1820 Census Index, Surnames F – L, Armstrong County
1820 PENNSYLVANIA CENSUS INDEX ARMSTRONG COUNTY Surnames F – L Name Year Location Page Fackender Daniel 1820 TOBY TWP 301 Fails Mary 1820 BUFFALOE TWP 293 Fair John 1820 BUFFALOE…
1820 Census Index, Surnames A – E, Armstrong County
1820 PENNSYLVANIA CENSUS INDEX ARMSTRONG COUNTY Surnames A – E Name Year Location Page Abrrichman Sarah 1820 ALLEGHENY TWP 253 Adams Egehle 1820 ALLEGHENY TWP 253 Adams James 1820 SUGARCREEK…
1807 Assessment List, Armstrong County
Armstrong County Assessment List of 1807 The following assessment lists of 1807 was taken from: Biographical And Historical Cyclopedia of Indiana And Armstrong Counties, Pennsylvania The list were taken directly…