• Thu. Mar 27th, 2025


…bringing our past into the future

Seldomridge, Andrew


Jan 29, 2014


Sometime before May 16, 1717 (Lancaster County was formed out of Chester in 1729) On this date a survey of land in Conestoga was completed by a London land company. The title of the survey reads: “J. Estaugh and Company’s Land Situate on Conestogoo and the Mill Creek in the County of Chester part surveyed 25 day of October 1716 and fully completed the 16 of May 1717.” 3 Andreas Seldonrich [Zeldonrich] is listed as owning 212 acres of land and by the 1720 the tax valuation of his property was set at twenty pounds in the Conestoga Township Assessment. 4 He took out a warrant to survey the land March 5, 1718 and this warrant is in the Taylor Papers volume 4 page 570 in the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. He held this tract of land until February 26, 1747 when he and his wife, Anna Maria, sold it to Dorcus Boughwalter.5

Some of the other early settlers in this section were: Jacob Landis, Benjamin Witner, John Groff, Hans Groff, Isaac Henrick, Jacob Henrick, Felix Landis, Derrick Jansler, Dr. John Musgrove, and Colonel John Evans. The majority of these settlers were either Palatine Germans or Scotch-Irish. AU of the settlers were attracted by the good land of this section, and here Andrew remained until he moved into the Mill Creek Settlement which was begun in the year 1715.

Why Andrew became dissatisfied with the land on the “old provincial road” and sought out the Mill Creek Settlement is not known. This settlement was considerably weakened in 1728 when some of the ‘Muelbacher’s” followed religious leader, Conrad Beissel, to the banks of the Cocalico Creek. The Ephrate Cloister on the bank of the Cocalico at Ephrata, Pennsylvania is a wen known historical monument built by these early religionists. Andrew moved with his family into Leacock Township, Lancaster County. (Leacock township was one of the origianl townships of Lancaster County, 1729). Here he took up two hundred acres of land along Mill Creek at the west end of the Welsh Mountains. A small portion of the land at this end extended into Earl Township. The warrantee may be found in the Land Records Office, Dept. of Internal Affairs, Harrisburg, Pa. The warrant was taken out March 8, 1734 by Andreas Seldenridge of County of Lancaster for 200 acres in Leacock township adjoining to John Avy and John Riley. He agreed to pay 15 pounds ten shillings for each 100 acres and a yearly Quit rent of 1/2 penny sterling for each acre. Thomas Penn signed the warrant. The land was surveyed but a patent was not taken out by Andrew. After his death, George had the-land resurveyed May 22, 1760 and the survey is in the Land Records Office. Andrew evidently never paid the Quit rent for in the Penn-Physick Papers Volume 5 p.74 of the Hist. Soc. of Pa. the following appears: “3 October 1760 George Seldenridge two hundred and fourteen acres, one quarter, and thirty-six perches of Land Situation Leacock township Lancaster Co. surveyed to his Father Andreas Seldenridge by Warrant of the 8 March 1734 whose right is now in the said George. Interest and Quitrent to Commence six months after the date of Warrant. By order of the Secretary to Settle and pay.”


Today the plantation is broken up into smaller farms, but it may easily be located because its eastern end is the Zeltenreich Reformed Church which is midway between New Holland and Intercourse, Pennsylvania along the Peterts Road (named for the early French Indian trader Peter Bezaillion who used this route to reach the Susquehanna River) at the western end of the Welsh Mountains. The land gently slopes west along both sides of Mill Creek in Upper Leacock and Leacock townships (the creek divides the townships). On the north side of the land, there still stands an old log building that was used as a dwelling until 1938. It is now a shed. The room that once served as the main downstairs room has woodwork that corresponds with work done in this section of the country between the years 1750 and 1800. (Compare with woodwork in a Pennsylvania German room at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City dated 1760 from Morgantown, Pennsylvania.) Surely this house dates back to the time of the Mill Creek Settlement and gives us a glimpse of the early homes of the pioneers. Nearby stands a comfortable two and one-half story stone home built by Dr., Adam Miller and his wife Elizabeth in 1798. This shows us how life became quite a pleasure along the Mill Creek as the settlers began to prosper in their new surroundings. A great-great-grand daughter of Andrew’s, Maria, about 1828 married Abner Miner who was born and reared in this spacious stone mansion. The land on which the Miller house stands was deeded to Adam Miller’s children. Dr. Adam Miller and brothers and sisters, on June 12, 1761 by George and Mary Gayunta Seldomridge, son and daughter-in-law of Andrew. Thus the families soon settled down in neighborly fashion to become a part of the new America.

Theodorus Eby was the first settler in the Mill Creek area. He was a son of Bishop Jacob Eby of the Mennonite Church in Zurich, Switzerland. Because of religious persecution, Theodorus left Zurich and traveled to the Palatinate region and finally arrived in Mill Creek 1715. At the present time, an ancient tree guards ­the sole remaining tombstone of the Eby family cemetery. The stone tells this story: Isaac Eby died March 8, 1850 aged 92 gears. David Y. Smoker, a member of the Old Order Amish Sect, owns the farm and has attended to the grave but declares that when the tree dies he will destroy the grave. A grandson of Theodorus Eby, John, married a granddaughter of Andrew Seldomridge, Anna Maria.

Here along Mill Creek Andrew lived with his wife, Anna Maria, and reared a family. He died in 1760. During his lifetime he had never taken out a patent nor paid any quitrent so at his death his son George paid the back rent and caused a patent to be recorded at Philadelphia. The patent called for 214 acres 36 1/2 perches plus 6 acres per cent for roads. This particular deed is referred to in Deed Book 22 p. 15 at the CourtHouse in Lancaster. The deed was given by James Hamilton, Esq., Lt. Governor for the Honorable Thomas Penn and Richard Penn Esq. on 7 October 1760. The patent may be seen in Harrisburg, Land Records Office Patent Book A A 2 Page 73.

On the Eastern section of the Seldomridge plantation a church building was erected and a burial ground opened. We know that by February 14, 1757 there was a building, probably timber with rock and mud or log, because on that date Jacob Bichler of Leacock township willed ” … to the Elders of the Reformed Dutch Church one pound after my Disease (for use of the church) which now stands on Andrew Seldomridge his Plantation for the Use and Behoof of the said Church only.” The land for the church and burial ground was not legally given to the authorities until the death of Andrew and the deed was never recorded until February 12, 1821 when Andrew’s son, George, died. The church, which stands on the spot today, is known as Zeltenreich’s Reformed Church.


Andrew died intestate. His land passed into the hands of his son George who later divided it among his sons. The German family Bible thought to have been Andrew’s is now in the hands of the Zeltenreich Congregation. The inventory of his personal property follows:
Andreas Saltenreich 1760.
Inventory of Andreas Saltenreich.
1760 April 14th & 15th. We the subscribers, appraisers of the Estate of Andreas Seltenreich late of Leacock township Lanc. Co. deceased do make an Inventory of, and appraise Estate personal as follows:
Pounds Shilling Pence
in cash 232 12 6
143 bushels wheat @ 5/2 37 0 10
13 bushels Rye 2 7 3
A Black horse, saddle &
Bridle 4 10 0
A Sorrel Mare 10 0 0
A Young Black Mare 8 10 0
An Old Mare 2 0 0
A Brown Cow 2 10 0
A Black Cow & Bell 1 5 0
A Black and White Cow 2 5 0
A small black Cow 1 0 0
A white faced cow 1 5 0
A Black Heifer 1 0 0
A Red & White Cow 1 10 0
2 Calves 1 10 0
A Red Bull Calf 0 15 0
8 Sheep &- some lambs 3 10 0
5 Pigs 1 5 0
A Wagon 8 5 0
A Wind-MW 1 0 0
A Blough, Irons, Clevishes 1 0 0
A Dung Fork, Dung rake &
Pitch fork 0 2 6
2 Mattocks, 2 axes, a small
hoe, Maul 0 10 0
2 Wedges, A sythe, & a spade
2 set Horse-Gears 0 7 6
A still, and its full of
Barley 0 9 0
A sythe, shovels, a sundry
other old irons 0 10 0
Sundry vessels of wood and
of straw wont to hold
grain 0 10 0
a Cabbage box 0 2 0
Harness leather and Ropes 0 2 0
Michael Bitzer owes b Book
Acclt for cow 2 5 0
339 18 0


