ALEXANDER, James: 150 acres-30 cleared; 2 horses; 1 cow ($280)
ALLESHOUSE, Widow: 100 acres – 5 cleared ($50)
ANDERSON, John: 145 acres-20 cleared; 1 mill; 1 horse; 1 cow ($1,135)
BAKER, Jacob: 300 acres-20 cleared; 1 horse; 1 cow ($685)
BARNHART, David: 6 houses; 1 cow ($30)
BARNHART, Henry: 1 house; 1 cow ($10)
BARNHART, John: Singleman
BARNHART, Peter: 180 acres – 8 cleared; 1 cow ($448)
BARNTRAJER, Christian: 300 acres – 5 cleared; 1 horse; 1 cow ($360)
BEAVER, Henry: Butcher; 325 acres – 40 cleared ($760)
BEISEL, Abraham: S Maker; 1 cow; 1 house ($210)
BEISEL, Joseph: Tavern, 1 house, 2 lots; 46 acres – 30 cleared; 50 acres – 5 cleared; 3 horses; 3 cows ($584.50)
BENTZ, Henry: 300 acres – 60 cleared; 2 horses; 3 cows ($760)
BERKEBILE, Jacob: 250 acres; 1 horse; 2 cows ($325)
BERKEY, Daniel (for SHIPPEN?): 150 acres – 4 cleared; 1 cow ($334)
BERKEY, Jacob: 200 acres- 45 cleared, 1 house; 2 horses; 3 cows ($615)
BERKEY, Jacob, Jr.: 280 acres – 25 cleared; 2 horses; 3 cows ($315)
BERKEY, Joseph: 200 acres – 35 cleared; 2 horses; 2 cows ($545)
BERKEY. Samuel: 150 acres – 9 cleared; 3 cows ($209)
BERKEY. Samuel (for SHIPPEN): 150 acres -10 cleared; 3 cows ($360)
BERKEY, Widow (for SHIPPEN?): 300 acres – 5 cleared; 1 horse; 1 cow ($377)
BLATZ, George: 253 acres – 17 cleared; 2 horses; 1 cow ($623)
BLOUGH, Christian, Jr.: 290 acres-30 cleared; 2 horses; 3 cows ($440)
BLOUGH, Christian, Sr.: 150 acres-30 cleared; 1 horse; 3 cows ($265)
BLOUGH, Henry: 200 acres – 30 cleared; 2 horses; 3 cows ($350)
BLOUGH, Henry: 45 acres – 3 cleared ($48)
BLOUGH, Jacob, Jr.: 275 acres – 10 cleared; 300 acres – 20 cleared; 2 horses; 2
cows ($1,010)
BLOUGH, Jacob, Sr.: 200 acres – 45 cleared, 1 house; 3 horses; 4 cows ($690)
BLOUGH, John: 200 acres – 20 cleared; 2 horses; 1 cow ($320)
BLOUGH, Peter: 131 acres – 40 cleared, 1 house; 2 horses; 2 cows ($500)
BONEBREAK, Daniel: 30 acres – 5 cleared; 1 cow ($65)
BONEBREAK, Henry, Jr.: 40 acres; 1 cow ($70)
BONEBREAK, Henry, Sr.: 123 acres – 14 cleared; 2 horses; 1 cow ($237)
BOWMAN, Christopher: W Right (wheelright?); 60 acres – 11 cleared; 1 cow ($151)
BOWMAN, Jacob, Jr.: Turner; 25 acres ($100)
BOWMAN, Jacob, Sr.: 200 acres ($400)
BOWMAN, Peter: 160 acres – 41 cleared; 2 horses ($291)
BOYD, Thomas: Singleman
BOYD, William: 280 acres – 40 cleared, 1 house; 3 horses; 5 cows ($835)
BOYER, Samuel: 114 acres – 12 cleared, 1 g mill; 200 acres; 1 horse; 1 cow ($911)
BOYER, Christian: 100 acres – 30 cleared; 1 horse ($185)
BOYLES, Charles: Blacksmith; 215 acres – 44 cleared, 1 house; 30 acres; 53 acres;
3 horses; 4 cows ($789.75)
BRENNER, Jacob: 230 acres – 7 cleared; 1 horse; 1 cow ($302)
BURNTRAGER, John: 300 acres – 4 cleared; 2 cows ($654)
BUSH, Charles: Tanner; 6 lots; 4 quit rents; 1 horse; 1 cow ($365)
BUTT, Jacob: Singleman
BUTT, William, Jr.: 300 acres – 34 cleared; 1 horse; 5 cows ($759)
