• Sun. Dec 22nd, 2024


…bringing our past into the future

Lavansville, Somerset County


Mar 28, 2015

The village of Lavansville is situated about four miles west of the county seat. Its name is derived from David Lavan, who owned the eastern part of the town site.

The first building erected here, a hotel, was built by John Tantlinger, of Somerset, in 1803; the second and third being the shop and dwelling-house of David Lavan, who located here as a blacksmith about the year 1812.

Martin Ross was the owner of the western part of the town site, but did not lay out lots, etc., until some time after Lavan had done so. About 1830 Isaac Friedline and Frederick Neff opened the first store. The first church edifice was erected by the Lutherans about 1848.

At the present time the town contains two churches, two stores, one wagonshop, two smithshops, two shoeshops, two cabinetshops, one harness-shop, and one hotel.

(Source: History of Bedford, Somerset & Fulton Counties, PA; 1884)

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