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1805 Southampton Township Taxable Inhabitants


Sep 14, 2015

The following is a list of the taxable inhabitants of Southampton township in 1805, copied from the tax duplicate for that year in the county comissioner\’s office at Somerset:

Samuel Arnold (still)
Christian Albright
Jac. Anderson
Luke Asher
Nielous ? Bill
David Baughman
Widow Blewbaugh
Conrad Bell
Jos. Bayer
Benj. Bayer
Christian Baughman
Stofel Brechner
Jonathan Bayer
Lepleys Bayer
Henry Baker
Ludwig Bare
John Bartley (mills)
Jac. Barkhard Sr. (weaver)
Jac. Barkhard Jr.
Jas. Barey
John Barkhard
Philip Bell
Nathan Crichfield
Wm. Crichfield
Jose. Crichfield
Carter H. Horn
Isaac Crichfield
Ph. Candle
John Crist (miller)
Benj. Crichfield
Wm. Dorey
Wm. Dibton
John Ditner
Dorey, Blake & Pew
Cornelius Deware
Andrew Emrich
Jac. Flickinger
Jac. Geiger
Henry Glose
John Geiger
Dan. Gaumer
Jac. Gaumer
Peter Gestner
____ Graford
Ludwick Grisinger
Jac. Givler
Christian Gensler
Christian Heiman
Ph. Heiman
Geo. Harden
Thos. Harden
Seth Harden
John Hahn
John Hentz
Wm. Hardy
Isaac Harden (still)
Hay & Countryman
Henry Imhoff (sawmill)
Nich. Kolman
Jac. Korn (mill & sawmill)
Michael Korn
Fred. Kles
John Kentle
____ Kline
John Komp (still)
Jos. Kochanour
Geo. Kook (sawmill)
Peter Kendle
Jos. Lidig
Wm. & Geo. Lidig (still)
Jac. Lidig
Geo. Long (still)
Adam Lepley (still)
Jac. Lepley
Geo. Lidig
Jac. Mertz
Widow Mertz
McNorris Morris (blacksmith)
John Myer
Moses Maginey
John Makern
Augustine Miller
Henry Moll
John Moll
John Moser
Nathan Major
Jac. Neihard, Sr.
Ph. Purbaugh
Sam. Riddle
Adam Sterner
Christian Shokey
Val. Shokey
Widow Shortz
John Stoner
Christian Startz, Jr.
Mich. Shever
Adam Shyry
Jac. Shwartz (still)
Geo. Shultz
Conrad Shalus
Ph. Shreiver
Peter Sweitzer
Jac. Springer
Springer &amp; Moll
John Shever
Val. Shyry (weaver)
Christian Starts, Sr.
Adam Starts (sawmill)
Barnard Stoner
Jac. Shultz
Peter Shumaker
Wm. Troutman
Peter Troutman
Jac. Uhl
Martin Winebrugh
Jac. Witt
Paul Welker
John Welker
James Watson
Benj. Williams
Jac. Weiand
Peter Wingard
Peter Wilhelm
Fred. Zufall

Single Freedmen:
Danl. Korn
Dav. Moll
Henry Hayman
Jos. Hardy
Sam. Arnold
Jos. Arnold
Geo. Schurtz
Henry Schurtz
Benj. Troutman
Ph. Shryer
John Sutter
Yost Brechner
J. Rich\’d Gaumer
Wm. Lidig
Geo. Fleckinger
Henry Shultz

(Source: History of Bedford, Somerset &amp; Fulton Counties, PA; 1884)

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