• Fri. Mar 28th, 2025


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1902 – 1903 Monaca Directory, Beaver County


Feb 28, 2014

Monaca Directory – 1902-1903 Contributed by Don

Monaca Directory 1902-1903

Abnarth Alexander, barber, res Atlantic ave.
Acker Mrs Christina (wid Simon) res Atlantic ave.
Ackerman John P [Alida W], hardware s s Penna ave, res Virginia ave.
ACKERMAN JOHN P, GUNS, PAINTS stoves and house furnishings. Penna Ave. Monaca
Adams Joseph A [Cora], glassblower, res Ninth
Aiken Enos, wks Steel Works, rms W M Walton
Aiken Harry, laborer, rms W M Walton
Allen Bert [Martha E] liveryman, res Indiana ave.
Allen Frank P, clerk J P Ackerman, rms Mrs M Jenkins
Allen John J [Nettie M], physician Washington ave, res same
Allen Michael, laborer, res Fourteenth
Allison Charles, wks Phoenix Co, rms J M Miller
American Express Co, Chas Houston agent, head Sixth
AMERICAN GLASS SPECIALTY CO, Jas Hogan pres, Louis Kleyle sec and treas, WA Miksch gen mgr, mfrs of decorated and enameled glassware, fine cut, decorated and enamled bottles.
Anderson Benj F [Jessie B], wks C W Bristol res Ninth
Anderton Walter, baker, res H C Weirich
Arbogast Alexander J [Agnes J] glassworker, res Washington
Arbogast Earl A barber, res Atlantic ave
Arbogast Frank J, glassblower, res Indiana ave
Arbogast James A [Annie G], asst foreman Phoenix Glass Factory No 3, res Atlantic ave
Arbogast Maud A, res Atlantic ave
Arbogast Mrs. Rachel (wid Alexander), res Indiana Ave
Armstrong Edward, wks Tub Works, rms H Onstott
Arnold Wesley, wks E S Stoops, bds same
Arzt Michael, wks Phoenix Glass Co, bds Mrs. S Tohme
Askin William P [Mary E; foreman, res Penna Ave
Aubrey Catherine H, milliner, res Washington ave
Aubrey Edith C, res Washington ave
Aubrey James M [Martha J], shoes n s Penna ave, res Washington ave
Aughenbaugh Clinton C [Nellie M], trav salesman, res Pacific
Bable Harry D [Lulu P], glasscutter, res Indiana ave
Bailey Thomas A [Ada M], barber, res Atlantic ave
Baker Avery A, wks Phoenix Co, res Washington ave
Baker Mrs. Ellen E (wid Philip), res n s Penna ave
Baker Mrs. Emily (wid George), res Indiana Ave
Baker Eva, res n s Penna ave
Baker Frank M [Arminda J], res Penna ave
Baker Mrs. Jane (wid Benjamin), res Washington ave
Baker Laura, wks G A Kirsch
Baker Robert L [Bertha B]. bkpr, res Fourth
Baker Mrs. Sarah (wid Philip), res e end Atlantic ave
Baker Vista A, asst Postmaster, res Indiana ave
Baker Zachariah T [Mary G], res Atlantic Ave
Baldridge Ezra M [Minnie C], res Penna ave
Baldwin Alben H [Alice A], res Indiana ave
Baldwin Amanda, res Atlantic ave
Baldwin Anna M, res Indiana ave
BALDWIN & BALDWIN dealers in Coal, Stone, Lime, Cement, Brick , contracting & Hauling Virginia ave
Baldwin Frank D [Emma E] (Baldwin & Baldwin), res Washington ave
Baldwin Irwing [Olive M] (Baldwin & Baldwin), res Indiana ave
Baldwin John C, res Atlantic ave
Baldwin Mary B, res Indiana ave
Banks Genevieve, waiter Point Breeze Hotel, res same
Barnett Benjamin, bookkeeper, res Indiana ave
Barnett Morris [Anna], dry goods n s Penna Ave, res Indiana ave
Barrett Ira [Minnie], res Fourth
Barro Edward, wks Steel Works, rms C D Sweet
Barry William J [Josephine], wks Phoenix Co, res Washington
Barton William, res Fifth
BATCHELOR ALONZO S (Batchelor Bros), sec and treas The Batchelor-Starrett Co, res Penna ave
BATCHELOR BROTHERS (A S and F M ), undertakers Penna
BATCHELOR BROTHERS UNDERTAKERS, Pennsylvania Ave. Monaca Telephone 218-3
Batchelor Francis M (Batchelor Bros), vice pres The Batchelor-Starrett Co, res Penna ave
BATCELOR-STARRETT CO The, A D Starrett pres, F M Batchelor vice pres, A S Batchelor sec and treas.
BATCHELOR-STARRETT CO . Furniture, carpets, dry goods, millinery, clothing, shoes Pennsylvania Ave.
Batchelor Wm S [Carrie A] supt Water Works, res Penna ave.
Bauer Peter [Anna] res Fourteenth
Baynes Mrs Jane (wid Samuel), res Washington ave
Beal J Everett [Carrie], res Dockters Hts
Bechtel Amelia, res Fourth
Bechtel Frederick [Lena ], res Atlantic ave
Bechtel M & Co (Mrs M Bechtel, H Miksch), general store n s Penna ave
Bechtel Mrs Mary (M Bechtel & Co) res Fourth
Bechtel William, res Fourth
Bedigie Henry A [Mary L], glassworker, res Washington ave
Beganski Rooney, plumber, bds Hotel Monaca
Behie George, glassworker, rms Mrs N A Rambo
Bell Charles H [Olive M], laborer, res Virginia ave
Bell George J [Maggie J], laborer, res Fourteenth
Bell George T, wks Phoenix Co, res Fourteenth
Bell Joseph S, laborer, res Fourteenth
Bell Sarah R, res Fourteen
Bender Jacob W [Elizabeth E], janitor, res Virginia ave
Bening Ann, rms G O Miller
Bening Jennie, rms G O Miller
Benko John, laborer, res Virginia ave
Berger Emil, barber P Mattauch, bds same
Beringer Mrs Emma (wid Anton), res Indiana ave
Beringer George A [Mary A], cooper, res Indiana ave
Beringer William H [Callie L], cooper, res Atlantic ave
Berkovic Embra, laborer, res Virginia ave
Berkovic Michael, laborer, res Virginia ave
Berkovic Peter, Laborer, res Virginia Ave
Berry David [Edie], propr Penna Ave Pharmacy, res same
Bestinan Angelo [Mary], laborer, res Virginia ave
Bickerstaff Alvin M, wks Phoenix Co, res Penna ave
Bida Embra, laborer, res Virginia ave
Bida Philip, laborer, res Virginia ave
Biddle Robert [Mary E], res Atlantic ave
Bimber Mrs Josephine (wid Henry), res s s Penna ave
Bimber Marie, res s s Penna ave
Bittner Beryl, student, res n s Penna ave
Bittner John E [Ida L], lunch room n s Penn ave
Black Daisy, res Eight
Black Mrs Margaret (wid George), res Eighth
BLACKLEDGE THERON L [Anna M], physician and surgeon, office and res w s Ninth, Tel 236-3
Blake Louis, laborer, J H Ivery
Blanchford Mrs Harriet (wid Albert), res Washington ave
Blatt Adolphus E, paperhanger, res Atlantic ave
Blatt Harry J, carpetlayer, res Atlantic ave
Blatt Mrs Margaret (wid August), res Atlantic ave
Blatt Sophia H, res Atlantic ave
Blume Henry, laborer, res Indiana ave
Boak Bert [Mollie], wks Steel Mill, res Eight
Boak D Roy, teamster, res Thirteenth
Boak Kenneth M, glassworker, res Thirteenth
Boak Mrs Mary A (wid Samuel), res Thirteen
Bonner Bessie V, res Indiana ave
Bonner John W [Maggie C], res Indiana ave
Booth Edward, glassworker, rms W M Walton
Borr Edward B [Elizabeth], baker s s Penna ave, res same
Borr William, wks E B Borr, res same
Boyd James B [Emma C], glassworker, res Indiana ave
Boyd John M C, res Indiana ave
Boyd Mary H, res Indiana ave
Boyer Andry, waiter Central Hotel, res same
Boyle Charles F [Flora B], glassblower, res Pacific ave
Boyle John E [Catherine A ], glassblower, res rear M Barnett
Boyle William wks Steel Works, rms GM Flick
Bradley Peter [Matilda], asst foreman Phoenix Factory No 2, res s s Penna ave
Brady Mary, wks J J Allen
Brezger John [Margaret], liquors s s Penna ave, res same
Brickner C D, clerk Batchelor-Starett Co
Bristol Charles W [Jennie], wholesale dealer in fine wines and liquors, agent Duquesne Brewing Co. Indiana
Brockett Benjamin H [Matilda M], glassworker, res Virginia ave
Brooks Oscar, wks Phoenix Co, bds J Dinsmore
Brown Andrew H, engineer, res Eight
Brown C, clerk, rms Mrs J A Adams
Brown Charles E, [Ella G], tel opr, res Fourth
Brown Euphrosyne N, res Sixth
Brown Harry H, glassworker, res Eight
Brown Ida A, res Sixth
Brown James C [Susie H], carpenter, res Atlantic ave
Brown James H, glassworker, res Eight
Brown M Mary, res Eight
Brown Mrs Nancy E (wid George), res Eight
Bruce A Halleck [Minnie], wks Phoenix Co, res n s Penna ave
Bruce Blaine C, wks Phoenix Co, res n s Penna ave
Bruce Bessie E, res n s Penna ave
Bruce Mrs Elinor A (wid Washington), res n s Penna ave
Bruce Margaret B, rms R F Cain
Bruce Oakland B [Maggie], glassblower, res s s Penna ave
Bruckner Carl, clerk, res Indiana ave
Buckner Mrs Mary (wid August ), res Indiana ave
Bruckner Max, glassworker, res Indiana ave
Bruckner Rudolph, glassworker, res Indiana ave
Bryan Harry, wks Phoenix Co, bds T P Kaye
Bryer John E [Margaret], res Ninth
Buchanan William M, wks Phoenix C, res Pacific ave
Buchheit Jacob F, res Indiana ave
Buchheit Mrs Louise (wid Michael), res Indiana ave
Burgun Annetta M, res Indiana ave
Burgun Julius A [Mary C], supt decorating dept Phoenix Glass Co, res Indiana ave
Burgun Julius A jr, decorator, res Indiana ave
Burk James, puddler, rms G A Kirsch
Burk Philip, wks Steel Works, rms G A Kirsch
Burkhart Dora, res Indiana ave
Burkhart Ida, res Indiana ave
Burkhart Harry, wks Phoenix Co, res Indiana ave
Burkhart Simon, res Indiana ave