A Bushel & 1/2 Buckwheat 02 3
A Bushel flax-seed 04 0
2 Hackles 03 0
A watering spurt0 20
A Big and Little Wheel 06 0
A Little Wheel05 6
A wall-nut Table0 56
8 Bags 02 0
A Saw & 2 Augurs 02 6
A Kettle 0 15 0
A Pot 05 0
3 Iron Pans 06 0
3 Ladles & a flesh fork 02 6
A Gun 15 0
A Lock-chain 04 6
Wooden pails 03 0
A Chist [chest]0 12 0
Another Chist [chest] 05 0
A Bible & Other Books 08 0
25 Bushel Oats @ 2/ 2 10 0
A Large Bible 18 0
Due said Estate on bond and balances on Notes, including interest now due on them
29 11 3
39 17 0
339 18 7
379 15 7
Given under our hands Dated as above
Michael (x) Teevidarfor
Wolfgang (x) Newdomer
(Lancaster County Court House)
The final resting place of this pioneer settler is not known although it is supposed that he is buried in the cemetery on his plantation at Zeltenreich Church.
3. Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa., MSS Room, Taylor
Papers vol. 12 #2486 and 2488. also Lancaster County Historical Society Papers vol xxviii pp. 8 and 9.
4. Lancaster County Historical Society Papers vol. xx p. 168.
5. Lancaster County Court House, Lancaster, Pa., Deed Book B, p. 483.
6. Hist. Soc. Pa. MSS Room, Penn-Phvsick Papers vol 5 p. 74.
7. Ibid.

1. George d 1788; m (l) Elizabeth Meyer, (2) Maria Cayunta
2. Eve m Earhart Gluse
1. GEORGE SELDOMRIDGE d 1788; m (1) Elizabeth Meyer (2) Anne Mary Cayunta, lived on the Plantation received from his father and in 1771 was taxed 16 shillings for 126 acres of land, 3 horses, 5 head of cattle and no servants. During the American Revolution in 1782 the tax was

13 pounds, 18 shillings, and 8 pence for 120 acres of land, 3 horses 4 head of cattle and no servants. This was a trying period in the history of our country. How the families ever kept their land over the war and still won a war is a mystery. On February 1, 1781 the Executive Council of Pennsylvania declared that Continental money should be received for taxes, but on June 1, 1781 an act of Assembly went into effect that only specie, or bills of credit equivalent thereto, should be received. It is a miracle that only six acres was lost during the war, and it is highly possible that this was sold simply to accommodate neighbors who wished to buy land. Between the years 1760 and 1771 eighty-eight acres were sold off the original tract.

On July 19, 1786 George Seltenreich, Sr. appears on a German subscription list to the tune of 7 shillings and 6 pence as subscription to a school building which was to be erected at New Holland through the efforts of the German Lutheran Church and its Pastor, the Rev. Frederick V. Melsheimer. The school was built with the understanding that children and heirs of the subscriber would be permitted to attend regardless of denominational affiliation. On April 24, 1897 the income from the money contributed back in 1786 was $138.36 and $130.00 of it was given to the New Holland School Board that they might provide an extra month of schooling forthe town children. In the year 1924 when the borough erected a new school building, the school board had no authority to re-instate the old town clock that had been in the old school house. The town’s people wanted the town clock to beinstalled and the money from the subscription list of 1786 was used. A monument to the Rev. Frederick V. Melsheimer was erected by the Lancaster County Historical Society in 1937 in front of the present school building. It reads: In memory of Frederick Valentine Melsheimer 1740-1814, known to science as Father of American Entomology; to religion as Lutheran Pastor here and elsewhere; to.. education as Second President of Franklin College and Founder of a Common School one block East of this site in 1787. This was the first common school built in Pennsylvania.

George made his will May 23, 1786 and it was recorded October 4, 1788. He requested that his personal estate be sold and shared by his six children. His wife was to have “a seat” in the house they now lived in and her choice of beds, one cow, necessary kitchen furniture one table; one half dozen pewter plates and table spoons, two table cloths- ‘ two hand towels, and the big chest. The one hundred and twenty-six acre plantation was to be divided into three parts. Sixteen acres went to the oldest son, John Adam. This was land lying eastward joining the Meyer farm. Fifty-five acres plus the ‘dwelling and buildings now” used went to George. Baltzer received fifty-five acres westward across Mill Creek with the new house. The girls received 100 pounds each and Magdalene was to be given a home until she married or moved of her own free will. Other provisions for his wife were stipulated. It is supposed that he is buried in Zeltenreich’s Cemetery.

3. John Adam bapt. April 8,1748
4. Martha Margaret b October 10, 1754; m March 27, 1775 John Nicholas Weber (Weaver), 5 children
*5. George b May 4, 1757, d February 9, 1821; m Elizabeth Hersh
6. Anna Maria bapt. April 8, 1759; m John Ewe (Eby)
7. Mary Magdalene bapt. May 23, 1762


8. Baltzer d 1815; m Catherine

5. GEORGE SELDOMRIDGE b May 4, 1757, d February 9, 1821; m Elizabeth Hersh (b May 29, 1762, d May 29, 1826). This grandson of Andrew lived on the land that was willed to him by his father. Here, on the south side of Mill Creek, he reared a family and farmed the land marketing his produce in Lancaster. On April 1, 1785 he petitioned the city of Lancaster to allow wagons to use High Street as a market. His name appears on the subscription list, July 19, 1786, subscribing to the school building to be built in New Holland. At the close of the American Revolution his name appears on the ‘Return of Captain Henry’s Company” (Penna. Archives Sixth Series vol ill p 632). Writing his will on January U, 1821 he died on February 9, and his will was recorded in Lancaster February 21, 1821. He directed his heirs to sell the remaining parcel of the Seld6mridge land at public sale. Isaac was permitted to farm the land until the heirs felt it could be sold at a profit. He is buried at Zeltenreich Church.

*9). John b March 8,1782, d March 2,1849; m Christianna Smoker
10. Elizabeth b February 8, 1788
11. John George b November 30,1789
*12. Samuel S. b June 30, 1793, d February U, 1857; m Christianna Glowser (Clouser)
*13. Isaac b March 24,1801, d June 17,1884; m Rachel Glauser
14. Jacob b September 30, 1802, d April 1, 1861; m Harriet Amelia Scott
*15. Benjamin b. April 1, 1808, d. April 1, 1861; m Harriet Amelia Scott
16. Mary b January 10 – (bapt. November 26,1782) m Samuel Baker
17. Sarah m Christian Harsh
18. Catherine m Abraham Miller

8. BALTZER SELDOMRIDGE bapt. May 15, 1766 by Rev. Frederick J.Berger d 1815; m Catherine (d 1828). On the death of his father, George, he inherited fifty-five acres of land on the west side of Mill Creek. He sold his land and moved to the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. Following the revolution there was a general migration of families into the Shenandoah Valley. The Lowdermilk family, a neighbors Mill Creek family, went to Virginia and settled near Baltzer. In 1787 Michael Coiner left New Holland and went to Augusta County, Virginia where he purchased 303 acres of land on the South River where a Union (Lutheran and Reformed) Church bearing the name Coiner was founded. This church is now Lutheran and is known as Trinity Church, and is located near Waynesboro, Virginia.

It is not known what year Baltzer migrated to Virginia. In 1786 his ‘name appeared on “A Return of Captain Henry’s Company” in Pennsylvania. In the 1790 Census Records for the United States, Baltzer is not listed in Pennsylvania or Virginia. But on April 8, 1790 in Augusta County, Virginia, Baltzer’s name appears on the tax lists. In 1797 he purchased from Gordon and Ann White, two tracts of land each comprising 120 acres making a total of 240 acres. This plantation, lying on the south side of South River, was part of a tract of 243 acres granted to Isaac White by patent dated September 20,-1748.

In 1801 he is taxed for 170 acres of land and in 1810 for 128. The plantation is described as being 10 miles southwest of Staunton, Virginia and adjoining the land of Isaac Moore. (Staunton was a thriving settlement visited by Rochefoucalt in 1797, who claimed it had 9 inns,


15-18 stores, 800 people, 2 market days every week with fresh meat selling at 8 cents per pound. People passed through Stauntan on their way to the medicinal springs or to sell goods or to take up land in Greenbriar County or the Carolinas. Goods in stores came from Philadelphia and Baltimore. Thomas Jefferson in 1796 tried to establish an agency to sell nails here but failed.) His wife Catherine is listed as owning 128 acres in 1816. By the year 1818 the plantation had decreased to III acres and is called Providence. Sometimes the place is called Hermitage.

