Chapter II – Some Early Families History of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania
We are in the dawn of the second century since the first settlers came to what is now Montour County. The only record these sturdy people had time to make of themselves, for the contemplation and pleasure of their posterity, was almost solely by the works of their hands amid trials and difficulties we can but poorly appreciate now. Without machinery, tools, money or the rudest appliances of civilization, they had to carve out their way against appalling obstructions. That they did it, not only well, but at all, is one of the marvels in the history of the human race. The world’s “seven wonders ” that have passed down for the admiration of so many ages are, in the aggregate and abstract, but childish, simple nothings-floating bubbles-compared to that of the continental conquerors-these liberators of the human race, who builded, no doubt, wiser than they knew, but yet who built for all ages and for all mankind. The sublime story of these simple, grand men and women has never been properly told, is not understood by their descendants of to-day. Their memories have been grossly neglected and too often now their wonderful story has passed away forever with their decaying bones.
The few mentioned in this chapter include but a small portion of those whose family names should be indelibly stamped upon the pages of the history of Montour, yet these few names include about all, in connection with the accounts of many others in different parts of this work, of whom it is possible now to give any definite and reliable information.
To write the history of the early days of what now constitutes Montour County and to write the history of the Montgomery family would be mostly one and the same thing. Gen. Wm. Montgomery wrote this upon the blank leaf of an old family Bible: “August 3rd, 1809.-By the goodness of divine Providence, I have this day numbered seventy-three years,” (not noticing the change of style) “and it is but right that I should leave a record of something of God’s goodness to me in so long a life. I was the third son of Alexander and Mary Montgomery, who both died leaving me an orphan of ten or eleven years old.”
From Mr. A. F. Russel it is learned that Alexander and Mary Montgomery had eight children—seven boys and one girl. William, Daniel and Margaret Montgomery emigrated to Northumberland County together frbm Chester County. William was born August 3, 1736, and died in May, 1816, at the green old age of eighty years. William had become a prominent man in his native county, Chester, before the Revolution. He was a member of the “Associators” and a delegate in a convention “of the people of the Province of Pennsylvania,” assembled in Philadelphia, January 23, 1775. He was again a delegate of the convention that assembled in Carpenter’s Hall, Philadelphia, June, 1776. He was now “Colonel” Montgomery.
In June, 1776, Col. Montgomery’s battalion, the Fourth Chester County Militia, 450 strong, was ” serving its tour” in New Jersey, and it is supposed was in the battle of Long Island in August, 1776. Then his regiment became known as the “Flying Camp.” In 1773 he came to Northumberland County, and November 26, 1774, is the date of the deed of J. Simpson to William Montgomery for ” 180 acres of land on Mahoning Creek, north side of the east branch of the Susquehanna, called ” Karkaase.” This is the land on which Danville was originally laid out. He removed his family to this place in 1776 or early in 1777. Here his youngest son, Alexander, was born October 8, 1777.
He was a fearless borderer of brawn and brain admirably suited to the turbulent times that were then upon the country, and that in consequence of Indian raids weighed so heavily upon the outer settlements. In 1779 he was a member of the Assembly from Northumberland County. In March, 1780, he, voted for an act “for the gradual abolition of slavery.” In 1784 he was elected by the Assembly a member of Congress; resigned February 7, 1785. In 1785 he was appointed president judge of the district composed of Northumberland and Luzerne Counties. In 1787 he was appointed a commissioner to execute the acts of the Assembly entitled ” an act for ascertaining and confirming to certain persons called ‘Connecticut Claimants’ the lands by them claimed in the county of Luzerne, etc.” In December, 1787, he was appointed deputy surveyor of Northumberland and Luzerne Counties; when he received this appointment he resigned his office of president judge of the courts. In 1791 he was induced to accept a commission of justice of the peace. These last two named acts are strong character marks of the man himself. In 1808 he was, presidential elector, the vote of Northumberland County standing: William Montgomery, Republican-Democrat, 2,793, and for the Federal candidate, 220.