Buckley Timothy J [Catherine M], glassworker, res Washington
Burns Amos, wks J M Reader, bds same
Burry Jacob[Caroline], barber s s Penna ave, res same
Bushko Alexander, wks Phoenix Co, res Washington ave
Bushko Anna, res Washington ave
Bushko Leopold [Mary], wks Phoenix Glass Co, res Washington
Bushko Mary, res Washington ave
Byrnes Lawrence [Mary F], wks Steel Works, res Washington
Cable Florence M, student, res Ninth
Cable John V [Elizabeth A], bowling alley Ninth, res same
Cable Thomas V, student, res Ninth
Cain Alvin M, glassworker, res G H Lias
Cain Barney, teamster, bds C M Haller
Cain Mae E, clerk Batchelor-Starrett Co, res Indiana ave
Cain Onnie, teamster, bds C M Haller
Cain Robert F [Elsie], glassworker, res Ninth
Cain William J [Minnie O], glasscutter, res Indiana ave
Caldwell Beulah K, res Hotel Monaca
Cadwell Clark, carpenter, bds Point Breeze Hotel
Caldwell Helen G, res Hotel Monaca
Cameron Earl H [Hattie S], clerk Phoenix Glass Co, res Indiana
Cammar Building and Loan Assn, J T Taylor pres, P E Koehler vice pres, N H Trumpeter sec, C M Wagner treas
Campbell Jerome, glassworker, res J J Welsh
Campbell Lemont L [Maggie], stonemason, res Atlantic ave
Cantlin James T [Eliza J], laborer, res Atlantic ave
Cantlin Leora, res Atlantic ave
Carey Catherine M, res Washington ave
Carey Daniel, res n s Penna ave
Carey Harry W, res n s Penna ave
Carey Martin W [Mary A], grocer n s Penna ave, res same
Carey Mrs Mary J, res Washington ave
Carey Mary L, teacher, res n s Penna ave
Carey Maudina, res n s Penna ave
Carey Myrtella, res n s Penna ave
Carey William M [Mary], wks Steel Works, res Viriginia ave
Carner Alice L, bookkeeper, res Ninth
Carner Elizabeth R, res Ninth
Carner George W, wks Phoenix Co, res Ninth
Carner Ira L, wks Phoenix Co, res Ninth
Carner John [Eliza J], res Ninth
Carner Mary A, res Ninth
Carner William S [Maria], carpenter, res Virginia ave
Carroll DeWitt C [Caroline C], heater, res Washington ave
Carroll Edna M, res Washington ave
Carroll Winfield S [Effie B], heater, res Washington ave
Carson Nellie I, milliner Batchelor-S Co, res cor 6th and Penna ave
Carter John, wks Phoenix Co, res J Tate
Carter Nannie, res J Tate
Case George, laborer, res Washington ave
Case Henry [Mary], laborer, res Washington ave
Case Herman, glassworker, res Washington ave
CENTERAL HOTEL C R Martin propr, cor Fourth and Penna ave
Chapman Charles, plumber, rms Mrs M A Jenkins
Christy John A [Anna B], wks Phoenix Co, res n s Penna ave
CTIZEN NATIONAL BANK The, Business Block, John T Taylor, President. John J. Allen, Vice President
Clark Edwin M [Margaret], rougher, res Virginia ave
Clark Harry, wks Heidrick & Taylor, rms H G Neillie
Clear Charles, laborer, rms J Kohn
Clear Ira [Anna E], laborer, res Third
Clear James [Jessie], wks Tub Works, res Third
Clearwater Clara, wks Point Breeze Hotel, res same
Clopovic George, laborer, res Virginia ave
Clopovic John, laborer, res Virginia ave
Clopovic Joseph, laborer, res Virginia ave
Cochran Bros ( J M and G), lumber etc, 14th
Cochran George (Cochran Bros), res Alliquippa Pa
Cochran J M ( Cochran Bros ), res Woodlawn Pa
Cochran Thomas , contractor, bds J Burry
Colonial Steel Co, on P & L E east of Monaca
Comber Bert [Bessie], molder, res cor 6th and Penna ave
Conley Mrs Lydia (wid Peter), res Fourteenth
Conley William T [Lilly M], wks Phoenix Co, res Eleventh
Conti Charles, tailor Ninth, res Beaver Falls
Cook Lindsay, clerk, bds Mrs N E Brown
Coombs Clara M, res Atlantic ave
Coombs Mrs Emma T (wid Arthur), res Atlantic ave
Coombs Fred, glassworker, res Atlantic ave
Coombs Julius J, glassworker, res Atlantic ave
Cooper Anna, res Indiana ave
Cooper Cora, res Indiana ave
Cooper George, ins agent, res Indiana ave
Cotters Edward A, wks Phoenix Co, res Penna ave
Cotters Henry J [Tillie D], glassworker, res Penna ave
Cowley Edward, glassblower, rms A T Davidson
Cowley John, glassblower, rms Mrs A hood
Cowley Thomas, glassblower, rms Mrs A Hood
Cox William, laborer, rms T Keefe
Craig Walter, wks Phoenix Co, res J Dunn jr
Criss Randolph [Amanda], wks Horse Nail Co, res Atlantic ave
Cronin John D [Johanna], glassworker, res Washington ave
Cronin Walter H [Mary E], wks Tub Works, res Washington ave
Cross George B [Bessie E], glassworker, res Atlantic ave
Crowther George, bartender, res Dockters Hts
Crowther James, glassblower, res Dockters Hts
Crowther Joseph, glasscutter, res Dockters Hts
Crowther Mrs Margaret (wid William), res Dockters Hts
Crowther Martha, res Dockters Hts
Crowther Thomas [Carrie], wks Phoenix G Co, res Dockters Hts
Crowther William, laborer, res Dockters Hts
Cullens Mrs Matilda, res s s Penna ave
Dash Bruno [Barbara], laborer, res Pacific ave
Daugherty Thomas [Effie], res ss Penna ave
Davidson A & Co (Allen Davidson, H J Eckert), flour mill near P & L E Depot
Davidson Allen [Sarah] ( A Davidson & Co), res Fourth
Davidson J Anderson [Rachel], stonemason, res s s Penna ave
Davis Cora, rms D Kaye
Davis James M, confectionery etc, n s Penna ave, rms G Heintz
Davis Jennie S, res s s Penna ave
Davis Matilda V, res s s Penna ave
Davis Millard F [Marie], laborer, res s s Penna ave
Davis William B [Emma M], carpenter, res Penna ave
Davis William C, glasscutter, res s s Penna ave
Denoon Martha, res Atlantic ave
Denoon William [Margaret], res Atlantic ave
Denoon William G, glassworker, res Atlantic ave
Depner Michael, wks Phoenix Co, rms G O Miller
Depner Michael [Johanna], wks Phoenix Co, res Eight
Depner Stephen, wks Phoenix Co, rms G O Miller
Deveny John, wks Steel Works, bds J Dinsmore
Dias Earl T, student, res s s Penna ave
Dias John M [April C], glassworker, res Dockters Hts
Dias Mamie E, res s s Penna ave
Dias Mrs Mary (wid Thomas), res s s Penna ave
Dierdorf George F [Theresa], wks Steel Works, res Washington
Dierdorf Joseph, res Washington ave
Dietrich Charles, glassworker, res n s Penna ave
DIETRICH GEORGE E, plumber n s Penna ave, res same
GEO. E DIETRICH, Practical Plumbing, Gas Fitting and sewering. Gas Stoves,. Penna ave
Dietrich Ida M, res n s Penna ave
DIETRICH JOHN E [Catherine], dealer in boots and shoes reparing neatly done n s Penna ave, res same
Dinsmore Bert, laborer, res n s Penna ave
Dinsmore Ester, res n s Penna ave
Dinsmore John [Lizzie], painter, res n s Penna ave
Dinsmore Mamie, res n s Penna ave
Dinsmore William, res n s Penna ave
Dixon Clara H, student, res ns Penna ave
Dixon Wm L [Sarah E], tailor n s Penna ave, res same
Dodd Mrs Fannie, clerk Batchelor-Starrett Co, res Atlantic ave
Doherr Charles [Mary], blacksmith, res Washington ave
Donovan Jermaiah, laborer, res Washington ave
Donovan William [Frances A], painter , res Washington ave
Dougherty George, res I Baldwin
Dower Charles [Mary], bricklayer, res Indiana ave
Downey Charles [Eva], molder, res s s Penna ave
Doyle Harvey, wks Phoenix Glass Co, bds Mrs M Johnston
Duffy Michael, wks Steel Works, rms F Purtle
Dunn George M [Nancy J], blacksmith, res Atlantic ave
Dunn John jr [Rebecca], glassworker, res Virginia ave
Durning Robert, mouldmaker, rms Mrs N A Rambo
Dwyer John J [Mary], wks Phoenix Glass Co, res Washington ave
Eakin Frank, wks Phoenix Glass Co, rms W W Hood
EBBERTS E P, sec and treas Phoenix Glass Co, res East End Pittsburg
Eberhardt Albert [Ann], wks Steel Works, res Dockters Hts
Eberhardt William jr [Kate], wks Steel Works, res Dockters Hts
Eckert Henry J (A Davidson & Co), res Colonial Heights
Edwards John, electrician, bds J Dinsmore
Ehrlich Arthur C [Bertha L], res Washington ave
Ehrlich Ernest [Ernestina], watchman, res Washington ave
Ehrlich Frieda M, res Washington ave
Eiselt Anton [Ella], laborer, res Dockters Hts
Eiselt Anton jr, laborer, res Dockters Hts
Eiselt Rudolph, wks Phoenix Glass Co, res Dockters Hts
Elm Charles F [Ida C], wks Phoenix Co, res Eight
Elmer Peter [Anna], wks Phoenix Co, res Dockters Hts
Elstner Mrs Agatha (wid Johann), res J Meikel
Elstner Richard [Rose], decorator, res Washington ave
Emerick Fred, rms G J Bell
Erbeck Clara H, res Atlantic ave
Evans William, steelworker, bds Mrs M Dias
Ewing Maud, res E A Vogt
Ewing Mrs Orpah (wid Thomas E ), res n s Penna ave
Fabetich Michael, laborer, res Virginia ave
Fabyianic Embra, laborer, res Virginia ave
Fabvianic Embra jr, laborer, rs Virginia ave
Fabyianic Ewa, laborer, res Virginia ave
Fabyianic Ewa jr, laborer, res Virginia ave
Fabyianic Frank, laborer, res Virginia ave
Fabyianic Frank jr, laborer, res Virginia ave