BUTT, William, Sr.: 700 acres – 125 cleared, 1 house; 2 horses; 3 cows; 250 acres
on Lawrel Hill (Laurel?); 100 acres on Quemahoning ($1,772.50)
CABLE, Michael: 300 acres – 25 cleared; 1 horse; 1 cow ($690)
CAMPBELL, Andrew: 319 acres – 25 cleared, 1 house; 1 horse; 2 cows ($469)
CAMPBELL, James: Singleman
CATHER, Joseph: 215 acres – 20 cleared; 2 horses; 3 cows ($355)
CONWAY, Samuel: 160 acres – 16 cleared; 16 acres – 2 cleared; 1 cow ($254)
COOPER, Joshua: 2 horses; 1 cow ($80)
COYLE, Phillip: 200 acres -15 cleared; 1 horse; 2 cows ($480)
CRAIG, James: 150 acres – 12 cleared; 152 acres – 2 cleared; 3 horses; 2 cows
($491 )
CUMMONS, Alexander: 284 acres – 15 cleared ($299)
CUMMOR,John: Tanner; 100 acres – 30 cleared; 2 horses; 2 cows ($300)
DANIELS, John: S Maker; 1 horse; 1 cow ($95)
DEAL, Helfhrey: 200 acres – 20 cleared; 1 horse; 3 cows ($305)
DEAL, Jacob: 100 acres – 12 cleared ($132)
DENNISON, Andrew: Miller, 1 cow ($60)
DENNISON, John: Tavern; 1 house; 7 horses; 3 cows ($475)
DENNISON, William: Singleman
DIBERT, David: 300 acres – 35 cleared, 1 house; 2 horses; 1 cow , 1 house; stills; 165 acres; 18 acres; ($665)
(DOUGHERTY?), John: Tailor; 1 quit rent ($86)
DRENNEN, Samuel: Joiner; 1 horse ($85)
DUNCAN, Samuel: 160 acres – 26 cleared, 1 house; 38 acres; 2 horses; 3 cows ($554)
EDMOND, George: 305 acres -10 cleared; 1 horse ($370)
ELSWORTH, William: Schoolmaster ($20)
ENGLE, John (for SMITH): 300 acres – 6 cleared; 1 horse; 1 cow ($671)
EVANS, David: Singleman
EVANS, James: 60 acres – 40 cleared, 1 house; 2 horses; 2 cows ($360)
EVANS, John: 200 acres – 40 cleared, 1 house; 2 horses; 1 cow ($570)
EVANS, Nathan: Singleman
FAITH, Thomas: 30 acres, 1 g (gin?) mill; 1 horse; 2 cows ($635)
FINKLEY, John: 188 acres ($376)
FISHER, Henry: Hatter; 1 house; 1 lot; 1 cow ($170)
FISHER, John: no taxables listed
FOST, John: Tailor; 1 lot; 1 quit rent ($110)
FRAME, Moses: 400 acres – 35 cleared, 1 house; 5 cows ($605)
FRAME, William: 50 acres – 8 cleared ($40.50)
FREEDLINE, George: 325 acres – 50 cleared, 1 house; 2 horses; 3 cows ($890)
FRONHISER, Jacob: Blacksmith; 150 acres – 40 cleared, 1 tavern; 2 horses; 3 cows ($360)
FRONHIZER, Jacob: Sing1eman
FRY, George: Stiller; 250 acres – 30 cleared; 3 horses; 2 cows ($475)
FYOCK, David and Jacob: 100 acres – 15 cleared; 2 cows ($155)
GALLACHER, Daniel: 200 acres; 1 horse; 4 cows ($295)
GALLOUGHER, Thomas: S Maker; Singleman ($50)
GARDNOR (Gardner?), John: 150 acres – 25 cleared; 2 cows ($215)
GARDNOR, Widow: 2 horses ($40)
GEORGE, John: 50 acres – 15 cleared; 3 cows ($165)
GOAN, Adam: Stiller; Singleman ($50)
GOAN, Adam, Sr.: 2 horses; 1 cow ($80)
GOAN, Jacob: 260 acres – 10 cleared; 1 cow ($560)
GOAN, John: W Right ; Singleman ($50)
GOAN, John, Sr.: 50 acres – 25 cleared; 2 horses; 2 cows ($185)
GOAN, Peter: W Right; 150 acres – 7 cleared ($227)
GRAHAM, George: 10 acres- 5 cleared; 107 acres- 60 cleared; 156 acres; 188 acres;
