stone to Jane Kennedy of Tyrone Tp.
Sept. 27th, 1785- Hugh Laughlin to Elizabeth McKee of Rye Tp.
Jan. 17, 1786 – Philip Delancy to Margaret Starr.
Feb. 7th, 1786- William Blaine to Mary Ann Strong.
Apr. 5th, 1786 – Thomas Neely to Margaret Carson.
April 6th, 1786 – James Blaine to Elizabeth Scadden Cascadden
Apr. 6th, 1786- Matthew Erwin to Mary Erwin.
Apr. 27th, 1786- Thos. Caskadden to Elizabeth Adams.
May 2nd, 1786 – James Officer to Jean Baxter.
May 4th, 1786- John Townley to Elizabeth Martin.
May 8th, 1786 – Issac Purdy to Isabella Smith.
June 6th, 1786 – Archibald Watt to Janet Rindman.
July 4th, 1786 – William Baxter to Margaret Richey.
August 29th, 1786 – Evan Mincher to Mary Robison of Rye Tp.
Oct. 13th, 1786- William Henry to Anne Fleming of Rye Tp.
Oct. 24th, 1786- John Hanna to Anne McCrery of York County.
Nov. 21st. 1786- James McClure to Jane Miles of Limestone Ridge.
Dec. 19th, 1786- William Officer to Elizabeth Simison.
Jan. 30th, 1787 – William Douglass to Mary Scott.
Feb. 15th, 1787- Hugh Alexander to Jemima Patterson .
Feb. 27th, 1787- Thomas McClure to Margaret Byers .
Mch. 8th. 1787- James Hess to Mary Campbell.
April 6th, 1787 – John Patterson to Anne Henderson.
Apr. 17th, 1787 – Thomas Winthrop to Elizabeth Bell both of Tyrone
Apr. 17th. 1787- Alex. McClur e to Sarah Douglass
May 10th. 1787- Hugh McClintock to Jean Coard.
June 7th, 1787 – Joseph Ewing to Agnes Huston of Kishacoquillis.
Sept. 27th, 1787- Abrm. Grove of Tobine to Martha Supford of Tyrone.
Oct. 9th. 1787- Thos. Stevenson to Rachel Black.
Nov. 13th, 1787- Mathias Flam to Elizabeth Shilling of Tyrone.
Jan. 7th, 1788- Daniel Smith to Elizabeth Scadden.
Mch. 24th, 1788 – George Fosset to Mary Morrison of this place.
May 5th, 1788 – William Shields to Agnes Linsey.
May 20th, 1788- Hugh Gray of Tuscarora to Mary Gray of this place .
June 17th, 1788- Peter Pence of Stony Creek, Bedford Co., to Elizabeth Sullenberger .
June 26th, 1788- Abrm. Gormly of Rye to Elizabeth McCallister.
June 30th, 1788- John Hamilton of Bald Eagle to Debora Perkins.
July 7th, 1788- Henry Goodhart of Rye to Kathrn. Delancy of Tobine.
Sept. 2nd, 1788- George Sharpe to Mary Officer.
Sept. 10th, 1788- David Hunnells to Mary Brown.
Sept. 19th, 1788 – John Small to Agness Erwin. (By Mr. Cooper.)
Oct. 1st, 1788- John Beatty to Mary Cowin of Toboine .
Dec. 23rd, 1788 – Samuel Warden, East Pennsboro to Agnes Byers.
Jan. 8th, 1789 – Francis Walker to Elizabeth Campbell.
Jan. 13th, 1789 – Thos. Robison to Agness Mc Millen.
Jan. 13th, 1789 – Samuel Marshall to Katharine Marshal .
Jan. 15th, 1789- William Wallace to Martha Brown of Rye Township.
Mch. 3rd, 1789 – Joseph Nelson to Jean Armstrong, both of Tyrone.
Apr. – 1788 – Francis McCown to Mary Irwin of Dicks Gap.
Apr. 6th, 1789 – Richard Reed to Nancy Irwin.
Apr. 23rd, 1789- Michl. Marshal to Elizabeth Beaty, of Dicks Gap.
May 26th, 1789- Patrick Cuthbertson to Mary Kelly.
June 25th, 1789 – Levi Perkins to Agnes McKee of Toboine Tp.
July 7th, 1789 – Alex. Sanderson to Margaret Robison .
Sept. 7th, 1789- Adam Herbolt to Jane McMullen of TobineTp.
Sept. 17th, 1789- William Highlands to Elizabeth Childers.
Sept, 17th, 1789- Wm. McGarvin to Mary Child- ers.
Sept. 24th, 1789- James Blaine to Diborah Baird.
Sept. 29th, 1789- Wm. Trusdale to Elizabeth McClure.
Nov. 3rd, 1789- William Smith to Eleanor Kelly.
Dee. 1st, 1789 – James Henderson to Jean Pollock.
Dec. 1st, 1789 – Robert Nettle to Rebecca Ross. 69
Dec. 30th, 1789- William Thompson to Mary Sanderson .
Jan 21st, 1790 – Thomas Adams to Jean Morrow.
Jan. 21st, 1790 – Robert Ewin to Mary Neeper.
Feb. 2nd, 1790 – John Coard to Anne McCracken.
Mch. 18th, 1790 – James Johnston to Margaret A nderson .
Apr. 12th, 1790- Stephen Cisney of Bedford Co.. to Mary Gardner.
June 3rd, 1790- Wm. Campbell to Elizabeth John- son.
June 24th, 1790 – James Ferguson to Elizabeth Fulton.