This is the briefest outline of his military and official life, but hispermanent greatness and fame should rest chiefly upon his domestic, commercial and agricultural labors. To the little colony of settlers he was much like a careful and protecting father. He boldly ventured upon any scheme of merchandising or manufacturing that promised to yield good fruits to the people. In an address to his neighbors in the dawn of this century he told them that these hills were full of iron, and he believed there were those listening to him who would live to see here great iron factories, employing vast numbers of laborers and yielding boundless wealth to the country. His prophecy became entirely realized. He established here the first saw, grist and woolen-mills, the first store, and in fact the first of almost everything that gave such a powerful impulse to the building up of the town of Danville. We cannot better conclude this account than by completing the quotation from Gen. Montgomery’s. own words with which we commenced this sketch:
“I early married Margaret Nivin; she was all that could be expected in a. woman; she was pious, sensible and affectionate; she lived with me about thirteen years and had issue, Mary, who died at twenty-three years of age; Alexander, who died in infancy; Margaret, who died in the same year with her sister;. William, who is still alive and has a large fami]y, is about forty-seven years old; John, who is about two years younger and has also a large family; Daniel,. who is still two years younger than John and has a family; Alexander, who. died about one year old.
“About Twenty-two months after her decease I married Isabella Evans, a most distinguished and delightful woman, by whom I had issue, Robert, born in April, 1773; Hannah, born the 22d of January, 1775; Alexander, born. October 8, 1777, and Margaret, born January 8, 1784. The three former-are still living, but she died soon after her marriage with Thomas Woodside. Their mother was called away from me in August, 1791, and in April, 1793, I married a worthy and eminent woman; her maiden name was Boyd, and she was the widow of Col. Mathew Boyd, by whom she had issue, John, who. died with the dysentery, aged about twenty-three years; also, Rebekah, who is married to Rev. John B. Patterson, lives happily and is raising a fine family. But I have had no issue by my present wife nor has any uneasiness arisen in consequence of it. Nor can it be said that any of my children have had stepmothers, being always treated with as much tenderness and respect as they could have expected from their own mothers. Another instance of my happiness and for which I ought to be very thankful is the untarnished morality of my children, and the peace and harmony that has always subsisted among them.
“Through all this long life I have been abundantly provided for, have enjoyed honor enough unsought by any other means than honestly endeavoring to. do my duty to my God and my country-great health and much comfort, retaining my natural powers with little diminution until about five or six years past,. since when I feel sensibly the advances of age. But I hope that goodness and mercy which, have followed me through life will not forsake me when gray hairs, appear, but continue to conduct me down to death, after which, through the merits of our Lord Jesus Christ alone and the mercy of God our Savior, I hope to obtain eternal rest and happiness.
“Note this year the woolen factory at Danville established under my care. “
Gen. Daniel Montgomery was the third son of the above Gen. William Montgomery, and was fifteen years old when his father brought his family to Danville to reside. When only twenty-five years old Daniel opened, under the guidance and assistance of his father, the first store in Danville. Soon he was the trusted merchant and factor of a wide circle of patrons. This first store building was where the Montour House now stands. November 27, 1791, Daniel Montgomery married Miss Christiana Strawbridge. The next year he laid out the town of Danville-the part east of Mill Street. The new town received its baptismal name from abbreviating his Christian name through the partiality of his customers. From this time until his death he was the most prominent man in this part of the State; elected to the Legislature in 1800, at once taking his father’s place as a trusted leader in public enterprises and politics of his district. By leading men throughout the State he was recognized as a man of great influence in wisely shaping public affairs. During his actual political life of many years he carried on his extensive mercantile establishment, purchased and owned large tracts of land. In 1.805 he was lieutenant-colonel in the Eighty-first Pennsylvania Militia. He was appointed major-general of the Ninth Division, July 27, 1809. He was the chief promoter in the building of turnpike roads in this portion of the State. Elected to Congress in 1807 as a Democrat, be served out his term ably and acceptably and declined a re-election. He worked efficiently for the division of Northumberland County and the erection of Columbia and Union Counties; Danville was made the county seat of Columbia County and the father and son donated the land for the county buildings, and contributed largely in money toward their erection. In 1823, though strongly urged by prominent men all over the State, he declined to stand for the office of governor. In 1828 he was appointed one of the canal commissioners, and while in this office the great internal State improvements were inaugurated, and among others the North Branch Canal was located and well advanced toward completion. He was a large stockholder and a strong promoter of the Danville Bridge Company, completing the bridge in 1829. He originated the project of the Danville & Pottsville Railroad and was first. president. Amid these varied positions of trust, great labor and responsibility he, like his father, was a noted farmer. Gen. Daniel Montgomery died at his residence in Danville, Friday, December 30, 1831, aged sixty-sixyears. The old family Bible bears the following record of his children: Margaret, born October 18, 1792, died April 1, 1845, unmarried; °Isabella, born August 1, 1794, died October 11, 1818, unmarried; Mary, born July 26, 1796, died September 2, 1707 ; Thomas, born July 19, 1798, died February 22, 1800 ; Hannah, born October 16,1800, married to J. C. Boyd, May 1820; William, born January 11, 1803, died January 23, 1873, aged seventy, bachelor; Polly, born February 6, 1805, married to Dr. W. H. Magill, May 1, 1828 (they have two sons and three daughters); Christina, born March 1, 1809, died May, 26, 1836, unmarried; Daniel Strawbridge, born July 2, 1811, died March 26, 1839.
