• Fri. Mar 28th, 2025


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1930 Freedom Census, Beaver County


Feb 28, 2014

Freedom Census 1930 FREEDOM 1930 CENSUS
Transcribed by Don Fraser.

Acker Frank A 59 yrs works at Oil Works [Emma S 59] 830 6th ave.
Acree Charles 23 yrs [Rachel 21] John W 1, 661 8th st.
Adams, Carl W 34 yrs. [Agnes M 34] Carl B 12, grand father Miller Joseph 79. 510 Fourth Ave.
Alcorn Clarence E 32 yrs [Elizabeth L 27] David A 1, Paul E 4 months, 807 3rd ave
Alford, Homer L 46 yrs [Charlotte 40] Homer L 14, Richard N 13, Mildred K 10. 527 5th Ave.
Alshbaugh, Mary 69 yrs living with her son in-law Harrison Thomas
Anahord Mike 33 Yugoslavia [Mildred 43] Lubia 12, Annie 10, Mildred 4, George 2, lodger Razenovich Sam, 1875 5th ave.
Anderson John 30 [Leah 21 Ohio] mother in law Fleezel Estella 57 wd, brother in law Richard 23, 901 6th ave.
Anderson John E 40 [Lida M 36] Ruth E 17, Mildred M 15, Cliford E 13, Ralph 10, John 8, Grace 5, Charles 2, 1061 3rd
Anderson Paul A 25 yrs [Margaret 19] 1075 6th ave.
Anderson Walter 37 [Katherine 33] Bertha 15, Dorothy 13, 1415 4th ave.
Anderson Walter 55 yrs [Rosa 49] Loretta 22, 771 3rd ave.
Anderson, Albert 28 [Helen R 30] step-son Carroll Andrew B. 11, 455 3rd St.
Angeline Dominie 36 Italy [Rose 34 Italy] Agnes 3 yrs 11 months Estella 1 yr 2 months step daughter Decanil Mary 14 7th ave.
Arbintina Stanko 45 Yugoslavia [?] Vaso 10, Mike 9, 1780 6th ave.
Arbutina Y 36 yrs. [Mary 27] Mildred 5, Walter 2, 1855 5th ave.
Ariganello, Jimmie 30, lodger at the home of DePaolis, Carlo 465 Third Ave.
August Santi 45 yrs [Carmela 43] Anthony 16, Mary 14, Helen 12, Joesphine 10, Sebastine 7, 621 8th st.
Baker, Oliver 52 [Caroline M 28] Clarence 11, Theodore 9, Fifth Ave
Baker, William M. 63 yrs [Hedwig 58] William F 33, grand daughter Shirley L 7, 500 Fifth Ave.
Balter Samuel 45 yrs [Dora 46] Sidney 23, Isadore 20, Benjamin 18, Minnie 16, Norman 11, 601 3rd ave.
Banfield Alex B 41 yrs [Alma 33] 635 6th ave.
Barbarino, Paul 21 yrs, brother Salveno 16 living with step father LaGrosse, see LaGrosse.
Barnick Thomas 47 yrs [Anna 47] Peter 18, John 16, Thomas 12, Helen 10, Stephen 8, Julia 6, Louise 3 750 7th st.
Bartimocia Angelo 41 Italy [Mary 28] Philip 10, John 8, Carmela 7, George 3, Estella 1 yr 10 mon. 1591 4th ave.
Barton John C 41 yrs [Alma M 36] Grace E 16, 665 8th st.
Barzanti, Paul 38 yrs [Frances 36] Susie 11, Ester 7. 251 Fifth ave.
Battaline Frank 47 yrs Italy tailor [Martha 42 N Ireland] Evelyn 10, Robert 19, 1104 7th ave.
Baugher Daniel 33 Virginia [Bessie 27 Virginia] Arthur 6, George 4, 1071 7th ave.
Beatty Oscar F 29 [Mary A 24 Ohio] Mary M 6, Donald C 2, 601 7th ave.
Beatty, William J 31, mother Minnie G 55 yrs, 480 Fifth St.
Beck L E 26 yrs [Sara J 29] Mary J 7, 820 3rd ave
Beebout Clarence 34 W V [May 34 WV] Charles 15 OH, Richard 14 OH, Virginia 12 OH, James 10 OH, Donald 6, Wanita 2
Beers Matthew 36 {Mary 30] Clair 10, Margaret 9, Matthew 7. 170 5th Ave.
Beers Richards 38 [Helen 32] 180 5th Ave.
Beirnenger Frank 38 [Margaret 32] Jennie 13, S May 11, Frances 9, Virginia 2 year 1 month ,Mother in –law Andrist Jennie 73.
Belish Nick 40 Yugoslavia [Mildred 15] 1771 3rd ave.
Bell James M 31 yrs [Mildred 32] Margaret E 13, Eva M 11, 688 3rd ave.
Bell James M 33 yrs [Martha 33] Richard 9, Robert 7, Raymond 4, Charles 3, 655 8th st.
Bell Joseph 33 [Susie 23 Ohio] Rosaline 4 yrs 10 months, 1655 5th ave
Bell William 75, daughter Myrtle 39, Linda 37, Minnie 34 teacher, William 32 drug store, Merle 24 store manger, 1130 4th ave.
Bellish Mike 56 yrs Yugoslavia [Angeline 53 Yugoslavia] Anna 17 1801 5th ave.
Beltz, John 41 yrs [Pearl 32] Robert C 12, Dolores 10, Jack E 9, Billy C 6.
Bentel Annie 70, sister Thalia 65, sister Marshall Cora B 68, 1301 3rd ave.
Betz, J Clyde 53 yrs [Delia 47] Felicia 19, Edna M 11, Anna M 11., 421 5th Ave.
Betz, Leonidar W 65 yrs [Margaret J 60] Frank 35, 430 Fifth St.
Betz, Ralph R. 42 yrs [Pearl E 34] Lenone 17, Ordelle L 15, Thelma 10, Helen J 5, 565 5th Ave.
Bilatto, Frank 38 yrs [Rose 38] Nicholas 15, Eugene 14, Joseph 12, Mary 11, Fred 10, Albert 8, Ernest 5, 501 Fifth St.
Bilotto Antonio 59 yrs [Mary 49] Amedio E 19, Edith 15, Albert 12, Ellen 9, James 6, 701 3rd ave.
Bischoffberger Edward 63 yrs, daughter Martha 29, Edward 22, sister Bertha C 60, sister Kate M 55, 951 3rd ave
Blankenticker Aden 39 yrs [Virgnia 32] Fred L 14, 500 Third Ave.
Blatt Berthold 47 Father Germany [Marie A 45] Robert 19, Betty A 16. 1225 5th ave.
Blatt Grace M 51 yrs, daughter Mary E 25, Margaret E 18. 125 Fourth Ave.
Blesse Harry S 33 yrs [Mildred G 30] Ruth G 3, Eleanor C 3, living with Wilson Homer at 115 5th ave.
Blue James 53 yrs NY parents N Ireland [Mary 53] James 22, Claire 15, Alice.
Blume Joseph 49 yrs [Kathern 46] daughter Robinson Katherine 24, g-son Donald 2, daug Ehms Louise 23.
Boal John H 40 yrs [Beulah S 40] Erwin S 14, John H 10, Stanley A 3 months, 1041 3rd ave.
Boles, Henry R 51 yrs [Delia V 45] Duane 19, Ruth 18, Leroy 17, Bernice 16, Beulah 14, Donald 12, Pauline 10, Ross 8, Edith 5
Bonaparte Sam 38 yrs [Berrett 38] Frank 17, Mary 13, Josephine 12, Louis 10, James 8, John 5, Lena 3, Edith 10mon., 3rd ave
Borkovich John 35 yrs [Anna 30] Frank 8, Goorge 7, Carl 6, Victor 4 yr 3 month, Mother Brvich Francis 62.
Bostanic Nick 44 yrs Yugoslavia [Mary 33 Yugoslavia] Eva 6, George 5, Paul 4, Annie 1, 1798 7th ave.
Bosworth, Hugh C 26 yrs [Faye G 25] Helen E 4, Delores M 2, Ruth M 1 yr. 5 mo. 398 Fourth Ave.
Bott Homer 33 yrs, Homer was a lodger in the home of Kaufman, Wilbert, see Kaufman, 401 Third Ave.
Bott Lawrence [Lucile 23] Dale M 2. 61 5th Ave.
Boyle Harry 50 yrs [Lana 63] 60 5th ave
Branco, Carlo 39, Carlo was a lodger at the home of DePaolis Carl 465 Third Ave
Brandenberger Amos 43 [Elizabeth 38]John 17, 1602 Fourteen St.
Brandt George 50 yrs, 1131 3rd ave.
Brandt Jacob R 45 yrs [Carrie 48] son Casper Donald 26, roomer Miller Esther 24,roomer Jones Frances 24, 365 8th st.
Brandt Lydia 67 yrs widow born Italy , lodger at 375 7th ave.
Brandt William E 35 Ohio [Clara 30 Ohio] William 10 OH, Ida 8 WV, George 6 OH, Mary 2 OH, 1110 7th ave.
Brehm John 30 yrs [Anna] James 8, Betty 5, John 4.1/2, Louise 3, Mary 4 months. 1475 5th ave.
Brew, Joseph S 47 yrs.[ Mabel A 38] Joseph W 23, William J 21, Lawrence 10, Ester 16, Robert 13, nephew Carlin, Robert 18
Brink Clair E 29 yrs [Frances E 26] Donald W 5, Mirian J 10 months, 325 8th st.
Brobeck, William F 27 [Edna N 25] 233 Fifth ave.
Brockett, Royal B 29 yrs [Hilda 30] Robert H 17, step-daug Peters Doris M 9, lodger Gibson, John 44, lodger Lindaburg, Will
Brown J W 38 yrs lodger with Dooley 351 Third Ave.
Brown Fred 47 yrs Arkansas [Ada 47 Arkanasa] Fred 19 Ark, Mamie 18, Mildred 11, Frank 9, Mack 5, Alice 15, Mary 3mo.
Brown Ira R 48 [Florence 50 New York] Lillian 12, 1199 6th ave.
Brown William 66 rail road [Ida M 60] Nellie 38, lodger Beardsley Merle 38 NY, 1100 4th ave.
Brown, Ernest F 25 [Anna 22] Gloria J 2, 260 5th Ave.
Brown, Jordon D 62 yrs [Mary E 59] 532 Third Ave.
Brown, Margaret 56, son Floyd 26, Gertrude 17, Ross w 28, 260 5th Ave.
Brubaker George B 59 yrs [Elizabeth M 59] Burton D 24, 851 3rd ave.
Bruce Nannie F 45 yrs divorced, daughter Bertha 16, daughter Marietta Louise 25 teacher, g-son Harry 5, 120 5th ave.
Brunner Raymond 28 yrs born Ohio [Gladys 28] 1075 6th ave.
