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Bruckart Hougnendobler Burial Ground, West Hempfield Township, Lancaster County


Feb 27, 2014

Bruckart Hougnendobler Burial Ground
West Hempfield Township


BRUCKART BURIAL GROUND “taken from document received from Grave Concerns” {my personal notes are in “{}”

“The Bruckart family burial ground, approximately 60 by 100 feet is on the farm of John F. Waser in West Hempfield township. It is situated in a woods and is difficult to locate. Indeed in Summer when the foliage and undergrowth are at their height, a visitor would be unable to locate it In order to find the graveyard one should turn off the Marietta turnpike at the United Brethren Church in Silver Springs village By following the dirt road in a southerly direction for half a mile leads over the railroad tracks to a dense woods. Here the traveler turns abruptly to the right, enters the woods, and about a quarter of a mile farther on the very edge of the woods he will find the burial ground. Of course the place receives no attention. It is indeed, a pitiable sight to behold: tombstones scattered on the ground almost covered with weeds and brambles; the place is scene of utter desolation. It is separated from the woods, by a dilapidated combination wire and wood fence. Adequately to describe it, one should refer to it as a place of burial in a dense woods. We visited it on April 27 1935. There were approximately 29 head stones in the graveyard at the time of our visit.

Elisabeth Bruckart Born February 25,1794;died October 7, 1830 Aged 36 years, 7 months and 12 days (note Epitaph translated from the German) {probably Elisabeth Grieder married to John Bruckart}

John Bruckart Born August 29, 1787 died April 25,1843

Magdalena Bruckart Born December 12, 1761 died June 2, 1832. aged 70 years 5 months and 21 days (note Epitaph translated from the German) {might be sister of John Bruckart}

Samuel, son of Abraham and Elizabeth Harnish Aged 33 years, 4 months and 16 days (Note Dates of birth and death are not on the tombstone)

Anna Heinnaman Born September 23, 1794 died September 23, 1873 Aged 79 years { Anna Nancy Haugendober daughter of Isaac & Elizabeth Petri Haugendobler}

Barbara Heinnaman Born December 10 1829 Aged 3 years (Note No date of death on tombstone) {probably daughter of Nancy Haugendober and Jacob Heinnaman}

Jacob Heinnaman Born February 28 1782 Aged 49 years (note no date of death on Tombstone) {probably husband of Nancy “Anna”}

John Heinnaman Born July 6, 1821 Aged 6 months (Note no date of death on Tombstone) {child of Nancy and Jacob}

John J. Y. Heinnaman Born in 1764 Aged 70 years (note no date of death on tombstone) {father of Jacob}

Maria Heinnaman Born September 23, 1812 Aged 3 years (Note no date of death on tombstone) {child of Nancy and Jacob}

Anna Haugendobler Born July 1810 died in April 1828 Aged 17 years 9 months and 10 days {child of Jacob and Catherine Erfoot}

Isack Haugendobler Born October 24 1814; died October 11 1816 Aged 1 year 11 months And 17 days (note translated for the German) {child of Jacob and Catherine Erfoot}

Anna wife of Joseph Hogendobler Born In March 1779 died May 5, 1851 Aged 72 years and 2 months {I believe this to be Anna Gartel}

Barbara Hogendobler Born July 8 1828 died February 10 1852 aged 23 years 7 months and 2 days {child of Jacob and Catherine Erfoot}

Catherine wife of Jacob Hogendobler Born January 7, 1789 died January 7 1851 Aged 62 years { I believe this is Catherine Erfoot}

Jacob A. Hogendobler Born July 30 1820 died November 6 1853 aged 33 years 3months and 6 days {child of Jacob and Catherine Erfoot}

Joseph Hogendobler Born August 1, 1779 died August 4, 1845 Aged 66 years And 3 days {son of Isaac and Elizabeth Petri Haugendobler}

Barbara wife of Nicholas Hougendobler Born October 25, 1790 died December 9 1827 Aged 37 years, 1 month and 15 days {I believe this is Barbara Gedemaker first wife of Nicholas} {Nicholas son of Isaac and Elizabeth Petri Haugendobler}

Isaac son of Nicholas and Barbara Hougendobler Born April 22 1826 (note no date of death on tombstone)

J. Hougendobler Born 1786 died August 10, 1856 Aged 70 years { I believe this is Jacob Husband of Catherine Erfoot} {son of Isaac and Elizabeth Petri Haugendobler}

John son of Nicholas and Barbara Hougendobler Born December 6 1827 (Note No date of death on tombstone)

Philip Mumma Born June 25, 1791 died February 2 1820 Aged 28 years 7 months and 7 days Note Epitaph translated from the German)

Joseph Newcomer Born December 22 1774 died March 8 1849 Aged 74 years 2 months and 15 days W. 1813. (Name Unknown)

Catherine Weller Born May 22 1806 died February 13 1885 Aged 78 years 8 months and 21 days

Jacob Weller Born March 3 1794 died September 19 1867 Aged 73 years 6 months and 16 days

Fedk. Xanders Died February 25 1863 Aged 54 Years

John J. Xanders Died in March 1827 Aged about 44 years

Juliann Xanders Died March 5 1858 Aged 76 years 1 month and 29 days

Contributed by Diane L. Hougentogler

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