Philip Maus was born in Prussia, 1731. In company with his parents he came to Philadelphia in 1741, being then ten years old. He attended school and soon be could speak and write both English and German fluently. In 1750 he was apprenticed to the trade of manufacturing stockings, a circumstance that enabled him in the times of the Revolution to greatly aid and benefit the country. Within five years after he commenced to learn his trade he established himself in the business, conducting it with great success for the next twenty years, when the troubles with the mother country suspended operations. His brothers were Fredrick, Charles and Mathew. The latter became a prominent surgeon in the war and was with Gen. Montgomery in his expedition into Canada, and when Montgomery fell before Quebec he aided Col. Burr in carrying away his body. Dr. Maus served through the entire war of independence.
Phillip Maus married Frances Heap, a native of England, a most estimable wife, mother and friend. When his business furnished him the capital he invested it in the purchase of 600 acres of land. The patents from Thomas and John Penn are dated April 3, 1769, and are among the earliest in what is now Montour County. The proprietaries reserved a perpetual quit rent of two pence per acre, which was paid until the commonwealth compensated the Penns and became the proprietor of the lands. The tract of land lay in the rich and fertile valleys of Valley Township. At the time of the purchase it laid on the outer fringe of the settlements, and hence no improvements were made on the property until after the Revolution. But as soon as peace and safety permitted, Mr. Maus brought his family. to this place and for more than thirty years it was his home. The children of this happy union were George, born 1759; Elizabeth, 1761; Phillip, 1763; Susan, 1765; Samuel, 1767; Lewis 1773; Charles, 1775; Joseph, o1777; Jacob, 1781. During the Revolution Mr. Maus was an active and earnest patriot. He formed the intimate acquaintance, which extended to the end of their days, of Benjamin Franklin and Robert Morris. Mr. Maus invested very largely of his ample fortune in furnishing clothing to the army, took his pay in continental money, and of this money, when it became valueless, he had several thousand dollars on hand. Baskets full of this old currency may yet be found in the possession of Phillip F. Maus. What would a modern army contractor think if he was to hear this story?
Here is a letter that now possesses a historical interest:
PHILADELPHIA, 9 Octo, 1770.
Mr. Samuel Updegraff, Sir; By the bearer, Mr. Joseph Kerr,I send you the ballance of the price of 8 doz pairs of buckskin breeches I bought of you, having paid you £9 in advance, the ballance being £1.48 3s. which he will pay you on delivering him the goods. If you have any more to dispose of he will contract with you for them, and I shall be glad if you and him can agree. Your humble servant, PHILL.IP MALTS.
Leather breeches, moccasins and hunting shirts of the same were the clothing of some of the grandfathers of many of our most aristocratic and exclusive people of fashion and wealth of the present day. Could the rehabilitated form of one of these appear in his buckskin jerkin well soiled in the service of camp and field and, unkempt and unwashed, appear in some of our modern parlors unannounced, would not the cooing Charles Augustus and Floritina faint dead away?