Bulva John 48 yrs Yugoslavia [Barbara 47 Yugoslavia] John 21 Yugoslavia, Anthony 20 Yugo, William 8.
Burchosky Nicholas 38 Poland [Anna 32 Poland] 1701 4th ave.
Burton William 45 [Marion 38] Margaret 14, William 13, Morritha 12, James 10, Donald 9, Robert 7, Wesley 5, Howard 2, Sara.
Butcher, Lloyd P 31 yrs [Edna M 34] nephew Robert S 9, 330 Fifth Ave.
Butcher, Ralph 57 yrs, brother Scott 55, 455 Fourth St.
Cain Lee B 34 yrs tax collector borough [Alberta L 34] 976 5th ave.
Callahan Ella 70, sister Minnie 59, 1125 4th ave.
Campbell Thomas 32 mother Scotland [Ida P. 30 father Ohio] Marion 9, 1525 5th ave.
Campease, Angelo 50 yrs [Nicolina 34] Fannie 8, Samuel 6, Josephine 5, Bruno 3, Ida 2, 238 Fourth Ave.
Campese Joe 46 yrs [rosie 36] Sam 12, Mary 10, Jeane 1, 390 8th st.
Campese Salvatore 49 yrs, mother in-law Surell Lida 63 widow, 675 3rd ave.
Caputo Antonio 68 wd, lodger Santifo Vincent 45, 320 7th st.
Caputo Ernest 25 yrs, living with brother in law Bilotto, Nicholas at 501 Fifth St.
Caputo Frank 40 yrs [Marianna 34] Rachel 14, Mary L 13, Dominic 11, Joe 10, Eugene 6, 620 4th ave.
Carothers Alma 35 yrs., a boarder at 455Fifth St.
Carothers Walter D 37 yrs [Ester W 34] Robert 12, Farther Harry S 75, lodger Straile Mildred 24.
Cartelli, Ralph 44 yrs [Mary 34] Armando 19, Frank 8, Louis 5, Antoinetta 3, Elton, 499 Third Ave.
Carter Clara 40 West Virginia, 3rd ave.
Carver, Clayton F 39 yrs [Florence M 35] Clayton 11. 546 Third Ave
Catalano Joseph 33 yrs Italy [Rose 25 Italy] Angela 2 yr 4mo. Joseph Jr. 1, 1530 6th ave.
Ceranick George 52 [Theresa 48] Helen 19, Mary 17, Joseph 21, George 12, Charles 10, mother in-law Culumovic Emma 70.
Cheney, Mary J 63 yrs, sister Cheney Annie 58, cousin Su? Sarah M 62, 512 Fifth ave.
Chirichetti Panfilo 50 [Vincenjina 38] Andy 20, Raymond 18, Joe 14, 845 4t ave.
Christian John 30 yrs stockman railroad [Elizabeth 30] Evelyn 10, Jane M 9, father Bernard 54 wd Germany, 1165 4th ave.
Ciani, Wbidio 38 yrs Italy [Emily 26 Italy] Alexander 8, Ametilio 6, Lorida 4, Eloide 2, Eddie A 5 mo. brother Julido 25.
Clark Frank 45 [Ana 42] Carrie 17 Charles 14, niece Hightower Effie 8, niece Dorothy 7, 1775 5th Ave.
Clearwater Frank 47 parents NY [Myrtle 31 W V] Adella 3, Luella R 1, 1061 7th ave.
Cloak, Andrew B 52 yrs. [Edna B 46] Lille B 21, Sara M 16, mother in-law Purdue, Mrs. Lillie 67., 511 Third Avenue.
Coartney Charles 54 yrs paper hanger Ohio [Hazel] step-son Kenneth 14, son Jack 9, Mildred 6, Ruth 5, Glenn 2.
Coates Jerome 37 yrs [ Mildred 32] Raymond 12, Harry 10, Grace M 8, Howard W 5, John R 5 months. 221 First St.
Coates Sheldon S 36 yrs [Cora 32] Olive 11, Virginia 8, Lois 1yr 9 mo., Mother Elizabeth 60 yrs. 307 6th ave.
Conner James born Ohio Tube Mill [Estelle 74] son in-law Lewis Edward 42, daughter Vern 40, 1101 4th ave.
Conrad Dominic 59 Italy [Anna 51 Italy] Anthony 32, Julia 25, Michael 22, Albert 16, Ray 14, Eleanor 13, Joe 12, Elvira 7
Copper William 50 yrs parents Indiana brick layer, son Bert 20, Lillian 15, Robert 12, 1474 4th ave.
Corps Harry R 40 yrs [Viola A 33] Joseph H 9, Thomas D 6, Georgia A 4, H J Glen 2, 7 6th ave
Coulter Samuel C 31 yrs [Dorothy A 27 married at 24] Betty J 3, 52 6th St.
Cowan, Dorothy 22 years, lodger Nordstrom Helen 22, 612 3rd ave.
Cozad, Charles A 25 yrs [Grace M 26] Grace A 3, Dorothy M 9 mon., Brother Rutherford 21
Craig Carl H 29 yrs born Ohio conductor railroad [Mildred 23 Ohio] Hubert F 5 Ohio, Byran 4 Ohio, 1145 4th ave.
Craig Delbert 52 yrs [Leavine 50] 600 3rd ave.
Craig Harry 37 yrs born Washington [Bessie 31 Michigan parents Scotland] Violet 9, Thelma 8, Harry 7, Leonard 8mon.
Craig Laine J 65 yrs widow, 1401 4th ave.
Crider Ira M 35 yrs [Ella M 31] Norwood 8, Ruth E 5, 402 9th st.
Crider Milton A 39 yrs. [Eugenie 37] Alice 18, Robert W 11.
Croft, John R 66, lodger with Dusenberry, 305 Fourth ave.
Crowe William 36 Tube Mill wd, son William 17, Wilbur 15, Virginia 13, Clair 11, Willard 9, Dorothy 6, 1106 7th ave.
Crowley, William 35 yrs [H May 27]nice Herrold, Dorothy 10, 533 Third Avenue
Crown, Walter O 50 yrs [Lolla 40] 521 Third Avenue.
Cullen, Brena Vesta 76 yrs, widow, son Roy R 51, 420 Third Ave.
Cutrona, John 61 years [Frances 50] Stephen 29, Mamie 23, James 22, Frank 20, Joseph 19, Samuel 17, 3rd Av.
Cyder, Jennie H 77 yrs., widow, living as a lodger at 455 Fifth St.
Daumiller Louis 73 Germany[Annie 52] Pete 42, Edgar 31, Elmer 17, 900 6th ave.
Davids Carl 30 NY [Violet 28] Son adop Manly 1 yr 1 mon. 1425 6th ave.
Davidson, Ernest 31 yrs [Emma 25 married at 16] Ernest D 8, Duance S 6, Gladys E 3, Evelyn 1, Donald S toddler.
Davis Gail W [Emma E] 80 4th ave.
Davis William 46 police steel mill [Nell A 44 Ohio] Charles 22, Ward 17, Gordon 14, Freda 13, Ernest 9, George 6, 7th ave.
Davis, Omar J 37 yrs [Margaret N 36] William J 12, Kenneth 10, Richard 7, Nomie L 4, Donald 2, 571 5th Ave.
Davison Wyle 41 yrs railroad [Sadie 37] Guy K 14, Donald L 6, 1135 4th ave.
Dawson Thomas 53 yrs yard master railroad [Sara 50] Reese 14, 1199 4th ave.
Deal Lester 27, lodger Offineer Monzo 33, lodger Darling Clyde 33, lodger Carlin John 19, Hattmaker Carl 25, 375 7th ave.
Delauter Ronald 37 Virginia [Blanche 30 Virginia] Janice 11 Virginia, Virginia F 9, Dewayne 7, Ronald 5, Geraldine 3.
Deluca Carlo 26 Italy shoe repair lodger at 375 7th ave.
DelVichio Charles 43 New Jersey [Suzy 41 NJ] Charles 19, Elmer 17, Margaret 11, Frank 10, 1743 3rd ave.
DeMatteis, John 39 yrs [Gertrude 30] Louise 9, Edith 7, Frank 9 mo.
Dennis Richard 29 yrs [Anna W 26 married at 22] Richard 3, 642 3rd ave.
DePolis, Carl 34 yrs [Helen 31] Flora 31, Palmira 9, Lena 7, Joseph 5, Carlo 2, Casper 8 mo. 465 Third Ave.
Dertivac Victor 56 Yugoslavia Oil Refinery [Anna 48 Yugoslavia] Mary 14, 1401 3rd ave.
Dever James A 48 years [Ada 51 years married at 30] 51 6th St.
Dionise Charles 56 yrs [Anna 41] Susan 16, Angeline 14, Fannie 13, Joseph 9, Phyllis 6, lodger Devito Joe 35, 700 Walnut St.
DiSanzo Anthony 40 [Anna 29] Edward 6, Esther 4 yr.11mo, Frances 1, Eugene 1 mo. 1750 5th ave.
Disanzo Dominick 57 Italy [Elizabeth 54 Italy] Lillian 10, Mary 15, Ronald 11, 1700 5th ave.
Doerr Ralph M 27 [Thersa 25] 3rd ave.
Dominici Narciso 35 Italy [Mary 27 Italy] Victoria 11, Samuel 10, Marcia 5, 355 11th st.
Donaldson Geo B 49 yrs parents NY [Lydia M 48 Father Ny, Mother England] Geo. Bryon 19.
Dooley, Dick 30 yrs [Ella M 35] Harry Lee 6, lodger Grossman, John 27, lodger Brown, J W 38, 351 Third Ave.
Dormon, William M 38 yrs [Anna 21] daughter 2, William M 2 mo., 503 Third Ave.
Drost George 45 Poland [Anna 39 Poland] lodger Metro Ducvo 42 Poland, 8th St Ext.
Duerr Margaret 89 yrs, son William D 68, 1111 3rd ave
Dugan William 52 Northern Ireland [Elizabeth 56] 1441 3rd ave.
Dugan, Clarence R 32 yrs [Hazel M 30] Harold H 12, Clyde A 11, Clarence R 8, 411 5th Ave.
Dugan, John A 26 yrs [Dorothy J 23] Shirley 1yr 6 mo., 461 5th Ave
Dugnan Mike 43 yrs. , 808 3rd ave.
Dunbach, Olive E 66 yrs
Dunbar Clifford W 32 yrs [Gertrude R 28] daughter I R ? 4 mo. 110 5th Ave.
Dusenberry, Allen C 33 [Mary E 25] Audry J 7, Raymond 5, lodger Croft, John R 66. 305 Fourth ave.
Dyrwal Paul 42 yrs [Anna 36] Steve 17, John 15, Paul 10, Martin 7, son in-law Samchuck Joe 24, daug Anna 19, see Samchuck.
