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1924 Rochester City Officers, Beaver County


Feb 28, 2014

Rochester City Officers 1924 ROCHESTER 1924 Transcript Katie Jan

Borough Solicitor Richard S Holt
Street Commissioner John W Halpin
Park Commission Robert W Gordon
Chief of Police William Roth
Lieutenant of Police George D Copeland
Burgess John W Hartzell
Comptroller Benj. F. Ellis
Tax Collector John Moulds
Justice of the Peace E. B. Stiefel
Justice of the Peace Chas. W. Goehring
First Ward Joseph S Grimm
Second Ward Anna A Smith
Third Ward J Meade Patterson
Fourth Ward Frank E Hays
High Constable Joseph Alwine

President Dr. M. L. McCandless
Treasurers Theodore Wallace- W. A. Hartzell- Howard J. Irvin- Charles McDonald
Secretary and Inspector R. A. Smith
Inspector Frank E. Hays
President B. Clyde Yard
Vice President Elmer White
Secretary William White
Treasurer John D Cole
Trustees- Edward J Shee, William H Hetzler, Harry M Bittner, Wesley A Leonard
Fire Chief John D Cole
Assistant Chief William J White
First Driver Joseph White
Second Driver Wesley A Leonard

Note:– The following list of Members and Presidents of Council. Burgesses, Treasurers and Secretaries are listed from the records starting from 1870. Prior to that date, no records are obtainable, some being lost.
Serving the Borough the list is as follows:
Aaron Shellen Berger
John S Darragh, 1871
Jos. R Pendleton, 1872-3-77-78
John Wallace, 1875 M. F. Mecklem, 1883-7
W. H. Seely, 1876
D. A. Steiner, 1879
R. F. McElvain, 1880-1881
J. M. Dambacker, 1882
F. Mecklem, 1883-4-5-6-7
Robert M Purvis, 1888-89-90
T M Taylor, 1891
E T Moreland, 1892
Chas. W Hurst, 1893-4-5-6


Rochester Volunteer Fire Department was organized in 1898 and the following officers were elected; Wm. Carr, President; George F. Wehr, Vice President; Charles Camp, Secretary; A. A. Atterholt, Treasurer; Trustees, Wm. Doutt, Calvin Doutt, Calvin May; Chief of the Department John Freed, Asst. Chief of the Department Howard A. Vanderslice.
From a small beginning and with a limited Fire apparatus, which was drawn by man power and later horse power was used, until 1921. The present fire engine and hook and ladder truck was purchased from the American La France Fire Engine Company. Both these equipment are up to date in every particular and in keeping with the Board of Fire Underwriter’s standards. With the present organization and equipment this department ranks among the leading Volunteer departments in Western Pennsylvania.
The present officers and active members are: President, Clyde Yard; Vice President, Elmer White; Sectary, Wm. White; Treasurer, John D Cole; Trustees, Edward Shee, Wesley Leonard, William, William Hetzler, H. M. Bittner; Department Chief, John D Cole; Asst. Chief, Wm. White; First Driver Joseph White; Second Driver, Wesley Leonard.
Active Members; John Cole, Wm. White, R. Ray, Joe Goehman, C.Yard, Elmer White, Joe White, H. Bittner, Ed. Carey, F. Craig, Ed. Shee, Robt. Compton, H. Beckle, John Goehring, F. Craig, Ed Shee, Robert Compton, H. Beckle, John Goehring, F. Heming, John Hoffmier, Chas. Kountz, H. Kountz, W. Powell, Wm. Eberts, Edmonds, D. Dickerson, J.Kress, A. Peterson, H. Woods, Ruckert, Wm. Roth. Benkhart, W. Miller, Geo. Huth, L. McConoughly, Wm. Heitzler, H. Heitzler. Wesley Leonard.
The service of the volunteer fireman is always commendable, as he takes his life for the safety of personal property and should command the respect and admiration of the public.


An account of the schools from the time of their inception to 1899 is given in the Rochester Sem-Centennial Souvenir.
This sketch will deal with the period from 1899 to 1924.
The present board of directors consist of seven members as follows: Wm. T. Gordon, President, Dr. Caroline Baldwin, Vice President, Robert E. Johnston, Secretary, Mrs. Clara Hetzler, Mrs. L McCandless, J. H. Ewing and Frank Lawson.
Since 1899 the following people have served on the board of education: J. J. Hoffman, George Hetzler, J. M. Eakin, J. A. Miller, Thomas Coleman, J. A. Shanor, Joseph Campbell, T. H. Javens, Edward A Ewing, W. T. Gordon, G. T. Bentel, John Conway, Amous E. Sturgeon, Chas. Muse, C. a. Wallover, R. E. Johnston, Ross Carey, Cyrus Wallace, A. N. Gutermuth, G. H. Karcher, George Goodman, Wm. C. Smith, R. S. Levis, Louis Lapp, E. E. Bentel, Wm. Masten, Wm. Thomas, Dr. J. H. Baker, Wm. Beam, J. P. Leaf, W. A. Hartzell, J. S. Edwards, A. D. Brown, George F. Bauer,

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