• Fri. Mar 28th, 2025


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1920 Freedom Census, Beaver County


Feb 28, 2014

Freedom Census 1920 FREEDOM CENSUS 1920

This is a partial list of the 1920 Freedom census. Some of the names are misspelled due to the difficulty in reading
the original hand written document. Compiled by. Don Fraser

Abortns George 37 Croation baker [Shmigh 28] Dot 10, Mildred 4.
Abrams George 28yrs Aust-Slovak 1907 mechanic helper RR [Anna 25 Slovak] Fifth Ave.
Acher Frank 49yrs parents German [Emie S 50 mother German]
Acree John M 44yrs West Virginia conductor railroad [Ida 44 West Virginia] Tillie 21, Effie 18,
Charles S 13, Nancy June 10, Ruth 8, Mary 5.
Albright George E 40yrs [Alta M 40] George 13, Martha M 10, Mary E 9 Iowa, Edwin W 2 Iowa. 28 Sixth Ave.
Alford Homer 36yrs Texas [Charlotte 30] Homer 4, Rupert 3, roomer Kelly Charles 43, Kelly Ray 41.
Allcorn Clarence 23yrs Ohio mother English machinist railroad. Lodging with Whitehouse at 699 Third Ave.
Allshouse Ruben 50yrs conductor RR [ Effie 48] 1155 6th Ave.
Anderson Charles L 31yrs West Virginia brakeman RR [Martha 26 West Virginia] Charles 6, Margaret E 2.
Anderson Harry 22 Greece 1911merchant confection [Mary 17] Elizabeth. Third Ave.
Anderson Walter 28yrs brakeman railroad [Katherine 24] Bertha 4yr 11 mo., Dorothy 2.
Anderson Walter 45yrs Merchant Grocery [Rose 39] Vera 15, Loretta 11. 1041 4th Ave.
Andrew John L 30yrs pipe fitter parents Scotland [Irene Snyder 24] 547 3rd Ave.
Andrews Pearl J clerk Post Office, 1401 5th Ave.
Angotti Frank 28yrs Italy 1907 Oil Works [Florence 15]
Ansberry Edward 30yrs Ohio [Louise 29 Ohio] Katherine 5, Irene 3.
Armstrong Clarence E 28yrs [Bertha 28 parents England] John 4.
Arnhols Walter E 51yrs Ohio father German mother Ohio [Jennie E 49Ohio father France] Marguerite 21,
Karl E 19, son Z 16
Ash Herbert 21yrs West Virginia brakeman railroad [Hazel 21] Third Ave.
August Sandow 35 Italy 1910 Merchant Ice & Coal [Calma 33 Italy] Antonio 6, Mary 4, Ellen 2, Josephine.
August Sebestinin 75yrs Italy 1915 [Mary 69 Italy] Sandow 26 Italy 1910 Ice Dealer Wagon Route.
Baily William 68yrs Canada father New York barbershop [Bertha 51] servant Wall Levian 17. Third Ave.
Baker Oliver 42yrs foreman Casket Works [Minnie 23] Clarence 1. Third Ave.
Baker William 52yrs Ohio copper Oil Works [Hadwig 50 mother German father Switzerland] Fred 23,
Father in law May Joseph 81
Balletts Antonio 44yrs Italy [Mary 39 Italy] Evelyn 17, Joseph 10, Amity 9, Edith 5, Albert 2.
Balter Samuel 36yrs Russia 1903 Yiddish merchant meat and grocery [Dora 36 Russia 1903 Yiddish]
Sydney 13, Godovan 10, Benjamin 8, Minnie 6, Norman M. 602 Third
Barber Elizabeth 28yr parents born in Virginia. Widowed laundress.
Barberini Mabeline 33yrs Wd. Italy 1907 boarding house, son Saul 8, Paul 11,boarder Fello W43,
Workhe Frank 64, Pattmin Carl 23.
Barnes Jesse E 41yrs Ohio [Margaret E 38 parents Irish] Mary F 14, Sarah 12, mother in-law Glynn Bridgett 76, Michael 46
Barnick Thomas 40yrs Oil Works Austria [Annie 40 Austria] Mary 16, Katie 12, Annie 10, Helen 7,
John 5, Thomas 1. 749 Seventh St.
Barr Eugene 38yrs [Mamie29] Forest E 4. 600 Mine St.
Barto William 49yrs carpenter house, daughter Clara 18, son Samuel 16. Fifth Ave.
Bartomica Angelo 30 Italy [Mary 19] Philip 4 mo.
Barvo Mike 25yrs railroad Italy [Mary 16 Italy] brother Joe22 railroad Italy. 221 Fifth Ave.
Beatty Harry 22yrs mechanic railroad [Sara] Bette 4 mo., 274 Fourth Ave.
Beatty Minnie 43yrs Wd., son William 20 brakeman railroad, Oscar 18 mechanic helper railroad,
Margaret 13. 276 Fourth Ave.
Beck Charles F 25yrs [Ethel 24 parents England] Charles S 1yr 11mo.
Bell Frank 59yrs Italy laborer Borough [Rose 51] John 24 RR, Joe 22 RR Fourth Ave.
Belletts Frank 28yrs Italy [Rosie 28 Italy] Nicole 6, Eugene 5, Joseph 2, Mary 1.
Beltz John 30yrs [Pearl 22] Robert 2, son 7 mo.
Bentel Mrs. Mary C 54yrs clerk rail road son Charles A 21 Sarah 19,
Sister Henderickson Emma 61. 691 4th Ave.
Bentle Amanda 79 father West Virginia, daughters Annie 59, Thalia 55.
Betty Harvey 29yrs [Stella 22] George. Fourth Ave.
Betz Clyde 42 [Delia 36] Colleen 16, Nelson 12, Felicia 9, Edna 1, Anna.
Betz Kenneth 55yrs engineer locomotive [Margaret 51] Frank 25.
Betz Ralph 32yrs Gang Forman [Pearl26] Lenore 6, Ordelle 5, Thelma 4 mo. 565 Fifth Ave.
Birdy Ralph 28yrs West Virginia railroad [Ella 26 Wisconsin father Denmark mother German] Third Ave.
Bischoffberger Edward 52yrs father German Oil Works [Mary 54] John 21, Martha 19,
Margaret 17, Edward 12.
Bischoffberger Charles 80yrs Germany [Mattie 72 New York] Bertha C 50 Seamstress tailor shop, Katherine 45.
Bivihart Oscar 32yrs Ohio brakeman railroad [Mary 24 Ohio] Homer 3 Ohio, James 2 Ohio, Third Ave.
Bland? 26yrs Ohio [Estelle M 20 Ohio] Genwine 3, James H 11mo.
Blank Esirel 41yrs New York [Alice 41neice Bryror Edith 8, roomer Bryman William 42.
Blatt August 74yrs Alsace Loraine France, real estate, Sister Remer E 61. Third Ave.
Blatt Berthold G 37yrs Auditor Atlantic & Pacific father French [Mario 34] Robert 9, Betty 6. 795 Fourth Ave.
Blatt William 47yrs insurance agent father French [Grace 41] Fred 17, Mary 15, Richard 8, Margaret 8.
Blue James 43yrs New York parents Ireland [Mary 43] William 17, James R 12, Clara F 4yr 6mo.
Blume Joe 39yrs Germany railroad [Kathleen 36 father German] Kathleen 14, Louise 13, Elizabeth 11,
Ester 7. Fifth Ave.
Boal John K 29yrs [Beulah H 29 New Jersey] Erwin 4, John J 3mon.
Bohle Gusto C 35yrs Maryland parents German [Louise 25, John 7, Margaret 5, George 4, Andrew 3mo.
Bonoparte Sahadore 26yrs Italy 1903 [Fellita 26 Italy 1901] Frank 7, Frederick 3, Mary 2, Josephine. 661 3rd Ave.
Bott Frank 53yrs Oil Co. parents Ger. [Lydia 47 father IL, mother Ger.] Lawrence H 26 lock man U.S. dam,
Homer 23 Oil Co., Howard 23 Oil Co., Arthur 11.
Boyle Harry F 40yrs brakeman railroad [Laura D 52] Fifth Ave.
Brandau August W 36yrs West Virginia parents German [Susie 31 Kentucky father Kentucky Mother Ohio]
Lodger Himmis Nicole 25. 8tn St.
Brandt John C 69yrs. Parents German [Katherine R 63 parents German] George C 40, Angus M 20.
Brandt William 34yrs born Ohio [Mary 29 Ohio] William 5, Evelyn 2.Sixth Ave.
Brew Joseph 31yrs [Marble 28] William 10, Kathern 9, L son 7, Ester 5, Robert 2. Fourth Ave.
Bridge James C 43yrs West Virginia clerk railroad [Grace V 21 father German]
Brown Ira 38yrs [Florence 39 New York] Roy 16, Ruth 13, Lydia 10, Lillian 1yr 8mo. Fourth Ave.
Brown Margaret 46yrs father German, son Ross 18, Fay 15, Floyd 15, son in law Reter Dean 21, daughter Hilda 21.
Brubaker Grace 49yrs machine shop [Elizabeth 47 father German] Burton 14, Ruth 12,
Lodger Ewing Lester 32. Third Ave.
Bruce Charles J 48yrs carpenter [Nancy F 28] Louise 16, Mary 11, Bertha 6, Irene 3
Brusier John 44yrs Ohio, sister Kathern 46 Ohio]
Bryson Geo. D. 2?yrs Georgia [Hanna] daughter.
Bryan William 78yrs merchant Butcher grocery, son in-law Canton Walter, daughter Lottie 37.
Brubach Alfred T 47yrs [Anna K 43 Ohio parents German] Nephew Richards John P 13 Ohio. Sixth St.
Bulmire Margaret 54yrs parents Germany seamstress at home, sister King Mary 54 laundress,
Nephew Adolph B 13. 651 Third Ave.
Burden John 26yrs Indiana father Ohio [Betty 25 Ohio father West Virginia mother Ohio] lodger Hognan M.