In 1810 the value of the property was $3960.00. That was for 128 acres. For the same amount of land left to Catherine by her husband in 1816 the same value is given, but suddenly in 1820 after only 17 acres had been sold off the value dropped to $1443.00. Waddell in his “Annals of Augusta County” informs us that shortly after the War of 1812 there was ready sale for land in Augusta County, Virginia. Land prices were extremely low in Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Missouri and whole families moved west as their fathers had come south. In 1846 a citizen of Augusta County visited relations in Illinois. While there two others arrived on horseback and claimed that after they crossed the Ohio river thev slept in the house of a farmer Augusta County man every night.

Catherine held most of the land while she lived. At her death it began to disappear. 1834 held the last 1 1/4 acres by George and this is soon released. The entire family migrated to a new section of the country. Today it is a bit hard to us to see how individuals could pick up and leave their homes and friends ‘ but most of them were only one generation from Europe where unrest was the order of the day. Even Andrew moved his home and family at least once that we known about after he arrived in America. He moved from the place on the old provincial road near Strassburg, Pa., to the Mill Creek Settlement near New Holland, Pa.

Because people were willing to move, America was built by its own pioneers. ­Moreau de St. Mery, a Creole from the Fre7nch West Induies who was mixed up in the French Revolution and sought refuge in the United States at Philadelphia, kept a diary between the years 1793 and 1798.. By permission of the translators, Kenneth Roberts and Anna M. Roberts I quote a paragraph from his diary. “Americans, indifferent in love and friendship, cling to nothing, attach themselves to nothing. There is plenty of evidence of this among country dwellers. Four times running they will break land for a new home, abandoning without a thought the house in which they were born, the church where they learned about God, the tombs of their fathers, the friends of their childhood, the companions of their youth, and all the pleasures of their first society. They emigrate, especially from north to south, or toward the outermost western boundary of the United States on the Ohio. Everywhere, even in Philadelphia, which is Americals outstanding city, everything is for sale, provided the owner is offered a temptino- price. He will part with his house, his carriage, his horse, his dog-anything at all.” (Page 279 Moreau De St. Mery’s American Journey 1793-1798 translated and edited by Kenneth and Anna M. Roberts. Doubleday and Co., Inc. 1947).


Baltzer’s Revolutionary Record is found in the same place as his brother
George, Pennsylvania Archives Sixth Series vol. III page 631.

At his death the following inventory was taken:
I red cow calf 15.00 1 Cutting Box 4.00
1 Black Cow Calf 12.00 1 Stock rye
I Black Cow Calf 15.00 supposed to be 18 bushels @ 3 9.00
1 Brindle Cow 12.00 36 Bundles of Flax 4.50
1 Bull10.00 1 Plow double trees 10.00
3 2 yr. old Calves 21.00 1 Plow ” 1 4.00
2 yearling calves 7.00 2 Shovel Plows4.50
1 Stud Horse 10.00 20 bushels Corn @3 10.00
I Gray Mare 25.00 1 Harrow 3.00
1 Bay Mare 70.00 1 Grind Stone 4.00
1 Sorrell Mare 40.003 Bee Hives 5.25
1 Colt15.00 1 Brass Nettle 7.00
1 Sow of 8 pigs 7.00I large Pot 2.50
1 Sow of 8 pigs 6.00 1 lot of pots & dutch ovens 5.00
14 shoates 16.00 2 pot racks 3.00
6 Head of Sheep 9.00 1 Frying Pan .75
1 Waggon 70.00 3 Buckets & Pates 3.00
3 pair horse harness 12.00 1 lot of Pewter 2.00
1 pair of fetters .50 1 loom & tackerings 7.00
1 Churn .33 1/3 9 bushels of potatoes 4.50
1 Lot Iron tools 7.00 2 Sickles & Hand Saw 1.00
1 Lot old Iron 1.50 6 chairs 3.00
I Cotten Wheel 3.00 1 Desk 1.50
1 Cradle .25 1 Two Plate Stove 20.00
2 Whees for Flax 6.00 9 Old flarrels 3.00
1 Reel 1.00 1 Chest 1.50
2 Tables 3.00 1 Dung Forke .25
1 Cupboard 3.00
1 Bed and Bedsteads 12.00
3 Beds and Bedsteads 36.00
2 Cow Chains 1.50
1 pa ir Dog Irons .50
Archd Stuart Jr., Alex Hall, James Best. April 25, 1815. At about continued and held for Augusta County April 25, 1815 this inventory and appraisement of the Estate of Baltzer Seldomridge dec’d being presented to the court in order to be reocrded. Test. P. Stribling (seal).
(Apparels of property made March 27, 1815. Augusta County Court House. Staunton, Virginia Will Book R page 468-469)
* 19. John b February 26, 1786; m Hannah Black
*20. George b 1800; m Hannah
21. William m Frances McCulre
22. James m Elizabeth
23. Michael m Elizabeth
24. Margaret m December 26,18H William Dice

25. Jane
26. Sarah m James Patterson
27. Elizabeth m March 10, 1814 Jacob Groh

9. JOHN SELDOMRIDGE b March 8, 1782, d January 24, 1849 or (3/2/1849); m June 4, 1807 Christianna Smoker (b February 27, 1787, d January 28, 1859). He ran the Cross-Keys Tavern at Intercourse for several years and was a member of a plain sect. He is buried at Zeltenreich’s Church.

28.Maria b March 6,1808, d July 25, 1853; m Abner Miller (b September 18, 1808, d May 24, 1884) son of Dr. Adam and Elizabeth (Sheaffer ) Miller, 5 children.
*29. John b January 5, 1817, d September 23, 1898; m Sarah Weidman
*30. George b June 21,1819, d November 21,1898; m Sarah Ann Fenninger
31.Catherine b October 8, 1821, d February 21,1849
32.Jemima b May 30,1824, d December 16, 1830
33.Elizabeth Cassandra m John Jacobs, 4 children. Moved to Wayne County, Indiana.
34.Elizabeth b 1827; m John Knox of Leacock township.

12. SAMUF.L S. SELDOMRIDGE b March 30, 1793, d February 11, 1857; m (1) November 10, 1820 Christianna Glowser (b July 20, 1801, d September 28, 1823) (2) 1829 Elizabeth Miller (b February 27, 1795, d April 21,1869). Samuel S. Seldomridge was a prosperous farmer near Stumptown in Upper Leacock Township and was a member in 1849 of the first effectual school board of the township. His family Bible is now in the possession of Mr. Ralph Seldomridge, Ephrata, Pa., and he is buried at Zeltenreich’s Church.

35.Sarah b August 8,1821, d in childhood.
36.Jacob b February 28, 1825, d March 21, 1869
37.George b April 28, 1827, d February 26, 1855
38.Joanna b August 23, 1830, d December 2, 1910, m December 22, 1857 by Daniel Hartz, George Bear (b June 30,1830, d December 26, 1896)
*39. Samuel M. b December 13,1832, d April 21,1918; m Sarah Swope.
40.Isaac b. January 8, 1835, d. January 26, 1857
41.John b February 12, 1837, d October 21, 1927; m Susan M. Fry
42.Amos b May 9,1840 d in childhood.
43.Elizabeth b March 1, 1843; m William Gross a shoemaker of Farmersville.
*44. Levi b August 20, 1846, d February 6, 1941, m Leah B. Good
45. Christian b November 14, 1848 moved to Dayton, Ohio.

13. ISAAC SELDOMRIDGE b March 24, 1801, d June 17, 1884; m Rachel Glauser (b October 24, 1802, d August 31, 1878) daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth (Eckert) Glauser. At the death of his father in 1821, Isaac was permitted to farm the Mill Creek farm until it was sold and the money distributed to the heirs. From Upper Leacock he moved into Earl township where he settled down for the remainder of his life. His home in Earl township was a substantial farm now owned by Isaac Diehm, R.D. #2. New Holland, PA. Here he lived with his wife where they kept their family around them as much as possible. Rachells parents were born in


American but her grandparents, Jacob and Catherine Herterin in Glauser, came to New Holland from Germany early in the 18th century. Her grandmother, Catherine Herterin was born in Thieringen.