Fabyianic Ignatz, laborer, res Virginia ave
Fabyianic James, laborer, res Virginia ave
Fabyianic John, laborer, res Virginia ave
Fabyianic John, laborer, res Virginia ave
Fabyianic Michael, laborer, res Virginia ave
Faust Edna E, res Washington ave
Faust Harry, barber, res Washington ave
Faust Henry [Fanny], painter, res Washington ave
Faust Mabel, res Washington ave
Faust Philip [Elsie], glassblower, res Indiana ave
Federal Telphone Co, Ninth
Feltus Theodore, wks Phoenix Glass Co, bds Hotel Monaca
Fife Mrs Rachel A (wid Dr John), res Rev J T Hackett
Figley Anna B, res Washington ave
Figley Herman, wks Steel Works, rms W B Davis
Figley Iva L, res Washington ave
Figley John C [Ida L], carpenter, res Indiana ave
Figley M Etta, res Washington ave
Figley W Harry, wks Phoenix Co, res Washington ave
Figley William [Anna], teamster, res Washington ave
Fischer Paul [Katie], decorator, res Washington ave
Fisher David, hardware Eight, res W Wagner
Fisher Elmer H, cigars etc, n s Penna ave, res Tenth
Fisher George, rms Mrs M Black
Fisher Melvina, res Washington ave
Fisher Wm J, clerk P & L E, res Washington ave
Fitzgerald Mrs Margaret (wid David), res Washington ave
Fleischer Michael [Kate], wks Phoenix Co, res Atlantic ave
Fleming Anna L, res Ninth
Fleming Glen J, wks Steel Works, res Ninth
Fleming Lydia J, res Ninth
Fleming Robert A [Sadie], wks Phoenix Co, res Ninth
Flick Edward S [Anna C], blacksmith, res Virginia ave
Flick George M [Carrie E], blacksmith, res Virginia ave
Flick Mary J, res Virginia ave
Flowers John [Beatrice], glassblower, res Fourteenth
Flowers Lorenzo D, res Indiana ave
Flowers Wilfer L, wks Phoenix Co, res Indiana ave
Folland Elmer R, res Washington ave
Folland George [Margaret A], laborer, res Washington ave
Folland John, glassworker, res Fourth
Folland Mrs Mary (wid Peter), res fourth
Folland Philip [Laura], glassblower, res Atlantic ave
Forsyth Harry E, clerk Phoenix Co, res Indiana ave
Forsyth James A [Caroline], driver Batchelor-S Co, res Indiana ave
Foster Robert, laborer, rms Mrs M Black
Frank Adolph [Catherine], laborer, res Dockters Hts
Frank Clara I, res Indiana ave
Frank Edward R [Jennie], stonecutter, res Indiana ave
Frank Mrs Rosa (wid George), res Washington ave
Friebe Anna, res Washington ave
Friebe Gustav [Marie], wks Phoenix Co, res Washington ave
Friebe Gustav jr, barber s s Penna ave, res Washington ave
Friebe Rosa, res Washington
Fronk Harry W, wks Phoenix Co, res Atlantic ave
Fronk J Howard, engineer, res Atlantic ave
Fronk Mrs Minerva (wid Joseph), res Atlantic ave
Fronk W Charles [Nancy R ], wks Phoenix Co, res Atlantic ave
Furgurson Mrs Diantha (wid A C), res Penna ave
Furguson Iva L, stenog, res Penna ave
Galhuly Michael P [Mary M], bar clerk, res n s Penna ave
Gallop Ernest, stonemason, bds J Dinsmore
Ganley Charles, res Penna ave
Ganley John, glassworker, res Penna ave
Ganley John jr, glasworker, res Penna ave
Garfield James [Ada], wks J H Welch, bds same
Garrard Chas E [Margery], propr Hotel Monaca, res same
Garrett Charles, wks Steel Works, rms J B McKay
Gartland John [Mary], wks Steel Works, res Indiana ave
Gassman Michael [Sarah], glassworker, res Dockters Hts
Gaube Kosmas [Frances], decorator, res Dockters Hts
Gerlock Joseph, wks Phoenix Co, rms Mrs M M Irons
Gibson William O [Mary L], wks Tub Works, res Sixth
Glass John R, tinner Heidrick & Taylor, bds A Kunkle
Glass William wks Phoenix G Co, res A Kunkle
GLASSER HARRY C [Mary E], County Commissioner, res Washington ave
Glasser Harry O, clerk P & L E, res Washington ave
Glasser Jacob M, painter, res Washington ave
Glasser John H [Vinnie J], Postmaster, office n s Penna ave, res S S Indiana ave
Goedeker Philip H, shoemaker s s Penna ave, res Rochester
Goloufe Edward, laborer, res Virginia ave
Goloufe Louis, laborer, res Virginia ave
Goloufe Michael, res Virginia ave
Goloufe Thomas, laborer, res Virginia ave
Gormley Fred T [Myrtle A], physician n s Penna ave, res same
Gormley James R [Lydia], physician s s Penna ave, res same
Grabert Charles L [Clara], clerk, res Indiana ave
Graham Robert A [Mary A], gardener, res Eight
Grant Charles, wks Phoenix Co, bds J Dinsmore
Green Charles, clerk, rms J V Cable
Green Richard, waiter Hotel Monaca, res same
Gref John [Sarah wks Phoenix Co, res Eight
Greiner August [Amelia], wagonmaker, res Washington ave
Gress Mrs Christina (wid Adam), res Ninth
Griffin Lawrence W [Agnes G], molder, res Indiana ave
Grim Charles J [Carrie], laborer, res Pacific ave
Grim Joseph S [Margaret B], steelworker, res Washington ave
Grimm Georghe W [Elizabeth L], engineer, res Virginia ave
Gross Harry W, carpenter, res Virginia ave
Gross Henry F [Maggie J], laborer, res Virginia ave
Grundstrom Anton [Eva], res Eight
Grundstrom Robert, wks Phoenix Co, res Eight
Grundstrom William, wks Phoenix Co, res Eight
Guba Mrs Mary C (wid Joseph), res Third
Guba Wilhelmina, res Third
Haase John, plumber, rms C Doherr
Hackett Rev John T [Rachel G], pastor First Presbyterian Church, res Indiana ave
Hage Charles L [Marie], decorator, res n s Penna ave
Hague John S [E Alice], engineer, res Washington ave
Hahn Leonard, res J Keber
Hahn Mrs Mary (wid William), res n s Penna ave
Haley Jackson, engineer, rms L L Householder
Hall Norman D [Lilly M], carpenter, res Indiana ave
Haller Charles M [Sadie], teamster, res s s Penna ave
Haller George C [Sadie B], carpenter, res Washington ave
Hamilton Mrs Agnes B, res Atlantic ave
Hamilton Nelson, painter, res n s Penna ave
Hamilton Oscar, res n s Penna ave
Hamilton Samuel D, painter, res n s Penna ave
Haney John R [Margaret], cooper, res Ninth
Hanshaw George [Hadie], wks Baldwin & Baldwin, res near Pumping Station
Hanshaw Jesse [Elizabeth], wks Baldwin & Baldwin, res near Pumping Station
Harbison George J [Ida B], carpenter, res n s Penna ave
Harris Fred, slater, rms F Purtle
Hartman Henry A [Elizabeth M], carpenter, res Washington ave
Hartman John [Agnes], wks Steel Works, res Washington ave
Hartman Joseph, wks Steel Works, res Washington ave
Hartman Minnie, clerk Batchelor-Starrett Co, res Washington ave
Hartzell R, laborer, rms S W Mayes
Harvard William, wks Steel Works, rms F Purtle
Haude Julius C [Hannah R], brakeman, res Indiana ave
Hays Frank M [Mary L], plasterer, res Ninth
Hays Mrs Louanna (wid Henry), res s s Penna ave
Hebig Ida, bds P Mattauch
Hedwig Andrew [Regina], res Sixth ave
Heffinger Martin [Anna], stonemason, res Dockters Hts
Heideger Frank, res Fourth
Heidger Mrs Mary (wid Charles), res Fourth
Heidrick James M [Myrta C] (Heidrick & Taylor), res cor Penna ave and 15th
HEIDRICK & TAYLOR (J M Heidrick, H H Taylor), hardware etc, cor Penna ave and 15th
HEIDRICK & TAYLOR, General Hardware, Paints, Oils, Etc. coal & gas ranges, heaters, slate, tin roofing
Heintz Fred [Catherine] wks Phoenix Co, res Sixth
Heintz George [Bertha], wks Phoenix Co, res Washington ave
Hemphill Mrs Charlotte (wid James M), res Mrs O Ewing
Hemphill Morrison [Elizabeth], stonemason, res Pacific ave
Hemphill Oliver, student, res Pacific ave
Henderson Joseph S [Elizabeth], carpenter, res Washington ave
Henrickson Harry, laborer, rms J A Kronk
Henry James L [Lilly], engineer, res n r Pumping Station
Henry Neal C [Lizzie], laborer, res Fifth
Henry Valentine [Ellen], laborer, res Fifth
Henry William [Nancy J], res n r Pumping Station
Hershey William F [May], carpenter, res Indiana ave
Hershey William F jr, laborer, res Indiana ave
Hershey Zillan, res Indiana ave
Hester Patrick [Catherine], glassblower, res Atlantic ave
Heyn Carl [Katie], wks Phoenix Co, res Indiana ave
Hickathorne Albert, laborer, res Atlantic ave
Hickathorne Henry [Jennie], laborer, res Atlantic ave
Hicks James [Anna G], res Penna ave
Hicks John B, wks Steel Works, res Penna ave
Higgins Adolphus [Mary], laborer, rms H Weigle
Higgins William [Margaret], rms H Weigle
Hill Mark [Catherine], laborer, res Atlantic ave
Hill Mary, res Atlantic ave
Hill Theo, res Penna ave
Hindman Abner, wks Phoenix Co, res Fifth
Hindman Viola, res Fifth
Hineman John, wks Phoenix Co, rms W W Hood
Hirsch Anton [Albertina], res Pacific ave
Hirsch Charles, wks Phoenix Co, res Pacific ave
Hit Edward B [Myrtle M], laborer, res Washington ave
HOEFLING FRANK J [Cecilia], prop Enterprise Restaurant cor Penna ave and 11th st, res same
HOGAN JAMES, pres American Glass Specialty Co, res Pittsburg Pa
Hogan William [Mary], wks Steel Works, res Washington ave
Holbrook Jabez [Anna], wks Phoenix Co, res Virginia ave