1 tavern; 1 house; 3 lots; 2 horses; 3 cows ($1,271)
HAIR, John: 250 acres – 28 cleared, 1 house; 100 acres – 6 cleared; 2 horse; 4 cows ($569)
HANLIN, Alexander: 200 acres – 2 cleared; 125 acres (at Bens Cr?); 1 horse; 2 cows ($420)
HARRY, John: Saddler; 1 horse ($60)
HARTSAW, Henry: Blacksmith ($70)
HATTERY, Andrew: 150 acres; 1 cow ($180)
HATTERY, James: 60 acres – 13 cleared; 2 horses; 2 cows ($243)
HATTERY, Joseph: 40 acres – 12 cleared; 1 cow ($72)
HATTERY, Thomas: Singleman
HERSHBERGER, Benjamin: 150 acres – 17 cleared; 1 horse; 1 cow ($382)
HITE, Conrad: 1 house; 2 lots; 1 horse; 1 cow ($165)
HOFESTALLER, Peter: 150 acres – 20 cleared; 2 horses; 1 cow ($270)
HORNER, Danlel: Stiller; 163 acres – 45 cleared, 1 house; 2 horses; 3 cows ($611)
HORNER, Daniel: 300 acres; 1 horse ($355)
HORNER, Frederick: G Smith; 50 acres – 15 cleared; 2 horses; 1 cow ($200)
HORNER, John: 150 acres – 10 cleared; 1 horse ($215)
HORNER, Salomon: 150 acres – 40 cleared, 1 house; 2 cows ($270)
HOWERT, Henry (Howard?): 300 acres – 6 cleared ($626)
HOWMAN, Michael: 308 acres – 28 cleared ($356)
HUDSON, John: no taxables listed ($20).
HUFFMAN, Jacob: Blacksmith; 319 acres, 40 cleared; 3 horses; 4 cows ($895)
HUNTER, Alexander: Fuller; 50 acres, 1 f mill; 307 acres – 66 cleared, 1 house; 3 horses; 6 cows ($1,135)
HUNTER, Charles: 1 cow ($30)
HUNTER, James: 1 horse ($35)
KALLER, Jacob: 109 acres – 20 cleared, 1 house ($189)
KARR, Samuel: 399 acres-35 cleared ($868)
KECK, Conrad: 300 acres – 9 cleared; 150 acres (Quem,); 2 horses; 1 cow ($856)
KEEFER, Adam: 200 acres – 15 cleared; 2 horses; 2 cows ($325)
KENNEDY, John: 200 acres ($220)
KIBLER, Henry: 237 acres – 10 cleared; 2 horses; 2 cows ($494)
KIME, George: 130 acres – 30 cleared; 2 horses; 3 cows ($280)
KIME, Nicholas: 200 acres – 50 cleared ($470)
KIME, Samuel: 249 acres – 30 cleared; 2 horses; 4 cows ($658)
KIMMEL, Abraham: 230 acres – 13 cleared, 1 saw mill; 1 horse ($197)
KIMMEL, George: 60 acres, 1 saw mill, 1 house, 2 lots; 1 store; 1 house and 2 lots for Samuel; 2 horses; 2 cows ($635)
KIMMEL, Michael: 300 acres – 50 cleared, 1 house; 48 acres; 3 horses; 4 cows ($913)
KIMMEL, Nicholas: 1 house and lot; 1 house and lot; 1 lot; 1 horse; 1 cow ($295)
KIMMEL, Peter: 60 acres – 17 cleared; 1 house; 4 1/2 lots ($207)
KIMMEL, Salamon (Solomon?): 300 acres – 45 cleared, 1 house; 2 horses; 2 cows ($795)
KISER, Conrad: 100 acres – 5 cleared; 2 cows ($245)
KOONS, George: 100 acres – 18 cleared; 2 horses; 2 cows ($228)
KOONS, Marks: Carpenter ($50)
KOUGHER, Michael: 100 acres – 40 cleared; 2 horses; 2 cows ($250)
KOUGHER, Phillip: 100 acres – 30 cleared; 2 cows ($170)
KOVER, Jacob: 200 acres -10 cleared; 2 horses; 2 cows ($520)
KRETZER, Henry: 100 acres- 5 cleared ($225)
KUSTER, Jacob: 137 acres -12 cleared; 2 horses; 2 cows ($396)
LEHMAN, Christian: 200 acres; 1 horse; 1 cow ($465)
LEHMAN, Peter: 90 acres – 8 cleared; 1 cow ($128)