Eaimovic, Catherine 40 yrs, son Joe 19, daug Dora 16, Emma 13, John 10, Steve 9, son in-law Langer, Simon 23, Anna 17.
Eicher, Laura 47 yrs widow, son Perry 21
Eicher, Lawrence 28 yrs [Mabel 26] Walter M 7, Lawrence M 5, Laura L 3, Charles L 5 mo.
Eiffler Louis C 53 yrs [Anna 52 born in Germany] Louis R 27, Carl 15, 1065 6th ave.
Elliott, Edwin 29 yrs [Clara M 29] sister Helen A 14, 901 6th ave.
Emerick, Williard E 26 yrs [Ester 27] Lois J. 3, 355 Fifth St.
Evans, William 69 yrs [Delia 68] g-son Allen, Bartlett 10, Boarder Decker, Charles 30, Lenawee 19 499 5th Ave
Farls James V 33 parents Italy mechanic auto repair shop [Garnet 28] Robert 2, 1535 5th ave.
Farls Joseph P 29 parents Italy mechanic auto repair shop [Josephine 27 parents Italy] Samuel 3, Joanna 3mo., 1535 5th ave.
Farls Samuel 66 Italy steel mill [Jennie 42 Italy] Mildred 23, John 17, Evelyn 12, 1497 3rd ave.
Farrell Frank 47 brakeman RR his father Irish Free [Katherine M 40Ohio]
Fash Ernest 23 yrs [Ada L 21] 751 4th ave.
Fash Joseph 26 yrs [Florence 20 married at 16] Margaret 2, Mine St.
Fash Michael 49 yrs [Mary G 48] Mary 21, Madeline 19, 401 8th st.
Fash Vincent 31 yrs [Sara 30] 415 8th st.
Faucett John 42 yrs parents N. Ireland, daughter Lois 17. 1435 5th ave.
Fedycki Stephen 34 yrs [Mary 31] Harry 11, William 8, Catherine 5, Stella 4, 722 7th st.
Fegley Harry 45 Woodworker Planning Mill [Addie M 35 Ohio] Wahenta 19 Stenographer, Rose 17, Daniel 14, Harry12,
Fehr Elizabeth 49 yrs widow, roomer Schultz Paul 32 born in Illinois, 901 4th ave.
Fehr George 61 widower, daughter Kuhl Stella 39, grand-son Theodore 14, Beatrice 9, Delores 7, 498 8th st.
Fehr GeorgeS 37 yrs [Marie a 42] Betty J 12, roomer McBrier Wash 57, 799 3rd ave.
Fehr Mary 89 yrs widow, son William 58 wd, Conrad H 52, 1000 6th ave.
Ferguson, Dee L. 41 [Elizabeth 38] Anna M 16, Minnie M 13, Lucille A 11, friend Williams Charles 80.4th ave..
Fiazzine Joseph 29 Italy [Nellie 18 Italy] Roger 1, Virginia 5 months, 1552 5th ave.
Fineman Jacob 50 [Pauline 48] 790 3rd ave.
Finn Ewing 31 born Kentucky [Ester 32 Kentucky] Patricia 3, William, 499 11th st.
Fioruci Louise 51 Italy, son Anthony 24, Mary 14, Frank 12, daughter in-law Antoinette 22, 1745 4th ave.
Flesson George 27 works Steel Mill welding [Mary 30] Carl 3, Delores 2, Grace 10, living with Mary’s parents Hemmerle John.
Fobean John 66 Czechoslovakia [Anna 63 Czeh] Mary 37 Ohio Stenographer, Susan 30 auditor hotel, 3rd ave.{see Ribar}
Foster John 57 yrs [Clara J 58] 301 6th ave.
Foster Marion H 30 yrs [Ino M 33] Josephine d 7,Sara J 5, 352 9th st.
Fowler Thalia B 70 yrs. Widow, lodger Hugil, Bertha 48 widow. 530 Fourth Ave.
Franz Carl 41 tube mill [Amanda 39] Allen 17, Erma 14, Freda 11, Charles 19, 1060 4th ave.
Franz William 46 draftsman bridge mill [Edith 42] William 14, lodger Romigh Pearl 40 telephone operator, 1051 4th ave.
Fraser James 23 [Juanita E 23] N Annette 11 mo. 35 4th ave.
Fraser Joseph 63 yrs [Mary 66] James A 41, William R 37 wd, Harry A 35, Mary E 31. 98 5th Ave.
Fraser William 47 yrs [Anna 44] William 17, Elizabeth 15, Joseph 12, Beatrice 8, son in-law Grime William, Janet 21, g-son Dan
Frazer Thomas 62 parents German [Anna 62 parents Irish free] lodger Webster Ruth 33 Italy, 1475 4th ave.
Frazzini Roger 56 Italy [Virginia 52 Italy] Elaine 21, Dominic 18, Florence 15, Anthony, Viola, Mildred, Orlando, Theodore
Freeman, John 32yrs [Myrtle 30 wed at 16] Elizabeth 12, Samuel 9, Andrew 9, Margaret 6. 241 Fourth Ave.
Fruith, Edward 70 yrs [Lydia 67] Mary E 39, 599 Fifth Ave.
Fruth Albert J 46 [Elizabeth 46] Albert R 21, Richard 19, Lydia 17,
Fry Nathan 31 born Illinois parents PA. [Meredith 29] Thelma 2, Myrtle 1, Ruth ,1057 5th ave.
Fuller, Thomas S 48 yrs [Ida M 45] Melvin W 18, Wilma E 9, Fifth Ave.
Gaddis Jacob E 69 yrs divorced . 3rd ave.
Gallager John A 56 [Effie 44 Ohio, father England] Florence 8, John 4, Charles 1, 850 Locust Alley.
Gallager Louis H 33 [Grace 32 her parents WV] Udell 11, Albert 9, Isabelle 7, 1155 6th ave.
Gallio Angelo 72 Italy [Julia 62 Italy] Joseph 32 steel mill, Frank 25 machinist, 1595 3rd ave.
Genova Samuel 24 [Sena 22] John 4, Earl 1, 1625 5th ave.
Genovich Golab 39 Serbia [Frances 34 Czechoslovakia] 1602 5th ave.
Gentile Domenic 44 yrs , roomer Conti Noelo 46, 619 3rd ave.
Gerheim John W 53 yrs [Anna L 51] Charles W 23, Anna K 21, John W 18, 1101 3rd ave.
Gianette Anthony 36 born Italy [Rose 31] Madeline 7, Grace 4, William 3, 501 11th st.
Gibbons Llyod 48 yrs [Hattie L 47] Gladys A 29,mother in-law Kohl Dora 76, 670 3rd ave.
Gibson, Fidelia B. 80 yrs, widow, 462 Third Ave.
Gitron Irene 47 yrs Poland, son Alex 23, Andrew 22, Julia 19,Peter 14, Paul 11, John 9, Ann 5, 1699 3rd ave.
Glears, Daniel 48 [Pinkie 45] 503 Third Avenue.
Glotfelty Maurice 31 yrs [Lyda E 33] Oma 33,Audrey M 9, Winfred 7, roomer McDaniel Harold 7,Davis Gilbert 24. 8th st.
Golletti Nilo 47 [Tresa 46] Alfred 22, Tony 17, Achille 12, Frank 26, Josie 10, Harry, Alvera, Baptiste, Odessa, Sara, Mary.
Golletti Oscar 40 yrs [Mary 33] Vincent 16, Caroline 14, Eugene 12, Margaret 8, Angelina 5, Robert 3, 630 3rd ave
Gordon David 46 yrs [Dora 40] Irving J 15, Estelle 11, 796 3rd ave.
Gordon Scot 36 paperhanger [Nellie 32] Dorothy 14, Ella, Ethel, Ellsworth, Betty, Scott, Helen, Selma 1, 1112 7th ave.
Govia Joseph 38 [Sophia 26] Anna 9, Nicholas 10,step son Frank 9, John 7, 1600 16th St.
Govich Milo 49 yrs Yugoslavia [Mary 43 Yugoslavia]
Graham Eugene R 40 Ohio [Blanch E 37] Glen E 11, Marion V 6, Richard V 9 months, 1145 6th ave.
Graham Fred J 34 [Jania 33] George 17, Annette 16, John 14, Russell 11, Everett 7, 870 4th ave
Gredel , John Philip 64yrs [Anna K. 63 married at age 25] John P 30, Margaret E 26. 220 Fifth Ave.
Griffith Francis 52 salesman Casket Co.[Olive 41] William 9, 940 4th ave.
Grimes, Joseph H 53 yrs [Ida M 43 married at age 21] Fay L 13, 531 Fourth Ave.
Grimm Harry H 63 yrs [Amanda 61] grand daughter Irwin Marion M 12, 598 8th ave.
Grogrie Joe 40 yrs, roomers Greco Antonio 60, Jannucci Michael 68 , 8th st.
Grossi Joe 37 yrs [Jennie 35] Helen 13, Elizabeth 11, Rose 9, Josephine 4, Marie 2, Jennie 8 months, 714 Walnut St.
Grossman, John 27 yrs, lodger with Dooley 351 Third Ave.
Grove Charles 46 yrs [Myrtle B 47] Charles 12, Robert 7, 903 6th ave.
Guido Joseph 39 Italy [Josephine 30 Italy] Angeline 13, Mary 10, Evelyn 7, lodger Salerno Guiseppe 50, Locust Alley.
Gulver William 57 yrs Ohio [Nora E 56 Ohio] Sister Sylvia M 47, Niece Nuly Marcia 18.
Gumpf Frank H 32 yrs [Minnie M 32] Frank 5, Lila M 4, Paul R 1,620 Mine St.
Guy George 43 yrs Ohio [Gainit? 36] Mamie 15, Helen 12, George 10, Harry 9, Jane 5, Alice 2, 1489 4th ave.
Hahn Blanche B 53 wd, daughter Sara E 33 clerk grocery store, Evertt S 30 Steel Mill, 1150 6th ave.
Hamilton David L 21 yrs [Clara M 19] Paul D 9 months. 223 1st St.
Hamilton, Milo S 41 yrs [Mabel R 37 yrs] William R 9.
Hammerle Dave 32 yrs truck driver casket Co. [Irene 31] Richard 10, 500 11th st.
Hammerle John 70 parents German, Casket Co.[Sadie 70 parents Ger.] son in-law Flesson George 27, daug. Mary 30, Carl 3,
Hancock Mack 35 [Mary 30] brother Robert 48, sister in-law Luella 48, nephew Preston James 17, 1705 5th ave.
Harding Charles J 42 yrs [Elizabeth 43 married at 27] 399 9th st.
Harkins Charles A 61 yrs [Caroline 44] Marshall C 7, 1090 6th ave.
Harmon Calvin 59 yrs [Anna 56] Calvin Jr. 30, Anna 17, 1545 6th ave.