After Isaac retired from farming, his sons George and Amos farmed the land for a time. There were two large orchards on the farm which bore fruit and a lane was lined with Chestnut trees. As along as he was able he attended the Lutheran Church in New Holland. There are usually three families living on the farm. His own house was double and the tenant house was a large one. As he grew old he was no longer able to walk around but was carried about in an armchair by his sons. This armchair passed to his son, Amos, who later willed it to a greater grandson, Amos. The six matching side chairs (Windsor) also are in the hands of Rev. Amos Seldomridge. His family Bible is now in the hands of Miss Mabel Knobb of Intercourse, Pa. He is buried at Zeltenriech’s Church. The obituary in the New Holland Clarion reads: June 21, 1884. On Tuesday morning last (June 17) Mr. Isaac Seldomridge an aged and much respected citizen of Earltown residing about two miles from this town, departed his life in the eighty-fourth year of his age. The deceased was for many years an upright and industrious farmer, but in later years led a retired life. Quite a number of children survive him, all of whom are well to do. The removal of Mr. Seldomridge from this stage of action. takes one of the oldest and most respect tillers of the soil in this section.

46. George b August 14, 1825, d November 16, 1890, m Anna Royer
47. Jeremiah b January 4, 1827, d November 20, 1911, m Suzannah Catherine Eckert
48. Elizabeth Jane b January 22, 1829, m Amos Skiles, 6 children
49. Isaac b December 22, 1830, d August 16, 1889; m Lucetta Thomas
50. Catherine, b March 14, 1833, d December 26, 1905; m Peter Daque to September
9, 1836, d March 17, f’914, son of Samuel and Elizabeth Daque
*5l. Jacob Glauser b March 14, 1835, d April 12, 1912, m Ellen Frankhouser
52. Rachel, b June 7, 1837
53. Benjamin Theodore b October 15, 1839, d 1923, m Sarah Summy Bursk
54. Mary Ann b February 23, 1842, d November 17, 1914, m Jonathan Hildebrand- (B November 29, 1839, d June 15, 1915), two children
55. Andrew b November 14, 1844, d January 24, 1861
56. Amos b July 7, 1847, d March 24, 1926, m Sara Jane Davis

15. BENJAMIN SELDONRIDGE b April 1, 1808, d April 1, 1861; Harriet Amelia Scott (b April 16, 1801, d May 17, 1873) daughter of Dr. Robert Hamilton and Hannah Gildersleeve Scott of New York. He was a drover and is buried at Zeltenreich’s church.

57. Lucinda Jane, b Nov. 27, 1832, d April 24, 1871, m Elias DiUen (b Oct. 11, 1827, d August 25, 1915) 1 child
*58. Justus Fordyce, b Dec. 2, 1835, d Dec. 9, 1895, m Julia Hunter
59 Milton B. b 1839
Albert Scott b 1849, d Jan. 25, 1889, Mary May Mackenzie
61.Julia Savilla d March 28, 1890 (about 38 yr. old, m Walter Russell Atkinson d May 15, 1896) 1 child


62. Harriet Marie b October 5, 1843, d 1916, m William N. Knox, 1 child
63. Ann Elizabeth b April 15, 1846, d January 6, 1908; m William Tweed (B
January 19, 1842, d August 20, 1904) 1 child

19. JOHN SELDOMRIDGE b February 26, 1786, bapt. July 23, 1786; m March 24, 1814, Hannah Black. Lived in Augusta County, Virginia.

64. William I. b December 1824, d March 1893; m Elizabeth Jane Henning
65. John b 1817
66. Luke b 1820
67. Mary b 1853 in Illinois
68. George m Nancy A.
69. David m Elizabeth
70. Peter
71. Sally
72. Lee
73. Luther
74. Orch
75. Oat

20. GEORGE SELDOMRIDGE b 1800, m Hannah (b 1805) Augusta County, VA.
76. William b 1827
77. Archibald Davis b 1829
78. Margaret b 1832
*79. John Michael b 1834 d 1931
80. Samuel b 1836
81. Sarah C. b 1841

29. JOHN SELDOMRIDGE b January 5, 1817, d September 23, 1898, m Sarah Weidman (b March 31, 1829, d February 8, 1890) daughter of John and Sarah Weidman. John taught the first public school at Intercourse, PA in 1844. He operated a store in GordonviUe R.D. was Justice of the Peace of Leacock Township 1862-1864 and was Prothonotary of Lancaster County during the Civil War. He was director of the Lancaster County Mutural Fire Insurance Company in 1883. On January 11, 1882 he -wrote his “Reminiscences of the Seldomridge Family” This writing is in the hands of Mr. Paul Seldomridge, Lancaster, PA. He is buried at Zeltenreich’s Church

82.John Albert b August 15, 1865, d May 7, 1942; m September 27, 1887 Mary E. Fenninger (b 1864) married by Rev. H. E. Liaht, German Baptist Church.
83.Sallie C. b February 18,1864, November 4, 1887 Howard J. Bair (b. 1863 d Nov. 3,1940).

30. GEORGE SELDOMRIDGE b June 21, 1819 d November 21, 1898 m December 29, 1853 Sarah Ann Fenninger (b Dec. 20, 1831, d. January 23, 1909) daughter of John F. and Sarah (Swigart) Fenninger. (John Fenninger came from Switzerland). George was a drover until he married and became a farmer in Leacock township. In 1873 he moved to Salisburg township where he ran Brackbill’s -Miu for fifteen years. After that he farmed. He was a school director of Leacock Township and auditor

of Salisbury. He was an Episcopalian and is buried at Christ Church, Leacock.

*84. John Franklin b September 2, 1855, d December 27,1914; m Anna Mary Worst
85.Sarah C. b August 31,1859, d July 27, 19U; m Samuel Warner (b November 23, 1858, d December 12, 1936)
*86. Frederick G. b June 10, 1865, d November 7,1944; m Alta Bair
87. Hannah Elizabeth m Brinton Oberholtzer
88. Aldus Martin b February 22, 1875; m Amanda Catherine Miller
89.Edwin F. b 1857, d October 13, 1942; m Anna Margaret Worst (b 1863)
He was a member of First Presbyterian Church, Lancaster and is buried at Pequea.
*90. George M. b April 14, 1862; m Mary E. Reeser

39. SAMUEL M. SELDOMRIDGE b December 17,1832, d April 21, 1918; m March 5, 1856 Sarah Swope (b July 19, 1838, d July 25, 1910) daughter of Daniel and Leah (Hiller) Swope. One of the most prominent men of Lancaster County in his day, Samuel M. was born near Bird-in-Hand and in 1846 started to clerk at J. L. and L.S. Robinsons store at Intercourse for forty dollars a year. In 1848 the store was sold to B.F. Hall and he stayed on as clerk until 1856. In Earlville he bought a store from Isaac Roland and ran it for two -years, January 1857 to January 1859 when he went to Farmersville where he bought a store from Christian Groff. Later he built a building 32 x 80 feet and did a $36,000.00 business annually. Before the War Between the States he bought commodities cheap and sold them at high prices during the war.

In 1858 he was clerk of Earl township; in 1859 under President Jarmes Buchanan he became Postmaster at Farmersville; in 1877 he became a director of the Farmer’s National Bank of Lancaster; and in 1881 its vice-president. At one time he owned three farms and three houses in addition to this store property. According to the 1870 Census, when he was 38 years old his real estate was worth $11,550.00 and his personal property $22,000-00. At the time he had two clerks at the store, Jacob Shiffer and Levi Good. This self-made man was a delegate to the Republican National Convention January 19, 1888. He is buried at Zeltenreich’s Church.

*9l. Harry Clayton b May 8,1856; m A. Clara Graybill
*92. Charles Edgar b January 15, 18 5 8, m (1) Anna 0. Myers, (2) Salindan
F. Bowman Good
93. Daniel W. b January 9, 1860, d October 15, 1862
*94. Refus Morgan b April 14,1862, d November 4, 1923, m October 7, 1886 Susan W. Buch
95.Nettie Alice b November 11, 1865, d December 21,1865; m Henry Oberholtzer
96. Lillian May b March 28,1872; m Henry W. Oberholtzer A.A.

41. JOHN SELDOMRIDGE b February 12, 1837, d October 21, 1927; m August 2, 1860 Susan M. Fry (b June 14, 1842, d December 18, 1922) daughter of John and Elizabeth Fry. John owned and operated a store in Ephrata for many years

and was one of the first directors of the Ephrata National Bank when it was organized February 4, 1881 at the Mount Vernon Hotel; President and director of Northern Mutual Insurance Company. He is buried Bergstrass Church.