Burton William 34 Virginia truck driver Oil Co. [Maureen 28 Virginia] Margaret 4, William 3,
Maureen 2, Edward 2, Jay 2 mo.
Busser Joe 43yrs parents German [Tracy 25 parents Germany] Joseph 7. 561 Fourth Ave.
Butcher Ralph 46yrs West Virginia conductor rail road [Arvilla 39 West Virginia] Paul 20 clerk railroad,
Edward 18 railroad, all West Virginia.
Callier Clyde A 31yrs [Ethel 26] Gertrude A. 8, Bertha 5.
Cameron? C 60yrs Merchant Confectioner [Eva L 58] niece Deminh Margaret 26 clerk Confectioner
Campbell Taylor B 36yrs Virginia [Elizabeth 37yrs Germany] Annie B 5 Ohio, Mother in-law Ehrn Mary 58 Germany.
Canposi Angela 40yrs Italy inspector railroad.
Caputa Dominic 34 Italy 1903 barber shop [Anna 27] Anthony 9, Frank 7. 660 Fourth Ave.
Caputo Anthony 58yrs Italy 1907, son Joseph Italy railroad, Cucine 21, Ernest 16 Italy.
Cardie John 33yrs New Hampshire parents Italy blacksmith Marble Works [Evelyn 29] Dorothy 8,
John 6, Evelyn 4, Hazel 3.
Carlin Thomas H 47yrs [Elizabeth 45] Grace 20, Zahn Frank 49, Katherine 45, Marian 24.
Carner Clayton 30yrs Ohio brakeman railroad [Florence 25 parents New York] Clayton jr. 1yr 4 mo.
Carothers Daniel 67yrs storekeeper RR Virginia father Ohio [Emma 63 Virginia father Missouri] daughter.
Carothers Walter 27yrs yard master railroad [Ester 23] Robert 1, father Harry 64 laborer railroad.
Carothers William 73yrs Ireland 1858 watchman Water Co. [Alice 55 England 1883] John L 21, Violet 17, 2nd Ave.
Carson Charles 38yrs Kansas [Annie 31] Charles 3, Robert1.
Carter Ben 44yrs North Carolina brakeman railroad [Effi 22 NC] Elij 5, brother Chad 38
Carter Edward 28yrs Virginia steel mill, Sister Tina 30, Brother John 26.
Carter Mrs. Hattis 60yrs Virginia, lodger Louis Andy 40 Virginia Oil Works.
Cascio Toni 38yrs Italy 1902 Merchant Fruit [Tina 31 Italy] Samuel 3, Tina 2, Jennie 8mon.
Cashdolar Everett 30yrs conductor railroad [Gertrude 28yrs] Onolett 9, Everett 8.
Caskey Louis 49yrs engineer RR [Margaret 44] James 18 clerk, Sarah M 14, Richard 12. 1115 6th Ave.
Caygale Syhcater 29yrs Mississippi [Levern 29 Tennessee] Glenda 8, Laverne 6, Ruby 3, Elaine.
Cheney Mary 53yrs tailor, sister Anna48. Fifth Ave.
Clark Cleo 30 father Maine, son Harold 9, Albert 8.
Clark Fred 36yrs father West Virginia mother Ohio [Carrie 36 parents German] Donald 12, Bentley 9, John 8.
Clark Jacob B 71yrs West Virginia [Ida M 61 Ohio] Harold C 26 clerk steel mill.
Cleis Harry 31yrs parents German [Anna 28 parents German] Anna 3yr 6mo.
Cloak Andrew 41yrs [Eddie Bell 35]? Gabriel 11, Samara 6. 511Third Ave.
Coates Jerome 52yrs engineer railroad [Riggs Robert 51yrs Ohio River lock operator WS dam
Coats Jerome 26 template maker [Sarah 40] Donald 20, Lenore 17, John W 11,
Daughter in law Rachel 19, grand daughter Pat.
Colbert Harvey C 49yrs engineer railroad [Ida 42 father German] in-law Glosen Hanna 75 parents German.
Colt Mary 63yrs parents Irish, son James 30 railroad, Harry 27 railroad, Paul 22 railroad,
Irene 15 clerk dry goods, Whelen Mary 36, G-son 4, Colt June 1.
Compose Dandore 38yrs Italy Steel Mill, lodger Jurick Patsy 36 Italy Steel Mill.
Conner Dewitt L 2?yrs [Dorothy 25 mother New York] Richard 7
Conner John 32yrs New York brakeman railroad [Hattie 35 Canada parents England] Fourth Ave.
Conner L J 64yrs Ohio mother Ireland [Estella 6? Father England] Elemia M 29.
Conrad Dom. 48yrs Italy {Anna 42] Julie 15, Mike 13, Ben 4, Eleanor 3, Joe 1yr 8mo,
John 1yr 8mo, Ralph 5mo. Borders.
Cook Henry C 51yrsOhio[Margaret 48 Ohio] Charlie 21, Bonnie 14, Kate 17, Margaret 15,
William 14, Helen 10, Sara 4, daughter W.
Copelandior Paul G 30 Indiana [Fern M 29 Indiana] sister Hazel E 27 Indiana.
Corp Harry 29yrs Ohio railroad [Viola 23] Fourth Ave.
Courtney Chas. 44yrs Ohio conductor railroad, daughter Vi 15, May 13, house keeper Hazel 24.
Craig Allen E 52yrs [Blanch 44] stepdaughter Harn Sara 24, H James 23.
Craig Delbert 42yrs promoter Oil [? 39yrs]
Craig Thomas S 39yrs railroad [Rupea H 34 Ohio] lodger Giblick Joseph 28. Fourth Ave.
Crider Milton A 29 fireman RR [Eugenia 26] Vi Alice 7, Robert W 1, brother in-law 20,. Sixth Ave.
Crider Milton O 64yrs foreman railroad [Jennie 66] Bessie 29, Ira 25, lodger Ames Clyde 22. 352 Eight St.
Crider William 39yrs [Tina 38]
Cross Jack 28yrs West Virginia [Erma 25 West Virginia] Melvin 3, Earl.
Cullahan Ela 58yrs seamstress parents Ireland, sister Minnie 50 seamstress. 4th Ave.
Cullen B. Vesta widow 65yrs, son Roy 42 conductor railroad, son in-law Kronk Charles 40,
Cora 22, Charles 3. Third Ave.
Culver Lewis 39yrs Ohio [Anna 34]
Cuppinger Philip 46yrs glass blower parents Ger. [Annie 46 mother Wales] Anna 11, Clara 9, Fred 7,
Brother William 27 glass blower.
Cuputo Frank 31yrs Italy 1903 [Mary 24 Italy] Katherine 3, Mary 2, Dominic 1. Third Ave.
Cuputo Julie 32 Italy 1903, son John 13, Forest 10, Edward 8, Henry 6, George 1.
Cutroina John 51yrs Italy 1901shoemaker [Frazier 41 Italy] Steve 19, Tenna 14, Marie 13,
James 12, Frank 11, Joe 9, Samuel 6. Third Ave.
Davis Homer 27yrs Ohio father Wales [Margaret 26 Ohio] William 2, Kenneth. 575 Fifth Ave.
Davis John M 22yrs Ohio brakeman railroad [Estelle 21 Ohio]
Davis M J 31yrs [Sarah J 29] Gary K 4. 1145 4th Ave.
Davis William 36yrs [Nellie 34 Ohio] Charles 13, Ward 6, Gordon 3, Lucille 2. 531 Fourth Ave.
Dawson Thomas 43yrs [Sarah M 40 father German] Margaret F 11, Russ 4. Fourth Ave.
Deams Nick 33yrs Greece speaks Greek [Fran 33]. Third Ave.
Dean Jennie A 42yrs, Mother Catherine 81.
DeLantia James 31yrs Virginia father Maryland [Rebecca 28 father Scotland] daughter 6 mo.
DeLuca Carl works with Frank Morelli residence 699 Fourth Ave.
Denions Charles 47yrs Italy [Annie 34 Italy] son B 12, Nellie 9, Susie 6, Angelina 4, Fannie 3.
Dever James A 38yrs West Virginia [Ada Snead M 41]
Dewherit Charles R 37yrs brakeman railroad [Clara 34] Adeline 12, Leona 6, Marian 2. 655 Eight St.
Dillion Ida 41yrs, son George 21, Nelson 20, Walter 18. Sixth Ave.
Disanzo Dominos 46yrs Italy merchant grocer [Elizabeth 43] Jessie 18, daughter 13,
Lila 9, Mary 5, Renee 2. Fifth Ave.
Divins James A 39 West Virginia clerk [Ida M 41] 420 Sixth St.
Donaldson George 39yrs father New York mother Mass. [Lydia 37 father NY mother England] Dorothy 13, George 8.
Donally Clark 35yrs Ohio parents Ireland freight conductor [Sadie 32 Ohio] Paul 9, Margaret 7, Phil 7.
Duerr Margaret 77 widow parents German, son William 55 molder glass factory, lodger Gollettie Mike 25.
Duff Jessie J 46yrs Ohio [Myrtle 38] son in law Anthony William 27 clerk steel Co., daughter Elsie 19.
Dugan 41conductor railroad [Elizabeth 46] 1441 Fourth Ave.
Dugan John A 44yrs railroad [Annie 43] Ray 19 Bookkeeper RR, Waneta 17, Albert 15, Hilda 13, William 10.
Grace 16, housekeeper Criswell Margaret 45.
Dunlap Hen M 75yrs [Mary 78] 1 lodger. 901 Third Ave.
Dunlap Joseph 48yrs [Dorothy S 37] Donald 9, Lucite 2. Eleventh Street.
Edson Aulie J 35yrs [Daisy 36] stepdaughter Massy Tina M 15.
Eicher Martin J 40yrs Ohio brake man RR [Laura 37 Ohio] Lawrence 18, Mary 13,
Perry 11, mother Reed Anna 68 all born Ohio.
Eiffler Louis C 43yrs engineer RR [Anna R 41 Germany 1882] Louis R 17 clerk RR, Carl 5.