At the close of the war his fortune was so reduced, as he had expended his good gold for materials to manufacture clothing for the army and took his pay in what was in the end valueless Continental money, that he turned his attention to his land in this county, and came here in 1782. He found the infant settlement of Danville, which had then been founded by Daniel Montgomery and his brother William, consisting of a few log cabins and half a dozen families, nearly all from the southeastern portion of the State and the western part of New Jersey. His lands, when he then looked upon them, presented a mass of verdure and deep, tangled wild woods, stretching along the northern base of Montour’s Ridge, with the Mahoning flowing through them. He brought with him from Philadelphia two carpenters, and his son Phillip and his own willing hands were the means at hand to clear away the great forest and make his beautiful farm. He erected the first cabino in Valley Township. Its site was on the right bank of the stream nearly half a mile from the present stone mill. He contracted the clearing of other parts of his land, but then the Indian troubles commenced, and the people in these unprotected parts had to flee to Northumberland for safety. Before leaving the place everything they could not carry away, such as implements, tools, etc., was carefully buried and secreted from the Indians. The place was then rented to Peter Blue and James Sutphel, the bargain being that the lessees were to return and occupy the lands as soon as it would be safe to do so. Mr. Maus and family remained in North-timberland only a brief time and then proceeded to Lebanon, where he remained one year; then returned to Northumberland, remained three or four years, and then came back to the Mahoning settlement.
Phillip F. Maus, now living in Mausdale, in this county, is the son of Joseph and Sally Montgomery Maus and is the grandson of Phillip Maus, one of the first settlers in what is now Valley Township and of whom there is an extended sketch in the chapter entitled “Some of the Early Families.” The direct line of descent to young Phillip Eugene Maus, now of Mausdale, is as follows: Phillip Maus, his son Joseph, then Joseph’s son Phillip F. and then Phillip F.’s son Phillip E. Maus. Joseph Maus was born in Philadelphia, October, 1777, and came to this county with his parents when about eight years old. He married in 1808 Sallie, daughter of John Montgomery, of Paradise farm. The issue of this marriage were Phillip F., born September 27, 1810, and John M., born in 1812. Joseph Maus died July 26, 1867. Sallie Montgomery Maus died May 20, 18 7 2. John 11. married Rebecca Gray, who was born in 1812 and married in 1833. Phillip F. Maus married Sarah Gallaher, of Lycoming County, in May, 1838. Of this marriage there were six children-four boys and two girls-all of whom except Phillip E. died in infancy. Mrs. Sarah Gallaher Maus was a daughter of William and Margaret Gallaher, who were early settlers in what is now Lycoming County. They were of Scotch-Irish descent. The history of the Mans family elsewhere in this book is very nearly a complete history of the county from its first settlement to date.
John C. Gulics was born in Mahoning Township, December 1, 1807, the son of John and Mary (Gearhart) Gulics, natives of New Jersey. Grandfather Jacob Gearhart was a Revolutionary soldier, attaining the rank of captain, and was long in the service under Gen. Washington. John and Mary Gulics had five children, of whom one only is now living.
Nathaniel and Sarah (Bond) Wilson were of the early settlers in Columbia County, Liberty Township. They were natives of Pennsylvania, of Scotch-Irish descent. Nathaniel was a soldier in the war of 1.812-15. Descendants of the Bonds and Wilsons are now citizens of Montour County. One grandson, James Wilson, is a clerk in a store in Danville.
Samuel Kirkham-how that name brings up the writer’s school days and “parsing grammar.” Pennsylvania must have bred great grammarians-Lindley Murray was a native of York County, and Mr. Kirkham was a teacher in the Danville school in 1819-21. It is said what little grammar Mr. Lincoln ever knew he got from Kirkham’s grammar.
Daniel Frazer came here in 1790. He purchased a farm of John Frazer—100 acres. Here he resided thirty-eight years, or until his death. All the south part of his farm is now in the corporate limits of Danville. He was a most estimable farmer and his death was mourned by a wide circle of friends. In 1824 he built his stone residence which is still standing in good repair.
Ellis Hughes came here a school-teacher, and for some time taught in the schoolhouse a short distance from where the Montour House now stands. He was appointed register and recorder by the governor, and served to the public’s entire satisfaction. He died in 1850.
William Hartman came to Danville in 1814, a chairmaker-at that time a very convenient kind of workman to have in a community where three legged stools were chiefly the seats of honor. He died in 1851.
November 24, 1784, is the date of the oldest record extant containing a partial list of those who were first here. It was a subscription paper, drawn by Gen. William Montgomery’s hand, and entitled “Preaching Subscription.” It was not especially sectarian and as all men in those days were deeply religious in faith and pined for the expounding of God’s word, it is quite probable that the list contained nearly every head of a family then in the county, who was able to subscribe toward the desired fund. It is an interesting relic. To their descendants it is a kind of ” Declaration of Independence signers,” and it is due their memories that their histories, so fax as can be now obtainable, be gathered up. The list is here given in full, and following it is such an account of their descendants as the writer has been enabled to gather from some of our oldest citizens.