Holl Maggie, cook Central Hotel, res same
Hollenbaugh Charles W [Alice], molder, res m r Pumping Station
Hollenbaugh Thos S, laborer, res nr Pumping Station
Hollenbaugh Wm T [Mary J], laborer, res Pumping Station
Hood Mrs Alvira (wid James), res Ninth
Hood Cynthia J, dressmaker, res Ninth
Hood Eddis [Anna L], general store n s Penna ave, res same
Hood Mary E, res Ninth
Hood Mary J, clerk, res Indiana ave
Hood Robert L [Mary A ], cashier Monaca National Bank, res Indiana ave
Hood William W [Fanny W], wks Phoenix Co, res Ninth
Horney Thomas, Laborer, rms T Keefe
Hotel Monaca, cor 9th and Washington ave (H T Will. Owner after April 1st 1903)
Hott George D, wks E S Stoops, bds same
Householder Bessie C, res Penna ave
Householder Lyman C [Cinnie B], grocer Penna ave, res same
Householder M Gertrude, res Penna ave
Houston Charles [Agnes M], agent P & L E R R Co and America Express, res 15th
Houston Robert T [Catherine], laborer, res Washington ave
HOWARD ANDREW, pres The Phoenix Glass Co, res 1212 Center st Wilkinsburg Pa
Howard Charles E, cor clerk Phoenix Glass Co, res 1212 Center st Wilkinsburg Pa
Howard James K, payroll clerk Phoenix Co, res Rochester Pa
Howard Thomas H, asst to pres Phoenix Glass Co, res 1212 Center st Wilkinsburg Pa
Huff A & Son (A and E W), furniture etc, n end of Penna ave
Huff Adam [Elizabeth] (A Huff & Son), res n end Penna ave
Huff Emil W [Maggie] (A Huff & Son), res n end Penna ave
Huffmyer Henry E, res s s Penna ave
Huffmyer Lisetta, res s s Penna ave
Huffmyer Robert H, wks Steel Works, res s s Penna ave
Huffmyer Sidney O [Lenora], res s s Penna ave
Huggins Blanche M, res Atlantic ave
Higgins Mrs Sarah B (wid James), res Atlantic ave
Hughes Alexander, laborer, rms H C Martin
Hughes Andrew [Ida], grocer s s Penna ave, res same
Hughes Harry H [Augusta M], electrician, res Atlantic ave
Hughes Matthew [Etta], wks Phoenix Co, res Indiana ave
Hughes William M [Grace], wks Phoenix Co, res Washington ave
Hum H C, dentist Ninth res Beaver Falls
Hum John, wks Steel Works, rms J Brezger
Humphrey Gordan, wks Steel Mill, rms W S Carroll
Humphrey Lawrence, rms W S Carroll
Hunsicker Alice M, stenographer, res Washington ave
Hunsicker Charles M, res Washington ave
Hunsicker Clifford A, student, res Washington ave
Hunsicker Cora A, res Washington ave
Hunsicker Harriet S, res Washington ave
Hunsicker Harry R, res Washington ave
Hunsicker Herbert J, student, res Washington ave
Hunsicker Lorena R, stenographer, res Washington ave
Hunsicker Marshall M [Margaret j], glasscutter, res Washington ave
Hunter Elmer, glassworker, res Indiana ave
Hunter John, glassworker, res Indiana ave
Hunter Lester, glassworker, res Indiana ave
Hunter Robert [Eva], artist, res Indiana ave
Hunter William [Barbara], wks Phoenix Co, res Indiana ave
Hunter William jr, glassworker, res Indiana ave
Huwrei Michael, enameler, res Washington ave
Irons Bert [Maggie], wks Phoenix Co, res s s Penna ave
Irons David A, wks Phoenix Co, res Twelfth
Irons James A [Virginia T], Justice of the Peace, s s Penna ave, res same
Irons James C, student, res Twelfth
Irons Mrs Mattie M, res Twelfth
Irons Retta Q, res Twelfth
Ivery John H [Mary I], laborer, res Penna ave
Irvin Lewis [Bertha C], res Atlantic ave
Irvin William, carpenter, rms Mrs A Hood
Irwin William H, wks Phoenix Co, res e end Atlantic ave
Jackson Thomas [Malinda], res Atlantic ave
Jackson Thomas S, res Atlantic ave
Jackson William [Katie], laborer, res Atlantic ave
Jacoby Andrew, wks Opalite T Co, bds Mrs S Tohme
Jacoby Johann, wks Opalite T Co, bds Mrs S Tohme
Jacox John [Ida S], bartender Point Breeze Hotel, res same
Jenkins Mrs Mary A (wid George W), res Atlantic ave
Jernberg Carl [Ida], wks Steel Works, res n s Penna ave
Jobes John S [Catherine], enameler, res Washington ave
Johnson Charles C, glassworker, rms F Leffert
Johnson Wilson, wks Sanitary Mfg Co, bds G Winkle
Johnston Blanche, wks P Bradley
Johnston Edward M [Mary E], glassblower, res Washington ave
Johnston John, laborer, res Alexander ave
Johnston John A [Jennie T], glassblower, res Washington ave
Johnston Lawrence C, wks Phoenix Co, res Atlantic ave
Johnston Mrs Lilly, res Ninth
Johnston Mrs Margaret (wid William J), res Atlantic ave
Johnston Mrs Sarah J (wid Sylvester), res Washington ave
Johnston U Grant [Melissa], driver, res s s Penna ave
Johnston William S, wks Phoenix Co, res Atlantic ave
Jolly Andrew J [Sarah A], res Atlantic ave
Jolly Dickerson A, toll collector, res Atlantic ave
Jolly Effie A, res Atlantic ave
Jolly Myrtle, clerk Batchelor-Starrett Co, res Atlantic ave
Jones Alvah E, res Washington ave
Jones Nathan H [Mary E], carpenter, res Washington ave
Josburg Jacob, pattermaker, rms F W Anderson
Jute Peter, laborer, res Virginia ave
Kammerer William [Ada], wks Steel Works, res Atlantic ave
Karban Anna, res Fourth
Karban Anton [Katie], glassworker, res Fourth
Karban Anton jr, glassworker, res Fourth
Karban Joseph, barber, res Fourth
Kaye Clarence E, wks Phoenix Glass Co, res Dockters Heights
KAYE DAVID jr [Ida M] propr The Only Drug Store and ass’tforeman Phoenix Factory #1, res Washington
KAYE EDWARD [Anna K], gen foreman Phoenix Glass Co, res Dockters Heights
Kaye Melvin W [Marie], asst gen foreman Phoenix Glass Co, res Dockters Hts
Kaye Timothy P [Rachel], glassblower, res n s Penna ave
Kaye Walter D, clerk Only Drug Store, res Washington ave
Keane William R [Frances T], plumber, res Twelfth
Keber John [Hattie], res s s Penna ave
Keefe Thomas [Susan E], laborer, res Virginia ave
Keefer W R, architect s s Penna ave, res Beaver Falls
Keilgrass Emma, res F A Reinhardt
Kemmer Mrs Elizabeth. Hardware s s Penna ave, res same
Kemper Alfred, inspector, rms G A Kirsch
Kepper Henry, laborer, rms s s Penna ave
Kerkoots Frank, laborer, res Virginia ave
Kerkoots George, laborer, res Virginia ave
Kind Wm O [Anna M], packer Am Glass Specialty Co, res e end Atlantic ave
Kirin Ignatz, laborer, res Virginia ave
Kirk John M [Margaret M], real estate n s Penna ave, res Atlantic ave
Kirline Ignatz, laborer, res Virginia ave
Kirsch George A [Alberta E], laborer, res Penna ave
Kirschner Gustav, laborer, res Pacific ave
Kirschner Joseph [Anna], laborer, res Pacific ave
Kleyle Louis [Amelia], sec and treas American Glass Specialty Co, res Indiana ave
Knoll Thomas, glassblower, rms A T Davidson
Koehler Louise M T, res Washington ave
Koehler Paulus E [Mary H], res Washington ave
Kohn Joseph [Josephine], foreman, res Dockters Hts
Kolb Mrs Dorothy (wid Michael), res n s Penna ave
Kolb Edward I [Julia M], wks Sanitary Mfg Co, res n s Penna ave
Kommel Hattie, res Atlantic ave
Kommel Mrs Marie, res Atlantic ave
Kommel Martha, res Atlantic ave
Konvolinka Charles [Minnie], laborer, res Dockters Hts
Kountz Harry I [Charlotta G], glassworker, res Washington ave
Kowaliski Martha, wks Central Hotel, res same
Krebs Anton [Rosa], glassblower, res Fourth
Krieger & Co, clothiers Business Block
Kroen John [Minnie], glassblower, res Eight
Kroen Joseph [Rachel], glassworker, res Dockters Hts
Kroen Vincent [Johanna ], res Dockters Hts
Kromanacker Nicholas, wks Phoenix Co, rms C Ramer
Kronk Harry A [Nellie G], carpenter, res Indiana ave
Kronk James A [Amanda], carpenter, res Virginia ave
Kronn Carl [Mary], wks Phoenix Co, res Dockters Hts
Krosen Margaret, res j T Taylor
Kugel Albert J [Anna A ], dairyman, res Virginia ave
Kuhn Harry, wks Steel Works, bds O Hamilton
Kunkle Adam [Johanna], res n s Penna ave
Kunkle George [Anna], wks Phoenix Co, res n s Penna ave
Kunkle Iva, res n s Penna ave
Laird Austin [Clara], teamster, res Indiana ave
Laird Edith, res Indiana ave
Laird Lizzie, res Indiana ave
Laird Roy, wks Phoenix Co, res Indiana ave
Landis Albert F [Ella M], engineer, res Virginia ave
Landis Bertha, res Washington ave
Landis Howard, glassworker, res Washington ave
Landis James, glassworker, res Virginia ave
Landis Philip [Rachel A], shoemaker, res s s Penna ave
Laverty Clyde K, student, res Indiana ave
Laverty Elva V, res Indiana ave
Laverty Jean E, res Indiana ave
Laverty Rev Joseph H [Hattie K], pastor M E Chuch, res Indiana ave
Lay Edward L, wks Phoenix co, res Atlantic ave
Lay George [Mary E], pres Monaca Natl Bank, res Indiana ave
Lay Josephine W, res Atlantic ave
Lay Libbie L, res Atlantic ave
Lay Richard A [Elizabeth J], mouldmaker, res Atlantic ave
Lay Mrs Wilhelmina (wid Felix), res Atlantic ave
Leary Daniel F [Mary E], decorator, res Washington ave
Leary Margaret A, res Washington ave