Elicke John 56yrs Croatian {Anna 54] Andy 20, George 18, Joe 30.
Eunfist James 28yrs Greece 1901 [Mary 21] Helen 2.
Evans Walter 26yrs Kentucky clerk Railroad [Mildred 25] Louisa 3, Walter 10 mo. 575 Fifth Ave.
Evans William 54yrs Kentucky [Delia 54 Kentucky] Third St.
Fager Thomas 51yrs Germany 1866 [Anna 52] Jennie 27 saleslady dry goods,
Grand daughter Ida 4, daughter Grace 20 shoe store.
Farrell Sam 51 Italy section Forman [Jenny 38] James 22, Rose 14, Joseph 17, Milder 12, John 9,
Frank 17, Carillon 4.
Faucett John 32, son William 13, daughter Lydia 7
Fehr Charles 47yrs machinist railroad [Elizabeth 48] Louise 16, Clarence 14. Third Ave.
Fehr Mary 80yrs Germany 1858, son Conrad 48 proprietor pool room, William 50 RR, Joseph 35 RR, g-daughter Nolia 1.
Fehr Stanley 27yrs Barber [Mary 32 father German] Betty 2. Third Ave.
Ferguson Dee 28yrs Alabama Oil Works [Elizabeth 29 Alabama] Anna 6, Minnie 3, Pinky1.
Filbert William 70yrs Father German [Eleanor 42] Walt? 37
Figley Harry 35yrs [Addie M 26 Ohio] Maniti M 10, Rose 9, Daniel 4, Harry. 7th Ave.
Fineman Jacob 42yrs Poland Merchant Dry Goods [Pauline 40 Poland] Eight St.
Finley John 46yrs Ohio father Scotland mother German [Minie 47 Michigan]
Fiorucci Daniel 37yrs Italy 1919 inspect RR [Lucille 39 Italy] Tony 14, Mary 3yr 10mo, Frank 2yr 2mo.5th Ave.
Fisher John C 30yrs parents German [Sadie 27] Ida F 7, William J 4, Florence 3, Leroy B 3mo.
Fletcher Paul M cashier bank [Francis 29] Francis 3.
Flinn Roger 44yrs machines tube mill born Connecticut [Martha 41 Connecticut]
Martha 20 Conn., sister in-law McClaine Anna 50.
Fluion Charles 34yrs [Lola 34] Raymond, Charles, Cliford W 5, Alfred 3, Thelma 1.
Fobean John 54yrs Slovak section foreman RR [Anna 53] Joe 31, Mary 26, Allen 24, Susan 19,
Roich? 17, Agnes 14.
Foster John 46yrs[Clara 48] Charles B 21. Third St.
Fox James 68yrs [Katherine 68] Daniel 37, daughter in law Elise 32 Sixth Ave.
Franklvich Frank 24yrs Croatian railroad [Mary 17] Fourth Ave.
Franz Elmer W 35yrs steel mill [Edith A 32, William G 4, lodger Romigh 31. Fourth Ave.
Fraser Joseph 55yrs Scotland laborer Glass Factory father Ireland [Mary Andrew 56 Scot] James 32,
William 27 Oil Co. Harry 25, Mary 22, Fifth Ave.
Fraser William 36yrs railroad Scotland 1907 [Annie 34 Scotland] Mary 15 Scot, James 13 Scot,
Janet 10, William 7, Elizabeth 5, Joseph 2.
Freeman Homer 24yrs Ohio [Jessie 21 Ohio] Betty Jean 6mo. Ohio. Third Ave.
Fresh Henry 65yrs house carpenter parents German [Georgina 59 West Virginia] Sixth Ave.
Freshkorn Katherine 73yrs widow, daughter Anderson ?Lioh 38 waiters restaurant, g-daughters Gladys 18, Alice 15, Helen 10.
Frigans Else 56yrs father French, son E? 28 glass factory. Third Ave.
Franz Carl F 31yrs machinist steel mill [Amanda W 29] Charles 9, Allen 7, Elmer 4, Frieda 1, mother in law Kichler Caroline 70
Fruith Albert 36yrs Foreman Oil Works [Elizabeth 36 mother Ireland] Albert 11, son 9, Katherine 6. 245 Fifth Ave.
Fruth Edward 23yrs butcher [Florence 21] Sixth Ave.
Fruth Edward 59yrs engineering [Lydia 56 parents German] Mary 29 clerk post office.
Gamier Charles 33yrs Virginia railroad [Hattie 24 Alabama] son J 7.
Garrial George 33yrs Ohio fireman Locomotive [Janet 25] Mini 5 Ohio, Helen 2 Ohio.
Gash or Gaus Arthur 38yrs North Carolina tinner roofing. [Lonnie 25 Connecticut.] Seventh St.
Gayhart Jacob 43yrs Virginia [Eurk 44 Virginia] Wilson 21, Margaret 14, Herman 11, Lenin 9,
Edna 5yr 11mo, Everett 3.
Geerluim John 42yrs parents German merchant clothing [Jennie 41 father Maryland] Charles 13, Anna 11, John 7. 3rd Ave.
George Robert 37yrs, mother Sara 63.
Graham Eugene R 30yrs [Blanch 27] Glen E 1.
Gregg Alfred 27?yrs Scot [Hanna 25 Scot] Dorothy E 3, Alfred.
Gibbons Hoyt M 36yrs [Hattie L 35 father German] Gladys A 17, Francis K 14, Doris E 12, Phyllis J 8.
Gilbert Howard 30yrs Illinois [Lena 23 Kentucky] Blanch 2 mo.
Glove Gilla 38yrs widow Virginia, son Arlie A 17 West Virginia railroad, Audry N 13, Pearl E 10, George W 6, James R 4, Georgian
Goedecker Herman 42yrs shoe-maker Tennessee parents German [Anna 37 Germany 1884] Clara 18 telephone,
Teresa 16, Herman 14, Anna 12, Kathern 9, Mary 8, Dorothy 1.
Golletti Nilo 36yrs Italy 1902 lamp lighter railroad [Teresa 35 Italy] Frank 16, Battiest 14, Fred 13, Angela 11,
Tony 7, Achille 2.
Golletti Oscar 33yrs Italy shoemaker [Mary 22 New Jersey parents Italy] Vincent 4, Caroline 3, Eugene 1. 630 3rd Ave.
Gorden Clarence 23yrs [Mary 23] Ruth 1. Eight St.
Gordon 39yrs dry goods merchant Poland mother German [Dora 38 New York parents Russia speak Polish] Irvine 5,
Estell 1. Fourth Ave.
Gradel John54yrs sup. Oil Co. born Ger. [Anna 53 Ohio] Carl 26, John 19 truck driver Oil Co., Albert 18,
Margaret 15 clerk. 220 Fifth Ave.
Graham Ella 81yrs, John 44 engineer RR, Ida 40 telephone operator RR, grand son Franklin 19. Fourth Ave.
Grecco Anthony 35yrs Italy 1900 [Mary 59 Italy] Pitts Gertrude 20 Italy, Pitts Elizabeth 17,
Mother in-law Bilbtts Connie 87 Italy. 499 Eight St.
Green Anthony 26yrs Italy came to the US in 1912 [Mary 21] Lucille 2yr 3mo, Ralph 11mo. Fifth Ave.
Green Harry L 25 Ohio father Kentucky mother Ohio.
Grimm Harry 53yrs [Amanda 52] son in-law Hartmen Glen 31, daughter Edith 27, g-son Lester 10. Fifth Ave.
Grimes Joseph H 43yrs flagman railroad [Ida M 53] Fay L 3. 671 Third Ave.
Gross Charles 36yrs clerk RR father German [Millie 36 Michigan father German mother Michigan] Gertrude 10.
Gross Sophia 72yrs parent’s German daughter Anna M 32 clerk grocery store.
Grossi Joseph 28yrs Italy [Jennie 27 New Jersey] Helen3, Elizabeth 1. Seventh St.
Gruebing Charles 68yrs Ohio machinist railroad [Mary 69 Ohio] Roy 40 born in PA.
Gzil Stanley 28yrs Poland 1910 cooper Oil Works [Katherine 25 Poland 1912]
Hall Clarence 36yrs crane man bridge works [Grace 30 father Ireland] Elmer 8, George 6, Pearl 3yr 11mon, Paul 1,
Brother in-law Moss Walter 15 mech. Steel Co.
Hamilton William D 53yrs clerk roundhouse [Margaret Fehr 53 parents German] Milo 30, Gertrude 25, son?
23 clerk hardware store, Harpor 16 apprentice machinist.
Handcock Robert 48yrs [Luella 38] brother Max 44, sister in-law Mary 36.
Haney Elmer 36yrs [Mary E 37] Annie M 11, Pearl C 8, William 6, Gerald 4, Ceceline. Eight Street.
Haney Pink 22yrs [Ellie 23 Tennessee] Albert 4mo. 1099 4th Ave.
Hanmiller Christopher 65yrs Germany [Louise 60 Germany] Carl 32, Edgar 21, Annie 40, Elmer 7, Nomile Christine
Harding Charles 33 father England mother Irish [Elizabeth 32] 7th Ave.
Harding Thomas 30yrs Fifth Ave.
Hardline Jeremiah 45yrs [Ellen J50] 1145 6th Ave.
Harkins Charles A 51yrs engineer RR [Caroline 34] Stanley 15.
Harris James E 52yrs daughter Elsie 19, Paul 16. Fifth Ave.
Harter James 43yrs Ohio conductor rail road [Thora 38 Ohio] Alberta 10, Josephine 7, Pearl 4, Lloyd? 2.
Hastings William 31yrs Virginia [Lillie 29] William 3. 6th Ave.
Haun Nancy C 37yrs Ohio keeper rooming house, daughter Irene 16 West Virginia, 4 lodgers Moore James 60, Anderson
Hawkins Harry 38yrs Ohio [Bertha 36 father Ohio] Phyllis A 13, Chester 11.
Headland William 25yrs Barbershop [Wynola 22] William 3. Eight St.