Following is the document and the amount respectively subscribed:
We, the subscribers, promise to pay the several sums annexed to our names into the handsof such person as shall be named by a majority of us to receive and collect the same, to be set apart as a fund for the encouragement and promoting the preaching of the Gospel among us at the settlement of Mahoning.
Done this twenty-fourth day of November, 1784.

In those days distance had but small control in determining where the good people would attend divine service. And it is highly probable that the subscribers above named included families from every settlement in the county.
Peter Blew (Blue) lived in Valley Township, a good man and a much esteemed neighbor among his farmer neighbors. One of his grandsons now resides in Campbelltown.
John Wilson, we are told, was a Quaker. John, Thomas and William lived many years in Frosty Valley, on the Black road. One of the grandsons now lives there. John Wilson married John Maus’ daughter.
David and Jacob Can settled just across the river from Danville. One of Jacob’s eons now resides there.
It is said that some of the descendants of Peter Melick live on Fishing Creek.
John Evart lived in Frosty Valley. His son John lived and died on the old home place. There is one daughter surviving, living at Danville.
John Black lived in Derry Township, where he died many years ago.
John Emmet lived in Frosty Valley. He removed to Bloomsburg. It is told that he was one of the believers in the wild story that the Indians before they left these parts buried vast treasures of gold in this hill. There was a further wild superstition that those who attempted to dig and find the hidden treasure would be stricken by the spell of the dusky ghosts, and would flee away in terror and pine away and die. A man named Runyon, it was gravely related, went there to dig after Emmet had fled and left his digging implements. He too fled in terror before the spooks and went off and died.
William Clark, in company with his brother John, kept Clark’s tavern, which stood where Brown’s bookstore now is. The building was burned down in 1835 or 1836. Tom Clark, son of William, lived here, and died aged eighty years. Several of the grandchildren of William Clark are now here.
Andrew Cochran died many years ago. His son Preston was reared in this county and moved away and died.
William Crowle was a stone-mason and helped build the old still.
Thomas Gaskins and family were among the earliest settlers here. He had six children; John, Jonathan, Thomas, Mrs. Polly McMullin, Mrs. Betsy Forsyth and Rachel (unmarried). Of these John was born here in 1775 and died in 1856. His son, William G. Gaskins, was born in 1817, and is now a resident of Danville.
The property now belonging to the Danville Insane Asylum was the home of the Gulics family. There was a large family of children. Of these, Cath. arine Gulics married John Gaskins, whose descendants are now residents of Danville.
John Deen, Sr., the first of the name in the limits of this county, came here in 1790. He was born in Philadelphia December 22, 1183. When he was an infant his father was lost at sea-a seafaring man in command of a vessel. His mother, Eleanor (Frazier) Deen, was a native of Scotland. Some of the Fraziers were of the earliest settlers in this portion of the State. John came to this county with his uncle in his seventh year. The widow married John Wilson. She died in Danville, October 1, 1827, in her sixty-sixth year, and was buried in the old Presbyterian cemetery. Here John lived from the time he came, with his uncle, Daniel Frazier, whose log house was on the hill side a little east of Bloom Street, near the present site of the Reformed Church, his farm covering the ground that is now the Fourth Ward. Here, at the short-termed subscription schools, John acquired what education be possessed. In 1796 he was apprenticed to Mr. Hendrickson to learn blacksmithing. In 1809 he married Miss Mary Flack, daughter of Hugh and Susan Flack, who was born near Washingtonville in April, 1785. The Flacks were a large family, and their descendants are intermarried with many of the pioneer families. The father on the maternal side of the Flacks was McBride, another of the very early settlers in what is now Montour County. McBride settled on a farm at what is now White Hall.
In 1809 Mr. Deen and wife came to Danville. The town was then a mere hamlet of log buildings scattered over the territory west of what is now Church Street and south of the canal. He occupied the corner now occupied by G. M. Shoop, where he lived until 1814. Here he had his smithey-shop; here three of his children were born, viz.: Thomas, who died at the age of five years, John and Julia Ann. He then purchased ground on the opposite side of the street of Daniel Montgomery. He here erected what is now the eastern end of the frame house now owned by his eldest daughter, Mrs. Julia Ann Bowyer. Here he lived the remainder of his life.