Hartman John K 64 yrs [Hermie 62] Wilbert L 17, 600 3rd ave.
Hartung John L 28 yrs [Edna 25] William L 6, Dorothy 4, Helen 3, John 5 months, sister in-law McMasters Juanita 14.
Hastings William 40 [Lillie37 father Scotland mother England] William 14, Clarence 7, 1085 4th ave.
Hastings, Clifford E 30 [Juanita E 28] 451 5th Ave.
Hattinger, Leonard 33 yrs [Carrie 35] step daug Shondel, Edna 18, Hattinger, Katherine 12, Genanive 11, Fifth St.
Haynie Pink W 34 Tennessee [Effie 33 Tennessee] Albert 11, Helen 9, Raymond 8, Thelma 15, Paul 1, 1021 7th ave.
Hazenstab Vincent 34 [Mary M 34] Margaret 9, Mary 7, Doris 5, Adam 3, Daryl 4 months, 1040 7th ave.
Headland Owen F 34 yrs [Hazel 27] Donald 8, Dorothy 7, Elizabeth 4, William 1, 498 11th st.
Headland Wilbert D 36 yrs [Clara M 42] Wilbert 13, 615 3rd ave.
Hechel Elmer J 38 clerk Penna R.R. home valued at $6,000,
Heck Russell P 37 yrs [Jean A 36] Dorothy E 12, 643 9th st.
Heinz Charles E 51 yrs [Emma 51] 354 9th st.
Hereskovic Kosto 50 [Anna 43] Julia 18, step son Sunyuck Samuel 22, step daughter Eva 20, 1760 7th ave.
Herrington, Howard 35, friend Board, Payton 74, friend Walker Louis 68, 458 Fourth Ave.
Herriot Grace M 50 years widow, son William M 17, Walter P 12, 961 3rd ave.
Herrold, Maude A 48 yrs widow, son Vincent F 30, 240 5th Ave.
Heslip Joseph 44 yrs [Anna M 36] William 18, Sara 17, Alberta 15, Ruby 13, Dorothy 6, Evelyn 4, Mine St.
Hetche Jacob J 61 merchant clothing store[Katherine 54 father Germany] Theodora 23 newspaper, Ronald J 18, 1299 3rd ave.
Hetche, Charles F 56 yrs, father born in Germany [ Minnie A 50] Phyllis M 16, lodger Hughes Madeline 29 wid.
Hetrick Carl C 32 yrs [Catherine M 26] 15 6th ave
Hetrick Edward L 23 yrs [Margaret M 23] 15 6th ave.
Hetzler Aurthur 33 yrs clerk office [Margaret 34] 1155 4th ave.
Hetzler, Dravo D 35 yrs [Mae D 25] Carolina I 8, Alberta C 6, Olive M 5, 298 Fourth Ave.
Higgins Thomas 70 born England [Elizabeth 60born WV parents N Ireland] 1080 4th ave.
Hightower, Luther 40 yrs born in Texas. 398 Fifth Ave.
Hindel, John 54 yrs [Katherine 70 married at 14] step g-son John 18.
Hoffman, George E 47 yrs [Mary B 37] Walter L 24, niece Sweet, Irene 14, 355 Fifth St.
Holsinger Herman 55 rail road [Etta 48 born Ohio} Franklin 18, Eugene 13, Richard 8, 1120 4th ave.
Holsinger James 56yrs, 1060 5th ave.
Holsinger Sara 72 wd, grand daughter Walker Genevive 15, 355 11th st.
Holsinger, Chas 55 yrs lodger with McDonald at 357 third Ave.
Holsinger, Donald 20 yrs [Ethel 23] Sarah M 1yr 8mon. 516 Third Ave.
Holsinger, Frank 41 yrs Anna K 40 married at 18] Sarah E 7, brother in-law Meyer, Henry 49, 557 Fourth Ave.
Homesley, Mary E 38 yrs, son William B 17, Albert 15, John 11, May 4, Lester 1 yr 9 mo., 270 Fourth Ave.
Hoover, Ross H 33 yrs [Marie 35 yrs] Irene 13, Helen 11, Evelyn 9, Robert 6, Richard 1, lodger Moore John C 77.
Horner Howard 45 yrs West Virginia father Scotland [Clara A 48] Donald 23, Russel S 20, Kenneth 17, 1455 5th ave.
House Mathilda 48 widow parents German, daughter 21 steno. Glass Company farther Ohio, Charles 14, John 24, Grace 21
Howard Lytton M 25 yrs [Matilda B 22] Marion M 2, Alice M 9 months, 612 3rd ave.
Howe John F 65 yrs [Luella L 65] Dewitt 45, 600 3rd ave.
Howe Martin 48 yrs [Ella M 45] Milard L 20, daughter Powers Nellie 20, 401 5th Ave.
Hunter Charles E 65 yrs [Elsie K 59] grand daughter Murphy Phyllis 18, lodger Carter Alice 15, 1071 3rd ave.
Hutchuson, Della 55 yrs widow, boarder Rhodes, John 41, 254 Fourth ave.
Jack Willis 24 accountant car co, [Grace 49] Cecil F 23 salesman electric sweeper, Allen 21clerk drug store, Jean 19, 4th ave.
Jackson Clara 67 yrs widow, 1401 4th ave.
Jackson Minerva 69 teacher High School, daughter Ada 47 clerk Post Off. Daughter Andrew Pearl 45, McCaney Emma
Jantovick Nick 38 Yugoslavia [Minnie 25 Yugo.] Mary 8, Anna 6, Gloria 5, Vera 3, Vida 2 months, 185 4th ave.
Jeffrey, George 62 yrs [Hattie 53] niece Bloodgood, Hilda 22, g-nephew Heller Rodney R 11 mo.
Johnson, Edward 57 yrs [Bertha 44 born OH] Raymond 22 , Third Ave.
Johnston Thomas 40 yrs brakeman RR [Catherine 23] Muriel 15, Dorothy 13, Mildred 11, Robert 7, 985 4th ave.
Jolley Charles H 33 yrs [Savilla S 27] Leona M 8, Mary 6, Charles 4. 70 5th ave.
Jolly Charles H 73 yrs [Mary 70] Francis R 37, Joseph L 16, roomer Hussion John 38, Mine St.
Jolly John 77 [Mary A 68] daughter Cox Frances R 2, grand kids Alice M 6, Kathleen F 4 , June M 3, son William 3.
Jonson John 42 yrs born Illinois parents Kentucky[Ester 27] Richard 4, Robert 2, mother in-law Schnuth Catherine 67,503 11th st.
Jovanna Louise 60 yrs, lodger Derenso Mike 33, lodger Trozzo Joe 29, Qualtere Frank 62, 704 Walnut St.
Jurich Marko 38 years [Mildred 38] son Parker William 4, Valois 2, father in-law Mulvane Albert 74, 665 3rd ave.
Jurich Theodore 42 Poland speaks Serbian [Mary 37 Poland] Melvin 15, Catherine 13, Theodore 12, Stella 9, Joseph 7.
Jurich Thomas 42 Yugoslavia [Mildred 43 Yugo.] Steve 22, Dorothy 18, Michael 17, daughter in-law Mary 17, 1899 4th ave.
Kanschek Oliver W 36 yrs [Eunice 31] Alice 9, Jane L 7. 20 5th Ave
Kardaz Pete 35 Poland, steel mill [Bessie 29 Poland] Mary 7, Annie 5, Helen 4, Walnut St.
Karlen Ernest 35 yrs [Frances M 24] Paul E 8 months, 601 9th st.
Kasunic George 45 yrs [Barbara M 42] Steve G 23, Anna F 22, 515 9th st.
Kasunic Joseph J 26 yrs [Helen J 28] Joseph 1, Robert J 6 months, 997 6th ave.
Kaufman, John H 41yrs[Edith M 36 married at age 17] John W 18, Andrew B 15. 234 Fifth Ave.
Kaufman, Wilbert C 55 yrs [Margaret 49] George 20, Bernice 18, Clara M 16, Frank 14, daug in-law Mary 17
Kelly George A 34 yrs [Pearl L 21] Dorothy 7, George A Jr. 3, 620 3rd ave.
Kemper, Carl H 31 yrs [Imogene M 30] Harold E 9. 249 Fifth ave.
Kemper, Edward 23 yrs [Margaret 22 married at 17] 261 4th Ave
Kemper, John 65 yrs born Ohio parents born Germany [Mamie 45 born WV] 301 Fourth Ave.
Kiessling Fred L 30 yrs [Wiehelmina 30] Donald L 2, 1051 3rd ave.
King Adolph B 23 yrs, mother Mary B 64, 651 3rd ave.
Kirchner, Howard 39 yrs {Bertha 32] Howard 14, Elsie 11, Clarence 16, John E 7.
Kirchnert Howard W 39 yrs [Bertha B 32] Howard C 14, Elsie M 11, Clarence L 10, John E 7, brother Clarence H 30.
Kirk Fred R 36 yrs [Emily B 33] Glendel L 15, Mirian B 8. 120 5th Ave.
Klinesmith Edward 28 [Blanch 22 parents West Virginia] James 4, William 2, 1478 3rd ave.
Klinesmith, Albert 35 yrs [Bulah 35] Paul 10, daughter Young Alberta 16, grand-daug Alberta M 1yr 7mo.
Klinesmith, John A 75 yrs [Charlotte C 69 married at 29] 551 Fourth Ave.
Knapper, Harriet 70 yrs, sister Martha 63. 41 5th Ave.
Koehler Ernest M 34 yrs [Mary J 33, Kathryn P 11, Marlin 6, Leona 3. 5th ave
Kolic Joseph 56 Yugoslavia [Dora 54 Yugoslavia] George 22, Katherine 21, 1635 5th ave.
Koplar Fred 34 Yugoslavia [Olga 24 Yugoslavia] Richard 6, Arthur 4 years 11 months, 3rd ave.
Krese Ben 32 yrs [Katie 33] John 31, 740 7th st.
Krizan Madeline 50, son Steve 22, Thomas 20, John 15, Anthony 13, lodger Ordalse Pete 45, Lodger Valolee John 54,
Kronk Charles 50 Steel Mill [Evaun 38 Virginia] Charles 13, William 10, Richard 7, Donald 3, 1065 4th ave.
Kronk George 42 [Edith 38] Clark 9, Robert 8, 1020 4th ave.
Kronk, Frank C 53 yrs [ Mary E 51] Francis C 18, Flora E 13, 239 Third Ave.
Kronk, William D 80 yrs, Wesley S 49, Stephen A 46, son in-law ?, Earl 49, daug Anna M. 40, G-daug Thalia L 19.
Kuhl Adam J 60 yrs [Isabelle F 57] Alice R 18, Naomi L 13, 807 3rd ave.
Kuhl Stella 39 yrs widow, Theodore 14, Beatrice 9, Delores 7, living with Stella’s father Fehr George.