Heck Russell 27yrs [Jean 27] Dorothy 2. Fourth Ave.

Heckel Elmer 28yrs clerk railroad [Anna M 28 parents German] Ruth E 4,
Mother in-law Gruen Anna 64 Germany 1884. 626 Fourth Ave.
Heller Perry 33yrs father German. Third Avenue.
Helman Hanz Z 31yrs brakeman [Ethel G 25] Gus R 10, Mary Q 7. 610 Mine St.
Henderson Harold 59yrs, son Harold 16.
Hendrick William 52yrs fireman locomotive [Elizabeth 49 New York] Frank 26,
Louise 23, grand son Frank 11mon., George 12.
Herriot Walter H. 43yrs Physician [Grace 40] McGrew W 7, Walter P 2.
Herrold Robert 50yrs glass factory [Maude 40] Vincent 20 brakeman railroad, Hatter 19,
Glad 16, Roy 15, grand daughter Dorothy 8mo.
Hetche Charles F 46yrs father German [Minnie A 40 Illinois] Charlotte 13 Illinois, Phyllis 5 Illinois. Third Ave.
Hetchie Jake 51 retail merchant clothing [Kathleen 41] Theodora 12, Ronald 8
Heysslerman Harry 30yrs clerk Oil Works [A ? 39] Harry 3mon. Fifth Ave.
Higgins Thomas 59 Railroad father Irish [Elizabeth 50 West Virginia father Irish] Fourth Ave.
Hillmen Nellie 40yrs, roomer Rowe Wilbur 23,
Hindell John 44yrs Ohio conductor rail road [Katherine 48 parents German] son in law Christan Ben 48 Germany,
Grand kids Kenneth 15, Mary 13, John 11.
Hoehn Fred 67yrs parents French German [Sofa 70 parents French German]
Hoffman George 37yrs brakeman steam railroad [Mary 31 father Scotland mother Ohio] Walter 14.
Hogue William 30 [Vera 30] 1385 Sixth Ave.
Holsinger Frank 27yrs [Anna 25] Donald 9, lodger Myers 39. Fifth Ave.
Holsinger James 47yrs. 1060 Fifth Ave.
Holsinger Simon 46yrs [Etta 38 Ohio] Franklin 8, Eugene 3.
Holsinger Simon E 75yrs [Sarah 62] grand son Fred M 12, daughter Walker Norma 25, g-daughter Geneva 5.
Honard Fred 42yrs Brakeman Railroad [Barbara 40 parents German] Dan 21 Railroad, Dorothy 17,
Margaret 16 sales lady Confectionery.
Hoover Ross H 29yrs [Marie 24 Ohio mother West Virginia] Irene 3, Helen, lodger Percy 25 Ohio.
Horn Lawrence 26 Ohio [Elizabeth 34parents German] Edward 13, Minie 1yr 6 mo.
Horner Howard 38yrs West Virginia father Scotland mother Canada [Clara 38] Donald 13, Thelma 11, Russell 9, Ken 7.
House Elmer 39 Ohio [Matilda 37 parents German] George 16, Parker 13, Helen 11, Edward 8, Charles 5.
Howe John 58yrs merchant hardware [Luella H 55 New York] Dewitt 35, Walter 33, Paul 26, Beth 25, Maureen 22.
Howel Martin 37yrs flagman railroad [Ella 34] Millard 12, Nellie 11.
Hull Minnie M 45yrs lodging house, daughter Ruth L 27 clerk, Virginia M 21, Raymond 17, Alberta 15,
Layian? M 4, mother Mary A M 63,lodgers4
Huptim Ben 46yrs Ohio [Della 42 Indiana] Third Ave.
Hutctchisn Raymond 27yrs Indiana father Ohio mother Indiana [Jennie 25 Indiana] William 2. 665 Third Ave.
Iiuim Rowen 36yrs [Vern 33] Wesley B 13, James E 11, Margaret E 8, Madeline L 5, Charles 2, Christine 11mo.
Jack Anna R 74?yrs Ireland. Fourth Ave.
Jackson Clara 56yrs widow rooming house, roomer Mesler Lee 23. 1401 Fourth Ave.
Jackson Minova 59 teaches public school, daughter Ada 37, daughter Anderson Pearl 35,
Grand daughter Janet 15
Johnson Edward 47yrs conductor railroad [Berth 33 Ohio] Raymond 12. Third Ave.
Johnson Thomas J 31yrs Ohio [Bathirm 31] Muriel M 5, Dorothy M 3, son 1yr.
Jolly John 65yrs [Mary 59 parents England] Anna 38, William 32, John 29, Chester 22, Fran. 17,
Grand daughter Ruth 12, son in law Harner Roul
Jolly Mrs. Mary 60yrs New Jersey parents Ireland, Charles H 62, daughter Francis 27.
Jones William R 42yrs Ohio [Katherine 46] daughter Boyle Katherine 10, Boyle Rhoda 8,
Boyle Margaret 7. Their father was born Kentucky.
Jordan Oren 35yrs Ohio [Laura 38, Harry 8, James 5.
Jurich Theodore 31yrs Austria 1909 railroad [Mary? Austria] son M, Catherine 3, Theodore. 7th Ave.
Karakoltra Pete 37 Greece 1908 merchant [Rolope? 36 Greece] son 12, Thomas 4, Helen 5, James.
Kasunic George 37yrs Slovak [Barbara 35] Joe 16, Steven 14, Anna 12, Barbara 11, Mary 9. 4th Ave.
Kauffman John 31yrs conductor railroad Virginia mother Virginia [Edith 26] Jack 8, Andrew 5. Fifth Ave.
Kaufman Wilbur 44yrs Virginia [Margaret 39 Virginia] Elizabeth 16, Mary 14, Annabel 11, George 10,
Bernadine 8, Clara 6, Frank 4Perry Lawrence 31yrs Ohio railroad [Anna 31 Ohio] Third Ave.
Kelly James 36yrs New York [Anna 44] Anna May 11, Lena 8.
Kelsey Eastman 39yrs Oil Works, son Therman 12, Alfred 10, Roy 9, Eastman 6. Third Ave.

Kemper John 50 Germany 1870 Oil Works [Luella 51] John 28tube mill, Joseph 23 tube mill,
Carl 21 tube mill, Edwin 13.
Kesler Martin E 31yrs brakeman railroad father German [Martha 29 father German] Mary K 11,
George 8, Edith H 5. Sixth Street.
Keyser Nobel 34yrs Ohio fore man rail road [Blanch 34 father Ohio] Mary 10, Daniel 11 mo.,
Father in law Snead Daniel 71 grocer.
Kimbel Raymond 24 [Ruth 23] Alfred 6. 350 Eight St.
Kirchner Howard 28yrs fireman locomotive [Bertha 22 parents Ohio] Howard 3, Else 1. Third Ave.
Kirk Frederick 24yrs [Emily 23] Glendel 5.
Kline Charles A 51yrs parents German [Margaret M 47] lodger Atkins Joe 24 West Virginia. 3rd Ave.
Kline William 58yrs [Jean 52 Scotland 1870] Pearl 30, Katherine 21 telephone operator Oil Co. Jean 16
Klingelhoefer Henry 53yrs Germany 1882 [Mary 52 Germany 1881] Anna 31, Nelda 18, Ester 16, Paul 11.
Klinsmith Albert 25yrs father Kentucky [Beulah 25 Ohio] Kathern 7, Alberta 6, Lenora 2, Paul. 550 Fifth Ave.
Klinsmith John 48yrs Oil Works [Sara 45 mother Ohio] Ralph 21, James 18, Amgi? Daughter? 14,
Mabel 12, Charles 10.
Klinsmith John 65yrs box maker [Charlotte 59 father German]
Knapper Harriet 60, Sister Martha 53 both laundress at home.
Koehler Ernest 24yrs father German [Mary 23] Kathern 1.
Kolic or Kolch Joe 48yrsSlovak USA 1900 [Dora 44 Slovak USA 1905] Mark 24, Babes 13,
George, Katy 11, Joe 9.
Kovick Matthew 34yrs Croatian 1902 [Mary 20 parents Croatian] William 2. 545 Third Ave.
Krepps Anna 79yrs Wd. Hesson Germany, daughter Anna L. 35 public school teacher.
Krepps Charles 50yrs [Cora 46] Taylor 22, Mildred 20, Clara 16, Gertrude 12, Edward 3.
Krepps Frank 42yrs parents German casket Co. [Margaret 38] E Russell 19, Dorothy 17, Helen 14.
Kronk Charles 40yrs living with Cullen B. Vesta.
Kronk Frank 43yrs conductor railroad [Mary 40] Francis 8, Flora 2. Third Ave.
Kronk William 69yrs [Georgian 68] Wesley 38, Steven 34. 237 Third Ave.
Kuhl Adam 50yrs Germany Merchant Tailor [Isabelle F 47 father Virginia mother German] Elizabeth L 17,
Paul E 15, Alicia R 8, Naomi 3.
Kuhl Dora 65yrs parents German, son John 33 machinist garage.
Kuhl Theodora 34yrs [Stella 24] Theodore 4.
Kunick Kate 56yrs Croatian, Chad 19, Matt 18,. Third Ave.
Laffentz Bernard 38 [Louise 35 Ohio] Louise 4, Bernard 2. 1355 Fifth Ave.
Lagrosse Antonio 35yrs Italy [Caroline 30 Italy] Andrew 12, daughter 10, Carl 8, Theodore 6,
James 3, Rose 3mo. 818 Fourth Ave.
Langsdale Charles 31yrs fireman railroad mother Ohio [Margaret 29 Ohio] Charles 4yrs 3mos.6th & 5th.
Lants Dare 27yrs Slovak [Katy 23] Milan 2. Five Ave.
Laris Peter 41yrs Greece merchant grocery [Mary 33 Slovak] Mike 12, daughter Anag? 11,
Helen 9, Mary 8, George 5, Chester 3, Goldie 1
Larkin H J 48yrs Scotland [Rose Ireland] Anna M16, Susan 15, David E 13, Margaret 11, Edward, Mary K 7.
