• Thu. Mar 27th, 2025


…bringing our past into the future

1802 Tax List, Somerset Twp. [M-Z]


Sep 14, 2015

MARTENY, John: Joiner; 280 acres (16 cleared) with 1 cabin house; 2 horses; 2 cows (506)
MARTIN, William: Carpenter; Singleman
MASTERS, George: 1 cow (8)
MELEHOW, John: 75 acres (20 cleared); 1 horse; 4 cows (146)
MELEHOW, Peter: 75 acres (20 cleared) with 1 cabin house; 4 cows (126)
METZLER, Henry: mason; 1 horse (120)
METZLER, Peter: 50 acres (1 cleared) with 1 cabin house; 1 horse; 1 cow (66)
MlLLER, Abraham: 4 acres (4 cleared) with 2 houses; 1 tanyard; 2 horses; 1 cow (963)
MILLER, George: 300 acres (3 cleared) with 1 cabin house (375)
MILLER. Jeremiah: 161 acres (5 cleared) with 1 cabin house; 2 horses; 2 cows (257)
MOKE, Christ. Fredrick: 150 acres (4 cleared) with 1 cabin house (113)
MONG, Abraham: Shoemaker; 1 house; 1 lot; $1 quit rent (250)
MONG, John: Millwright; 1 cow (239)
MOORE, Daniel: 10 acres (4 cleared); 2 horses; 5 cows (98)
MOORE, Daniel, Jr: 156 acres with 1 house (234)
MOORE, William: 156 acres with 1 cabin house (195)
MORRISON, Abreham: Attorney; 6 acres (5 cleared) with 1 house; 2 lots; $1 quit rent (419)
MORROW, John: 1 horse; 2 cows (36)
MOSDOLLAR, Frederick: 50 cleared acres with 1 house; 1 grist mill; 3 cows (449)
MOSDOLLAR, George: 150 acres (20 cleared); 2 horses (228)

NAFF [Neff?], Abraham: 123 acres (40 cleared) with 1 house; 1 tavern; 3 horses; 3 cows (668)
NAFF, Adam: Singleman
NEAL, John: 232 acres (45 cleared) with 1 house, 3 horses; 3 cows (714)
NEAL, John: 1 taverm. 1 horse. 1 cow (228)
NEAL, Mathew: Singleman
NEAL, William: 1 cow (8)
NIGH [Nye?], Adam: 177 acres (60 cleared) with 1 house; 2 horses; 2 cows (319)
NOPSKER, John: 292 acres (75 cleared) with 1 house; 6 horses; 6 cows (758)
NOPSKER, John: Singleman

OATS, Lowrance [Lawrence?]: 150 acres (80 cleared) with 1 cabin house; 4 horses; 4 cows (262)
OGALL [Ogle?], Alexander: Brigade Inspector; 4 acres with 2 houses; 14 lots; $10 quit rent; 1 horse (627)
OLDHOUSE, John: 127 acres (50 cleared) with 1 cabin house; 2 horses; 2 cows (152)
OMBURN, ___: Potter; 1 house; 1 lot; $1 quit rent
OMNICH, Henry: Millwright; 1 cabin house; 2 cows (116)
ONAWALT, John: Brewer; 1 house; 1 lot; $1 quit rent; 1 horse; 1 cow (428)