Leffert Mrs Anna B (wid John), res Virginia ave
Leffert Mrs Clara E (wid John), res n s Penna ave
Leffert Fred [Lydia], butcher, res Atlantic ave
Leffert William H, laborer, res Virginia ave
LeGoullon Bros (F A and E C), grocers n s Penna ave
LeGoullon Charles P, glassworker, res Fourth
LeGoullon Charlotte R, res Fourth
LeGoullon Cora S, res Fourth
LeGoullon Edward C [Lena] (LeGoullon Bros), res n s Penna ave
LeGoullon Francis A [Marie] (LeGoullon Bros), res Penna ave
LeGoullon Howard W, with LeGoullon Bros, res Fourth
LeGoullon Lamartine, res Fourth
Leimer Albert [Anna], laborer, res Washington ave
Leister Claude C [Anna L], blksmth Penna ave, res Washington ave
Leonhart Martin, wks Opalite T Co, bds Mrs S Tohme
Lias Anna, res Washington ave
Lias Mrs Caroline (wid David), res Fourteenth
Lias Charles E, glassworker, res Indiana ave
Lias George H [Isabel], glassworker, res Indiana ave
Lias Harry [Alice], carpenter, res Pacific ave
Lias Henry [Elizabeth], carpenter, res Washington ave
Lias Mamie, res Washington ave
Lias Margaret, res Washington ave
Lias Nora, res Washington ave
Lias Tillie, res Washington ave
Lindsay Augustus H [Elizabeth], carpenter, res Virginia ave
Lindsay Charles K, clerk J M Davis, res Washington ave
Lindsay Christian H [Christina], carpenter, res s s Penna ave
Lindsay Robert D, res Virginia ave
Liston Michael [Bridget], glasscutter, res Washington ave
Locke David C, teacher, rms Mrs C Morgan
Long Johann, glassworker, bds M Martini
Love Mrs Christina (wid Samuel), res Sixth
Love Elizabeth, res Sixth
Love Jean, student, res Sixth
Love Thomas C [Elizabeth], propr Point Breeze Hotel, res same
Lundy Blanche, decorator Phoenix Co, bds Centeral Hotel
Lyle Charles, carpenter, bds J Dinsmore
McCann John [Millie], laborer, res Virginia ave
McClatchey Mrs Malinda (wid James B), res Washington ave
McClurg Florence, res s s Penna ave
McCurg George H, clerk, res s s Penna ave
McClurg Jos R [Mattie], general store s s Penna ave, res same
McClurg Milo J, glassworker, res s s Penna ave
McCreary George, wks Phoenix Co, res n s Penna ave
McCreary Mrs Mary A (wid Robert), res n s Penna ave
McCreary May C, res n s Penna ave
McCreary Robert J, wks Phoenix Co, res n s Penna ave
McCreary Thomas W [Mary R], timekeeper, res Dockters Hts
McCullough Belle, res Pacific ave
McCullough Blanche, res Pacific ave
McCullough John [Mary A E], carpenter, res Virginia ave
McCullough John S [Alice M], glassblower, res Virginia ave
McCullough Lilly, res Pacific ave
McCullough Martin F, wks Phoenix Co, res Virginia ave
McCullough Minnie J, res Dockters Hts
McDermott John, roll turner, bds Centeral Hotel
McDonald John R, wks Phoenix Co, res Thirteenth
McDonald Noble [Lena], teamster, res Thirteenth
McDonough Bryan [Mary], wks Phoenix Co, res Atlantic ave
McElfish Charles H [Agnes E], glassworker, res n s Penna ave
McElhaney Howard, wks Steel Works, bds Mrs M Johnston
McElwee Patrick, laborer, rms T Keefe
McGan Bert [Etta], clerk, res Atlantic ave
McGeary Agnes M, bkpr Batchelor-S Co, res Washington ave
McGeary Elizabeth M, teacher, res Washington ave
McGeary Robert D [Mary], wks Phoenix Co, res Washington ave
McGivens Samuel, wks Sanitary Mfg Co, bds G Winkle
McKay Gladys M, res Third
McKay John B [Wealthy A], wks Steel Works, res Third
McKay L Glen [Maud A], wks Steel Works, res Virginia ave
McKay Rollin C [Blanche E], wks Steel Works, res Virginia ave
McKay Thadys K, wks Steel Works, res Third
McKnight Frank B [May A] (reed & McKnight), res Sixth
McKnight Nellie, wks M W Reed
McLain Patrick, wks Steel Works, rms Mrs N Shafer
McLaney John, glassworker, rms T J Buckley
McLaughlin Mamie L, res H C Rogers
McMahan Edgar H [Eula B], wks Phoenix Co, res Indiana ave
McMillan Joseph A [Anna], salesman H T Will, res Third
McReary John [Rose], glassblower, res Atlantic ave
McVey Mrs Mary E, res Dockters Hts
Mackall Frank B, wks Phoenix Co, res Atlantic ave
Madden John T [Stella T], plumber, res Indiana ave
Maillard Eugene [Clementine], glassworker, res Fifth
Malone Ella, res e end Atlantic ave
MALONE HERBERT S, pratical jeweler and watchmaker, clocks called for and delivered, Penna ave
Malone Hebert S, bds 418 Conn ave Rochester
Malone John, res e end Atlantic ave
Malone Mrs Mary (wid Leisure), res e end Atlantic ave
Malone Maud, res e end Atlantic ave
Maloney William, wks Steel Works, bds M W Reed
Manderson Thomas, glassworker, res Virginia ave
Manderson Thomas, glassworker, res Washington ave
Manderson William J [Lena], glassworker, res Virginia ave
Manor J Calvin [Maggie W], farmer, res Atlantic ave
Manor John, wks Phoenix Co, bds J C Manor
Manor William, wks Phonenix Co, bds Mrs m Fronk
Markey James [Annie E], res Penna ave
Marko Catherine, res Pacific ave
Marko Frank [Mary], wks Phoenix Co, res Pacific ave
Marshall Bessie W, res Atlantic ave
Marshall Sarah R, res Atlantic ave
Martin Belle, res Virginia ave
Martin Charles R [Edna], propr Hotel cor Fourth and Penna ave
Martin Emma, res Virginia ave
Martin Florence, res Virginia ave
Martin Henry C [Mollie M], plasterer, res Eighth
Martin Jennie, res Virginia ave
Martin John A, wks Phoenix Co, res Eighth
Martin Mary J, res Virginia ave
Martin Robert [Ellen], glassworker, res Virginia ave
Martin Thomas J [Hattie], bricklayer, res Virginia ave
Martin William T [Elizabeth M], glassworker, res Washington ave
Martini George, glassworker, res s s Penna ave
Martini Michael [Sarah], glassworker, res s s Penna ave
Mason William [Kate], laborer, res n s Penna ave
Massey william W [Mary E], brakeman, res Indiana ave
Mateer A Michael [Leah M], wks Steel Workers, res Ninth
Mateer Bros (J R and J M), meats etc, s s Penna ave
Mateer George, wks E S Stoops, bds same
Mateer James M (Mateer Bros), res s s Penna ave
Mateer John R (Mateer Bros), res s s Penna ave
Mathay George E [Clara I], glassworker, res Penna ave
Mathes George, glassworker, bds M Martini
Mattauch Mrs Julia (wid Enoch), res n s Penna ave
Mattauch Paul [Julia], barber n s Penna ave, res same
Maurer Johann, wks Phoenix Co, bds Mrs S Thome
Mayes S Walter [Bertha M], laborer, res Virginia ave
Meador Carl, with Colonial Steel Co, bds Central Hotel
Meads Charles, paver, res Atlantic ave
Meagher Thomas, wks Steel Works, rms Mrs N Shafer
Meany Edwin B, wks Phoenix Co, res S J Preece
Mecklem William J [Ida M], carpenter, res Indiana ave
Meikel Justice [Mary], res n s Penna ave
Meismer Jacob [Martha], res Indiana ave
Meister Michael, glassworker, rms F W Anderson
Meitert Andrew, glassworker, rms A Reinhardt
Meitert Daniel, laborer, rms A Reinhardt
Mellon Alice M, res Ninth
Mellon Archie R [Sarah A], res Ninth
Mellon Cora E, res Ninth
Mellon Jennie, res Ninth
Mellon William J [Ellen E], attorney, res Penna ave
Mengie Christ [Carmen], laborer, res Virginia ave
Mensinger Elmer, wks Steel Mill, bds M W Reed
Metropolitian Glass Co, J C Miller sec and treas, on P & L E R R
Metz Richard F [Lilly M], laborer, res rear G Winkle
Meyers Philip [Kate], blacksmith, res Thirteenth
MIKSCH CARL [Dorothy], asst mgr Am Glass Specialty Co, res n s Penna ave
Miksch Henry [Augusta] (M Bechtel & Co), res Sixth
Miksch John [Elizabeth], res Fourth
Miksch John Jr [Elizabeth], printer, res Fourth
MIKSCH W A, gen mgr American Glass Specialty Co, res Beaver Pa
Mild George [Katie], res Dockters Hts
Mild George jr, glassworker, res Dockters Hts
Mild John, glassworker, res Dockters Hts
Mild Martin, glassworker, res Dockters Hts
Millenberger Charles, glassworker, rms J McCullough
Millenberger Otto, glassworker, rms J McCullough
Miller Mrs Anna (wid John), res Washington ave
Miller Antoinette, res Dockters Hts
Miller Edna, rms W B Davis
Miller Ella, rms W B Davis
Miller Elsie, res Dockters Hts
Miller Eva, res Washington ave
Miller George O [Mary], wks Phoenix Co, res Pacific ave
Miller Godfrey, wks Phoenix Co, res Washington ave
Miller Harry [Emma], clerk, res Ninth
Miller Harry W [Flora], grocery s s Penna ave, res same
Miller J C, sec and treas Met Glass Co, res Beaver Pa
Miller James M [Maggie], wks Phoenix Co, res Washington ave
Miller Maggie, rms W B Davis
Miller Minnette, milliner Batchelor-S Co, bds G W Weiman
Miller Otto [Anna], wks Phoenix G Co, res Dockters Hts
Miller Tony, wks J T Taylor
Miller William [Mary], grocer s s Penna ave, res same
MITCHELL DAVID J [Mary L] (J S Mitchell & Sons), res Washington ave
MITCHELL J S & SONS (J S, F S and D J), dealers in lumber and builders supplies, Penna ave.