Lee Arthur 35yrs Maryland house painter [Sally 37 Virginia] Arthur 9mo. Seventh St.
Lewin Edward 30yrs railroad [Elizabeth 32] Third Ave.
Lewis David E 54 RR parents Irish [Nora 53 parents Irish] Edward 32 machine shop, John 30 salesman, Robert C 19 clerk
Lewis Walter 33yrs glass factory [Nettie 32] Sheldon 2, father William 58 his father Welsh mother Ohio.
Lewis James 60yrs father south Wales mother Ohio [Bell 59] 533 Fifth Ave.
Lewis Joseph M 2?yrs [Ruth M 23] mother in-law Giney Catherine 71parents Irish. 1155 4th Ave.
Lightfoot Edward 40yrs Indiana father Kentucky mother Indiana flag man RR [Lena 37 Kentucky.
Lindley Charles 30?yrs keeper pool room [wife? 34] Fay 6
Lindley James H 50yrs RR [Ida 52] George 2? Pool room.
Lindsay John H 41yrs [Alicia E 36] Norman K 12, Merle E 10. 825 Fourth Ave.
Linnenbrink George 71yrs [wife? 67 father German] Norma E 29 bookkeeper.
Lindway William 25yrs Slovak [Margaret 20] Russell 7mo.
Little Florence 50yrs rooming house, mother Wilson Martha 79yrs, son Lester 26 brakeman RR,
Daughter-in-law Gertrude 21, 6 borders.
Lloyd John 47yrs parents Wales yard master railroad [Ella 40 father Ohio] mother in law Coulter Elberta? 64,
Nephew Clark 21.
Lockhart Emma 66yrs, Niece McCaskey Ann 35, Niece Thalia.
Logan Mary A 80yrs, nephew McCurley Harold 40 salesman. Sixth Ave.
Logan Thomas 48yrs inspector railroad [Ada 48] lodger Hartzel Henry 65. 357 Mine St.
Loranane Charles 42yrs New York parents French [Kathern 30 Illinois father Mass. Mother NY] border Fazen John 24.
Loren John 45yrs Scotland [Mary A 44 Kentucky parents Wales] Katherine 12, Anna M 10, Ruth 7.
Love Frank A 37yrs engineer RR [Ruby P 36 West Virginia mother Ohio] Jean C 14, Boyd C 12, Roy A 10, Frank E 5.
Love John L 29yrs yardmaster RR, father John H 71, mother Elizabeth 67, Sister Flora D 35 clerk railroad.
Magllocchi Frank 36yrs Italy 1910 tailor [Genie 38] James 10. Third Ave.
Maigolis Henry 47yrs Valk. Poland speaks Yiddish clothing merchant [Besrel? 43yrs] Ester 13, Rose 7,
Howard 4, mother in-law Stun Olin 88.
Mails Charlie 36yrs tinshop Ohio parents German [Martha 37 Hessh German] 227 Fourth Ave.
Majcan Steve 41yrs Slovak [Margie 33 Slovak] John 11, Mary 10, Sam 9, Mildred 6, Florence 4,
Angelina 2, brother 44.
Manderino Mike 36yrs Italy 1902 merchant clothing store [Maggie 33 Italy] Rosie 13, Adeline 8. 624 Fourth Ave.
Mann William B 45yrs [Sylvia B 46] James H 16, Belle 14, William O 12, Lillian E 9.
Manson Henry 26yrs Ohio parents New Hampshire [Louise E 17 Ohio]] Beverly L 10mo., Sister Clara E 16. Third Ave.
Marietta Peter H 36yrs conductor railroad [Clara B 34] Clarence Q 16. 616 Mine St.
Marshall Sylvester 28yrs Kansas [Elizabeth 23 Kansas] Jennie 7 Kansas, Alfred 4.
Marten M 27yrsItaly 1905 [Anna 26Italy] Fourth Ave.
Marten Mike 30yrs Italy merchant Confectionery [Lillie 26] Tony 7, Geraldine 5, Mike.
Martin Jacob 51yrs parents German [Elizabeth 50] Harold E 16, Helen M 11, Albert 26, Maude C 26, Alice J 2, Nora.
Martin William 56yrs carpenter parents German [Emma M 49] Chester W 30, Crawford 12, Alma 19,
Son in-law Roll Elmer 27, Gertrude M 27. Fifth Ave.
Matchitch George 44yrs Slovak came to US 1889 railroad [Anna 43] Mary 12, Joseph 11, Elie 7, Mildred 2.
Mathew John 40yrs West Virginia [Alice 28 West Virginia] Jessie 10 West Virginia, Elizabeth 8, Hanley 7,
John 5, sister in-law Gunison Nellie 17.
Mayes Herbert 26yrs Illinois [Rosemary 21 Missouri] Herbert Jr. 1.
Mays Lottie 36yrs Wd. Virginia, daughter Deliphine 9, Pearl 8, Arleen 7, Virginia 6, Lisa 4, James 3, Murtle1.
McBrier Frank M 54yrs [Wilma 52] Florence 24, Maude 22. 499 Tenth St.
McCan Charles 60yrs Ireland [Catherine 60 Ireland] James F 32, Patrick C 30, Mary 23, Charles 14.
McCan James 62yrs Ireland railroad [Bridgett 65 Ireland] Charles 29, Sara 25, Elizabeth 24, Harry 23,
Daughter in-law Mary 20.
McCauley Edwin 55yrs merchant grocery mother Maryland [Isabelle 45 Tennessee]
McCaw Sam 32yrs Scotland [Helen 30] Robert 7, Joseph 5, Helen 3, Sam 1.
McCurley Clyde O 42yrs Ohio conductor RR [Tillie W 42 Ohio] mother Susan 69 Ohio. 1135 6th Ave.
McDonald Ruth 40yrs Ohio boarding house, son Oliver 17 messenger railroad, Hazel 11, John 8,
Boarders Meyer, Hasker, Sargents.
McGill Alexander 62yr pipe tester metal works parents Scotland, son William30yrs glasscutter Glass Factory,
Stanley 25 RR, Theo. 22 Oil Co., Fifth Ave.
McGiven Thelma 19 servant for Whitehouse on Third Ave.
McMahon Charles H? yrs. RR [Lura H 38] daughter 16, Grace 14,
McMamis Thomas 29yrs Ireland 1914 [Mary 29] Madeleine 5, Roger 1. 1345 Fifth Ave.
McTailor 30yrs Ohio Railroad [Anna 26 Minnesota] Evelyn 6, John 3 Minn., Ken. 1yr 6mo. 4th Ave.
McWilliam? 80yrs Ohio, Lodgers 5.
McZanklin Clay 34yrs [Edina 32] Thomas 3. 620 Mine St.
Meehan James 57 parents Ireland [Ella 43] Winifred 20, Elizabeth 17, Regina 12,
Mother in law Donlin 76, Fifth Ave.
Meham John 64yrs railroad parents born Ireland [Amanda 61] boarder Zukham Albert 48yrs. 233 4th Ave.
Melburn William 24yrs Canada 1898 parents England, Mother Elizabeth 67 widow England, roomer Bailey William 44.
Mengel John 90yrs Germany 1848, daughter Brandt Lillian 40 widow. 1151 3rd Ave.
Mengel William R 32yrs [Louise 35] William 12, Elizabeth 9, George 7, Wilma 6, Bert 4, Helen 2.
Mennell Frank K 46yrs father England mother Ireland [Maude 44] Albert B 21 time keep shop, Dorothy 19
Merriman Edward 47yrs railroad [Elba 47] mother in-law Brown Selesta 81. Third Ave.
Messer Barbara 81yrs Germany 1866 janitor church, daughter Mary 47, son Fred 45, son William 35,
Grand son Baker Bernard 24, Anna 23.
Metzger Jacob 51yrs Germany 1884 house painter [Lorene E 44 mother German] Fred G 24 jewelry store,
Helen 13. 632 Fourth Ave.
Mikan James 26yrs Greece 1906 salesman [Mary 20]
Miller George 62yrs Germany Merchant Groceries [Elizabeth 48] Louise 16, Clarence 14. Third Ave.
Miller Harry 40yrs fireman locomotive [Renee 37 West Virginia] Robert 11, William 5, Bethel.
Miller Mrs. 65yrs West Virginia Mother West Virginia widow of George, son Ira J 43 West Virginia salesman,
Daughter Uomite Mary 29, Ed 9, August F.
Minke Charles 50yrs Oil Works [Grace 25 clerk] Third Ave.
Mitchell Henry 67yrs parents Scotland [Anna M 67] Inez I 46. 650 Fifth Ave.
Moady Florence 51yrs Wd., son J 19 clerk railroad father Maine, Beta 11 father Maine,
Grand daughter Myers Milder 16. 272 Fourth Ave.
Moady Paul 28yrs brakeman railroad [Judith 31]
Mobin Howard 30yrs [Margie 28] Ida 11, Lillian 9, Laura 6, Alice 4yr 7mo., Erma 2, brother in law Cross David 20.
Mohr Charles P 47yrs father German [Catherine 46 father Irish] Glen.
Mohr George 44yrs Oil Works [Margaret 42] Melvin 16
Mohr Mary C 67yrs, daughter Margaret A 47, Gertrude K 37 music teacher.
Monigloic Mike 33yrs Slovak [Wilma 25] Anna 4, Julie 5, 1895 Fifth Ave.
Monore Frank 30yrs Ohio railroad [Mildred 22 Michigan] Third Ave.
Moore Edgar 40yrs Kentucky [Lillian 31 Kentucky] 298 Fourth Ave.,
Moore John 30yrs grocery store [Nellie 28] Hazel 2. Fourth Ave.
Moore John 35yrs parents Virginia [Birdie 41] roomer Stamps 20.
Moore John 67yrs Ohio [Anna 63] Fifth St.
Moore Matthew 61yrs Oil Works.
Moore Marvin 29 [Clara 29 parents German] Melvin 4, Mildred 1, roomer Hartley Matt 25.
