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…bringing our past into the future

Introduction, Lancaster and its People, An Account of Lancaster, Pa.


Feb 27, 2014


In the following pages we give a brief epitome of the history of Lancaster city, and also a more extended account of its present condition. The historical portion treats of Lancaster from the time of its settlement to the present time. First is an interesting account of Indian sites on this locality. Then follows a history of the settlement and founding of the town and its establishment as the county-seat. Next the massacre of the Conestoga Indians is narrated. The part Taken by Lancaster in the Revolution is next dwelt upon, followed by a brief record of the events connected with the city after the Revolution. A short account of the city’s annals during the Civil War ends the general history of this shire-town. A brief historical account of the seven oldest churches of the city is next given.

Having dwelt upon the city’s history, the remaining portion of the work is devoted to a more extended account of the present condition of Lancaster-its municipality; its general condition; its religious, educational and social life and features; its commercial and financial interests ; its manufacturing industries, etc.; and finally, a brief survey of its recent and present progress and development, and its future possibilities.

It is of course impossible in a volume of this size to set forth in detail all the business establishments comprehended in a general view of the prosperity of the city. The effort has been made only to give the reader some idea of the industries and resources of Lancaster-an idea of their variety as well as of their extent. It has been shown that historical and geographical causes have contributed in no small degree to the versatility of Lancaster enterprise, as well as to the measure of success attendant upon it. These pages give a sketch of the commercial aid manufacturing activity of a busy and prosperous community.

The spirit of a business community is largely shown in the advertisement of its trade and industries. In this volume some of the leading business interests of the city are allowed ample space to tell their own story and to set forth more particularly the special features of their own trade.

It is intended by the publisher of this volume to print and circulate broadcast such an immense number of copies that the county will be literally flooded with them; so that they will reach thousands of homes from the Octoraro to the Susquehanna, from the Conewago and the South Mountain to Mason’s and Dixon’s Line; thus enabling all the patrons of this enterprise to get full equivalent for their patronage.

It will be found that only the advertisements of Lancaster’s leaders appear in this work. We represent only those who have acquired and still maintain a reputation for integrity and square dealing. The most inexperienced can deal in perfect safety with the business houses who advertise in “Lancaster and its People.”

Lancaster and its People has come to stay. The next issue will appear about January I, 1893. It will contain a number of interesting biographical sketches of some of Lancaster’s leading citizens, who have contributed much towards its progress, development and prosperity-those who by their energy and business enterprise have placed themselves in the front rank of their city’s industrial and commercial progress.

Source: Page(s) 8-10, Lancaster and Its People by I.S. Clare. Lancaster, P.A., D.S. Stauffer, 1892.

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