LEHMER, John, Esq.: 163 acres – 32 cleared, 1 house; 1 store, 1 house, 3 lots; 1 horse; 1 cow ($703)
LEVINSTONE, David: 500 acres – 8 cleared, g and s mill; 1 horse; 3 cows ($818)
LONG, Alexander: 1 lot ($30)
LORE, Frederick: 100 acres – 10 cleared; 2 horses; 2 cows ($200)
LORE, George: 130 acres – 15 cleared; 1 horse; 1 cow ($340)
LORE, Jacob: 130 acres – 20 cleared; 50 acres; 3 cows ($400)
LOWRY, John: Singleman
LOWRY, Michael: S Maker ($50)
LOYD, Joshua: 145 acres – 25 cleared ($335)
MEDDOCK, Derrick: 56 acres – 3 cleared; 1 cow ($99)
MEDDOCK, Ephraim: 100 acres – 13 cleared; 2 horses ($203)
METZKER, Jones: 2 horses; 1 cow ($80)
MILLER and MORRISON: 326 acres- 30 cleared; 356 acres – 3 cleared ($1,008)
MILLER, Christian: 181 acres – 40 cleared, 1 house; 3 horses; 5 cows ($471)
MILLER, Isaac: 81 acres – 35 cleared, 1 house; 2 horses; 3 cows ($266)
MILLER, John: 306 acres – 22 cleared; 2 horses; 3 cows ($754)
MISHLER, Christian: 1 horse; 1 cow ($65)
MISHLER, Joseph: 150 acres – 30 cleared; 2 horses; 2 cows ($440)
MITSHEL, James: 300 acres – 9 cleared; 1 horse; 1 cow ($374)
MORRISON, Thomas: 363 acres – 6 cleared ($389)
MOWRER, Michael: 85 acres – 6 cleared, g and s mill and stills, 1 house; 200 acres-6- cleared ($922)
MURPHY, John: 250 acres – 25 cleared, 1 tavern, 1 house; 40 acres – 3 cleared;
250 acres; 2 horses; 3 cows ($858)
MURRY, Jacob: 1 horse; 1 cow ($65)
McAFFEE, John: Singleman ($50)
McCULLAUGH, Thomas: Singleman
McNULTY, Peter: 200 acres – 15 cleared, 1 house; 2 horses; 2 cows ($555)
McQUILLING, John: 238 acres – 5 cleared, 1 tavern, 1 house; Blacksmith; 1 horse; 2 cows ($786)
NAFZINGER, John: 300 acres – 16 cleared ($636)
OVER, Christian: Blacksmith; 97 acres – 27 cleared, 1 house; 1 horse; 2 cows ($304)
OVERHOLTZER, Jacob: 19 acres – 5 cleared, 1 house. 2 lots, store; Blacksmith; 1 horse; 1 cow ($407)
PARKER, Agness: 1 house and lot; 2 horses ($115)
PENROD, David, Jr.: 1 cow ($30)
PENROD, David, Sr.: 250 acres -50 cleared, 1 house, 1 tavern; 200 acres -15 cleared; 3 horses; 3 cows ($1,100)
PENROD. Emanuel: Mason; 200 acres – 12 cleared; 1 horse; 1 cow ($327)
POWEL, John: 56 acres – 30 cleared, 1 house, 1 lot; 2 horses; 4 cows ($428)
PREEKER. John: Singleman
PREEKER, John: 133 acres – 20 cleared ($301)
REED, Hugh: Singleman
REED, John, Jr.: 27 acres – 2 cleared; 200 acres – 20 cleared; 4 cows ($329)
REED, John, Esq.: 300 acres – 50 cleared, 1 house; 300 acres – 30 cleared; 260 acres, g (gin?) and s mill (sawmill?); 3 horses; 7 cows ($2,660)
REEL, Mathias: S Maker; 1 house and lot; 1 cow ($120)
RIFFLE, Barnobas: 211 acres – 1 cleared; 1 cow ($242)
RINEHARD, Valentine: 253 acres – 20 cleared; 2 horses; 3 cows ($393)
RIPPLE, Casper: 300 acres – 30 cleared; 2 horses; 2 cows ($440)
RIPPLE, John: 400 acres – 5 cleared; 2 cows ($145)
RIPPLE, Nicholas: 1 horse; 1 cow ($65)
RITTER, Elias: Blacksmith; Singleman ($50)
ROADS, Abraham: 170 acres – 21 cleared ($211)