Moore William 59yrs fireman railroad. Third Ave.
Moorehouse Benjamin J 35yrs Ohio [Ethel 36 Ohio] John 3. 1116 6th Ave.
Morgan Charles 41 [Anna 41] Roy 16, Katherine 13, Monica 11, Francis 7, Jane 4, Charles 1.
Morgan Charles 39 West Virginia [Bertha 31 Ohio] Milder 14, Howard 9.
Mother in-law Ashbunch Mary 59 West Virginia.
Morgan Ira 47yrs [Alice J 40] daughter 15, Merle 12, Cain 4. 501 Ninth St.
Morgan John C 48yrs parents South Wales [Susan M 59 South Wales] Florence L 27, Elizabeth 20, Evelyn C 14.
Morgan Sylvester 76yrs, daughter Vessa 47. Fourth Ave.
Morgan William 70 [Katherine 70] Maude 40, Calvin 36, Roy 28.
Morles Joe 40yrs Syria merchant grocery [Mary 36] S? 14, Elie 12, Sara 9, Charlie 6,
Mike 3, Helen 1. Fifth Ave.
Mossgrove William 62yrs Casket Works Ohio mother Ireland [Susan 57] 398 Third Ave.
Murray Joe 26yrs Ohio father Switzerland mother Indiana [Louise 19 Ohio] James 1.
Myers John J 39yrs engineer railroad [Margaret 31] Fourth Ave.
Myocha Nicole 34yrs Austria [Mary 23 Austria] daughter 5, Joseph 2, Helen 4mo.
Nannah Joe 52yrs confectionery merchant [Amelia 51 parents German] Hazel 19, niece Fehr Erma 11. 6th Ave.
New Mike 39yrs Scotland [Nellie 34 parents Ireland] Kathern 8, Marcela 5, Eugene 3, Thomas. Fifth Ave.
Niffenegger Elder works Penna. RR [Gertrude M]
Nixdorf Chas. 48yrs crane operator railroad [Kathern 45] Len 23, David 16, Dahlia 13, Ernest 9.
Normile Mike J 48yrs flagman railroad. Sixth Ave.
Noss George 42yrs [Laura 45 West Virginia] son in law Romigh 45, step son Charles 14, Hazel 17, Noss Harold 11.
Noss Robert 56yrs engineering [Mary 57] Helen 16. Third Ave.
Noss William W 23yrs Oil Works [Rose 23] Virginia, Velma.
Nudi Joe 31yrs Italy 1900, brother in law Todat Nick 35, sister Lizzie 30, brother in law Dezuin Frank 38,
Sister Rose 39, niece Marie 2, Nephew Nick.
Nudi Mary 32 clerk RR, son Ralph 15, Frank 13, Rose 10. Fifth Ave.
Osterhout Alan 41 Michigan father Ohio yard master RR [Daisy 40 Michigan]
Merle 22 Michigan accountant iron work
Overton Richard 78yrs parents England merchant hardware [Susan 78 father Scotland mother Ireland]
Grand daughter Moore Bertha 17.
Pace Frank 33yrs Italy steel mill [Rosie 31Italy] Patsy 12, Michael 9 born Italy, Joseph 6 born USA,
Mary 4mon. Seventh St.
Packer Bert 42yrs [Sadie 39yrs] Bertin 3yr 8mo, Evelyn 1yr. 215 Fifth Ave.
Packer William 49yrs carpenter [Lena 43 Ger. 1880] Howard 18, Elizabeth 17, Edna 15, Helen 13,
Katherine 11,Ethel 8, Richard 6, Russell 3, 235 Fifth Ave.
Paderamine George 40yrs Slovak RR Fifth Ave.
Palumbo Curaco 37yrs Italy [Francis 34 Italy] Andy 9, Raymond 7, Josie 4. Eight St.
Parks Dale J 38yrs engineer RR [Ethel 35] Doris A 10, Dale R 7, Wilma V 4. Fifth Ave.

Parks John 38 foreman [Nettie 30] Dolores 12, Mary 10, Berth 7. Brother in-law McKilney Darrel 49,
Mother Parks Lydia 63.
Patars Dominic 42yrs Italy [Mary 29 Italy] Pete 4, Dominic 3, Andy 2, Gene.
Philips Arthur 37yrs West Virginia conductor rail road [Tillie 32] Lillian 15, Gannet 12. Nephew Boaln Carl 27.
Phillips John 42yrs Delaware [Elizabeth 43] Mildred 13, Morgan 9. Fourth Ave.
Phimilunder Edward [Alva 25] Mildred 3.
Pinkerton Charles 45yrs yard master railroad, son James 17, housekeeper Criswell Margaret 45.
Piersole Joseph F 39yrs Ohio [Katherine K 39] Walter E 13. 315 Third.
Piersole Wesley E 43yrs Ohio engineer RR [Tina 41 Ohio] George W 18, Francis 16, Merle F 13, Mark L 9, Ruth I 5
Pitzer Andley 28 casket Factory [Etta 27] Paul R 3yr 4mos. Fifth Ave.
Pitzer David 61yrs railroad Father Tennessee [Clara 53 father German] Christina I 25,
Dorothy A 15. 597 Mine St.
Porter George 44yrs Maryland [Katherine R 45] William R 4 Virginia. 2nd St.
Potter N 55yrs [Cora 45] Kathern 14, Mary 6, sister in law Mengel Margaret 62, roomer Dodson 20 public teacher.
Powell Hester 46yrs casket works, son Hester 16, Steven 14, Brother Pete 56. Third Ave.
Powers John F 23yrs Illinois, brother Wilkey 21, mother Mabel 43 Indiana.
Pozder Louie 38yrs Croatian [Elizabeth 32 Croatian] Sylvia 9, Zora 8, Walter 5. Sixth Ave.
Probst Robert 26yrs [Florence 26] Henry 8, Mary 7.
Purdy William 43yrs New York barber shop [Marie 42 England] Marie 12, boarder Vanden Jesse 42.
Purtell Mary 58yrs, lodger Duff John 40 Ohio, lodger Norstell Joe 35.
Radakovich George 44yrs Slavic [Anna 42 Slavic] Nick 9, George 7, Mary 5, Joe 3, Julie 1 Frank. Fifth Ave.
Radakovich Mark 33yrs Slavic 1905 [Millze 22 Slavic] Mary 4, George 2. Fifth Ave.
Rafferty James 28yrs father England speaks Irish [Agnes 25 mother English] James F 10mo.
Lodgers McGimly James 64, Rafferty Charles 15 Ohio.
Ransom Jerry 41yrs New York salesman store. Third Ave.
Rape Joseph 55yrs carpenter house [Katherine 53 father German] 320 Fourth Ave.
Reed Arthur 28yrs. Ohio telegraph operator railroad [Martha 28 Ohio] Thelma 6, Ohio, Edna 5 Ohio.
Reed Eli 67yrs [Elizabeth 59] nephew John 4.
Reeder Murray 40 Ohio [Amanda 39] Dorothy 12. 1499Fifth Ave.
Reekie Henry 26yrs parents Scotland rail road [R? orllba 23] Allen 6, Jennie 3, Harry 1.
Reiser Fred E 35yrs conductor railroad [Jeanette B 29 father German] 499 Ninth St.
Reiser William A 37yrs Teamster Ice Plant [Ruth Katie 32] Elmo K 14, Margaret 10, John W 8, Clyde 6,William J 4.
Reno Charles M 49yrs contractor hauling [Mary 50 Kansas father Ohio mother West Virginia]
Roy D 16, Laura A 14, Step mother T A 81.
Rees Robert 48yrs granite cutter marble works parents Wales [Margaret 45] Margaret F 22 teacher,
Velma E 20 clerk, Virginia R 11. 498 4th Ave.
Rhimilunder Henry 58yrs parents German Steel Mill [Elizabeth 59 parents German] Eugene 22 railroad,
Helen 21 seamstress.
Rhoads Charles Ohio [Katherine Switzerland] Roy 23, Roy 23, William 19, Fran 15, Ester 8.
Rhodes Ralph 32 [Edith 32] Dorothy 11, Gay 8. Fifth Ave.
Richart Harry 28yrs parents German [Susan 28] Harry W 5.
Rider Arthur 46 [Nellie 34] Joseph 10, Samuel 7,Harold 1yr 11mon.
Rider Elizabeth 52yrs Assistant Postmaster
Rider George 67yrs father England tax collector Freedom borough [Clara 62] George 20 clerk RR.
Rider William R 50yrs restaurant father German [Roseanne 51] father in-law Weaviling James J 75.Third Ave.
Riggs Ernest 22yrs West Virginia railroad [Irene 20 West Virginia] Sixth Ave.
Riggs M J 45yrs [Lulu 40] Alfred H 18, Charles M 16. 860 Fourth Ave.
Rinelander Henry W 27yrs engineer railroad [Helen 30] Elizabeth 2.
Ripper Henry 50yrs [Alice 50] Hazel 22, Roy 24, Elder 19, Helen 17, Albert 15, Georgian 13, John 11.
Ritchie 23yrs Scotland [Gina Maryland] Robert 1. 7th Ave.
Robinson Harry 35yrs [Grace 34] Paul 10, Ruth 8, Margaret 6, William 4. Fourth Ave.
Robinson Harry 56yrs carpenter contractor, son Percy 19, Harold 16, son in law Snead Roy 29, daughter Sara 27,
Grand daughter Sara 3.
Robinson Nero 49yrs Alabama [Ellyn 49 Alabama] niece Katy 13. Fourth Ave.
Robinson Roy 22yrs freight fire man RR [Ruth 21 Ohio] Sixth Street.
Robinson William 54yrs yard master RR [Byniha 53] Harriet 35, Harvey 28, Arthur 19, Malcolm 17,
Cliff 16, Jean 13, John 9.
Rockenstien John H 58 parents German [Katherine 42] Ruth M 16, lodger Boswell, Farmigton.