97.John b 1869, d 1870 (1 year and 8 months)
*98. Jersey Theodore b February 20, 1863, d January 19, 1903; m Olivia Emma Baker
99. Jacob Fry b January 5,1861, d April 1, 1932; m Minnie A. Sprecher
100. Samuel m
101. Winfield Scott b May 15,1867, d 1932 m
102. Clara b October 20,1878; m October 18, 1904 David Lyman Hamaker, Esq. ( b March 22, 1879) son of David Lymar. and Frances Lefold Hamaker 2 children

44. LEVI SELDOMRIDGE b August 20, 1846, d February 5, 1941; m Leah B. Good (b June 20, 1846, d January 1, 1918). Levi was buried from Zeltenreich Church with service conducted by Dr. C.G. Bachman assisted by Rev. Amos L. Seldomridge. His niece by marriage, Mrs. Susan Seldomridge, widow of Rufus Morgan Seldomridge of Farmersvlle, who was 79 years old at the time was his nearest relative in attendance. He is buried at Zeltenreich’s Church.

103. Clara May b September 23, 1884, d October 15, 1897
104. Cora Levina b September 3, 1889, d February 6, 1901

46. GEORGE SELDOMRIDGE b August 14, 1825, d November 16,1890; m JanuVy 17, 1850 Anna Royer (b June 10, 1827, d June 3, 19U) for many years he lived on tITe farm belonging to his father, Isaac. He lived at the end of the lane in the tenant house and farmed the place when his father-retired. His family Bible is owned by Samuel R. Seldomridge of Blue Ball, Pa. He is buried at Zeltenreich’s Church.

*105. Isaac Royer b October 29,1850, d April 20,1899; m Lydia S. Ranck
106. Mary Elizabeth b December 22,1851; d 1931; m Ezra G. Ranck (b 1849-1923)
107. Rachel Amanda b August 29,1856; m Samuel Schnupp
108. George L. b March 17,1865, d January 2, 1932.

47. JEREMAH SELDOMRIDGE b January 4, 1827, d November 20, 1911; m September 2, 1852 Suzannah Catherine Eckert (b February 14, 1828, d November 16, 1906) daughter of Jacob Karns and Hannah (Varnes) Eckert. Jeremiah began farming in Upper Leacock township and later moved in 1864 to Leacock township. He was an Elder at Zeltenreich’s Church for 47 years and when the new church was built he put large colored windows in with money that the Eckert family had left in his care toward the new church building. He was a Republican and for nine years served as school director., After the death of Jeremiah his wife lived on the farm two miles east of Intercourse and was a highly respected citizen

of the community. She was a member of Zeltenreich Church for sixty-one years. They were married by Dr. Henry Harbaugh and are buried at Zeltenreich’s.

109. Jamima Catharine b November 7, 1853, d February 4, 1886; m John Martin Fenninger (b February 18, 1853 d May 7, 1937) son of Frederick and Hannah (Ressler) Fenninger, 5 children
110. Eckert G. b September U, 1855, d November 4,1895
111. Mary Ann b November 2,1857, d January 23,1926; m December 24,
1891 George L. Knobb (b May 8,1858, d June 11, 1946) son of George and Harriet (Garber) Knobb, 2 children.

49. ISAAC SELDOMRIDGE b December 22, 1830, d August 16, 1889; m Lucetta Thomas (b September 20, 1832, d September 10, 1919) He is buried at Ranck’s Church.

*122. Amos b 1856, d 1884, m Emma Miller
*113. Harry M. b July 3, 1857, d September 30, 19U, m Susanna Houck
114. John b 1858
115. Isaac T. b 1861
116. Grant b September 9, 1862, d July 26, 1941
117. Annie M. b March 17, 18 6 3, d May 11, 18 9 3
118. Benjamin b 1865
119. Rachel Mae b 1868
120. Clara
121. Albert

51. JACOB GLAUSER SELDOMRIDGE b March 14,1835, d April 12,1912; m Ellen Frankhouser (b October 12, 1836, d September 29, 1908) He owned the home place after his father died and later moved to a farm near New Holland. His brother, Amos, lived on a farm opposite. These farms were Kinzer farms. He is buried at Zeltenreich’s Church.

122. Cora Elizabeth b 1866, d 1926; m George F. Diller (b 1851,
d 1924) 1 child.
123. Jacob Harvey b February 25,1868, d June 26, 1891; m Amanda E. Mentzer
124. Mary Ann Viola b February 18,1870, d June 21,1925; m Elam Myer
125. Rachel Lucetta m December 22,1885 Samuel S. Snyder (b 1858)
b 1864

53. BENJAMIN THEODORE SELDOMRIDGE b October 15,1839, d 1923; m Sarah Summy Bursk (b 1844, d 1930) daughter of Robert Bursk whose great grandfather alone escaped from Indians that had captured him and his two brothers. Benjamin was a saddle maker living at Monterey, Upper Leacock township. He was school director of the township 1876 and 1879 and was one of the trustees of the United Brethren in Christ Church there. Also a superintendent of the Sunday School. He is buried at Heller’s Church.

*I26. Robert Clayton b December 31, 1862, d January 1938, m Harriet
E. Sample.

127. Catherine B. b January 31, 1864; M. Oarius Simmons
128. Ella May b November 16, 1865, d March 1947; m December 14, 1897 Frank K. Good (b 1865)
*129. Isaac Newton b September 30,1868; m Adele Kendig
*130. Howard Garfield b December 14, 1881; m Martha McKinley

56. AMOS SELDOMRIDGE b July 7, 1847, d March 24, 1926; m Sara Jane Davis (b June 16, 1843, d February 19, 1924) daughter of Benjamin and Rachel (Becker) Davis. He farmed his father’s farm for some time and later moved across from his brother Jacob near New Holland on one of the Kinzer farms. Sara was noted for her excellent cooking and guests were plentiful from around New Holland as well as from Philadelphia where her sister lived. In later years she was confined to a wheel chair but this did not stop her from cooking. If she could not reach the cupboard she would wheel herself to the front of the house and call in the first passerby to help her. On her eightieth birthday she announced that ‘ she was fifty years old. Her family Bible is owned by Frank Showalter of New Holland. They are buried at the New Holland United Brethren Church.

131. Rachel b January 20, 1870, d January 13, 1948; m October 17, 1890 (Rev. J.H. Meridith) Harry Grube. 2 children.
*132. Andrew Clayton b October 25,1873; m Mary Margaret Hammond
133. Catherine b May 25,1880, d May 21,1938; m Frank Chowalter

58. JUSTUS FORDYCE SELDOMRIDGE b December 2,1835; d December 9,1895; m Julia Hunter (b November 2, 1839, d December 12, 1897) daughter of John Carson and Ann (Bradley) Hunter. Justus was born in Leacock Township and met his wife and married her in 1859. From 1855 until about 1860 he ran a store in Intercourse which he sold to Amos and J.H. Rutter. He began his merchantile business in Philadelphia sometime in the 60s. His Philadelphia home was in Rosemont where he helped to establish the Presbyterian Church and served as one of its first Elders. While in Philadelphia he met and became a close friend of John Wannamaker. Wannamaker entertained the Seldomridge family in his Jenkintown home as well as in Washington D.C. while he was Postmaster General.

On March 31, 1865 Justus F. and Julia sold land at Intercourse to Dr. William L. Diffenderfer of New Holland. In 1874 he bought from Albert Seldomridge certain land in Intercourse. His health broke and he was advised to move West to regain his strength. The family removed to Colorado Springs where he went into sheep raising and owned a large ranch and conducted a grain business. The grain business was later taken over by his sons. At times he would ship 100,000 head of sheep into Kansas City. These sheep were bought in the southwest and fattened for market. Before his death he became interested in a productive silver mine known as the Old Man mine.

134. Harry Hunter b October 1, 1864, d November 21, 1927; m Irene Stillman Barnes
135. Charles Benjamin b January 12, 1866, d April 9, 1937
136. Harriet Julia b November 15, 1874; m Henry Williamson Hoagland, M.D., 3 children

60. ALBERT SCOTT SELDOMRIDGE b J.848, d January 25, 1889; m Mary May Mackenzie

137. Justus S. b August 8, 1873, d March 23, 1874
138. Albert S. b. or d ?January 25, 1888

64. WMLIAM L. SELDOMRIDGE b December 1824, d March 1893; November 4, 1852 Elizabeth Jane Henning (b January 1834, d May 9,1922) Virginia.