Kuppinger, Philip 56 yrs [Annie 57] Frederick W 18, Moss Walter son in-law 27, Anna daughter 21, Kuppinger Roy 1yr 4mo
Kuzemak, Chas. C 30 yrs, mother Catherine 66 widow, 470 Fourth Ave.
Kyser, Noble P 44 yrs [Blanch 44] Mary L 20, Daniel A 11, father in-law Snead Daniel 81
Lagrossa Antonia 46 yrs [Carolina 40] Andrew A 22, Providence R 19, Theodore A 15, James 13, Rosa 11, Margaret 8.
LaGrosse Nanclata 70 yrs [Madeline 45] Step-son Barbarine, Paul 21, Step-son Barbarino Salveno 16, 498 Third ave.
Lambert Carmelo 42 Italy [Adeline 38 Italy] Josephine 14, John 12, Dominic 9, Orlando 6, Oresto 6, Armando 2, Joseph.
Langsdale, Charles 41 yrs [Margaret 41] Chas. Jr. 14, 465 Fifth St.
Lants George 37 yrs Yugoslavia [Katie 33 Yugo] Nick 15, Mike 13, Rade 10, Dan 7, Dorothy 5, Anna 2, Stephan.
Larkin David 58 [Rose T 50] David 23, Margaret 21, Edward 19, Mary 17, Virginia 8, Mason Anna 26,g-kids Don 4, Mary 3.
Lattanza Justine 30 born Italy electrician steel mill [Mary 26] Roger 6, Norman 1, 354 11th st.
Lattanzia Jack 25 Ohio parents Italy [Viola 20 parents Italy] 1638 4th ave.
Lattanzia John 62 Italy [Anna56 Italy] Nunzi 21, Louise 15, Elizabeth 17, 1621 4th ave.
Leahy Michael 52 born N Ireland [Mary 58 N Ireland] Marie 29, Margaret 28, Ellen 24, Veronica 21, Michael 16.
Lehman Earl 22 crane operator steel mill [Grace23] Earl 1year 5 months, 1375 4th ave.
Lehman Elise 51, son Edward 26 mail carrier, daughter in-law Dorothy 23, Elise 20, lodgers Baird John 42, Baird Fred 40
Lemmon George 48 yrs, mother Effie 75, sister Barns Ida 66, 820 3rd ave.
Leshe, Ida 35 widow mother Bibbs, Lydia 90 widow, lodger Gives, Clarence 41, 466 Fourth ave.
Lewis, Walter 42 yrs [Nettie 41] Sheldon E 12, Olga 9 mo. Father William E 69, 253 Third Ave.
Leys Charles 48 born Scotland marble cutter [Margaret 40 Scotland] Fred 13, John 12, Margaret 10, kids born Kentucky.
Liealer John r 38 yrs [Vera L 40] father in-law Sample William 72, 600 3rd ave.
Lightfoot, Edward L 53 yrs [Lena E 48] 301 Fourth ave.
Lindner Charles 31 yrs salesman dept. store [Martha 23] Robert A 5, Lois A 1, 350 11th st.
Lindway Elizabeth 52 Czechoslovakia owner grocery , daughter Elizabeth 26 sales grocery, daughter Hoffman Irene 19.
Lingen Robert 26 lather house, parents N Ireland [Thelma 24 father born Ohio, mother W. Virginia]1114 7th ave.
Litehette 69 Czechoslovakia [Anna 66] Joseph 40, Andrew 31, 1541 4th ave.
Livngston William H 24 yrs [Ethel M 22 married at 18] William H 2, Mine St.
Lizzi Joseph 24 Italy crane operator steel mill [Nellie 20 Italy] James 1 year 11 months, Alexander 3 months, 1601 5th ave.
Lloyd, John E 58 yrs [Edith E 52] 399 Fourth Ave.
Lodovico Thomas 48 Italy [Consiglia 40 Italy] Nicholas 17, Clara 15, Louis 10, Cecilia 8, Philip 4, 4th ave.
Logan Thomas A 59 yrs [Ada V 58] roomer Hartzell Henry 74, Braden Wallace 27, Gorske Thadus 27, 357 9th st.
Logan Wilmer H 35 yrs [Nellie 41] Alfred 11, Ralph 11, Virginia 6, step daughter Smith Frances 22, 645 9th st.
Lorne John 55 yrs [Mary A 54] Catherine 23, Anna M 20, Ruth E 17, 999 6th ave.
Love Jean C 24 yrs [ Flossie M 26 born Indiana] Robert G 3, Allen R, 986 5th ave.
Love John L 39 yrs [Vada C 36] John L 4 months, 1060 6th ave.
Mabin Steve 38 [Emma 40] Pauline F 15, Anna E 14, Jess A 10, Donald S 8, Dorothy 6, Richard 4, Catherine 3, 400 7th st.
Magliochie, Frank 46 yrs [Georgiana 50] step son McKilvey 22, 593 Third Avenue
Mails, Charley W 46 yrs [Martha 47 married at age 27] sister in-law Rinner, Emma 21. 227 Fourth Ave.
Majercik Mike 45, 1645 5th ave.
Mandarino, Joseph 35 yrs [Elizabeth 28] Margaret 9, Mary 8, Vera 7, Julin 4 268 5th Ave.
Mandish Steve 43 [Anna 34] Mildred 7, William 5, Gertrude 1 yr. 10months., 1885 4th ave.
Mann John 45 yrs Kentucky [Lucille 39] Myrtle 15 Illinois, Helen 13 Illinois, Pauline 9, Eddie 4, Paul H 2, 5th ave.
Mantz John W 32 yrs [Floy F 32] Veral 9, Naomi F 7, Vivian L 6, 655 8th st.
Marietta Hammond P 46 [Clara 45] 616 Mine St.
Marietta Nancy 46 yrs, son George W 25, son Harry F 23, son Paul E 18, 850 3rd ave.
Mark Joseph 49 Syria [Mary 45 Syria] Alexander 22, Charlie 16, Mark 13, Helen 11, Samuel 9, Anna 7, Mildred 6, 5th ave.
Martin Albert L 35 yrs clerk rail road [Maud C 35] Alice J 12, Nora 10, William C 8, Margaret 6, 920 4th ave.
Martin Harold 26 yrs machinist RR[Elizabeth 22 father WV] Harold3, 999 4th ave.
Martin William 66 yrs box maker casket co., son Chester 38 Steel mill, Crawford 22 casket co. 931 5th ave.
Martine Mike 40 yrs Italy [Lillie 37 Italy] Anthony 17, Josephine 15, Nicholas 10, 1725 4th ave.
Martine, Robert L 25 yrs [Margaret E 24] Robert P 5, Edgar L 3, boarder Claypool William 40, 269 Fourth Ave.
Massa Michael 45 yrs [Jennie 33] Lucy 14, John 12, Rudolph 7, Nancy 2,lodger Sano Sam 28, 499 8th st.
Matasick George 54 Yugoslavia, daughter Mary 22, Joseph 21, Alice 17, Mildred 12, 1685 5th ave.
Mathes, James R 40 yrs [Jeannette R 42] 396 Fourth Ave.
Mathews Pete 43 yrs Greece Baker [Hannah 25 Greece] Aris 8, Gust 6, Philip4, Michael 33, 1503 3rd ave.
Matsche Peter 37 Yugoslavia [Sophia 36 Yugoslavia] 16th st.
McBrier Frank M 64 yrs yard master RR, daughter Florence 38, Maude 36, 499 11th st.
McCall Sadie 50 yrs, daughter Ethel L 13, Earl F 10, Lyle R 9, boarder Dillon Walter 29, Dillon Alfred 2, 669 3rd ave.
McCann Charles L 40 yrs [Anna 41] son Carson Charles D 13 1045 6th ave.
McCann James 38 railroad, brother Patrick 32 railroad, Charles L 24 railroad, living with Zuck William and sister Mary.
McCann, Harry 34 yrs. [Marie 32] McNamci, Ella A sister in-law 18. 275 5th ave.
McCauley Frank 47 [Mabel 43] Joseph 21, Samuel 19, Alex 18, Daniel 13, Robert 9, Paul 7, 1060 7th ave.
McCauley, Edwin O 65 yrs [Isabelle 57] 5th Ave.
McCaw, Samuel 43 yrs. [Helen H 40yrs] Robert H 18, Joseph R 16, Helen M 13, Samuel 11. 275 Fifth ave.
McClellan Ross 36 yrs [ Emma L 36] Arnold 12, Franklin 9, Richard 4. 55 5th Ave
McClure, Albert F 50yrs [Anna 49] Naomi P 14, 547 Third Avenue
McCoy ? 28 Tennessee [Idella 21] Carrie 4, 1631 4th ave.
McDonald C Dwight 33 yrs [Florence 27] Dwight J 2 yrs 9mo, 550 Fourth Ave.
McDonald, Ruth 52 yrs, son John 18, lodger Myers, Dennie W 35, lodger Hoslinger Chas 55, 357 Third Ave.
McDoodle 30, mother Eliza 52, brother Edward, sister Brown Lillian 21, sister Lockhart Clara 29, all born Kentucky, 5th ave.
McDoulh, Oliver N 26 yrs [Edna M 18] James P. 11 mo., 445 3rd St.
McDowell Samuel 39 [Alice 44] Earl 10, Maxine 7, Donald D 6, Sarah Jean 4 yrs 9 mo. 1365 6th ave.
McIntosh, Richard 27 yrs [Katie 23] step-sons Cook George 7, Cook William 6, daug McIntosh Verna 3, Rich 2, Floyd 1.
McKelland Alexander 49 England [Mary 48 Scotland] William 19, Alexander 17, James 14, Mary 12, 1051 7th ave.
McKelvey, Eastman 4? Years, son Thomas 22, Alfred 21, Roy 19, Eastman 18, Matthew 15, 231 Third Ave.
McKenna Bernard 32 [Clara F 32] Shirley A 10 months, 1050 6th ave.
McMann Charles H 51 [Laura D 49] Ida W 26 teacher public school, 1146 6th ave.
McNeill, Dottie 36 yrs. 404 Third Ave.
Means, Martha 77 yrs widow, lodger with McDonald at 357 Third Ave.
Meehan Charles 36 yrs [Gladys 26] Jack 6, William 3, Donald 2. 5th Ave.
Menifield, Arthur D 36 yrs [Florence 24 married at 18] Arthur D 5, Evelyn 3, Elmer R 2, niece Rice Evelyn 16, 581 4th Ave.
Messer, Frank J 55 yrs. Sister Mary J 57, brother William F 44, 280 5th Ave.
Metzger, Frederick G 35 yrs [Julia M 30] June E 1yr 10mon. 546 Third Ave.
Miller George H 72 yrs [Mary M 72] Carrie E 41, Mildred 34, 899 3rd ave.
Milligan Albert 52 Street Commissioner Borough [Bella 45] Dorothy 13, son in-law Rhodes William 29, Evelyb 24, 4th ave.
