• Fri. Mar 14th, 2025


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1796 Stonycreek Township Taxables


Sep 14, 2015

The following is a complete list of the taxable inhabitants of the township for the year 1796. Stony Creek then included about one-sixth of Somerset county:

Thomas Addeson
Henry Becker
Jonathan Becker
Henry Black
James Black
George Boyer
Abraham Brand
Israel Brand
Henry Brand
John Brown, Sr.
James Bue
Christianl Burket
Israel Burket
Cornelius Burns
Garrardus Clarkson
John Dearling
Joseph Drayer
Joseph Engle
George Fackler
John Ferguson
Martin Fisher
Henry Funk
Jacob Glessner
Michael Gouder
Jacob Grendle
George Grove
Richard Haukens
Mary Hayslip
Adam Hellem
George Hellem
Henry Hess
William Hey
Samuel Hillegas
Simon Hogh
George Huffman
John Huffman
Philip Huffman
Jacob Keffer
Casper Keller
George Keller
Henry Keller
Martin Keller
George Ketz
Isaac Kilmer
Abraham Kimmel
David Kimmel
George Kimmel
Isaac Kimmel
Jacob Kimmel
Philip Kimmel
Albright Kindlesperger
Jacob Kindlesperger
Joseph Kirkbridge
Noah Klark
Samuel Klark
Ludwick Kopp
Philip Kucker
John Kurtz
George Lambert
Jacob Lambert
John Lambert
George Layman
John Layman
Christian Lerringston
John Lowry
Jacob Manges
William McDermit
John McQueller
Abraham Miller
Christian Miller
George Miller
John Miller
Joseph Miller
Michael Miller
Widow Miller
Margaret Murry
John Musser
Michael Peterman
Godlip Reaman
George Reese
Philip Remhart
John Rench
Charles Renshaw
John Rhoads
John Rhoads, Jr.
Henry Richart
John Roberts
James Rose
Michael Rose
Michael Saylor
John Sell
Ludwick Shara
George Shick
John Shoemaker
Jonathan Shoemaker
Joseph Sill
Jacob Smith
Jacob Smith, Jr.
William Smith
Henry Snibly, Dr.
John Spangler
Christian Spiker
Joseph Spiker
Jacob Springer
Godrey Stall
Casper Statler
John Statler
Powell Stem
John Stilway
Christian Stoner
John Stump
Martin Suter
Widow Suter
Jacob Switzer
James Trent
Alexander Walker
James Watkins
Andrew Way
Peter Wise
Christian Yoder
Christian Yoder, Jr.
David Yoder
Jacob Yoder
John Yoder
Jonathan Yoder
Benjamin Zearfass
Jacob Ziegler
John Ziegler
John Musser, collector. Total valuation, real and personal, fifty- four thousand two hundred and eighty-four dollars. Tax, two hundred and seventy-one dollars and forty-six cents. Six and one-half years elapsed before the collector made his returns.

(Source: History of Bedford, Somerset &amp; Fulton Counties, PA; 1884)

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