139. Alpha d 1873
*140. Newton D. b October 31,1875
*141. Floyd
142. Ollie
143. John
144. Hannah (twin)
145. Martha (twin)
146. Samuel
147. Margaret
148. Walter
149. Josie

79. JOHN MICHAEL SELDOMRIDGE b 1834, d 1931, m McAllister, Virginia.

*150. Otis Hampton
151. LoueRa m Blaker, Lewisburg, West Virginia
152. Alicia m McCoy, Frankford, WestVirginia
153. Nint m McDowell, Frankford, West Virginia
154. James Hinton, West Virginia

82. JOHN ALBERT SELDOMRIDGE b August 15, 1865, d May 7, 1942; m September 21, 1887 Mary E. Fenninger (b October 1, 1844) daughter of Frederick and Hannah (Ressler) Fen ‘ ninger, He succeeded his father in the store business at Gordonville R.D. and later operated a store in Elizabethtown, Pa. He is buried at Zeltenreich’s Church.

155. John Fenninger b September 4, 1889, d April 18, 19U
155a. Sara Myrtle b 1894; m October 22, 1921 Ira Claude Schlauch (b 1892) son of Amos R. and Huldah C. Srobst Schlauch of Schuylkill County.
*156. Paul b February 15, 1899; m Estella Keckler
*157. Fred b February 28,1905; m Miriam Bucher

84. JOHN FRANKLIN SELDOMRIDGE b September 2,1855, d December 27,1914; m Anna Mary Worst (b March 31, 1856, d March 2, 1934) daughter of Samuel and Nancy (Kurtz) Worst. He ran the White Horse Hotel. (The White Horse was built before the Revolution and kept by John Hopkins. When Congress sat at Lancaster, George and Martha Washington stopped over night at this tavern on their way to Lancaster). He is buried at the Pecuea Presbyterian Church.


* 158. Edwin Smith b January 6, 1877; m Cora Mae Shertz
159. Bessie Irene b June 8, 1882; m Elmer Wanner, I child
160. Amanda Agnes b December 1, 1883; m Chester Di.Uer, Esq.
*161. John Franklin b June 11, 1887; m Jeneva Bell Bunn
*162. Roscoe Colkin b October 4,1889; m Mary Blanche McClure
163. Ruth Anna b November 24,1891; m John Hess
*164. George Worst b May 20,1895; m Anna Mae Harvey Finnegan

86. FREDERICK G. SELDOMRIDGE b June 10, 1865, d November 7, 1944; m December 27, 1900 Alta Bair (b May 2, 1876, d March 2, 1945) daughter of Eckert and Fianna (Hoover) Bair. (m by Rev. Albert Steinhaeuser of N.H.).

*165. Frederick b August 12, 1903; m F. Elizabeth Givler
166. Raymond E. b March 26, 1907, d August 20,1910
167. Park LeRoy b February 26,1905; m April 15,1945 Mary Weaver dgtr. Amos and Margaret Weaver
168. Rugh b May 1, 1910; m May 7,1932 Walter Grow son of Harry and Jennie Grow, 2 children
169. John b February 17, 1913

88. ALDUS MARTIN SELDOMRIDGE b February 22, 1875; m October U, 1899 Amanda Catherine Miller (b March 23, 1872) dgtr of John Isaac and Anna Martha (Smoke) Miller. John Isaac Miller was in the war between the States. Aldus Martin Seldomridge is a retired farmer living in Honey Brook Chester County. For many years Aldus was Sheriff of Chester County and is daughter Nellie was deputy sheriff.. He is an Episcopalian and attends St. Marks. (They were married by Rev. I.G. Smoker at Cambridge).

170. Anna Mae b March 19, 19 0 0; m June 3 0, 19 2 0 Walter White son of Arthur and Eva (Shirk) White, 2 children.
171. Elsie Marie b October 4,19 01; m March 3 0, 19 2 0 Gideon C.
Burton son ofRev. Gideon C. and Francis (Merrick) Burton, 2 children
172. Leon Miller b November 13,1903; d. June 1970 m October 8,1930 Ellen Bolig
dgtr. of Edwin and Kate Bolig
173. Edwin Roy b July 26, 1905, d February 6, 1922
174. Nellie Amanda b June 6,1907; m April 10, 1928 John 0. Donovan son of Mrs. Ellen Donovan
175. George Samuel b January 20,1910, m July 3,1938 Helen McCarden
176. Bessie Martha b August 4, 1914; m June 1, 1940 Carl Baulo, 3 children
177. Lula Elizabeth b February 14, 1914; m August 26, 1934 Donald G. Davis son of Harry and Ruth Davis
*178. John Aldus b June 1, 1916, m Theda Kathleen Snader

90. GEORGE M. SELDOMRIDGE b April 14, 1862, d July 18, 1948; m February 10, 1898 Mary E. Reeser (b December 23, 1866) dgtr John and Catherine (Wanner) Reeser. George was a farmer of Salisbury township, a member of historic St. John’s Episcopal Church at Compass.
179. Aldus Reeser b December 19, 1899 Farmer of Salisbury township and president of School Board.
180. Anna M. b October U, 1902.

91.HARRY CLAYTON SELDOMRIDGE b May 8,1856, d October 22,1940; m
1. December 1879, A. Clara GraybiR (b December 6, 1856, d November 8, 1919)
2. Barbara B. (b October 23, 1879). He was a merchant at Mothsville and ran a lumber and coal business.

181. Mabel G. b March 9,1884, d April 3,1910; m Brown 1 child
182. Florence G. b July 14,1881, d April 19, 1945
182a. Esther G. d June 28, 1889.

92. CHARLES EDGAR SELDOMRIDGE b January 15, 1858, bapt. 1859; m 1. December 1880 Anna 0. Myers (d July 20, 1921) m 2. August 19, 1922 Salindan F. (Bowman) (Good) (b 1874) dgtr John L. and Catherine Strohl Bowman.

183. Harry Myers d 1919
*184. S. Melvin b October 15,1884; m Margaret

94. RUFUS MORGAN SELDOMRIDGE b, April 14,1862 d November 4, 1923, m October 7, 1886 (Trinity Lutheran, Lanc.) Susan W. Buch (b September 21, 1862, d March 5, 1943) dgtr of Isaac R. and Rebecca Weidler Buch. Rufus was born at Farmersville and was a merchant there for twenty-eight years. For the same length of time he was postmaster. He is buried at Zeltenreich’s.

185a. Blanche G. b October 2, 1887, d November 9, 1887
185. Ralph McKinley b October 9, 1898; m June 25, 1923 Hattie Mae Sweigart (b May 12, 1897, d February 8, 1935) dgtr of Harvey M. and Ada (Fassnacht) Sweigart. 2. Amelie N. Novotny (b August 14,1905) dgtr dgtr George and Anna (Moss) Novotny.
186. Esther Grace b June 28, 1889; m Jeremiah Longenecker son of Linn and Mary (Sellers) Longenecker, 4 children.

98. JERSEY THEODORE SELDOMRIDGE b February 2O,l863, d January l9, 1903; m Olivia Emma Baker (b March 16, 1870, d August 12, 1933) June 22, 1889 dgtr Andrew M. and Mary Ann (Longenecker) Baker.

187. Laura B. b October 29, 1890; m Richard P. Head (b August 7, 1893;
d December 21, 1941) February 24, 1920, 2 children.
188. Helen B. b November 17, 1894, d October 17, 1918; m September 19, 1918
G. L. Werner

99. JACOB FRY SELDOMRIDGE b January 5, 1861, d April 1, 1932; m December
31, 1891, Minnie A. Sprecher dgtr 1 child


19 0. John
191. Winfield Scott
192. Donald

105. ISAAC ROYER SELDOMRIDGE b October 29,1850, d April 20,1899; m Lydia
S. Ranck (b October 8,1851, d November 26,1935). He is buried at Ranck’s.