Mitchell John H, laborer, rms J R Haney
Moffatt Walter, glassworker, res Washington ave
Monaca National Bank, G Lay pres, J R Gormley vice pres, R L Hood cashier, Penna ave
Monaca Water Works, W S Batchelor supt, north end of Sixth
Monroe Mary, wks J H Welch
Moore Bert, civil engineer, rms J A Adams
Moore James [Ida M], carpenter, res Washington ave
Moore James W, clerk P & L E, res Washington ave
Moore Olive M, student, res Washington ave
Moorehouse John W [Alice G], asst foreman Phoenix Factory No 2, res Ninth
Morgan Mrs Cassie (wid Silas), res Indiana ave
Morgan Eva, res Indiana ave
Morgan Herman L, glassblower, res Indiana ave
Morgan Nellie, milliner, res Indiana ave
Morgan William W [Anna E], Burgess and Justice of the Peace City Bldg, res Washington ave
Morris Mrs Catherine, res s s Penna ave
Morris David, carpenter, res s s Penna ave
Morris James, stellworker, rms J Brezger
Morris James [Ellen], wks P & L E, res Fourth
Morris William, wks Steel Works, rms F Purtle
Mosher Charles A [Tina A], wks Phoenix Co, res Eight
Mosser Fritz, laborer, res Dockters Hts
Motz Charles F [Sophia D], glassworker, res Indiana ave
Mourot Joseph, glassworker, res Twelfth
Mourot Mrs Mahala J, res Twelfth
Mowry Cornelius [Martha], carpenter, res Sixth
Mullen George [Minnie], news agent, res Washington ave
Mullen James, res W J Mellon
Murchland Harry C, res Fourth
Murchland John T [Cynthia J], res Fourth
Murphy Mahlon, laborer, rms H C Martin
Murray Samuel [Jennie], wks Tub Works, res Atlantic ave
Murray Samuel jr, wks Phoenix Co, res Atlantic ave
Myers George W, wks Phoenix Co, res Virginia ave
Myers J Edward [Minnie], glassworker, res Virginia ave
Myers James [Alice], glassblower, res Virginia ave
Myers James W, wks Phoenix Co, res Virginia ave
Neillie Harry G [Sarah L], printer, res Washington ave
Nelson William, engineer, rms L L Householder
Nick Joseph [Anna], glassworker, res Washington ave
Nimick Charles, wks Colonial Steel Co, bds Point Breeze Hotel
Northwing Steve, wks Steel Works, rms G M Flick
Oatey Charles W [Ella L], engineer, res Indiana ave
Oatey Leroy, laborer, res Indiana ave
O’Brien Mrs Emma L (wid Charles), res Eleventh
O’Brien Harold, clerk Batchelor-Starrett Co
Olson David, bookkeeper, rms Mrs E Baker
Olson Ester E, res Virginia ave
Olson John H [Christina], laborer, res Virginia ave
ONLY DRUG STORE THE, David Kaye jr propr, Wyndom Sparling mgr, druggist cor Penna ave and Eighth
Onstott Hess [Kate], wks Penna Co, res Sixth
Onstott Robert G [Elizabeth], carpenter, res n s Penna ave
Opalite Title Co The, J A Swearer supt, E J Krause asst supt, mfrs opalite tile and sheet glass, factory S Monaca
Orend Rev Michael, pastor German Evangelical Protestant Ch, res J Kroen
O’Rourke John, wks Steel Works, rms G A Kirsch
Orwick William H, wks Steel Works, rms Mrs N Shafer
Parrish Charles T, res Hotel Monaca
Pasquale Peter [Flora], wks T S Wire Co, res Thirteenth
Patterson William F, barber J Burry, bds same
Patton Fred, watchmaker Penna ave, res same
Pavlokovic Andrew, laborer, res Virginia ave
Pavlokovic Frank, laborer, res Virginia ave
Pavlokovic John, laborer, res Virginia ave
Pavlokovic Joseph, laborer, res Virginia ave
Peck E H, asst to vice pres Phoenix Glass Co, res New York
Peirce Edward S [Anna M], grocer s s Penna ave, res same
Penn Ave Pharmacy, D Berry propr, n s Penna ave
Penn William [Johanna], wks Phoenix Co, res Eight
Perdew Alice, res s s Penna ave
Perdew Jennie, res s s Penna ave
Perdew John E [Sarah], res s s Penna ave
Perdew May, res s s Penna ave
Petoz Joseph [Eva], laborer, res nr Welch Fire Brick Co
Phillipsburg Building and Loan Assn, M W Carey pres, S D Hamilton sec, R L Hood treas, Penna ave
Phillis James J [Etta B], clerk, res Atlantic ave
PHOENIX GLASS CO The, Andrew Howard pres, A H Patterson vice pres, E H Peck asst to vice pres
PHOENIX GLASS CO, E P Ebberts sec and treas, mfrs of gas and electric globes, shades, lamps, near P & L E
Pittsburg & Lake Erie R R Co, Chas Houston freight and ticket agent, head of Sixth st
Pittsburg Tool Steel Wire Co, P & L E R R
POINT BREEZE HOTEL, Thos C Love prop, cor Sixth and Atlantic ave
Posdaretts Peter, laborer, res Virginia ave
Potter Ada A, res Washington ave
Potter Ella O, res Washington ave
Potter Florence E, millinery n s Penna ave, rms J M Kirk
Potter Frank, wks Phoenix Co, rms Mrs A Hood
Potter John P [Alice], livery stable s s Washington ave, res same
Potter Pearl P, milliner, rms J M Kirk
Powell Charles, wks Phoenix Co, res n s Penna ave
Powell Mrs Leyda (wid Wm H), res n s Penna ave
Powers John, laborer, res Fourteenth
Powers John, puddler, rms Mrs M A Boak
Preece Alice, res Washington ave
Preece Frances, clerk Phoenix Glass Co, res Washington ave
Preece Henry, wks Tub Works, res Washington ave
Preece Lilian, res Ninth
Preece Mrs Louisa E (wid Elam), res Washington ave
Preece Mary, res Washington ave
Preece Sidney J [Lou M], glassblower, res Indiana ave
Preece William R, wks Phoenix Co, res Washington ave
Purtle Frank [Adessa], oil driller, res Ninth
Quimby Mrs Clara (wid Charles), res H L Skillman
Rabb Maggie S, rms J R Haney
Rambo Effie M, milliner, res Ninth
Rambo Hudson B [Clara], glassblower, res Ninth
Rambo Mrs Nancy A (wid William H), res Ninth
Rambo Sarah A, res Ninth
Rambo Thomas J [Isadore E] wks Phoenix Co, res Indiana ave
Ramer Anna, res Fifth
Ramer Charles [Margaret], glassworker, res Washington ave
Ramer John, res Fifth
Ramer Joseph [Margaret], glassblower, res Fifth
Ramer Peter [Albertina], glassworker, res Third
Ramer Peter [Augusta], laborer, res Washington ave
Ramer Victoria, res Fifth
Ramer William C, wks Phoenix Co, res Washington ave
Ramsey James W, glasworker,bds J Burry
Ramsey John [Lena], glassworker, res Virginia ave
Reader James M [Anna], meats n s Penna ave, res same
Reagle William M, painter, bds Point Breeze Hotel
Reardon Dennis, laborer, res Washington ave
Reardon John [Mary], laborer, res Washington ave
Reed Charles, puddler, rms Mrs M A Boak
Reed & McKnight (M W Reed, F B McKnight), blacksmiths Sixth
Reed Michael W [Catherine M] (Reed & McKnight), res Penna
Reed Reben, bricklayer, bds Central Hotel
Reidy David, glassblower, rms Mrs N A Rambo
Reidy John, wks Phoenix Co, rms A T Davidson
Reinhardt August [Anna], glassworker, res Ninth
Reinhardt Fred A [Agnes], moldmaker, res s s Penna ave
Reinhardt Frederick [Mary], wks Phoenix Co, res Indiana ave
Renner Carl [Mary], decorator, res Virginia ave
Renner Charles, wks Phoenix Co, res Virginia ave
Renner Lilly, res Virginia ave
Renner Martha, res Virginia ave
Riddle Archie, wks Steel Works, rms E B Hit
Robb Joseph, wks Steel Works, bds M W Reed
Robinson John porter Hotel Monaca, res same
Robison John D, rms Mrs C Morgan
Rogers Harry C [Dora], contractor, res Virginia ave
Rollman Mary, res J McCann
Rose Gust, cooper, bds W H Beringer
Rose John [Jennie], wks Phoenix Co, res Virginia ave
Rosenbaum John R, student, res n s Penna ave
Rosenbaum Leonia A, student, res n s Penna ave
Rosenbaum Rev Robert G [Alice C], pastor English Lutheran Church, res Penna ave
Ruhe Otto, wks Phoenix Co, res P Ramer
Russell Charles, wks Steel Works, bds M W Reed
Sack George J [Barbara P], res Atlantic ave
Sack Jacob, wks Phoenix Co, res Atlantic ave
Sack Mary, res Atlantic ave
Sager Joseph [Lizzie], wks Tub Works, res Washington ave
Sainer Samuel, laborer, rms G J Bell
Salzman John, glassworker, rms F Leffert
Sam Wah, laundry Eight, res same