Milligan, Marie 55 yrs, son Edward s 17. 209 Fifth ave
Mimicuier Patsy 48 Italy [Castanga 48 Italy] Mary 19, Geraldine 3, 1741 4th ave.
Moffat James 32 yrs born in Scotland [Catherine 24 Scotland] Margaret 2 Scotland, Isabelle 3 months 840 6th ave.
Mohr George 55 yrs [Margaret 53father N Ireland Mother Scotland] Melvin 27m Jean 25, 340 11th st.
Mohr John R 54 yrs [Martha M 54 married at 23] Elenore 24, Raymond M 28,49 6th St.
Mohr Katherine 58 yrs parents born Ireland, brother Michael 55 parents Ireland.
Mohr Lily A 60 yrs widow, sister Colt Florence 36, 960 6th ave.
Mohr Mary E 79 years widow, daughter Margaret A 56, Gertrude K 45, 1001 3rd ave.
Mohr Vincent G 29 Briclayer [Anna M 22] Robert B 3, Harry A 1, 1140 6th ave.
Moody, Florence E 65 widow, son Paul E 38, daughter Clark Clella 40, g-son Harold 20, Albert 18, Daughter Reno Uada 22.
Moore, Marvin L 40 yrs [Clara E 39] Melvin H 14, Mildred C 12, Ruth 4, in-laws Klingelhoefer, Henry 63, Mary 62, Paul 21
Moorehouse Ben 47 [Evelyn 48] John J 12, 455 8th st.
Morallie Jerome 55 yrs Italy [Teresa 55 Italy] Anthony 33 Italy, Soni 19,
Morgan John E 57 parents England [Susan M 62 England] Florence 37, Elizabeth 30, Evelyn 24, 1180 6th ave.
Morgan Roy L 24 yrs [Lydia V 20] Roy 3, 825 4th ave.
Morgan Veta 56 yrs single female. Fourth Ave.
Morgan, Calvin S 46 yrs [ Nellie L 57 yrs married at 41] 581 Fourth Ave.
Morgan, Charles H 49 yrs [Bertha M 42] Howard A 19, son in-law Harrison, Thomas 27, daughter Mildred 24, g-son Thomas
Mosgrove, William 74 yrs [Susan A 69] 398 Third Ave.
Murphy Harrison C 50 yrs [Sara E 40] roomer Wylie William W 46, 1154 3rd ave.
Muschivick, Charles 34 yrs [Kathryn 33] Margaret 12, Clifford 9, Winifred 7, step-daug Garner, Mary 11.
Myers John J 49 yrs [Margaret 41] 601 4th ave.
Myers Katherine 74 widow born in Germany, grand daughter Dunlap Edith 22 stenographer steel mill.1501 3rd ave.
Myers William H 40 years [Alma B 38] Harold C 17, 790 3rd ave.
Nannah Joseph 64 Post Office, home valued at $15,000 [Ameila 63] Hazel 30 school teacher, niece Fehr Aloha 12. 1251 3rd ave.
New Michael 49 yrs Scotland [Nellie 44 parents N Ireland] Katherine 18, Marcela 16, Eugene 13, Thomas 11.
Nicholas, Saint R 53 yrs, 320 Fourth Ave.
Niffengger Elder [Gertrude] Donald. 224 4th ave.
Normile Christine 48 wd, son Joseph P 26, 940 6th ave.
Normile James 28 yrs [Mary M 27 married at 25] Katherine 8, Jeannine H 1, 290 8th st.
Noss Harold age 21 [Elizabeth 21]George, Joseph E 2 months. 796 3rd ave.
Noss William W 36 yrs [Roe N 31] Velma M 14, Vivian B 11, 600 3rd ave.
Noss, Wallace R 60? Yrs, 245 Third Ave.
Nudi, Joseph 42 yrs [Mary 34] Antoine 6, Rico 5, Rosie 3, Jolando 2, Ester 2 mo. Father Nudi, Antoine 70.
Osterhout Alona 51 years Michigan {Daisy 50 Michigan] 1365 4th ave.
Otto George C 38 [Carrie J 36] Walter M 14, Elmer H 11, 952 6th ave.
Ovsen Barbara 35wd Yugoslavia, son Martin 16, Joseph 14, Antoinette 12, Louis 9
Packer, Albert G53 yrs. [Sadie A 50] Burton F 14, Evelyn M 12. 215 Fifth ave.
Packer, Howard F 28 [Gertrude R 24] Majorie P 6, Delores S 1 yr. 6mo. 239 Fifth ave.
Packer, William H 60 yrs. [Lena M 53] Helen B 23, Katherine E 21, Ethel A 18, Richard 16, Russell 13, Roy 10.
Padezanin Theodore 37 yrs Yugoslavia [Jennie 37 Yugoslavia] Mildred 8, Katie 6, Dorothy 5, Theodore 4, Mary 3, Dan 2.
Painter Robert H 33 [ Tressie K 29] Hallie E 10, Agnes S 4, Dorothy L 10 months, roomer Headland Frank 61, 875 4th ave.
Parker Fred 38 yrs [Anna E 35]Mildred A 8, Martle L 6, Norma R 4, Homer F 2, Marjorie 2, 61 5th Ave
Parker William L 29 yrs [Mary E 21] 692 3rd ave.
Parsons, James 53 yrs [Emma H. 42] 298 Fourth Ave.
Patterson J Stanley 47 yrs. [Laura 41] Wayne C 14, Mirian 12. Lodger Miller Gladys 24 yrs.
Patterson Samuel 58 yrs Real Estate Agent [Jeannie 52 teacher] lodger Douds Ellen 29 teacher, 500 11th st.
Peasner, Joseph W 37 yrs [Sothonia e 34] Edith S 16, Josephine 14, Margaret 13, Buddie 11, Orphie 4, Father Joseph 69.
Perry, Larry 26 yrs [Grace 23] 508 Third Ave.
Perry, William J 46 yrs [ Sarah M 60] 450 Fifth St.
Phillips John E 47 yrs Delaware [Elizabeth 49 Ohio] Morgan A 20, 1355 5th ave.
Phillips, Arthur G 48 yrs [Matilda 43 married at 17] nephew Mechan Jackie 6, Nephew Brooks, Earl B 37, 298 5th Ave.
Piagianti Siberata 45 Italy [Eziziaca 48 Italy] Dominic 20 Italy, Austin 19 Italy. Agrici 18 Italy, 1475 4th ave.
Piersol George 27 born Ohio fireman Railroad [Wilda 25] Beatrice 6, Fay 5, 499 12 St.
Piersol Joseph 57 yrs born Ohio [Katherine 49] sister in-law Brandt Susan 53, niece Smith Mary 10 born Ohio, 315 12th St.
Piersol Wesley 53 born Ohio [Linna 51 Ohio] Mark 19, Ruth 15, 1198 4th ave.
Pinkerton Loyd H 36 yrs [Orpha E 38 yrs] Robert S 4’ Lois 3, Mary A 1, roomer Brown Sanford 42, 823 3rd ave.
Pisano Charles 44 Italy [Esther 25 parents Italy] daughter Borneo Antoinette, g-son Richard 4, Josephine 1mo, 1598 5th ave.
Pitzer Audley J 37 [Etta A 37] Paul R 14, Andrew B 11, Dorothy A 1, 611 5th ave.
Pitzer David A 78 yrs [Clara A 63] daughter Coulter Dorothy A 25, grand son Earl M 3 months, 56 Mine St.
Pollock, Grant S 62 yrs Gertrude E 53] sister in-law Elderkin, Elizabeth M 66 yrs
Postapac John 32 yrs [Helen 32] Mike 10, Pete 9, George 7, Rose 5, 730 7th st.
Postupac George 38 yrs [Mary 24] Helen 5, Mary 3, George 1, 710 Walnut St.
Powell, Elsworth C 21 yrs [Gladys 27] 201 5th Ave.
Powell, Hester C 27 [Evelyn V 24 wed at 15] George E 8, Donald E 5, Dora 2, in-law Rosen, George 49, Rosen Harmon 19
Powell, Stephen A 25 yrs, 231 Third Ave.
Presecan Anthony 40 Yugoslavia, Agnes 40, George 17, Andrew 11, Amy 9, Joseph 11 months, 1847 4th ave.
Principati Dominie 52 Italy [Rosie 51 Italy] 7th ave.
Probst Harry 37 [Minnie 27 Ohio] Calvin 9, Eugene 7, 1099 6th ave.
Purdy William J 53 New York [Marie 52 England] Marie 23, 149? 4th ave.
Pyle, Charles 41 yrs lodger with McDonald at 357 Third Ave.
Quinette Charles 42 yrs [Mary E 34] 690 3rd ave.
Quinnan John J 34 yrs [Mamie G 34] John 9, Gerald C 6, 671 8th st.
Radovic Anna 46 yrs, son George 20, Nicholas 16, Katherine 10, cousin Stanley 45, cousin Wasso 47, 1775 4th ave.
Radovich Eva 40 Yugoslavia , daughter Dana 12, Irene 8, Samuel 6, 3rd ave
Rankin Edward 33 yrs [Hazel D 29] John D 9, Audrey 10, 635 9th st.
Reed, Artie M 38 yrs [Myra L 37] Thelma L 16, Vivian L 9, Audry M 6, Fabius A 4, 232 5th Ave.
Reeder Murray 51 yrs Ohio [Amanda 49] Dorothy 23, Grand-son Rosenstal William 11, Father Reeder Eli D 90 Ohio.
Reiser Fred E 45 yrs [ Jeanetta B 39] 911 6th ave.
Reiser William A 48 Oil Refinery [Katie 42] John W 18, Clyde 16, William 13, Millard 8, Grace 6, 1549 4th ave.
Reno, Uada M 22, son James V 4, Jean M 2, Elaine D 1yr 3mo. Living with g-mother Moody at 272 Fourth Ave.
Rhoades C D 32 [Gertrude 32] daughter Winie 11. 115 4th ave.
Rhoads Charles E 60 yrs Ohio Rail Road [Catherine 60 Switzerland] Ester 18 baker bake shop, 1551 3rd ave.
Rhodes Gay H 18 yrs [Esther 20] 508 Third Ave
Rhodes Ralph 30 [Edith Pearl 43] Dorothy 21. 1485 5th ave.
Rhodes Roy R [Belle C] 4th ave.
Rhodes, John 41 yrs, boarding with Hutchuson at 254 Fourth ave.
Ribar Emil 48 Yugoslavia [Josephine 46 Yugoslavia] Edward 18, Stephanie 17, Anna 15, daug Ruddy Sophia 23, William 27.
Ribar John 24 [Veronica 24] Howell Agnes 24, Richard 25, Veronica and Agnes daughters of John Fobean living with him.
Richardson Howard 45 yrs [Elizabeth 40] Arthur H 21, 620 4th ave.
