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1800 Somerset Township Taxables


Sep 14, 2015

In 1800, four years after the organization of the township, the taxables of the village and township were mentioned as follows:
Adams, Adam
Allen, James
Althouse, John
Anderson, George
Anewalt, John
Ankeny, Abraham
Ankeny, Christian (settled southeast of the town in 1773)
Ankeny, David
Ankeny, Peter
Armstrong, John Sr.
Baer, Daniel
Baker, John
Baker, Michael
Barron, George
Barron, John
Barron, Philip
Beam, Christopher
Beam, Jacob
Beigle, Jacob
Bell, John
Benford, Samuel
Berkey, Adam
Berkey, Jacob
Berkey, Jacob
Berkey, Samuel
Beymer, Conrad
Beymer, Conrad Jr.
Black, James
Bonebreak, Dewalt
Boyd, James
Brallier, Christian
Brallier, Emanuel
Bricker, John
Brindle, Jacob
Brown, Benjamin
Bruner, Jacob
Buatt, Joseph
Bush, Charles
Campbell, John
Campbell, William
Carver, Abraham
Carver, Christian
Casebeer, Christian
Casebeer, Solomon
Chorpenning, John
Clark, Samuel
Cline, Adam
Cline, Jonas
Cover, Jacob
Cover, Michael
Craff, Jacob
Cross, Mary
Cummins, Alexander
Cundle, Adam
Cupp, Peter
Darr, Henry
Dorne, George
Dunning, James
Elder, Dr. William Gore
Epsy, Josiah Esq.
Emmert, George
Emmert, Mary
Fackler, George
Faith, Abraham
Faith, Jacob
Ferner, Daniel
Ferrence, Nicholas
Findley, William
Fisher, Ernst
Fisher, John
Fisher, Ludwig
Fleming, Samuel
Fletcher & Philson
Flick, Adam
Flick, George
Forsythe, Gabriel
Fox, Abraham
Fox, Peter
Francis, Joseph
Frank, Conrad
Friedline, Ludwig
Friedline, Peter
Gehr, Killian
Gehr, Mary
Giesey, Henry, D.D.
Glessner, Henry
Glessner, Jacob
Good, Abraham
Good, Jacob
Good, John
Gorsht, Matthias
Grindle, Henry
Grindle, John
Hager, John
Hart, Ludwid
Hemminger, Andrew
Hemminger, George
Henline, Cornelius
Herring, John
Hess, Abraham
Hess, Abraham
Hess, Peter
Hicks, Jacob
Hipple, Andrew
Hipple, Christian
Hipple, Henry
Hipple, John
Hogle, Simon
Hoover, Jacob
Horner, Adam
Houpt, Valentine Jr.
Houpt, Valentine Sr.
Hoveny, Conrad
Howard, David
Huff, Jacob
Hughes, Walter
Hugus, Michael
Hull, Benjamin
Hull, Nicholas
Hurraw, Adam
Husband, Isaac
Johnson, Thomas
Jones, William M.
Keifer, Lewis
Keiser, Conrad
Keiser, Daniel
Keiser, John
Keller, Kennedy
Kennedy, Thomas
Kerper, Adam
Kimmel, Peter
King, George
King, John
Kooser, Polly
Kurtz, John
Leamer, Jacob
Leech, John Esq.
Leech, Thomas
Lenhart, Peter
Lephandt, Henry
Letman, John
Lichtenberger, Killian
Lint, Christian
Lint, Conrad
Lint, Conrad Jr.
Lint, Henry
Lint, John
Livingstone, Christian
Livingstone, Christian
Logwood, Henry
Long, Rev. Frederick William, D.D.
Loud, Jacob
Lowman, Jacob
Lyberger, John
Lynn, Alexander
Marteny, John
Metzger, Henry
Metzger, Marcus
Metzger, Peter
Miller, Abraham
Miller, George
Miller, Jeremiah
Millhouse, Henry
Millhouse, John
Millhouse, Peter
Money, Abraham
Mong, John
Mooke, Frederick C.
Moore, Daniel
Morrison, Abraham
Mostoller, Frederick
Murrow, John
Neff, Abraham
Neil, John
Ney, Adam
Nofziger, John
Oats, Samuel
Ogle, Alexander Esq.
Omweg, Henry
Parks, John Esq.
Pearson, Robert
Pence, Henry
Penrod, Israel
Penrod, Isaac
Penrod, Sarah
Peterson, John
Phillips, Martin
Pile, Casper
Pile, George
Pile, Henry
Pile, Michael
Pisel, Peter
Pugh, James
Putnam, John
Ray, George
Read, William
Rheese, Morgan J. Esq.
Rice, Christian
Rinehart, Philip
Roan, John
Rosendale, Christian
Saylor, Jacob
Saylor, Michael
Schmucker, Jacob
Schmucker, John
Schneider, Adam
Schneider, Henry
Schneider, Jacob
Schneider, Peter
Schrock, John
Scott, Matthias
Sees, Melchoir
Shaffer, Henry
Shaffer, Henry
Shaffer, Henry
Shaffer, Henry
Shaffer, Jacob
Shaffer, Jacob Sr.
Shaffer, John
Shaffer, Simon
Shanks, James
Shaw, John
Shenaman, Frederick
Shilling, Daniel
Showman, David
Shull, John
Siderberger, George
Simpson, David
Smart, Alexander
Smith, James
Smith, Nicholas
Smith, Peter
Smith, Philip
Speight, Christopher
Stahl, Godfrey
Stahl, Henry
Stein, Michael
Stickler, George
Stickler, John
Swager, Adam
Swager, Henry
Swank, Casper
Swank, Jacob
Swank, Thomas
Switzer, Jacob
Switzer, Jacob Jr.
Switzer, Peter
Switzer, Peter Jr.
Taylor, John
Tedrow, George
Tedrow, Michael
Thomas, Benjamin
Thomas, John
Thorn, George
Trent, James
Ulrick, Rudolph
Umburn, Christian
Walter, Abraham
Washabaugh, John
Webster, John
Weigley, Joseph Esq.
Weimer, George
Weimer, John
Weldy, Jacob
Wells, John Esq.
Whipkey, Abraham
Whipkey, John
Williard, Jacob
Winters, John
Woy, Andrew
Wright, David
Wright, John
Wright, Thomas
Yorty, John
Young, George
Young, Ludwig
Zimmerman, Jacob

(Source: History of Bedford, Somerset & Fulton Counties, PA; 1884)

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