Sanders Mrs Christina (wid Andrew), res Eleventh
Sanders Christina J, res Penna ave
Sanders Gertrude H, res s Penna ave
Sanders Harry [Sarah], res s s Penna ave
Sanders Harry A, laborer, res Eleventh
Sanford Thomas, wks Steel Works, rms D C Carroll
Sayers Jonas A [Lucy], carpenter, res e end of city
Schachern Almira C, res Washington ave
Schachern Joseph R [Mary E], glassworker, res Washington ave
Schachern Mary A, res Washington ave
Schade Emma, res Washington ave
Schade Rose A, res Washington ave
Schaefer John A [Mary], fish etc, s s Penna ave, res Pacific ave
Scheel Gottfried [Mary], laborer, res Indiana ave
Scheid Rosa, dry goods etc, n s Penna ave, res same
Schenk Andy [Kate] res Eight
Schenk Andy jr, res Eight
Schier Emil P, clerk P & L E R R, res s s Penna ave
Schier Julius [Marie], shoes s s Penna ave, res same
Scheint John [Dora], wks Steel Works, res Washington ave
Schilling Andrew, laborer, res Atlantic ave
Schilling Stephen [Katie], laborer, res Atlantic ave
Schlernitzauer Louis J [Lilian L], wks Phoenix Co, res n r Pumping Station
Schlosser Leo [Fanny], glassblower, res Pacific ave
Schnitzler Jacob [Mamie J], glassblower, res Dockters Hts
Schnoble George W, tel opr, res Atlantic ave
Schnoble Mrs Wilhelmina M (wid William), res Atlantic ave
Schrom Simon [Agnes], laborer, res Dockters Hts
Schuller Peter, wks Phoenix Co, rms G F Vock
Schwartz Elizabeth M, res Washington ave
Schwartz Frank R, student, res Washington ave
Schwartz Fred R [Amanda M], carpenter, res Washington ave
Schwartz Henry, carpenter, bds Central Hotel
Scott Jess [Jennie V], glassblower, res Washingtonave
Scott Mrs Sarah (wid David), res Atlantic ave
Seamans Clinton A [Eva], cook J E Bittner
Seamans Forest G, night policeman, rms A White
Sebold John P [Emma M], bricklayer, res Indiana ave
Seifert John [Minnie], laborer, res Dockters Hts
Seifert Nicholas, laborer, res Dockters Hts
Sephton Anna J, res Fifth
Sephton Frank, wks Phoenix Co, res Fifth
Sephton John T [Ellen], glassblower, res Fifth
Shafer Della, res Washington ave
Shafer Iva, res Washington ave
Shafer Mrs Nancy, res Washington ave
Shafer Simon H [Christina C], glassblower, res Washington ave
Shakely George A [Effie], wks Phoenix Co, res Atlantic ave
Shanabrough Samuel [Tena], wks Tub Works, res Indiana ave
Shane Jarrett, laborer, rms W Henry
Shank Samuel [Catherine], wks Phoenix Co, res Washington ave
Shaughnessy Patrick E, wks G J Zitzman, bds same
Shear Ernest [Mary], decorator, res Dockters Hts
Shear Ernest jr, decorator, res Dockters Hts
Shear Fred, glassworker, res Dockters Hts
Shellito Ethel I, res Virginia ave
Shellito Frances I, res Virginia ave
Shellito Hazel M, res Virginia ave
Shellito Hugh L [Clara], stonemason, res Virginia ave
Shellito William J, res Virginia ave
Shivler Homer, glassblower, rms C F Boyle
Short C Ella, wks O B Bruce
Short George W, teamster, res Eight
Short John [Blanche], laborer, res Washington ave
Short Thomas H [Minnie M], wks P&L E, res Eight
Shroads Harry S, glassblower, res Indiana ave
Shroads Mrs Margaret (wid George W), res Indiana ave
Siegel Hilmar J [Lona], glassblower, res Washington ave
Siegert Mrs Mary, res Dockters Hts
Simpson H C [L Ada], pianos etc, s s Penna ave, res same
Simpson Harry C [Tena], laborer, res Eleventh
Simpson James B [Mary], glassworker, res Dockters Hts
Simpson John Jr [Ada A], glassworker, res Indiana ave
Simpson John A [Agnes J], glassworker, res Virginia ave
Simpson Lilly M, res Virginia ave
Simpson M Pierce, stenog Ft Pitt Gas Co, res s Penna ave
Simpson Maud E, res Virginia ave
Sinclair Agnes, res Eight
Sinclair John, laborer, res Eight
Sinclair Mary, res Eighth
Sinclair Samuel, laborer, res Eight
Sinclair Thomas [Grace], res Eight
Sinclair Thomas jr, laborer, res Eight
Skelton Harry, wks Colonial Steel Co, bds Point Breeze Hotel
Skillman Daisy, res n s Penna ave
Skillman Harrison L [Addie], meats n s Penna ave
Smith Angus, stonemason, res Pacific ave
Smith Harry, wks Colonial Steel Co, bds Hotel Monaca
Smith Mrs Margaret (wid Forquer), res Pacific ave
Smith Margaret A, res L L Householder
Smith Mrs Sarah (wid A B), res C G Watt
Smith Walter, foreman Colonial Co, bds Central Hotel
Smith William, stonemason, res Pacific ave
Smith William, steelworker, bds Mrs M Dias
Snitzler Leo, clerk, rms J V Cable
Soladean Cora, wks F J Hoefling
Sommer Frederick [Mary], wks Phoenix Co, res Ninth
Sparling Eula L, student, res cor 6th and Penna ave
Sparling F May, tel opr, res cor 6th Penna ave
SPARLING WYNDOM [Etta], mgr The Only Drug Store, res w s Sixth
Spernick George [Mary], laborer, res Dockters Hts
Sproull Elmer E [Melzina], plumber Washington ave, res same
STARRETT A DICKERSON [Helen W], pres The Batchelor-Starrett Co, res Atlantic ave
Steen Thomas [Katel], wks Phoenix Co, res Ninth
Steinhauser Henry, porter Central Hotel, res same
Steiss Charles, tailor, rms W Miller
Stevens Ernest, student, res Dockters Hts
Stevens Fred J [Elizabeth], wks Phoenix Co, res Dockters Hts
Stewart Albert, wks Phoenix Co, bds J Dinsmore
Stewart Allard J [Mildred I], paperhanger, res Atlantic ave
Stewart Joseph, wks Steel Works, bds M W Reed
Stidham Andrew C, laborer, res Virginia ave
Stidham Charles H [Albertina], Street Commissioner, res Virginia ave
Stidham Joseph R, laborer, res Virginia ave
Stidham William H, wks Phoenix Co, Virginia ave
Stief Carl, wks Phoenix Co, bds P Mattauch
Stiles Mrs Martha L, res Pacific ave
Stilwell Nelson, engineer, bds J Dinsmore
Stoops Edward S [Laura], livery s s Penna ave, res same
Stoops J, steelworker, bds Mrs M Dias
Stoops John, baker, rms H C Weirich
Stoops William [Mary I], teamster, res Virginia ave
Storm August [Bertha], wks Phoenix Co, res Dockters Hts
Storm John [Elizabeth], laborer, res Dockters Hts
Stoops William [Mary I], teamster, res Virginia ave
Storm August [Bertha], wks Phoenix Co, res Dockters Hts
Storm John [Elizabeth], laborer, res Dockters Hts
Storrick Jacob W [Josie K], res Ninth
Storrick Jesse M, res Ninth
Sturgess Henry [Elizabeth], glassblower, res n s Penna ave
Suchy Martin, laborer, res Atlantic ave
Sullivan Daniel, puddler, rms Mrs M A Boak
Sullivan William [Lena], grocer s s Penna ave, res same
Summers Scott, wks J T Taylor, bds same
Swansey William F [Ella M], glassworker, res Indiana ave
Swartswelter Joseph, bricklayer, bds J Dinsmore
SWEARER J A, Supt The Opalite Co, res Beaver Pa
Sweet Charles D [Inez S], wks Steel Works, res Atlantic ave
Sweet Edward P [Sophia E], res Atlantic ave
Sweet Ellen D, milliner Batchelor-S Co, res Atlantic ave
Sweet George [Edith], cooper, res Pacific ave
Sweet M Day, res Atlantic ave
Sweet Mary A, res Atlantic ave
Swoger Bertha B, res W J Mellon
Taravella John, res s s Penna ave
Taravella Joseph [Antonia], fruits s s Penna ave, res same
Tate Joseph [Fanny], plasterer, res Atlantic ave
TAYLOR H HARRY (Heidrick & Taylor), res cor Penna ave and 15th
Taylor Hervey J [Hester L], carpenter, res Fourth
Taylor Jean K, res Third
TAYLOR JOHN T [Ida M], treas and gen mgr The Beaver Valley Water Co, office Masonic Temple 1213 Seventh ave Beaver Falls, also dealer, in real estate, res Third
Taylor Olive G, teacher, res F M Hays
Taylor Vera McD, res Third
Taylor William G, res Third
Temple Alexander [Margaret E], painter, res Eighth
Thomas Powell [Anna], wks Steel Works, res Dockters Hts
Thomas Edward [Gertrude T], wks Steel Works, res Washington ave
Thompson Agnes M, res n s Penna ave