Roddy Naomi 35yrs parents West Virginia, border Midglin Patsy 38yrs Italy.
Rodevitch Anne 37yrs Slovak, Nick 6, George 7, border Witch Sam Slovak.
Roll Elmer 27yrs [Gertrude 27]
Romigh David Fred 58yrs Steelworker [Minnie 50] son F 23, Paul 18.
Romigh Herman J 35yrs engineer railroad [Lillian 34 West Virginia parents Virginia] lodger Baker Harry 23,
Finley R 25, Wills Will 21.
Romigh Samuel A 44yrs conductor railroad {Elizabeth 48yrs] son 18, son Inintin 15, Kenneth 12 Gwendolyn 10,
Earl 6, stepson Dunlap Zaire.
Rosenberger Casper 68yrs parents German [Sarah M 63 parents German] Albert 36 manger Phone Co., Tillie 35, Sarah 18.
Ruckert John 64yrs father German [Elizabeth 53] Gertrude 21, Katherine 15, William 23, daughter in law Joanna 18,
Grand son William 11mo.
Rudrist David 67yrs Swiss conductor RR [Jennie 62]
Sander Theodore 35yrs New York parents German [Elm 30 Wis. Parents German] Herbert 7,
Brother Arthur 22. Fifth Ave.
Sanderbeck Tobisa 56yrs parents German, son William 31, Rose 23, George 21, Anthony 18,
Anna 15, En? Daughter 13, Louise 10.
Sands Van 42 West Virginia, son Kenneth 19, Morris 17, Gladys 14, Ethel 12,
Housekeeper Blackwell Julie 29 North Carolina.
Schleiter August G 34yrs salesman granite [Vila M 36] Dorothy M 15, Richard H 13, Frank F 11.
Schleiter Carl J 35yrs [Ada 29 Ohio] Walter 3mo. 1000 Seventh Ave.
Schleiter Conrad 42yrs manufacture [Ida M 42] Frederick 18, Margaret F 14. 1171 3rd Ave.
Schleiter Edward 51yrs Connecticut parents German [Laura A 42 Kentucky] Eleanor 8, Mary E 5.
Schleiter Frederick 75yrs, daughter Aliganda? Adeline 43.
Schleiter Henry 49 Postmaster parents German [Pearl B 42] Edward E 22. 3rd. Ave.
Schmuth Katherine 57yrs dress maker parents German, Clifford 21 Oil Works, Roy 19, Estelle 17,
Henry 15, grandson Swankard Eugene 7
Schulat Water 34yrs Italy [Tillie 28 Maryland] M B 4, daughter A E.
Schuller John 54yrs Aust-Germany 1888 Oil works, daughter Clara 24, Anthony 22, Leo 20, Kathern 17,
Henry 15, Gertrude 14, Fed 12, Frank 11.
Scorop M 47yrs Austria Polish [Victoria 43 Austria Polish] Mary 12, Helen 4. 730 Seventh St.
Scott Frederick W 40yrs born Ohio [Estelle 37 Oregon mother Missouri] Evelyn 6, William 3.
Self Fred R. 53yrs father England mother New York [Carrie 54mother Ohio] Clyde 25, James F21,
Clara 18, George 13.
Shaffer Charles 36yrs Telephone Co. Lineman mother German, Beck Charles 25
Shaffer Harry G 36yrs lineman Telephone Co. Mother German [Edna B 31]
Shaffer Jacob W 35yrs Ohio father German mother Ohio, Mother Beulah W 72 widow Ohio,
Brother Charlie M 47, Sister Susie 39, Sadie 32.
Shaman Sam A 43 Ohio [Ella 31 West Virginia] Frank 7, Janet 5, Howard 3. 455 Fifth Ave.
Shannon Clyde 47yrs Ohio brakeman RR [Angie 50 Ohio] Pearl 23, Leo 21, Dan 19, Kenneth 15, Richard 11.
Shellager George A 28yrs [G? 29] Margaret W 2.
Shillito David M 38yrs Ohio [Bessie 3?] Tina 13, Thelma 11, David 9, daughter HM 6.
Shimon Rupert 40yrs [Carrie M 39 Ohio] Anna M 17, Alice 15, Herbert H 13, Howard 5.
Shingler Ross 26yrs [Emma 26 father German] Arnold 2. Fifth Ave.
Shiply James 42yrs West Virginia conductor railroad [Edna 26] Third Ave.
Shirey Bird 38yrs Railroad [Pearl 30 Ohio] Nellie 6,Uncle Sid 58. Fifth Ave.
Shively Homer 37yrs Ohio [Kathern37 New York] Lewis 18, Robert 16, Homer 14, Eugene 12,
Kathern 9, Margaret 7, Harold 5, Mary 3, Bernie.
Shoemaker Guy E. 41yrs Ohio plumber [Erma 38 West Virginia] Lucille 13, Robert 10, Erma. Third Ave.
Shriver William P 38yrs Ohio Telephone Railroad [Lillian R 39] Grace N 13, William 9, son 3.
Shuller John 27yrs [Mary 23 father German] John 4, son 3, Grace 1. Fourth Ave.
Simon Ralph 29 Ohio father German [May 27Kentucky father Virginia] Eugene 7. 65 Third Avenue.
Simpson K 55yrs [Hattie 38 Ohio] son Roland. 9, Homer 7, Ester 5, Ruth 3, Victor 1. 1455 Fourth Ave.
Sims Lloyd 30yrs Kentucky [Mary 28 Kentucky]? May 6 Ohio, Clarence 4 Ohio, James R 2 Ohio. 654 Eight St.
Small Charles O 32yrs [Clara M 29 Mother Germany] Theodore 8, Helen 6. 598 Mine St.
Small Mrs. Gina B 54yrs Lodging house, Lodgers Zimn Ralph C 26, lodger Hynin John 23,
Lodger Burns Albert 34. Mine St.
Smiley Clyde 26yrs brake man rail road [? 22] Steel 3.

Smith Archie 24 parents Scotland railroad, Sister Janet 32 born Scotland time keeper, Mary 28,
George 21 Oil Works, James (Bud) 18 Oil Works, Fay 13.
Smith Elizabeth 75yrs. 820 Fourth Ave.
Smith Ellen 54yrs parents Ireland, son Albert B 28 railroad. Sixth St.
Smith Frank 26 [Pearl 24] Thelma. 651 Eight St.
Smith Nettie 50yrs widow seamstress, son in-law McCoy Ross 27, daughter Anna 25.
Smith Sara 63yrs Wd. Ohio, son Howard 36 father Ohio, Wilbur 24, in law Scheel Jake 43,
Daughter Clara 44.
Smith William 42yrs [Hanna 39] Charles 19 casket works, daughter in law May? 19 parents Welsh. 980 Eight St.
Smith William 43yrs father England [Mary 39] William 10, Edith, Lee, in law Parsell George 28,
Daughter Anna 20, nephew George 3mo.
Smith William D 22yrs Foreman Oil Works [Katherine E 17] Frank A 9mo.
Snead Daniel 71 retail grocery; see Keyser Nobel. 598 Fourth Ave.
Snead Frank 25yrs Clerk Railroad [Bernice 22] 8th St.
Snead George 54 [Luella 55] son in-law Brooks John 29 Ohio, daughter Sadie 23. G-daughter Milliard 2,
G-son Rich 1. 840 Fourth Ave.
Snead Howard 27yrs Casket Works [Mary 24] 396 Third Ave.
Snead Steven K 56yrs [Anna 53] Melvin H 22, daughter Morgan Edna 29, Anna 8, James W 5.
Snead Ira B 32yrs retail merchant grocer [Marie 29] Richard D 1. 498 Sixth St.
Snyder Charles V 28yrs railroad [Emily 26] George 4, Elmer 2. Mine St.
Snyder John 54yrs merchant parents German [Olive 53] son in-law Andrew John L 29 father Scotland,
Daughter Irene 24.
Snyder Ralph 30 merchant hardware [Mary 28] Roy 7, John 4. 399 Fourth Ave.
Spagnolia John 26yrs Italy 1910 conductor rail road [Nancy 20 Italy] 458 Fifth Ave.
Spangler Herbert F 42yrs [Rose 32] border Morgan Herbert 37, nephew Herbert 7, niece Lillian 4.
Spiarhouse Matt 36yrs Slovak [Frances 31] Margie 6, Kate 2yr 3mo, Thomas 7, John 5, Frank 4, Nick 4mo.
Springer Calgir 35yrs clerk rail road [Nora 32] Harold 7, in law Amanda 24.
Stacy Charles 61yrs father born Ohio engineer RR [G Anna 58] Fourth Ave.
Stacy Matthew 39yrs [Ida 38] 4th Ave.
Starn Homer 40yrs Ohio brakeman RR [Ida 32 Ohio father Maryland] Kenneth 13, Homer 6.
Steen Joe 53yrs [Myrtle 36] stepdaughter Rambrow Minnie 16, Stepson Willie 13. Sixth Ave.
Stell Thomas 29yrs father Aust-Germany [Blanch 23] May 5, Henry 3. Fifth Ave.
Stephen Herman 31yrs parents German [wife? 30] Eleanor 3, sister in-law Noras? Hilda 20,
Father Stephen Herman Sr. 59rs Germany 1875 Machinist RR
Stephenson Isaac 34yrs Ohio [Ellen 32] Ralph 14, Helen 11, William 7.
Stepp Russell 37yrs Engineer Railroad [Stella 33] Dorothy 7, Helen R 1.
Stesvent Bertha married 48yrs boarding house, daughter Orpha 23 teacher public school,
David 21 railroad, Lloyd 18 grocery store, Edward 8.
Stewart Arthur 36yrs Ohio father Canada Irish mother Ohio [Jennie F 34] Helen V 10 Ohio.
Stickle William M 35yrs conductor railroad [Margaret 36 Ohio] Carl M 12, Margaret C 10, Evelyn 7,
Kenneth R 10mo.
Straoile Charlie 29 father Ohio [Carrie 26] John 4. Fifth Ave.
Strohbach Charles 82yrs Germany, son Joseph 42. 3rd Ave.