*193. Samuel R. m Sabina Overly
194. Walter Ranck b August 24,1872, d November 7,1901; m Maggie (b August 23, 1869, d october 21, 1930) December 16, 1897.
195. Sarah M. Woodward
*196. Marcus Garfield b January 21,1879; m Emma Cauller
197. Anna F. m June 3, 1913 Clement Devvonshire
198. Isaac Charles b October 24,1882, d November 8,19U
199. Mary Ruth b July 21,1893, d October 12, 1894

112. AMOS SELDOMRIDGE b 1856, d 1884, m Emma Miller (b 1858, d 1947)

200. Ella b May 1880
201. Adda b 1882 m October 15, 1903 John Zorn (b 1881)

113. HARRY M. SELDOMRIDGE b July 3,1857, d September 30,19U; m Suzannah Houck (b October 5, 1862, d April 22, 1934)

202. Anna May b 1884; m April 22,1901 Alfred G. Kline son of Maggie Wier

123. JACOB HARVEY SELDOMRIDGE b February 25, 1869, d June 26, 1891, m Amanda E. Mentzer (b 1871 m April 25,1895 John Fred Stauffer)

203. Elsie May b February 28, 1892, d March 2, 1892
204. Parke H. b 1889, d May 31, 1941; m Mary Geist (b 1886).

126. ROBERT CLAYTON SELDOMRIDGE b December 31,1852, d January 1938; m June 16, 1886 Harriet E. Sample (b 1865, d 1924) dgtr Dr. and Mrs. S.R. Sample of Intercourse. In 1879 he began to clerk in the Lancaster store of D.S. Bursk where he worked for twelve years. He managed a branch store for a Philadelphia concern for three years. He bought this 30 x 90 foot store at 18 and 20 North Queen Street, Lancaster and sold imported French peas, mushrooms, olives, and olive oil among other things. His canned goods bore his own labels. later he opened a store at 6 and 8 North Queen Street. He was a member of St. John’s Luthern Church and is buried at Leacock Presbyterian Meeting House along the Old Road.
205. Herbert Sample b November 9, 1885, d February 13, 1887
206. Edgar Harold b October 16, 1894, d October 22, 1894
207. Charles Raymond b March 6,1905, d March 8,1905
208. Dorothy
209. Robert B.
210. Edna R.
211. Floren,ce A.
212. Helen E.
*2l3. S. Warren b 1898; m Dorothy E. McLane

129. ISAAC NEWTON SELDOMRIDGE b September 30, 1868; m July 26, 1889 Adele Kendig dgtr Hiram and Mary Kendig

214. Miriam b September 9,1891, d November 8,1899
215. Katherine Gertrude b May 13, 1894
*216. Howard Edmund b September 10, 1904; m Pearl V. Wells

130. HOWARD GARFIELD SELDOMRIDGE b December 14,1881; m Martha (Barat) McKinley (b September 17, 1885, d April 3, 1923) dgtr Charles and Cora McKinley. Howard attended Curray College of Oratory in Boston, Mass, and after three years graduated may 6,1903. On May 8 he gave a recital at the Martin Auditorium of the YMCA in Lancaster, PA. He taught at Oklahoma University.

217. Charles M. d October 24,1944. He was killed in action in the second World War. He was a Second Lieutenant in the Infantry. He was aboard a Japanese prisoner of war ship which sailed from Manila, Philippine Islands, on October U, 1944. On October 24, 1944 the vessel was sank by submarine action in the South China Sea over 200 miles from the Chinese coast which was the nearest land. Nine of 1775 prisoners aboard were saved.
218. Thomas m Eula Mae Tate

132. ANDREW CLAYTON SELDOMRIDGE b October 25,1873 m March 10 1893 (by
Rev. Fred R. Rucley) Mary Margaret HammoRd (b March 15, 1872 October 14,1946)dgtr Martin Lybrand and Emma Caroline (Kurtz) Harmond. In addition to theregular school course offered by the public school system in NewHolland, Clayton took several summer courses. He kept atoU gate east of New Holland on the Horse HorseRoad; ran astore on Jackson Street, and Farmed near Ranck’s Church. Lester R. Kackel wrote apoem about Seldomridge’s store on Lemon HUI

1. The dearest spot on earth to me is Seldomridge’s store;
With pictures hanging on the wall and Snipes upon the floor.

2. And when the bunch is seated; on the boxes and the chairs;
Somebody breaks a windowpane and Clate begins to swear.

3. Then Seldomridge gets madder and he soon begins to rave;
And that’s the time the whole bunch thought they’d better dig their grave.

4. But Seldomridge gets cool again; and puts a new pane in;
Clate said he wished that window panes were all made cut of tin.

5. As to the bunch thats seated there; they all have occupations;
Among the faces what are seen is Kell’s and his relations.

6. And shortly Lutz’s face is seen; six feet above the floor;
And just about that time young Clate comes walking in the door.

7. Among the guys from up the street, Fat Smith is numbered there, And Isaac Davis, Ashur Ames, Booze Wolfe and Dewey Bair.

8. And others there of fair renoun; Are Unk and Squirrel and Peep;
And Robert Bair has left us now because he needs more sleep.

9. Bill Snade too has left us, but his face we can’t forget,
And the hours that he’s missing, I am sure we’ll all regret

10. Tinker Snyder too is present, on his face he has a smile;
And there is John Brubaker who has come about a mile.

11. Another in that brilliant place, is Shorty’s brother, Fred;
Instead of being where he is, He ought to be in bed.

12. George Stauffer has his name plate; on the mighty roll of fame;
Another guy is Arthur Brill who walks a little lame.

13. Gumshoe Hoffman sits with Clatie, and his brother, Marty, too;
Another rube is J.E. Weaver, who is often nicknamed “Jew”.

14. Some other nuts are Rufus Myers, Runt Kendig and his brother;
From down the line is Biddy Ranck, Pate Brimmer is another.

15. And last of all but not the least. is seated on the chair-
­A worthy gent of high esteem, Mister Welder Bair.

16. Somebody pull a “hot” one off and everybody roars;
But still it is not hot enough, to open all the doors.

17. Then someone leaves that joyous threat and homeward wends his way;
To rest his head in gentle sleep and ends that perfect day.

18. But in the ‘ crowd that lingers there, an argument is started;
Before it ends, Clate closes up, and most of us are parted.

19. When everything is silent, we all receive a thrill;
For somehow yet, we can’t forget, that stone on ‘Lemon Hill’.

Clayton is retired and lives on his farm near Ranck’s Church. He is a member of the church.

* 219. Willis Hammond b October 14,1893, d June 15,1935; m Helen Mary Ranck.
220. Emma Kathryn b April U, 1898; m Edwin Coldren, 3 children
221. Clayton W. b August 26, 1907; m Ethel Morgan (b July 10, 1909) dgtr. Bud and Ella (Russell) Morgan
222. Evelyn b April 13, 1913; m Kenneth Houck (b August 8, 1918) son of Harry and Elsie (Swarthaffer) Houck. 2 children

134. HARRY HUNTER SELDOMRIDGE b October 1, 1864, d November 2,1927; m Irene Stillman Barnes. He was born in Philadelphia, Pa., where he attended the public schools; moved to Colorado Springs February 1878 and graduated from Colorado College 1885; city editor of the Colorado Springs Gazette 1886-1888; became engaged in the grain and hay business being treasurer of the Seldomridge Grain Company which operated extensively in Colorado and adjoining States. He was adelegate to nearly every Democratic State Convention in Colorado beginning 1885; delegate to the Democratic National Convention 1896; member of the Colorado State Senate two terms, 1897-1905; member and president of the State Charter Convention, Colorado Springs which adopted the Commission form of Government 1909; elected as a Democrat to the Sixty-third Congress, March 4, 1913­March 3, 1915; unsuccessful candidate for re-election in 1914 to the Sixty-fourth Congress; resumed former business pursuits; receiver of the Mercantile National Bank of Pueblo 1915-1923; appointed public trustee of El Paso County, Colorado by Governor Sweet. He was a Presbyterian and is buried in the Evergreen Cemetery. He was buried on Lot 60 Block 17 but in October 1929 his remains were cremated and his ashes placed in the foundation of the monument on Lot 1 Block 39 of the Seldomridge-Barnes Plot.

223. Gerald B. b March U, 1891, d March 30,1919
224. Harry Hunter b July 21, 1908, d July 26, 1908

140. NEWTON D. SELDOMRIDGE b October 31,1875 m

*225. Lawrence Newton b April 8,1903 m May Lucile Dunlap
226. Lillian Marle b August 2,1901 d.Mar. 1974.
227. Hazel Alva b December 27, 1910


228. Arthur
229. Emery


230. Pauline m Walter D. Deffinbaugh
*231. Charles L. m Madeline V. Page
232. Archibald Davis
233. Cecil H.
234. Robert E. United States Army Master Sergeant of Fort B. Harrison, Indianapolis, Indiana.
235. Rose m Glenn
236. John

237. Infant
238. Infant

156. PAUL SELDOMRIDGE b February 15, 1899; m April 2, 1920 Estella Keckler (b October 31,1897) dgtr Jacob 0. and Daisy Mae (King) Keekler.
Paul has served on the Consistor@ of Zeltenreich’s Church for the past twenty-five years. He was a member of the Borough Council and Chief Burgess of New Holland 1937-1941; a member of the Borough Authority and served as its treasurer 1940; director of a number of civic organizations while living in N.H. He moved to Lancaster during the War of 1942 and,is a travelling salesman.