Richert Harry G 48 yrs [Susan P 48] Harry W 15, 224 6th ave.
Rickard Clyde E 28 [Anna G 26] Robert 5,James 5, 851 4th ave.
Rickard George A 50 yrs [Mary E 48 married at 17] Hazel M 27, 346 8th st.
Riddle Clarence 30 [Elizabeth 31 parents Germany] Charles 11, lodger Nill Daniel 27 Ohio, 6th ave.
Rider Elizabeth 59 yrs, nephew Joseph W 20, nephew Samuel A 17, nephew Harold 12, 601 9th st.
Rider George H 76 yrs. [Clara M 71 yrs]
Rider George W 31yrs. [Ada M 28] Dorothy J] 299 Fifth Ave.
Riggle Walter H 41 yrs [Ethel H 41] James D 16, Sara R 14, 601 5th ave.
Rinelander Henry 68 yrs [Elizabeth 69] 499 9th st.
Ripper Elder 30 [Leons 23] Elder 3 yr. 10 mo., Geraldine 11 months, 1555 5th ave
Ripper Henry 61 [Alice E 60] Roy 34, Helen 27, Albert 25, Georgian 23, John 21, 1599 5th ave.
Robinson Nero 43yrs 43 yrs. [Eliza] Grand-son Craig Jeff 18, 253 Fourth Ave.
Robinson Clifford M 25 yrs [Mary M 25]Lee N 4, Betty 2, 301 5th ave.
Robinson, Harry 67yrs. Son Harold N 27, Blanch S daughter in-law 25, Kathryn M g-daughter 5, George g-son 2. 281 5th ave
Robinson, Harry W 41 yrs [Emma G 40] Margaret F 17, H William 13, 300 Fifth Ave.
Robinson, Irvin 30 yrs [Eunice 29] Thomas J 5, Evelyn G 3, 508 Third Ave.
Robinson, Roy G 32 yrs [Ruth 31] Bona Lou 1, 507 5th ave.
Robinson, William H 64 yrs [Cynthia J 63] Hattie 45, Arthur 30, Malcolm 28, Jack M 19, 498 Fifth St.
Rockenstein Charles 29 yrs [Dorothy L 23] 898 3rd ave.
Roeck Ernest E 35 yrs parents born Germany, Ernest is a Clergyman Lutheran [Adjust M 39] 345 11th st.
Rohnich Peter 33 yrs Serbia [Sjieh 25 Serbia]
Romanck Paul 40 [Slatie 39] Viola 19 1750 5th ave.
Romigh Harry E 26 [Dora N 24 WV parents Maryland] step son Taylor Kenneth R 8, 1099 7th ave.
Romigh James 67 brickyard [Bertha M 50 father born Ohio] Elsie 18 clerk Dept. Store, John 16, William 12. 7th Ave.
Rosenbaum Paul 37 yrs [Grace M 36] Robert G 18, Paul E 16, Jack A 15, Marin L 14, 620 Mine St.
Rosenberger Sara 73 yrs widow father German, son Albert 47, 905 4th ave.
Rubinoff Morris 30 yrs boarding at 790 3rd ave.
Ruckert John 75 yrs [Elizabeth 64] William E 33, Grandkids William 11, John 10, Margaret 8, Dolores 3, daughter Gertrude 32.
Ruddy William 27 born Scotland [Sophia 23 Yugoslavia] Living with Sophia parents (Ribar) at 1398 4th ave.
Sabella Guiseppe 65 Italy [Louizo 55 Italy] Italian spoken in home, 860 Locust Alley.
Sadler Clarence M 39 yrs [Mittie 37] Eloise 13, Thomas M 4, John M 5, mo. 484 Fourth Ave.
Sainer Harry 20 yrs born WV works Tube Mill [Goldies 17] Beverly 4 months, 975 4th ave.
Salammone Christian 48 Italy [Katherine 33] Andrew 21, Anthony 18, Frank 15, Jennie 14, Mary 13, ? 10,Viola 6. 4th ave.
Salammone Frank 36 Italy [Rose 25 Italy] Joseph 6, Dolores 5, 1425 4th ave.
Samchuck Harry 36 yrs [Anna 33] Mary 16,Edward 14, Harry 15, Joe 12, George 10, Emma 7,Margaret 5, 525 7th ave.
Samchuck Joe 24 yrs [Anna Dyrwal 19] Josephine 1, living with Anna’s parents, see Dyrwal Paul at 728 7th st.
Sanderbeck, william H 42 yrs , Sister 34, Sister Emma 22, Sister Louise 20, 299 4th Ave.
Sanders Arthur : New York steel mill[Elizabeth 25] Dorothy 2 yr. 11 months, father in-law Seely William 61, 1251 3rd ave.
Sands, Van R 53 yrs [Julia 40] Margaret W 8, Van R. 5, 455 Sixth
Say John R 32 yrs [Mary I 28] Richard L 6, 603 4th ave.
Schaffer Henry 58 Steel Mill [Louise 52] Gertrude 24 seamstress Casket Co., 1040 4th ave.
Scheiter Edward 62 yrs, president Marble Works [Laura 53 Kentucky] Elinore 18, Mary 15, mother in-law Fagan Mary, 4th ave.
Schleiter Conrad G 50 yrs. [Ida M 50] Margaret 24, 1171 3rd ave.
Schleiter Henry G 60 yrs [Pearl 52] father in-law Evans Lewis 80, mother in-law Martha 80, nephew Strobach Frank 32,
Schleiter Richard 23 switchman rail road [Minnie 23 born WV] 1098 4th ave.
Schnur Paula 25 yrs. [Lauretta C 25 married at 24] 50 6th St.
Schuller Anthony 32 yrs [Dorothy E 23] Patricia A 2
Schuller, John C 36 yrs [ Mary A 18] John T 14, Herman J 13, Grace E 12, Edward A 10, Anna J 7, Mary F 5, Sarah E 3, Rose 1.
Scorp Mack 60 yrs [Victora 53 married at 18] Helen 14, lodger Mucha Nick 46, lodger Tomoski Mike 50, 720 Walnut St.
Scott, Henry 25 yrs [Mary 21] 402 Third Ave.
Scudeir Nick 36 yrs Italy machinist RR [Audrey 29 parents Italy] 501 11th st.
Seabird James H 38[Sara 41] brother in-law Watkins Gus 51, 726 7th st.
Shaffer Harry 46 yrs railroad [Emma 47] brother in-law Strobach Joseph 51 casket co. 1185 4th ave.
Shank Edwine 36 yrs [Pearl V 42] Roy C 12, Ester D 10, 604 Mine St.
Shannon, Eldorado 42 yrs, Frank 17, Janet 16, Howard D 14, Ina V 8, Gladys 5, boarder Carothers, Alma 35, lodger Cyder
Shingler, Gary W 37 yrs [Mary 37] brother in-law Smith Archie 35, Brother in law George 33, brother in-law James 27.
Shirey, Reed S 37 yrs [Verna M 35 yrs.] Olin R 8. 362 Fifth St.
Shirey, Reuben B 47 yrs [Pearl M 40] Nellie M 17, Burton R 9, 529 Fifth ave
Shively Homer 23 yrs [Estella 19 Ohio] Homer 9 months.
Shively, Homer C 48 yrs [Katherine 48] Louis 28, Robert B 26, Eugene 22, Katherine 22, Margaret 18, Harold 16, Mary 13,
Shively, Homer C 48yrs, friend Gibson, Beatrice 19, Mother in-law Childers, Mary 72 widow, 575 5th Ave.
Short Harry 46 [Marie 43] Jean 18, Alice 16, Francis 13, Victor 11, Charles 8, son in-law Werner Charles 29, Pauline 20, Pat.
Shummey Andrew 48 yrs [Anna 44] Andrew 17, John 15, Frank 13, Anna 10, Susie 9, Margaret 6, Helen 2, 501 7th st
Simmons Chester M 32 yrs [Ida E 26] Chester 6, Elaine B 5, 1051 3rd ave.
Simmons Eva May 43 yrs, son Eugene 10, Donald 17, son in-law Taylor Charles 20, daughter Ida 20, 3rd ave
Simon Ralph 39 yrs [Mae 38] 4th ave.
Simpson John 66 yrs [Hattie 47 Ohio] Robert 19, Ester 15, Ruth 13, Victor 11, Paul 9, Orie 7, niece Javens Loretta 7, 4th ave.
Sinkele, Carl J 34 yrs [Clara M 36 married at 23] Howard A 9, Donald C 7, Carl J Jr. 4, 262 4th Ave.
Sister Rose Marie 37parents Germany, Monica 58, Mary Geraldine 43, Margaret Mary 26, Frances 26.
Skiritic Michael 47 {Teresa 49, Matsan 18, Madeline 17, John 16, George 14, Anna 12, 1715 4th ave.
Small Charles O 43 yrs [Clara M 40 married at 19] Theodore D 18, Helen O 16, Mine St.
Smilley Clyde 37 [Ruth E 33] Steele 13, Gene . 145 4th ave.
Smith Archie 35, living with brother in-law Shingler Gary. See Shingler. 482 Fourth Ave.
Smith Arthur 50 yrs, son Arthur 22, daughter Mildred 21. 21 Fifth Ave.
Smith Elizabeth E 82 yrs widow, 820 4th st.
Smith Henry W 37 yrs born Ohio [Elva M 38] Charles 14, Mother Rachel 73 West Virginia, 930 6th ave.
Smith William 54 yrs [Mary C 49] William G 20, Cora M 13, Lee M 10. 401 5th Ave.
Smith William D 52 yrs [Hannah 52] Charles D 29, Mary E 27, grand son William D 9, Robert C 4, 380 8th st.
Smith, Felix L 35, Charles 11, David 9, Loraine E 4, 270 Fourth Ave.
Snead George F age 36 [Bernice L 32] Bittner L 9, 790 3rd ave.
Snead Howard 36 Casket Co. [Nannie 33] Betty 7, father George L 69 Casket Co. 941 Locust Alley.
Snead John R 39 [Sara M 38] Sara M 14, Ruth D 11, Marie E 9, Elsie J 7, 653 5th ave.
Snead Marie 39 wd, son Richard D 11, Emily M 10, servant Young Rosella 81 wd, servant Young Elmira 48 single599 9th st.
Snead Melvin P 32 [Alma E 32New Jersey, 1000 7th ave.
Snead Stephen K 68 [ Anna L 62]daughter Morgan Edna 38, grand daughter Anna 18, g- son James W. 16, 1001 6th ave.
Snyder, Charles 37 yrs [Amilia M 35] George A 15, Elmer L 12, Waunita L 8, Walter L 5, Edward V 2, Pearl H,
Snyder, John J 64 yrs [Olive S 64] son in-law Andrews, John L. 39, daughter Irene E 34, 547 Third Avenue
Snyder, Ralph D 40 yrs [Margaret E 38] Roy E 17, Eugene J 14, Ruth L 9, R Merle 6, friend Smith, June 17.