PARKS, Joseph: Attorney; 6 acres (6 cleared); 1.5 acres; $1.50 quit rent (223)
PARSON, Robert: 1 cabin house; 2 lots; $2 quit rent; 1 cow (66)
PENE [Penny?], James: 325 acres (25 cleared) with 1 cabin house; 2 horses; 3 cows (471)
PENROD, David (Milford): 262 acres (20 cleared) with 1 cabin house; 2 horses; 1 cow (244)
PENROD, Isaac: 150 acres; 1/2 saw mill; 1 house; 1 lot; 2 horses; 4 cows
PENROD, Isrel [Israel?]: 167 acres (30 cleared) with 2 houses; 2 horses; 3 cows (316)
PENROD. Sarah: 300 acres (60 cleared) with 1 house; 1 horse; 3 cows (494)
PERSON, William: 52.5 acres (2 cleared) with 1 cabin house; 1 cow (48)
PESHAYER, David: No taxables listed
PHILLIPS, Marten [Martin?] (Turkeyfoot?): 150 acres; 2 horses; 4 cows (204)
PHISON and FLETCHER: 300 acres (20 cleared) with 1 house; 4 lots; $4 quit rents (482)
PILE [Pyle?], Caspar [Casper?]: 1 horse; 1 cow (28)
PILE, George: 2 horses; 1 cow; “for CHORPENNING\’s land” (522)
PILE, Henry: 1 horse; 2 cows (36)
PISEL, Peter: 3 cows (24)
POlL, Mikel [Michael?]: 30 acres with 1 house; 2 horses; 2 cows (628)
PUTMAN. Sarah: 294 acres (50 cleared) with 1 house; 2 horses; 5 cows; 264 acres – Milford (627)

RAY, George: 150 acres (20 cleared) with 1 cabin house; 1 horse; 2 cows (224)
READ, William: 1 tavern; 2 horses; 2 cows (388)
REILLEY. John: Miller; 1 cow (108)
RHEES, Morgaan [Morgan?]: Prothonotary; 1 lot; $1 quit rent; 1 horse; 1 cow (336)
RHISE, Christion: 1 (dis)stillery; 1 horse; 1 cow (228)
RHOODS [Rhoades? Rhodes?], Samuel: Blacksmith; 1 house; 1 lot; $1 quit rent (201)
RHOODS, Samuel: Blacksmith; 1 house; 1 lot; $1 quit rent; 2 horses {291}
RIEYER, Christion: 1 horse; 1 cow (28)
RINEHART, Phillip: 300 acres (30 cleared) with 1 cabin house; 2 horses; 3 cows (439)
ROAN, John .Jr : 149 acres (30 cleared) with 1 cabin house; 3 horses; 4 cows (279)

