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Scotch-Irish in Northampton County


Jan 28, 2014


In the year 1728, ante-dating many years the settlement of Easton, Bethlehem, Nazareth and. Allentown, a colony of Scotch Presbyterians, founded what was known as the Craig settlement, in the Monoquasy Valley, eleven miles northwest from Easton. The territory was named Allen Township in honor of Chief Justice, William Allen, who became proprietor about 1740. The settlement later bore the name of the “Irish settlement” and is now known as the town of Bath.

The Scotch-Irish families of Craig, Ralston, Lattimore, McCord, McCook, McConnell, Brown, Sterling, Horner and Wilson, composed the pioneer band of Ulster Scots, who first settled in Bath and the immediate territory. Daniel Craig, the Scotch-Irish ancestor of ExPresident, Theodore Roosevelt was among the early white settlers of the Borough of Bath.

Following is a list recently found of some of the early marriages in this almost forgotten Scotch-Irish Colony in Northampton, County, Penn.


Barber, Elizabeth A., and Amos S. Bisel, 31 May, 1843.
Barber, William, and Margaret Clyde, 2 February, 1819.
Bisel, Amos S., and Elizabeth Ann Barber, 2! May, 1843.
Boyd, John, and Elizabeth Young, 1744.
Bjoyd, Dr. John, and Mrs. Elizabeth Brown, April, 1804.
Bjrown, Mrs. Elizabeth, and Dr. John Boyd, April, 1804.
Carr, Jane C, and Alex. M. Shane, 3 January, 1856.
Cfarr, Letitia C, and John Findley, 3 January, 1856.
Carr, Rhoda Hunt, and Bazaleel W.Johnson, 11 November, 1846.
Clyde, James, and Hannah Horner, 21 February, 1804.
Clyde, John C, and Martha Hallock, 26 October, 1869.
Clyde, Margaret, and William Barber, 2 February, 1819.
Findley, John, and Letitia C. Carr, 3 January, 1856.
Grier, Martha, and John K. Hays, 31 May, 1832.
Hallock, Martha, and John C. Clyde, 26 October, 1869.
Hays, Anna, and John Wilson, 7 March, 1804.
Hays, John, and Barbara King, 16 October, 1760.
Hays, John, 2nd marriage, and Jane Walker, 13 August, 1771.
Hays, John K., and Jane Horner, 25 May, 1795.
Hays, John K., and Martha Grier, 31 May, 1832.
Horner, Hannah, and James Clyde, 21 February, 1804
Horner, Jane, and Jo$n K. Hays, 25 May, 1795.
Irwin, Rev. Leslie, and Mary Ann Wilson, 11 November, 1845.
Johnson, Bazalce! W. , and Rhoda Hunt Carr, 11 November, 1846.
King, Barbara, and John Hays, 16 October, 1760.
McDowell, Robert, and Sarah E. Mulhalldn, 27 October, 1838.
McLain, James L., and Anna Ralston, 27 October, 1875.
McNear, Peggy, and Mr. Sturdeon, 1 December, 1803, Northampton County, Pa.
Mulhallon, Sarah E., and Robert McDowell, 27 October 1838.
Ralston, Anna, and James L. McLain, 27 October, 1875
Rosebrugh, James, and Peggy Wilson, daughter of Charles 18 October, 1792.
Shane, Alex. M., and Jane C. Carr, 3 January, 1856.
Sturdeon, Mr. and Peggy McNear, 1 December, 1803.
Walker, Jane, and John Hays, 13 August, 1771.
Wilson, John, and Anna Hays, 7 March, 1884.
Wilson, Mary Ann, and Rev. Leslie Irwin, 11 November 1845.
Wilson, Peggy, and James Rosebrugh, 18 October, 1792.
Young, Elizabeth, and John Boyd, 1744.

SOURCE: Vol, 6, No 1, January 1916 Genealogy: a journal of American ancestry


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