Spangnolia, John 36 yrs [ Nancy C 30] Patsy J 8, Dora M 5, John 3, Robert 1. 140 5th Ave.
Spear Matt 45, son Thomas 17, Margaret 16, John 15, Francis 13, Katherine 12, Nick 10, Stephen 9, Anthony 8, Anna 6, Pete.
Stacy Anna 69 yrs widow, sister Strock Luella 74 widow, lodger Romigh Minnie 57, 629 9th st.
Stanley, Raymond P 39 [Sarah 36] Eleanor S 5, Mary Louise 11 mo. 510 Fifth Ave.
Staver Harry B 44 yrs, 820 3rd ave.
Stephenson, Isaac W 45 yrs [Mary E 42] son William 18, foster daughter Jacoby, Betty Jane 7, 400 3rd ave..
Stevens Herman 41[Mamie A 40] Eleanor M 13, nephew Yonngberg Arthur 4, 659 8th st.
Stewart David A 33 [Norrene T 39] 600 3rd ave.
Stewart, Bertha 58 yrs, son Edward F 18, brother Anderson, John 62, brother Anderson, Walter 56 yrs, 3rd ave..
Stewart, Floyd G 28 yrs [Jean E 24, Leanna J 4, Edward 2, Rebecca 3 mo., 505 5th ave.
Stewart, Minnie Mrs. 39yrs widow. Married at age 13. 249 4th ave..
Stillwagon Joseph 26 [Mary M 26] Russell W 4, 1035 6th ave.
Stopac Paul 44 boiler maker Yugoslavia [Mary 30] Mildred18, Dana 16, Louise 12, Dorothy 8, 4th ave.
Strail, Charles 40 yrs [Carrie M 35] John B 14. 150 5th ave.
Straitwell Harold 26 [Hazel 27] Donald 3, Harold 1, 621 9th st.
Stratton Ira J 30 yrs [Sylvia B 27 married at age 23] 620 3rd ave.
Strobach Edward 43 yrs [Gertrude 43] Edward 10, Freda J 7, 625 9th st.
Sullivan John 38 parents Italy [Estella 34] Ira 15, Phillipe 13, Mansel 11, Doris 8, Dorothy 5, Raymond, 7th ave
Surrell Margaret 35 yrs widow father Germany, lodger Waugh Roy 22 Kentucky, 950 4th ave.
Sutton Fern C 37 yrs widow house keeper at 1106 7th ave., son Richard J 9, 1106 7th ave.
Sweeny Edward 39 yrs [Lena 33] Dorothy L 13, Evelyn M 11, Florence 10, Donna 1, friend Gillon Alf. 36. 105 5th ave.
Sweezy, Roy N 31 yrs [May L 31] Buddy 7, Elizabeth 4, Marjorie R 3, Beverly 2 mo. 500 Fifth St.
The following information was transcribed from the 1930 census. This census was taken in April of 1930.
Thompson Lessie 42, brother Ruben 23, sister Henrietta 24, brother in-law Eddie 24, nephew Hightower Leroy 14, 1755 5th ave.
Thompson Frank 60 yrs [Mary O 56] Ralph H 28, Clarence 19, 1140 4th ave.
Thompson George 38 Georgia [Lottie 35] sister Armer Estella 26, Fred 29, nephew Swift George 23, Swift James 16
Thompson Ralph 29 yrs [Mary N 29] Elnore 7, Roberta V 3, Charles M 7 months, 665 3rd ave.
Tolbert Donald 26 yrs [Mary] brother in-law Miller Ira J 54, 5th ave.
Tolbert Frank B 30 yrs [Genevievet 27] Vincent 11. Frank 9, Donald 6, Robert 4, Richard 1, 750 4th ave.
Toogood Victor H 30 [Mildred M 20] Victor H, Thomas R, Manta F, brother in-law Blackhall David 19. 1 6th ave.
Tosh , John L 25 yrs [Thelma 18] Jack L 6 mon., 564 3rd ave..
Tosh, Alexander 71 yrs [Elizabeth A 55 yrs] Joseph N 22, 300 4th ave..
Toters, Nicols 45[Christina 38] Frank 10, Antonio 8, Fred 6, Tressia 2, brother John 33. 253 5th ave.
Transcribed by Don Fraser
Trevellin James J 39 yrs [Ethel A 35] Denzie E 8, 600 8th ave.
Trozzo Joe 29 yrs, lodging with Jovanna at 704 Walnut St.
Trozzo Joe 60 yrs [Caroline 50] Elizabeth 20, Mary 15, Susan M 13, Harry L 7, 621 3rd ave.
Tryon, Elsie 62 yrs widow, son Orin B 40, 301 Third Ave.
Uzyak John 43 yrs [Mary 36] John 18, Mary 16, Joseph 14, Frank 12, Catherine 10, Anna 6, George 1yr 6month.
Vance James J 47 yrs [Elizabeth E 50] roomer Zekeley Susan 24, 375 8th st.
Vance, Homer 33 yrs [Eva 35] Harriet 13, Dorothy 11, Homer L 2 mo. 533 Third Avenue.
Vandergrift, Thornto 31 yrs [Lula S 40] step-son Neids, Willis L 16, step Keneth M 14, 561 Fourth Ave.
Vandine William H 63 yrs [Otilda C 55 married at 22] 355 9th st.
Venor Anthony 31 yrs [Clara 33 Italy] Geraldine 6, mother Virginia 69 widow, 1801 3rd ave.
Vezolles Harold A 26 born Kentucky [Irene 26 born WV] Odette 3, 598 11th st.
Vilimerauis Joseph 46 Yugoslavia [Julia 27 Yugoslavia] Edward 6, Walter 3, Brother Peter 44 Yugoslavia.
Vollharot Laura 51 yrs. , 808 3rd ave.
Vujcic Paul 42 yrs Yugoslavia, son George 20 Yugoslavia , servant Orajarin Mildred 36 Yugoslavia. 1485 6th ave.
Walker Louis 42 yrs [Ida 30]
Walker, Pete 73 [Ida M. 67 married at age 19] Frederick 44, John 32, Louise R 27. 200 Fifth Ave.
Walker, Wilson R 47 [Leona H 36] Ruth E 5, Virginia M. 3, Marian 2, Charles 7 mon., 360 Third Ave.
Watkins, Chas A 31 [Vera A 25] Charles A 2 598 Third Ave.
Watson John F 30 yrs [Helen 27] Jean C 9, John 7, Elmer 6, Lenore E 4, Mary L 1 month. 222 1st St.
Watson, Orrie C 54 yrs [Bertha A 52 yrs] Paul W 15, Lodger Masey, Daniel B 23, 270 5th Ave.
Watson, Weldon W 25 yrs [Doris B 21] Weldon W 3., Geraldine D 2,. 357 Third Ave.
Weaver James D 58 yrs Steel Mill [Laura 51] Gertrude E 30 waitress, Hariet 19, lodger Sands Maurice E 27.
Weiher Edward 48 superintendent Barge Co.[Sadie 44] Helen 21, Ester 17, Lester 17, 1135 6th ave.
Weiher Raymond 24 [Elizabeth 18], James 2, Margaret 11 months, 1125 6th ave.
Wells William 31 yrs [Maisie N 26 married at 19] William 6, Robert 1, Mine St.
Werner George 41 [Ida M 38 father born in Germany] Ruth 18, Vera 16, Joseph 15, Ida 10, 1098 7th ave.
Whipple Roy 29 yrs [May 25] William J 3. 35 4th ave.
White Finley 60 yrs. [Blanch 61] Dorothy 17, 850 6th ave.
White William W 31 yrs Elvia M 27] Sara T 8, William R 11, 501 9th st.
Whitehouse David H 49 yrs [Mary E 50] Frank 24, Elizabeth 19, 699 3rd ave.
Whitehouse Edwin 30 yrs [Edna M 26] Margie 9, Dorothy 7, Betty 5, sister-in-law Walker, Eleanor 19.
Wichryk Metro 57 Poland [Anna 55 Poland] Pete 25, Rose 15, Tillie 13, Anna 10, Metro 8, Harry 5, 8th St.
Wike WilliamH 62 yrs [Nellie E 56 Ohio father West Virginia, mother Ohio] Glen 29. 1451 5th ave.
Williams, James 39 yrs [Sarah 38] step daughter Coates Julia 14, step Mildred 13, step James 12, 454 Fourth Ave.
Williams, Jess A 39 yrs lodger at 357 Third ave.
Wills Homer G 45 yrs [Flora O 45] 901 3rd ave.
Wilson Lester R 43 Maryland [Lenore 43 ] Helen 6, Vincent 13, John L 10, Robert 6, Rose 2, father in-law Werner Joe 71
Wilson, Homer B 54 yrs [Carrie 56] son in law Blesse Harry S 33 , daughter Mildred 30, g-daug Ruth 3, Eleanor 3. 115 5th av.
Wilson, Sarah M 65 yrs, 309 Fourth Ave.
Witherall John 31 [Margaret 37] father inlaw Demuth Harry 65 wd, aunt Cameron Eva 67 wd, cusin Inge James 5.
Witouski Mike 22 Conn. parents Poland [Dana 20 Yugoslavia] Mike 1 month. 1500 4th ave.
Wright William L 58 yrs [Cynthia 57] son in-law Upperman Ralph 30, daughter Upperman Anna 25, 900 4th ave.
Yanacachione Carmeni 41 Italy, Frank 24, Peter 18, Lillian 17, Elsie 19, Joseph 12, Anthony 10, Martha 9, Annie 5, Robert 3
Yanyan Mike 50, Martha 45, Bertha 17, Mary 16, Michael 13, Elias 10, Mike 9, Mildred 6, 1640 6th ave.
Yeager Lydia 45 Casket Co., sister Thalia 49, brother George 52, sister Josephine 57, roomer Leguia Alcibades 33, 4th ave.
Yellock, Ida 54 yrs widow, daughter Lillian 17, son Howard 11, lodger Thomas, John 50, 450 Fourth Ave.
Yost Robert 48 [Laura B 46] Lugh 21, R Pearl 19, Charles 17, John 15, Imogene 3. 160 5th ave.
Yurkovich Mary 67 yrs Poland widow, 1881 3rd ave.
Zahn Frank 59 [ Katherine E 55] 998 6th ave.
Zahn George 33 machinist owns shop [Helen 31] Margaret L 5, grand mother 80 born Germany , 501 11th st.
Zikiley, Martin A 49 yrs [Anna 45 married at age 25] 236 5th Ave.
Zinkham, William 38 yrs [Nelda C 29 married at 21] William 5, Helen L 4, Mine St.
Zuck William 37 yrs Steel Mill [Mary 35 Nor Ireland] William 10, Mary 6, brother in-law McCann James 38, 1175 4th ave.

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