ROADS, Gabriel: 300 acres – 40 cleared, 1 house; 2 horses; 1 cow ($810)
ROSS, Widow: 1 lot ($30)
ROTH, Conrad: Stiller; 1 house; 1 horse; 4 cows ($175)
RUBY, Casper; 37 acres -10 cleared, 1 house, 1/2 lot; 1 horse ($256)
SADDORUS, William: 1 house and lot; 1 horse; 2 cows ($185)
SADDORUS, William: 194 acres – 20 cleared ($234)
SCHNEIDER, Jacob: 264 acres – 35 cleared, 1 house; 2 horses; 1 cow ($693)
SHAVER, Jacob: 56 acres – 20 cleared, 1 house; 2 horses; 1 cow ($200)
SHAVER, John: 200 acres – 9 cleared ($229)
SHAVER, Simon, Jr.: 1 horse; 1 cow ($45)
SHEEK, George: 1 house and 1 1/2 lots ($100)
SHOUP, Frederick: 59 acres – 8 cleared; 1 cow ($156)
SHOUP, Jacob, Jr.: 300 acres – 5 cleared ($625)
SHOUP, Jacob, Sr.: 100 acres-25 cleared; 1 horse; 3 cows ($310)
SKILES, Peter: 600 acres; 2 cows ($190)
SMILEY, George: 50 acres – 25 cleared ($145)
SMILEY, James: 150 acres; 282 acres – 4 cleared; 5 cows ($481)
SMILEY, Robert: 100 acres – 30 cleared; 2 horses; 3 cows ($250)
SMILEY, Robert: Singleman
SPANGLER, Abraham: 1 horse; 1 cow ($210)
SPANGLER, Christian: 211 acres – 30 cleared; 2 horses; 2 cows ($562)
SPIKER, John: 2 horses; 4 cows ($110)
SPIKER, Michael: 280 acres – 40 cleared; 2 horses; 2 cows ($430)
SPIKER, Peter: 100 acres -15 cleared; 1 horse; 1 cow ($280)
STEEL, Samuel: 300 acres – 12 cleared, s mill, 1 house; 2 horses; 3 cows ($442)
STORM, William: Weaver; 1 cow ($60)
STOY, Daniel, Esq.: 29 lots; 29 quit rents ($19)
SWARTZ, David: 1 horse ($30)
SWIGART, Peter: 100 acres -15 cleared; 2 horses; 3 cows ($471)
THOMAS, Michael : 100 acres – 20 cleared; 2 horses; 3 cows ($275)
TRIMBLE, Robert: S Maker; 100 acres – 5 cleared; 1 cow ($185)
UGLIN, Phillip: 100 acres – 20 cleared; 1 horse; 1 cow ($110)
VICKROY, Nathan: 283 acres-13 cleared; 125 acres ($704)
WALKER, Alexander: 150 acres – 12 cleared ($67.50)
WALKER, James: 200 acres – 10 cleared ($430)
WALLACE, Thomas: 63 acres -17 cleared; 1 horse; cow ($145)
WAY, Henry: 400 acres -16 cleared; 1 cow ($446)
WEBSTER, John: 2 acres, 1 house, 3 lots ($84)
WERTZ, Andrew: 300 acres – 6 cleared; 1 horse; 2 cows ($381)
WERTZ, John: Blacksmith; 315 acres -40 cleared; 1 horse; 2 cows ($480)
(WICE ?), Peter: 210 acres – 40 cleared; 300 acres – 6 cleared; 2 horses; 3 cows ($471)
WILSON, William: 284 acres -12 cleared, 1 house; 1 horse;\’1 cow ($675)
(WOLCOMUTH?), Christian: 196 acres -15 cleared, 1 house; 1 horse; 4 cows ($578)
WOLFART, John: 430 acres – 20 cleared; 2 horses; 2 cows ($560)
WOLFART, Michael: 150 acres – 150 cleared; 1 horse; 1 cow ($117)
YODER, Abraham: 300 acres – 6 cleared; 2 horses; 2 cows ($416)
ZIMMERMAN, Adam: 270 acres – 13 cleared; 1 horse; 1 cow ($348)
ZIMMERMAN, Jacob: 110 acres – 50 cleared, 1 house; stills; 250 acres; 2 horses; 3 cows ($750)
ZIMMERMAN, Michael: 275 acres – 50 cleared, 1 house; stills; 165 acres; 18 acres; 1 house and 6 1/2 lots; 3 horses; 4 cows ($1,313)
1806 Quemahoning Taxables