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…bringing our past into the future

St Clair Borough, Beaver County


Feb 28, 2014

St Clair Borough Contributed by Don

In 1837, Vicary laid out the village of St. Clair, sometimes known as Vicary Extension, located on the west side of his property, between the mansion and Dutchman’s Run, and began selling lots. According to an advertisement in the Beaver County Argus newspaper dated February 14, 1837:

The subscriber having laid off one hundred and sixty lots, of convenient dimensions, with streets and Alleys, in the extension of flourishing village of Freedom…. The advertisement goes on to describe the setting: …being located on gently rising ground, on the north bank of the Ohio and commanding an uninterrupted view of the river; on the great thoroughfare between the city of Pittsburgh and Beaver….. The situation is healthy and pleasant and vicinity abounds in mineral and bituminous coal.

St. Clair was incorporated as a borough in 1867, and existed up until 1896 when it was finally merged into the town of Freedom.

The following information is from the Beaver County, Pennsylvania Centennial Directory.


Baldwin James, laborer.
Betz Jonathan J., engineer.
Baldwin James, laborer.
Beach Thomas, cooper
Beach Thomas, cooper
Brandt John C., blacksmith.
Brandt Jacob, grocer.
Brandt Conrad, blacksmith.
Brown Mrs. Henry.
Callahan Mrs. Daniel.
Callahan Timothy, boat buildre.
Chaffee James, laborer
Cox Benjamin F., engineer.
Craig Henry, sawyer.
Dunlap Henderson, teamster.
Davis Margaret J.
Davis Henry, laborer.
Douglas John W., miller.
Duerr Frederick G., shoemaker.
Emery William, shoemaker.
Fout Matthew, laborer.
Flugga William, cooper.
Gratis Joseph, cooper.
Goll William C., cooper.
Gross Charles, laborer.

Headland Mary.
Harkins James Sr., laborer
Hetchie Jacob, cabinet maker.
Hastings James, quarryman.
Hill Jacob, quarryman.
Holsinger Richard, laborer.
Holsinger John E., laborer.


Kolb Lewis, tanner
Mace Caroline.
Martin Christian, quarryman.
McPherson Marshal, teamster.
Miller George, cooper.
Minke John, cooper.
McBrier John, sawyer.
Olmstead Jacob D., carpenter.
Olmstead Joshua, laborer
Olmstead Alfred H., carpenter
Paul Mrs. Jonathan.
Powell Henry E., laborer.
Rea Henry., gentleman.
Reed Charles W., laborer.
Reed James, laborer.
Reed Eli M., laborer.
Rider George, boatman.
Schleiter Conrad, marble cutter.
Shoenaman C., locksmith.
Small James A., laborer.
Smith William H., quarryman.
Stewart Joseph, quarryman.
Weigle Jacob, laborer.
Worden R. G., quarryman.
Zahn Michael, cooper.
Zirkle Martin, minister.

Value of Real Estate in St. Clair borough, $14,796; Number of Horses and Mules over four years of age, 13; Value. $565; Number of cows over four years of age 11; Value $165. Population in 1870, 232.

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