July 9th, 1790- William Reed to Elizabeth McCrea.
Aug. 17th, 1790- William Miller to Sarah Mitten.
Oct. 12th, 1790- Charles Donaldson late of Ireland to Mary Wilson.
Oct. 13th, 1790- Wm. Nelson to Katharine Mc- Cracken .
Nov. 2nd, 1790 – Christn. Spanningbury to Christi- anna Donaldson, Tyrone.
Nov. 17th, 1790 – John Fleming to Mary Murphy of RyeTp.
Nov. 26th, 1790 – George McCrea to Jean Murray.
Dec. 9th, 1790 – George Panther to Hannah Rein- hart of Tyrone.
Jan. 18th, 1791 – James Irwin to Elizabeth Scott.
Jan. 27th, 1791 – John Morrison to Grizzell McCord.
Feb. 17th, 1791- John Clark to Sarah Adams.
Feb. 24th, 1791- John Welsh to Hannah Wisler.
Mch. 24th, 1791- George Walker to Julian Welsh, Tuscarora Valley.
May 2nd, 1791 – Robert Hacket to Agness Cunning- ham.
June 20th, 1791- Joseph Kogh to Polly Orris.
July 26th, 1791- Wm. Fosset of near Carlisle to Anne Patterson.
Aug 11th, 1791 – John Milligan to Jennie Graham of Rye Township .
Sept. 13th, 1791 – James Glenn to Rachael Robin son.
Sept. 21st, 1791- John Gordon to Lettice Moody of Greenwood Township.
Oct. 25th, 1791- Wm. Henderson, late Ireland to Jean Adair.
Nov. 1st, 1791 – Nathan Talbert to Ruth Moore.
Nov. 1st, 1791 – John Armstrong to Margt. Hart- ness.
Nov. 8th, 1791 – Wm. Enslow to Isabella Siniison.
Nov. 17th, 1791 – James McCrea to Eleanor Towns- ley.
Nov. 22nd, 1791 – Andrew Kelly to Margt. Lough- ther.
Nov. 22nd, 1791- Joseph Jones of Rye Tp. to El- eanor Marshall.
Dec. 21st, 1792 – John Elliot (mistake) to Jean Prosser.
Feb. 15th, 1792- Abrm. Enslow to Margt. Dobbs both Lack Tp.
Feb. 23rd, 1792- Jno. Crawford of Ft. Pitt to Martha Robison.
Mch. 1st, 1792 – Francis Ellis of Lewistown to Isa- bella Millar of Rye Tp.
Mch. 21st, 1792 – Andrew Gheley to Margt. Daro- ton of Rye Tp .
Apr. 5th, 1792- Thos. Barrett of Tuscarora to Catherine Adams .
Apr. 5th, 1792- Wm. Smith to Abigal McCrackin.
Apr. 17th, 1792 – Joseph Mclntire to Anne Adams.
Apr. 17th, 1792 – George Black to Jane McMillan.
Apr. 26th, 1792- William McCrea to Nancy Miles.
May 8th, 1792 – Joseph Herr to Hannah Falkinburg both of Rye Tp.
May 16th, 1792- Wm. Kenney of Tuscarora to Mary Grier of this place .
May 24th, 1792- David Bard to Elizabeth Taylor.
May 29th, 1792- Joshua McCracken to Martha Morrow.
June 12th, 1792 – John Everhart to Betsey Robinson of Tobine Tp.
June 12th, 1792 – James Black of Big Spring to Agnes Graham.
June 22nd, 1792 – Jacob Craige to Jean McDonell of Milford, Mifflin Co.
Sept. 11th, 1792- Wm. Patton of Big Spring to Elizabeth Adams.
Oct. 29th, 1792- Jno. Campbell of Path Valley to Florence Shields.
Nov. 1st, 1792 – Geo. Sanderson to Lettice Hender- son.
Nov. 8th, 1792- Samuel Hoge of Carlisle to Sarah Wilson of Rye Tp.
Nov. 14th, 1792- Robt. Hindman to Jean Watts of Upper House.
Nov. 15th, 1792- Geo. Jacobs to Margt. Williams of Tuscarora.
Nov. 21st, 1792 – David Thomas to Katharine Iver- hart of this place.
Dec. 4th, 1792 – James Murphy to Elizabeth An- derson of Rye Tp.
Dec. 4th, 1792- Thomas Eckles to Martha Hagger- ty of RyeTp.
Dec. 18th, 1792- Fredrick Kooney to Elizabeth Boughman of Toboine Tp.
Jan. 10th, 1793- Jas. Watt, to Sarah Kerr of Upper Tuscarora.
Jan. 22nd, 1793 – Geo. Townsley to Rebecca Thomas.
Jan. 24th, 1793 – James Hackett to Martha Officer.
Feb. 12th, 1793- George Robison Jr. to Mary Thorn of this place. .
Feb. 21st, 1793- Robt. Laughlin of Big Spring to Jean Cunningham.
Mch. 21st, 1793- Henry Hackett to Mary Simpson.
Mch. 28th, 1793- Geo. McElwain of Big Spring to Mary Adams.
May 30th, 1793- Alexander Murray to Mary Blaine.
June 6th, 1793 – William Gray to Margaret Irwin.
June 25th, 1793 – Wm. Robison to Mary Robison of Buffalo Creek.
June 27th, 1793 – Robert Hanna to Rachael Murray of Toboine Tp.
SOURCE:  Vol, IX, No 7, November 1920 Genealogy: a journal of American ancestry

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