SALER, George Mikel [Michael?]: 152 acres (50 cleared) with 1 cabin house; 60 acres; 3 horses; 5 cows (335)
SARVIS. Jonathan: 138 acres (50 cleared) with 1 cabin house; 1 horse; 4 cows (156)
SAYLOR [Sayler?], Jacob: (Tinker?) (108)
SCHNEDER, Adam: 160 acres (30 cleared) with 1 house; 1 oil mill; 2 lots; $2 quit rent; 3 horses; 6 cows; 140 acres (40 cleared) with 1 cabin house (673)
SCHNEDER [Schneider?], Adam Jr: 1 lot; $1 quit rent (8)
SCHNEDER, Jacob Jr: 1 lot; $1 quit rent (8)
SCHNEIDER, Henry: Merchant; 6 acres with 1.5 houses; 1.5 lots; 4.5 acres (1 cleared); 1 horse (689)
SCHNEIDER, Jacob: 4.5 cleared acres with 1/2 house; 1.5 lots; 7 acres with 1 cabin house; 1 saw mill half (finished ?); 6.5 acres (595)
SCHNIDER [Schneider?], Peter: 133 acres (30 cleared) with 1 cabin house; 2 horses; 1 cow (148)
SCHROCK, John: 107 acres (15 cleared) with 1 cabin house; 2 horses; 3 cows (188)
SCOTT, Mathias: Blacksmith; 1 cabin house; 1 cow (108)
SELBY, Samuel; Attorney; 1 cow (208)
SHAFER, Simon; 60 cleared acres with 1 house; 2 horses; 3 cows (620)
SHAFFER, Henry: 300 acres (30 cleared) with 1 house; 300 acres (10 cleared) with 1 cabin house; 2 horses; 2 cows (881)
SHAFFER, Henry (son of Simon); 1 horse (20)
SHANIMAN, Frederick: 85 acres (35 cleared) with 1 cabin house; 2 horses; 1 cow (182)
SHANK, James: 200 acres (30 cleared) with 1 cabin house; 2 horses; 1 cow (194)
SHAVER. Henry: 250 acres (20 cleared) with 1 house; 1 sawmill; 1 grist mill; 1 tavern; 55 acres; 2 horses; 2 cows (l,055)
SHAVER, (Henry?) (Milford): 112 acres (140)
SHAVER, Jacob: 84.5 acres (30 cleared) with 1 house; 2 horses; 3 cows; 240 acres (10 cleared) with 1 cabin house – Milford; (533)
SHAVER, Jacob (“old”): 300 acres (60 cleared) with 1 house; 1 horse; 1 cow (478)
SHILLING, Daniel: 150 acres (40 cleared) with 1 house; 2 horses; 2 cows (244)
SHMITH [Schmidt? Smith?], Peter: 158 acres with 1 cabin house; 2 horses; 2 cows (254)
SHOUMAN, David: Blacksmith; 150 acres (8 cleared) with 1 cabin house; 400 acres (30 cleared) with 1 cabin house (788)
SHRADER, Otho: Clerk; 1 house; 2 lots; $2 quit rent (208)
SHULL, John: 96.5 acres (60 cleared) with 1 house; 196 acres (14 cleared); 67 acres (25 cleared) with 1 cabin house; 69.5 acres (30 cleared) with 1 cabin house; 30 cleared acres; 2 cows; (558)
SHULL, Samuel: No taxables listed
SIMSON, David: Weaver; 20 acres; 2 horses; 3 cows (189)
SLARN, Mikal [Michael?]: 55 acres (8 cleared) with 1 cabin house; 2 horses; 2 cows (125)
SMART, Alexander: Taylor [tailor]; 1 cabin house; 1/2 lot; $0.50 quit rent (146)
SMITH, James: Saddler; 1 cabin house; 1 lot (158)
SMITH, John: Singleman; Attorney
SMITH, Nickles [Nicholas?]: Merchant; 1 house; 1 lot; $1 quit rent; 1 horse; 1 cow (428)
SMITH, Phillip: 374 acres (12 cleared) with 1 house; 2 horses; 2 cows (430)
SMOOKER [Schmucker? Smucker?], Jacob: 300 acres (80 cleared) with 2 houses; 209 acres (35 cleared); 2 horses; 3 cows (828)
SMOOKER, John: 2 horses; 2 cows (56)
SPACHT, Christopher; 2 horses; 6 cows (88)
STAL [Stahl?], Godfd. [Gottfried?]: 60 cleared acres with 1 house; 3 horses; 4 cows (576)
STALL, Henry: 200 acres (6 cleared) with 1 house; 1 tavern; 250 acres (50 cleared) with 1 house; 170 acres (40 cleared) with 1 cabin house; 3 horses; 5
cows (1,288)
STARN, John: Singleman; Weaver
STARN, Peter: Singleman; Shoemaker
STEVENS, Hugh: (Brickburner?) (100)
STICKLE, George: 150 acres (20 cleared) with 1 house; 222 acres (20 cleared) with 1 cabin house; 2 horses; 3 cows (567)
STICKLE, John: 100 acres with 1 cabin house; 1 cow (133)
STOOCKEY [Stuckey?], Abreham [Abraham?]: 165 acres (30 cleared) with 1 house; 3 horses; 3 cows (332)
SWANK, Casper: 2 cows (16)
SWANK, Jacob: 275 acres (25 cleared) with 1 house; 2 horses; 3 cows (477)
SWANK, Thomas: 275 acres (25 cleared) with 1 cabin house; 2 horses; 4 cows (485)
SWITSCHER [Swisher?], Peter Jr: 150 acres (15 cleared) with 1 cabin house; 1 horse; 1 cow (216)
SWITZER, Jacob: 200 acres (80 cleared) with 1 cabin house; 2 horses; 3 cows (314 )
SWITZER, Jacob Jr: 150 acres (30 cleared) with 1 house; 1 horse; 2 cows (261)
SWITZER, Peter: 150 acres with 1 cabin house; 1 horse; 2 cows (224)
SWOGER, Adam: 290 acres with 1 cabin house; 1 cow (226)