239. Kenneth b April 1, 1922; m June 2,1946 Dorothy S. Landis (b April 22,1921) dgtr Ralph S. and Mabel (Shaub) Landis.
240. J. Albert b March 16, 1929

157. FRED SELDOMRIDGE b February 28, 1905; m November 3, 1929 Miriam Bucher (b 1905) dgtr Adam 1. and Laura (Walters) Bucher.

241. Nancy

158. EDWIN SMITH SELDOMRIDGE b January 6, 1877, m June 20,1907 Cora Mae Shertz (April 3, 1876, d August 31, 1946) dgtr Cyrus M. and Mary Mentzer Shertz. He is a member of Bellvue Presbyterian. Church- at Gap- and is retired at Cochranville.

242. Sally b July 26,1908, m Richard B. Reynolds 1 child.

161. JOHN FRANKLIN SELDOMRIDGE by June U, 1887; m June 15, 1921 Jeneva Bell Bunn (b January 15, 1894) dgtr Charles W. and M. Elena (Mast) Bunn. He is a member of Pequea Presbyterian Church and lives in SaUisbury township.

243. Infant b. Nov 7,1922, d November 7,1922
244. John Franklin b July 3,1924
245.m September 8,1949 Lois Anna Spotts dgtr Eugene and Spotts.
245. Mary Jane b July 27,1926 –
246. Andrew Bonn b July 28,1937

162. ROSCO COLKLIN SELDOMRIDGE b October 4,1889; m January 4,1912 Mary Blanche McClure (b July 4, 1888) dgtr John Kelso and Kesiah (Eckert) McClure. They live at Atglen.

247. Vera b March 18, 1913; m August 24, 1937 Arthur D. Bair son of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Bair. Live Ridley Park.
248. Mary Janet b August 30,1916; d 1936

249. Jay Kay b August 27,1924, d April 17, 1944 Member of Latta Memori Presbyterian Church, Christianna.

164. GEORGE WORST SELDOMRIDGE b May 20, 1895; m July 12,1933 Anna Mae Harvey Finnegan dgtr Curtis and Mabel Harvey. He is a member Pequea Pres. Church and lives in Salisbury township.

250. Anna Mary b October 1, 1933.

165. FREDERICK SELDOMRIDGE b August 12, 1903; m July 3, 1930 F. Elizabeth Givler (b November 15, 1910) dgtr William and Sophia Givler. He is a farmer Salisbury township living in a stone mansion built by Solomon and Marth Wanner 1862.

251. Edith T. b December 17,1932
252. Fred G. b January 30, 1935
253. Alta E. b July 4, 19 4 3

178. JOHN ALDUS SELDOMRIDGE b June 1, 1916; m August 28, 1938 Theda Kathleen Snader dgtr Jacob K. and Martha Snader. Kenilworth, Pa.

254. Alexander b July 26,1940
255. Jane b September 24, 1943


256. Dorothea
257. Marion

193. SAMUEL R. SELDOMRIDGE m Sabina Overly

*258. Lloyd m September 26, 1931 Ella Goldren

196. MARCUS GARFEBLD SELDOMRIDGE ; January 21,1879; m December 3,1902
EmmaCauUer b September U, 1883, d December 24, 1945) David S. and Rachel
(Boley) CauUer.

*259. Maurice Cauliler b April 26,’1904; m Laura Pyott
260. Grace Cauller b September 20,1907; m May 5,1926 Philip RufneU 1 child
*261. Clair Cauller b June 18,19U; m Eleanor Gregg
262. Gladys CauRer b December 19,1916; m July 17,1939; Bayard Barnes I child

204. PARKE H. SELDOMRIDGE b 1889, d May 31, -1941; m Mary Geist (b 1886) Parke was a farmer of West Sadsbury township, Chester Co. for twenty-five years. He was road supervisor for many years and is a member of Atglen Presbyterian Church.

263. Raymond b 1915, d July 31, 1920

213. S. WARREN SELDOMRIDGE b 1989; m Dorothy Elizabeth McLane (b 1892) dgtr Albert K and Mary Jane Martin McLane.

*264. Robert M. b 1918, d July 29, 1947; m Evelyn Leaman

216. HOWARD EDMUND SELDOMRIDGE b September 10, 1904; m Pearl V. Wells (b November 13, 1912) dgtr William and Estella Wells. Philadelphia.

265. Howard Newton b June 10, 1935

219. WILLIS HARMOND SELDOMRIDGE b October 14, 1893, d- June 15, 1935; m June 6, 1917 Helen Mary Ranck (b February 7, 1897 m September 12, 1937 Roy F. Marks) dgtr James Bertram and Hettie Elizabeth (Ludwig) Ranck. Willis was a private in the First World War inducted August 26, 1918 and served with the American Expeditionary Forces Company E. 164 Inf. 41 Div. in France from October 26, 1918 to February 1919. After the War he settled near New Holland and worked in the local Silk MiU. In the year 1925 he was Commander of the American Legion Connestoga Post #662. On June 15, 1935 he was killed in,an automobile accident enroute to the funeral of a Legion comrade in Philadelphia and on June 18 he was buried with military honors in the Ranck’s Church Cemetary.

266. Amos Leon b January 13,1920 Chaplain USNR

225. LAWRENCE NEWTON SELDOMRIDGE b April 8, 1903 d. Jan 1971; m October 8, 1930May Lucile Dunlap (b March 2, 1906) dgtr Robert Finley and Emma May (Wysor) Dunlap. (Emma May Wysor is the daughter of the Honorable J. C. Wysor of Pulaski, Virginia.) Virginia.

267. Robert Lawrence b August 8, 1931
268. Finley Dunlap b July 9,1935
231. CHARLES L. SELDOMRIDGE m Madeline V. Page – Virginia
269. Elizabeth b 1922
270. Harry Cecil b 19
271. June b 1925

258.-LLOYD SELDOMRIDGE m September 26,1931; Ella Goldren

272. Joan

259. MAURICE CAULLER SELDOMRIDGE b April 26,1904; m July 18,1925 Laura
Pyott. Kennett Square, Pa.

274. Richard Alton b August 4, 1925 He enlisted in the Navy April 1945 and trained at SampsonN.Y. He was S2/c February 8, 1946 when he had his first sea duty on shake down cruise of the F.D. Roosevelt in Cuban Waters.
275. Lois Claire b August 24, 1930
276. Everrett Alan b June 20, 1935
277. Janice Fay b July 2, 1937
278. Brinton Maurice b October 24, 1944

261. CLAIIL CAULLER SELDOMRIDGE b June 18, 19U; m April 18, 1934 Eleanor Gregg. Roselle, Delaware.

279. Janet Claire b October 17, 1944

264. ROBERT M. SIF.LDOMRIDGE b 1918t d July 29, 1947; m Evelyn Leaman dgtr Mrs. Samuel Resh. Robert was a Captain of the United States Army entering the army in 1941 and winning his wings at Marga, Texas. he went overseas in Europe May 1944 and returned August 1945. He held the DFC, the Air Medal with three clusters, and the Distinguished Unit Citation. After completing this war tour as a B-17 heavy bomber pilot in the Europeon Theatre he worked with robot planes. He was a member of the “First Experimental Guided Missiles Group”. He was commended by Brig. Gen. Roger M. Ramey, commanding officer of the AAF unit at Operation Crossroads, for his work in assisting in the preparation of four robot Flying Fortresses which photographed the atomic bomb explosions at Bikini in June 1946.

Capt. Seldomridge pioloted one of the “mother” planes which guided the Flying Fortresses through the radio-active cloud after the bomb exploded, to photograph the results. At Hilo, Hawaii he served on the ground crew which started two unmanned B-17 “drone” on their history making flight 2,400 miles to Murce, California in August 1946. His first experience with robot plane had come after his combat tour when he helped develope the “weary williell a guided bomber sent against heavily defended areas of Europe. The present robot planes used by the Army are refinements of these children.

280. Robert D. b June 7,1947

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