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1802 Tax List, Somerset Twp. [C]


Sep 14, 2015

1802 Tax List, Somerset Twp., Somerset Co. [cont\’d.]

Caffield [Coffield?], Arthem: Singleman
Campbell, John: Merchant; 6 cleared acres with 4 houses; 5 lots; $2 quit rent; 1 horse; 1 cow (value $1,278)
Campbell, William: no taxables listed
Capp, Frederick: 1 cow (value $8)
Capp, Peter: 380 acres (60 cleared) with 1 house; 3 horses; 5 cows (value $670)
Carver, Abraham: 300 acres (70 cleared) with 1 house; 100 acres (12 cleared) with 1 cabin house; 5 horses; 1 cow (value $510)
Carver, Christian: 300 acres (70 cleared) with 1 house; 140 acres (10 cleared) with 1 cabin house; 2 horses; 5 cows (value $705)
Casbeer, Christian: [Casebeer?] 320 acres (8 cleared) with 1 cabin house; 1 horse; 2 cows (value $396).
Casebeer, Solomon: 60 acres (2 cleared) with 1 cabin house (value $75)
Chorpenny, John: 210 acres (70 cleared) with 1 house; 6 acres (2 cleared); 4 horses, 4 cows (value $427)
Clark, James: 1 1/2 acres with 1 house, 1 distillery; 1 cow (value $212)
Clark, Samuel: 1 house; 4 lots; $4 quit rent; 1 horse; 1 cow (value $252)
Cline, Adam: weaver; 1 cabin house; 1 horse; 1 cow (value $128)
Cline, Jonas: 319 acres (4 cleared) with 1 cabin house; 2 horses; 2 cows (value $136)
Commins [Cummins?], Alexander: Jailor; 1 lot; $1 quit rent; 1 horse; 1 cow (value $136)
Conner, John: no taxables listed.
Coons [Kuhns?], Samuel: Blacksmith; 1 house; 1 lot; $1 quit rent; 1 cow (value $308)
Countryman, Peter: 270 acres (50 cleared) with 1 cabin house (value $338)
Cover, Jacob: 150 acres (50 cleared); 2 horses; 2 cows (value $281)
Cover, Michael: 160 acres (50 cleared) with 1 cabin house; 2 horses; 4 cows (value $272)
Cross, John: 227 acres (6 cleared) with 1 cabin house (value $284)
Crum, Nicholas: 1 cow (value $8)
Cupp, Abraham: singleman
Cupp, Adam: 1 cow (value $8)
1802 Tax List, Somerset Twp. [D-F]
1802 tax List, Somerset Twp. [D-F]

Darr, Henry: 300 acres (30 cleared) with 1 cabin house; 3 horses; 5 cows (value $485)
Davis, George: shoemaker; 1 horse; 1 cow (value $128)
Denning, James: 300 acres (15 cleared) with 1 cabin house; 1 horse; 1 cow (value $403)
Denning, James, Jr.: singleman
Denning, William: singleman
Devirs, Jacob: mason
Duncan, Samuel, Esq.: attorney; 1 horse; 1 cow (value $228)

Elder, William G.: Doctor; 1 house and lot; 1 horse; 1 cow.

Faith, Abraham: 100 acres (25 cleared); 1 horse; 3 cows (value $169)
Fast, John: singleman; tailor
Ferner, Daniel: 2 horses; 2 cows (value $56)
Ferner, Daniel, Jr.: 2 horses; 1 cow (value $48)
Ferner, John: 1 horse; 2 cows ($36)
Ferner, Samuel: 1 horse (value $20)
Fight, Jacob [Fite? Feight?]: blacksmith; 1 house; 1 horse; 1 cow ($128)
Fisher, John: 1 cow (value $8)
Fisher, Martin: 30 acres (4 cleared); 1 tavern; 2 horses; 1 cow ($433)
Flick, Adam: no taxables listed
Flick, Frederick: 240 acres (60 cleared) with 1 house; 1 horse (value $380)
Flick, George: 250 acres (50 cleared); 2 horses; 3 cows (value $374)
Flick, Jacob: 3 cows (value $24)
Flood, Henry: 1 cow (value $8)
Forsyth, Gabriel: merchant; 2 lots; $7 quit rent ($356)
Forsyth, Joseph: gunsmith (value $100)
Fox, Abraham: 1 horse; 2 cows (value $368?)
Fox, Peter: 312 acres (10 cleared) with 1 house; 1 horse; 2 cows (value $621)
Francis, Joseph: surveyor; 178 acres with 1 house; 1 horse; 1 cow; 356.5 acres (1.5 cleared) — Quemahoning; 140.5 acres (6 cleared) — Quemahoning (value $752)
Frank, Conrad: 100 acres (30 cleared) with 1 house; 2 horses; 4 cows (value $222)
Fredeline, Lodewich [Ludwig?]: 200 acres (70 cleared) with 1 house; 173 acres (20 cleared) with 1 house; 1 horse; 3 cows (value $604)
Fredeline, Peter: 150 acres (70 cleared0 with 1 house; 270 acres; 4 horses; 5 cows (value $818)

[to be continued]

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