TALER [Taylor?], John: Shoemaker; 1 house; 1 lot; $1 quit rent; 1 cow (258)
TENTLINGER, John: Singleman; Saddler
THOM, Adam: 2 horses; 2 cows (56)
THOMAS, Benjamin: Butcher; 24 acres (3 cleared) with 1 house; 1 cow (132)
TOM, George: 130 acres (25 cleared) with 1 cabin house; 3 horses; 2 cows (239)
TOM, John: Singleman
TOUDRON, George: 1 tanyard; 1 house; 9 lots; $3 quit rent; 2 horses; 1 cow (812)
TRENT, James: 366 acres (50 cleared) with 1 house; 2 horses; 4 cows (438)

ULRICH, Rudulf [Rudolph?]: Silversmith; 1 house; 12.5 lots; $12.50 quit rent; 1 horse (312)
UTZLER, John: Turner; 1 house; 2 lots; $2 quit rent; 1 horse; 1 cow (236)
UTZLER, Marten: 2 horses; 2 cows (56)

WALTER, Abreham [Abraham?]: 1 horse; 1 cow (28)
WASHABOC, John: 300 acres (40 cleared); 2 cows (636)
WEBSTER, John: 1 tavern; 1 house; 1 lot; 1 horse (652)
WEBSTER, Joseph: Singleman
WEIGLEY, Joseph: Attorney; 11 acres (10 cleared) with 2 houses; 5.5 lots; $5 quit rent; 2 horses; 2 cows (714)
WELLS, John: Surveyor; 6 acres (6 cleared) with 1 house; 4 lots; $4 quit rent; 1 cow (343)
WENTERS, John: 1 tavern; 1 house; 1 lot; $1 quit rent; 1 cow (640)
WHI, Andrew: 330 acres (60 cleared) with 1 house; 4 horses; 5 cows (615)
WHYSONG, John: Wheelwright (100)
WILL, Jacob: 337 acres (80 cleared) with 1 house (674)
WILLYARD, Jacob: Singleman
WILSON, Charrels (Charles?): Singleman; Mason
WILT, George: Singleman
WILYARD, Jacob; 190 acres (6 cleared) with 1 cabin house; 3 cows (167)
WIMER, John: 143 acres (60 cleared) with 1 house; 1 tavern; 1 lot; $1 quit rent; 3 horses; 3 cows (578)
WIPPY, Abram: 155 acres (25 cleared) with 1 cabin house; 2 horses; 1 cow (242)
WOLF, Jacob: 300 acres (6 cleared) (554}
WOLF, Michael: 60 acres; 2 horses; 1 cow (93)
WOLKAMUTH, Henry: 439 acres (120 cleared) with 1 house; 1 horse; 1 cow (906)
WOLKAMUTH, John: 2 horses; 3 cows (64)
WRIGHT, John: 300 acres (60 cleared) with 1 cabin house; 4 horses; 3 cows (479)
WRIGHT, Thomas: Taylor (100)

YOUNG, George: 360 acres (80 cleared) with 1 cabin house; 2 horses; 5 cows (530)
YOUNG, Jacob: 320 acres (8 cleared) with 1 cabin house (400)
YOUNG, Jacob: Singleman
YOUNG, Lodewick [Ludwig?]: 160 acres (80 cleared) with 1 house; 1 horse; 1 cow (316)
YOUNGMAN, Jacob: 300 acres (11 cleared) with 1 cabin house; 1 horse; 1 cow (403)
YOURTY, Christian: Weaver; 1 cow (120)
YOURTY, John: 100 acres (40 cleared) with 1 house; 1 horse; 1 cow (178)
YOURTY, Samuel: 1 horse; 1 cow (28)
YOUTTER, Henry: 1 horse (20)

ZIMMERMAN, Jacob: 200 acres (6 cleared); 3 cows (174)

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