• Fri. Mar 14th, 2025


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1805 Addison Township Taxpayers


Sep 14, 2015

The following were the resident taxpayers of Addison township in the year 1805. The assessor was James Campbell; Philip Smith and Thomas Spencer, assistants.

Gabriel Abrams
Frederick Augustine, distiller
Peter Augustine, Sr.
Peter Augustine, Jr., distiller
George Barnet
James Bordman
Henry Bowser
Peter Bowser
Anthony Brancleberry
Jacob Brunner
John Burges
William Burges
James Campbell
John Collier
Edward Conley, cooper
Gordon Darragh (gristmill)
Burtgas Derris
Widow Devis
Frederick Dively
Benjamin Durbance (fulling and oilmill)
Aaron Ferebare
Isaac Fick
Jacob Fick
John Forchy
Widow Forchy
Jacob Foy
Samuel Francis
Richard Green
Thomas Green
David Gundsey
Widow Harnot
Jonas Hartzell
Widow Hartzell
George Heinbaugh, Sr.
George Heinbaugh, Jr.
Andrew Hereader
Isaac Heston
John Heston
John Hershberger
Joseph Hershberger
Thomas Huff, Sr.
Thomas Huff, Jr.
Martin Human
George Husher
John Huver
Elia Jacobs
Thomas Johnston, tailor
John Jones (gristmill and sawmill)
Joseph Jones
Edward Kemp (still)
Widow Kemp
Peter Kimel
John Liston
Robert McClintock
Widow McClintock
William McClintock
James McNeer
John McNeer
Robert McNeer
Samuel McNeer
Henry Meyer
George Miller
John Miller
Benjamin Mitchell
James Mitchell
John Mitchell, Esq.
G. Morrison
John Mountain
Joseph Mountain
Jacob Niclow
Henry Nogle
Christopher Ollinger
Henry Osler, blacksmith
Bedwell Parnel
John Parsely
Jacob Peck
John Peck, Sr.
John Peck, Jr.
William Price
Henry Ridgely
George Robison
John Rowen
Stewart Rowen
William Rowen
Jacob Ruple
John Ruple
John Shenon, smith
Conrad Show (Tavern)
Jacob Smith
James Smith, saddler
Philip smith
Benjamin Spencer
James Spencer
Thomas Spencer
Conrad Sylbaugh
William Sylbaugh
Nininen Tannyhill
Isaac Tharp
Alexander Thomas
George Turney
John Turney
Widow Turney
Conrad Wable
George Wass
Jacob Walter
Jacob Welch (store and tavern)
Vachtel White
James Wilkins
Widow Wilkins
William Wilkins
James Wright (still)

Single freemen:
Peter Augustine, distiller
Abrm. Busenberg, shoemaker
Michael Deets, carpenter
Edward Durbans
Henry Every, blacksmith
Fred Forman, carpenter
Jona. Harnot
Henry Huver
Oliver Jones
Thomas Jones
Alexander McClintock
Stewart Rowen
James Still
Alexander Thomas, distiller

(Source: History of Bedford, Somerset & Fulton Counties, PA; 1884)

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