The work in a blacksmith shop in those days was very different from that of to-day-but very little machinery; everything had to be hammered out on the anvil, and charcoal was the only fuel used, Mr. Deen’s account books are still in the possession of the family and here are recorded business transactions dating back to so long a period as now to possess much historical interest. As an instance, between 1820 and 1830 here are some of the prices for his work: “Setting pair horseshoes, 12+ cents; pair steel-toed shoes, 58 cents; toeing old shoes, 121 cents: pair of shoes (not toed) 461 cents; mending bridle-bit, 12& cents; 12 screws, 59 cents; laying a hammer with steel (both ends) 464 cents; ironing a two-horse wagon, $15; laying an ax with cast steel, 70 cents.” Bar iron at that time was worth $100 to $120 per ton. At this time buckwheat was selling at 30 cents to 35 cents a bushel. In 1824 wheat sold for $1.871; 11 yardsblankets, $10.31; potatoes, 121 cents; muslin, 14 cents; a day’s plowing, with two horses, $1.40. Soon after making his residence here he obtained an interest in a fishery located above the mouth of Ma-honing Creek, and also one in Gulp’s Eddy, above. The fish caught here at: that time were many and of the best quality, shad weighing as high as seven pounds, and salmon weighing fifteen pounds and rock-fish thirty pounds. The best fish sold at 6 and 7 cents a pound. The women made the twine of which the nets were made, as they then also made the clothes worn by men and women. The spinning-wheel and the loom were then to be heard in almost every house. The first woolen factory was erected in Danville more than fifty years ago. It was on Mahoning Creek, at the Northumberland street crossing. This is wandering slightly from, the subject of this sketch, but at the same time it is suggested by gleanings from Mr. Deer’s old account book. His close industry and economy brought him prosperity, and in 1820 he purchased of Gen. Montgomery the land running eastward along the south side of Market Street, paying $100 per acre for it.’ This was stony ground, not fit for cultivation. It was once a great place to pick blackberries. It has long been covered with the fine improvements we now see there. In 1826, in addition to his business of farming and his large blacksmith shop, he purchased of the patentee the right to manufacture threshing machines and opened a factory. These were evidently good machines and well made, as Mr. A. J. Still, grandson of Mr. Deen, informs the writer that he saw one of them in 1868 and it was still fit for service. Mr. Deen had contracts on the canal, then being constructed, as well as on the river bridge. When the canal was opened he owned and ran a boat thereon in the coal trade. At an age when ordinary men retire largely from active business life, he built a tannery on the river near Church Street. January 5, 1852, his faithful helpmeet “departed this life. After a long and useful life, widely esteemed, and beloved by a great circle of family and friends, he breathed his last July 16, 1864, leaving behind seven children. His oldest son, John, married Jane Hutton and died in 1874; four of his children are still living. Julia Ann, aged seventy-three years, is the wife of John Bowyer. James married Margaret Sanders; Jane married Thomas Brandon; Hannah married Rev. Amos B. Still, and has but one son living, A. Judson; and Perry, the youngest son, married Mary Jane Ritchie; after her death he married Jane Fullmar. Susan, the youngest of the family, married Isaac Tyler; she died in 1865; three of her children are now living.
Frequent mention of the Frazers (sometimes spelled Frazier) occurs in other parts of this work. Daniel Frazer was born May 2, 1755, and married Sarah Wilson in 1772. She died in 1775; he was again married. His second wife was Isabella Watson, whom he married on the sixth day of February, 1777. He died in Danville on March 26, 1828. His children were Charles, Emma, Margaret, James, Alexander, Sarah, Jane, William, Christiana M., Agnes, Daniel and Thomas, all of whom are dead, except Christiana, who married Enos Miller, who died in 1870. His descendants reside in Montour County, New York, and Michigan. He came to this place about 1790 and purchased of John Frazer 100 acres of laud in the southwest part of his 284-acre tract. On this land he resided thirty-eight years, until his death in the seventy-third year of his age. He was an honest and industrious farmer, enjoying the respect and confidence of his fellow citizens. For a long time be resided at the base of the hill, near the site of an old Indian trading post, and a very short distance north of the spring. In 1824 he built the substantial stone residence which is still standing. All the southern portion of his farm is now within the corporate limits of Danville.
Source: Page(s) 7-18. History of Columbia and Montour Counties. Battle, J.H., Chicago: A. Warner, 1887.