Thompson David [Catherine], glassworker, res n s Penna ave
Thompson George, student, res n s Penna ave
Thompson James, glassworker, res n s Penna ave
Tiess Michael, wks Phoenix Co, bds Mrs S Tohme
Tindall William, res Dockters Hts
Tinkham Charles, wks U S Sanitary Mfg Co, bds Hotel Monaca
Tinsley Philip [Lucinda], wks Phoenix Co, res Pacific ave
Tinstman William F [Margaret], res Virginia ave
Tischer Mrs Marie, res Fourth
Todd Ira H, dentist s s Penna ave, rms same
Tohme Johanna, res s s Penna ave
Tohme Mrs Sophia, res s s Penna ave
Tolby Charles, wks Steel Works, rms J B McKay
Trumpeter Mrs Elizabeth (wid Gilbert), res Indiana Ave
TRUMPETER GILBERT [Lydia N], real estate and insurance broker Penna ave, res Atlantic ave
Trumpeter John [Emma], grocer Indiana ave, res same
Trumpeter Laura A, res Indiana ave
Trumpeter Nelson H [Fanny], asst supt Phoenix Etching Dept, res Eleventh
Trumpeter William M [Mabel R], grocer Washington ave, res Washington ave
Twaddle Mrs Margaret J (wid Martin), res s s Penna ave
U S Sanitary Mfg Co, surround by high fence S Monaca
Undirko Michael [Rosa], wks Tub Works, res Eighth
Urwin George [Mary], glassblower, res Pacific ave
Urwin Wm M [Joanna], asst foreman Phoenix Factory No 1, res Virginia ave
Urwin William M jr [Elizabeth], glassblower, res Virginia ave
Uselton Rose E, rms E E Sproull
Uselton William J, glassworker, rms E E Sproull
Vail James D, wks Phoenix Co, res Pacific ave
Vail Thomas S [Sarah A], laborer, res Pacific ave
Vail Walter M, wks Phoenix Co, res Pacific ave
Van Kirk G Sherman, laborer, bds Mrs L Powell
Van Kirk Harry E, laborer, bds Mrs L Powell
Van Ripple Arthur, rms G J Bell
Varner George W, res Washington ave
Varner Mrs Madeline, confectionery n s Penna ave, res Washington ave
Varner Madeline, res Washington ave
Varner William, res Washington ave
Varous Mrs Lottie, res s s Penna ave
Vasbinger Arthur, laborer, rms S W Mayes
Vetter Alvin, barber, bds G Friebe
Vock George F [Viola J], wks Phoenix Co, res Eighth
Vogt Emil A [Callie], wks Steel Works, res Indiana ave
Vogt Henry E [Elizabeth], meats n s Penna ave, res Indiana ave
Vogt John D [Barbara], res Indiana ave
Vogt Rosina M, res Indiana ave
Vollhardt William C[Jessie F], clerk, res Atlantic ave
Vollhardt William N, shipping clerk, res Atlantic ave
Wadatz Albert [Antonia], laborer, res Eighth
Wagner Charles M, supt No 2 Factory Phoenix Glass Co, res Atlantic ave
Wagner Emma L, res Eighth
Wagner Jonathan D [Mollie], blacksmith, res Fourth
Wagner Mary, res Atlantic ave
Wagner William [Wilhelmina], with D Fisher, res Eighth
Walker Elizabeth, chambermaid Central Hotel, res same
Walter John [Louise], res Fourteenth
Walter Joseph A, bricklayer, res Washington ave
Walter Laura P, res Washington ave
Walter Nettie M, dressmaker, res Washington ave
Walton Opal O, res Fifteenth
Walton William M [Columbia M], wks Phoenix Co, res Fifteenth
Warfield Edward, wks Steel Works, rms E B Hit
Watt Clifton G [Ellen M], roller, res Penna ave
Webster Charles [Mary], glassblower, res Ninth
WEBSTER FREDERICK [Maud S], pres and treas The Frederick Webster Co, res New Brighton Pa
WEBSTER FREDERICK CO THE, Frederick Webster pre and treas, MS Webster sec, plumbing and gas
Webster John, laborer, res I Barrett
Weidman Johanna, wks Phoenix Co, bds Mrs Tohme
Weidman Martin, wks Phoenix C, bds Mrs S Tohme
Weidman Michael, wks Phoenix Co, bds Mrs S Tohme
Weidner Albert K, wks Phoenix Co, res Fourteenth
WeidnerMargaret A, res Fourteenth
Weigel Elmer E [Minnie], wks Steel Works, res Washington ave
Weigle Clarence W, gasfitter, res Dockters Hts
Weigle George M [Emma M], glassworker, res nr Pumping Sta
Weigle Harrison, glassworker, res Dockters Hts
Weigle Homer [Mary], bricklayer, res near Bath Tub Works
Weigle Jacob [Teresa], res Washington ave
Weigle Llewellyn [Cecilia], wks Phoenix Co, res s s Penna ave
Weigle Maggie, res Washington ave
Weigle Oliver [Enzeennetta], wagonmaker, res Dockters Hts
Weigle William L [Etta H], laborer, res Eighth
Weigle Zodarah, res Dockters Hts
Weiman George W [Lydia M], res Indiana ave
Weirich Henry C [Mary A ], bakery Indiana ave, res same
Welch Charlotte, res Welchmont
Welch Clara E, res Welchmont
Welch Fire Brick Co, west end of city
Welch James H [Julia] (Welch Fire Brick Co), res Welchmont
Welch Lydia A, res Welchmont
Wells Frank, rms A Laird
Welsh David, wks Steel Works, rms Mrs N Shafer
Welsh James, bricklayer, bds Point Breeze Hotel
Welsh James J [Laura H], glassworker, res Washington ave
Welty Fred, glassworker, res Washington ave
Welty Rudolph [Wilhelmina], glassworker, res Washington ave
Wentworth Albert [Maria], res s s Penna ave
Wentworth William [Carrie], glassworker, res Atlantic ave
Wernert Mrs Regina, res Dockters Hts
Westbrook Charles, plumber, bds Hotel Monaca
Western Union Telegraph Co, P & L E Station
White Arthur [Angeline], res Washington ave
White Homer, bookkeeper, res Washington ave
White John E, insurance agent, res Washington ave
Whitehead Edward F [Maggie M], bartender Central Hotel, res Fifth
Wickline Adam, laborer, rms W Henry
Wickline Thomas F, res J E Boyle
Wiedeman Mrs Anna, res Washington ave
Will Christian, res Hotel Monaca
Will Harrison T [Stella V], wholesale liquors cor 6th and Penna ave (Propr Hotel Monaca after April 1st 1903)
Will Mrs Margaret A, res Atlantic ave
Will Queenette B, res Atlantic ave
Williams Edward [Mary J], patternmaker, res Virginia ave
Wilson Cora, res H W Miller
Wilson Daisy, res Atlantic ave
Wilson Dora, res H W Miller
Wilson F L & Co, real estate etc, Real Estate and Insurance, Houses and Tenements, n s Penna ave
Wilson Frank L [Anna E] (F L Wilson & Co), res s s Penna ave
Winch Elmer E [Mary K], carpenter, res Washington ave
Winch R Fay, res Washington ave
Wincott Richard, bricklayer, bds Point Breeze Hotel
Winford William [Carrie], glassworker, res Washington ave
Winkle Daniel B [Hattie], wks Phoenix Co, res Washington ave
Winkle Edward, barber, res s Penna ave
Winkle George [Angeline], res n s Penna ave
Winkle George W [Lulu O], glassworker, res Atlantic ave
Winkle Robert M. clerk, res n s Penna ave
Winkles William J [Maggie I], glassblower, res Washington ave
WOLF MILLARD F [Ida M], manufacturer and dealer in handmade harness, full stock of horse furnishings.
Wolf Minnie, res Atlantic ave
Wolfman Fred [Ella L] wks Phoenix Co, res n s Penna ave
Wright William, blacksmith, rms A Temple
Wurzel Cornelius, wks Glass Works, res s s Penna ave
Wurzel George, glassblower, res s s Penna ave
Wurzel Margaret, res s s Penna ave
Wurzel Nicholas jr [Theresa], real estate s s Penna ave, res same
Yonotka Michael, laborer, res Virginia ave
Young Men’s Christian Assn, Wm Hunter sec, Eight cor Indiana ave
Youtes Mont D, cashier The Citizens National Bank
Zeiler Max [Mary], wks Phoenix Co, res Atlantic ave
Zerbe Cyrus E, wks Steel Works, rms W M Walton
Ziccareth George [Carmen], laborer, res Pacific ave
Zinke Frank [Rose], glassworker, res Washington ave
Zinke Joseph [Anna], glassworker, res Washington ave
Zitzman Clara S, res Washington ave
Zitzman Francis A [Mary M], res Washington ave
Zitzman George F, druggist and stationer cor 9th and Washington ave, Tel 249-1, res Washington ave
Zitzman George J [Mary], tinner n s Penna ave
Zitzman Jennie B, res Washington ave
Zitzman John B [Margaret], glassblower, res Washington ave
Zollinger Harry E [Ella], bricklayer, res Indiana ave

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