Strohbach Edward C 33yrs Salesman Grocery father German, sister in-law Gertrude30, nephew Edward 5mo.
Swartz Frederick 58yrs [Myrtle F 21Ohio] Eleanor E 2. 1112 6th Ave.
Teets Edward 41yrs Oil Co. [Ella 43] daughter 15, Reed 9. Sixth Ave.
Theebe Herman 27yrs Iowa parents German stone cutter Marble Works [Velma 24 Ohio] Chester 2,.
Thomas Jaris 48yrs West Virginia parents Virginia railroad.
Thompson Frank 49yrs parents Iowa [Mary O 46] Ralph 17, Clarence 9, Niece Pearl 16
Thompson Paul 26yrs clerk Oil Works [Lenore 26] Third Ave.
Thorton Patrick 57yrs Ireland came to US 1881boiler RR [Mary 57 Ireland] James 33 electrician RR. 4th Ave.
Tolbert Frank 21yrs. Daughter Geneva 17, grand son Vincent 11mon.
Tolbert James E 56yrs Oil Works [Elizabeth 53] Fay E 53, Frank 21, Carl 18, Son H 16,
Daughter Whilm Pearl 30, grand son Frank16, John.
Tosh Elgin 61yrs Ireland superintend Cons. Co. [Elizabeth 45 Ireland] Elgin 18, John 15, Joseph 11.
Tosh Michael 39yrs Italy 1906 manufactures ice [Mary G 38 Italy 1907] Vincent 21, Falinia 18, Joseph 16,
Earnest 13, all born Italy Mary 11, Madeline 9.

Trazine Roger 45yrs Italy [Virginia 42 Italy 1902] Joe 18, Ester 14, Katy 13, Ella 12,
Dominic 8, Flora 5, Tony 4, Vista 2, Mildred 1.
Trozzo Carolina 60yrs Italy 1902 lodging house, lodger Ricmilla James, Smith Tony, Angeilo Mike, others.
Trozzo Dominic 28yrs Italy [Sophia 27 Maryland parents Italy] Blycon 9, Tina 6, Mary 3 Seventh St.
Trozzo Frank 26 Italy 1902 [Mary 24 parents Italy] Franklin 6, Sarah 5, Margaret 2. 950 Fourth Ave.
Trozzo Joseph 40yrs Italy 1900 [Caroline 33 Italy 1901] Rose 12, Elizabeth 11, Dominic 7, Mary 5, Susie 3.
Trozzo Sarah F 40yrs Italy lodging house, lodgers 3. Alley Eight St.
Umstead Alfred 70yrs, Sister Amelia A 72. 1065 4th Ave.
Unrin Chester A 29yrs Ohio father Kentucky mother Ohio [Gladys M 23 West Virginia] daughter 1.
Unrue William E 25yrs Ohio railroad [Hazel 23 West Virginia] Vincent 4 Ohio, Dorothy 1.
Valentine Margaret 42yrs Italy, Elvira 18 waitress YMCA, Clara 10,daughter 10, Nellie 7,
Arcomia 4yr 3mo, Joe 2.
Vance James J 38yrs conductor railroad [Elizabeth 41Virgina] Margaret 15.4 lodgers Third Ave.
Vandine William H 53yrs West Virginia brake man railroad [Atildia? C 46]
Mother Rachel 81 West Virginia. 355 Mind St.
Varble John 40yrs Kentucky parents Missouri [Alberta 38 Ohio parents England] Marie 10.
Vennis Margaret 58 Italy, Toni 21, Dom 27. Fourth Ave.
Vickovic 29yrs secretary Slovak, Frank 8, Dan 4, Glaica? 1.
Vollhardt Charles 50yrs parents German Street Commissioner Burgh [Luria? 47] Norma 23. Third Ave.
Vujcic Vugo 32 Croatian [Petro? 35] Anna 4, Son 2yr 6mo.
Walker Bert B 35yrs conductor railroad, Edna M 16, Wilbur 13, sister in-law Eleanor 10.
Walker Pete 63yrs railroad Germany [Ida 57] Fred 34inspt railroad, Louie 32 brake RR, John 22 Oil Co., Mary 20,
Louise17, William 13.
Wanchik John A 29 [Gertrude S 25] Phyllis 2 months. 39 Sixth Ave.
Waslik George 28yrs Slovak [Stana 28] son Ridia 5, son Vera 4, daughter 1,1829 Fifth Ave.
Wassmuth Harry 49yrs Germany merchant pool room, son in law Butcher Scott 17 clerk pool room
Watson Orrie 44yrs father Canada switch-man railroad [Bertha 42 father German] John 20 Railroad, Ora 14,
Paul 5, 271 Fourth Ave.
Weener James 48yrs [Laura 41] Lyle 17, Linda 13, daughter 9, son in law Bowen Daniel 29,
Daughter Gertrude 20.
Welber George 31yrs fireman locomotive [Gertrude22] Gertrude 2, George 10mo. 1440 Fourth Avenue.
Welsh Thomas 41parents Irish [Mary 25] Thomas 6, Josie 3, Mary 2. Eight St.
White David 64yrs Oil Works [Sara 60 England] David 34 lock man WS dam. Fifth Ave.
White Finley 53yrs conductor railroad [Blanch 52] Dorothy 7. 845 Fourth Ave.
White Fred 30yrs Kentucky pipe fitter railroad [Mary 27 Arizona parents West Virginia] Clyde 9,
Son 4 West Virginia, brother in-law Luncher Calvin
White George F 24yrs [Pearl 20] Jack G 2, George F Jr. 3mo., lodger Hill Jacob 72.
White H 22yrs Kentucky machine shop [Florence 25] 651 Fourth Ave.
White Lee H 26yrs [Lottie C 27 parents German] Frederick G,
White Leonard 64yrs police town [Ellen 64 parents Ireland] son 33, Fran 28.
White Stephen 46yrs clerk railroad [Elizabeth 50 father Scotland] Kenneth 19, daughter? 17, Gnyiline 14.
White William 22yrs lock man US dam [Elma 19] William 9 mo.
White William 38 father England [May 34 father England]
White William 43yrs Virginia [Minnie 42 Michigan]
Whitehouse Hank? 47yrs conductor railroad [Mary 47 England] Leonard 24, Roy 22, Edwin 19, Frank 14,
Elizabeth 8, lodger Allcorn Clarence.
Whitihatlen Karl 28yrs Ohio railroad [Margaret 18] Alice 8mo.
Wichryk Metro 47 Poland 1905 [Annie 36 Poland] Stephan 18, Peter J 16, Katie 14, Rosy 5, Tillie 3, Annie 2mo. Eight St.
Wike John W 27yrs engineer RR [Lucille P 29] Helen L 5, son H W 3mo.
Wike William 51yrs [Nellie 45 Ohio father WV mother OH] Florence 28 schoolteacher, Edith 23, Glen 19.
Wilber Fred B 21 Michigan Machinist Steel Mill [Margaret 21.
Wilcox D 38yrs born Ohio brake-man RR [Vila 38] Fifth Ave.
Wilder William 56yrs Ohio [Blanch 50 New York] Russell 15, Leonard 14,Helen 8.
William Edward R 39yrs [Anna P 36] Hazel L 19, Violet R 17, Edwin 10, Chester 9, Russell 7, Arthur 5, son 2.
William Ira 23yrs Ohio brake-man railroad [Margaret 22 Ohio] 298 Fourth Ave.
Williams Marion I 24yrs Ohio [Anna B 22 Ohio] daughter I 4. Mine St.
Willison William60yrs Scotland 1881 NA1886 [Martha S 56 Scotland] 249 Fifth Ave.
Wilson Carrie F 53yrs music teacher pub school father Ireland, Sister Mary E 36 clerk saleslady store.
Wilson Homer 44yrs plumbing shop [Carrie 46 father NY] Mildred 20 clerk post office, Kenneth 17 salesman.
Wilson James C 34yrs Maryland mother Virginia [Anna M 51 mother English] James 13, Francis 11, Joseph 9, daughter 7.
Wilson Lester R 33yrs Maryland conductor RR [Blanch L 33] Monica R 12, Helen B 6, Vincent C 4, John L 2mo.,
Father in-law Wiener Joseph60yrs, brother in-law Charles R 19. 3rd. Ave.
Wilson Sara 54 England, mother in law Wilson Mary 62.
Wolf Charles 35yrs [Anna 25] Carl 6, Kenneth 4, Floyd 3, Frances 4 mo.
Woods Howard 29yrs [Florence 29 Ohio] adopted son Orviel 10 Ohio.
Wright William 48yrs Feed Mill [? Cynthia 47] John 21, Annie 16. 671 Eight St.
Yanavitch Mary 57yrs Slovak, son Patsy 16, Willie 11, RR, Sixth Ave.
Yanavitch Robert 42yrs Slovak [Carmalie 38] Frank 14, Sue 12, Elkie 10, Lydia 7, Pete 8, Joe, Sixth Ave.
Yost Robert 39yrs Ohio parents Germany engineer locomotive [Laura 36] Lee 11, Carl 9, Charles 7, John 5. Fifth Ave.
Zahn Frank 44yrs glass works parents German [Katherine E 45] Margaret 24 teacher music, Eugene G 23 machinist.
Zekiley Marten 38yrs inspector railroad Aust-Ger. [Anna 34 Ger.] Katherine 16 Ger., Susan 13 Ger. 236 Fifth Ave.
Zimkham Mrs. Katherine, son John E 35 railroad, daughter in-law Wonite 29, son in-law Richardson H,
Daughter Elizabeth 30,Arthur 11.
Zinkham John 29yrs [Clara 30] Lester 6, Brother Henry 27
Zindron Mike 51yrs Slovak [Irene 34] Anna 20, Ella 17, Andy 13, Julie 12, Mike 8, Pete 5,
Paul 2. 1699 Third Avenue.
Zorich Thomas 33yrs Slovak RR [Mildred 33] daughter 9, son Amelia 7, Fifth Ave.

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