• Fri. Mar 14th, 2025


…bringing our past into the future

1807 Cambria Township Tax List


Sep 14, 2015

Items crossed off below were crossed off on the original. All values shown in ( ) are totals. All values given in dollars:

ADAMS, Ignatius: 400 acres – 3 cleared (100)
ADAMS, Jonathan: 300 acres – 25 cleared; 1 horse; 1 cow (324)
ARNOLD, Joseph (Newcomer): 1 cow (13)
BAGOON, Robert: 400 acres – 20 cleared; 2 horses; 2 cows (144)
BENCH, Philip: ~1\’eaver; 100 acres ~ 6 cleared; 1 cow (60)
BENSON, Fleetwood: 300 acres – 10 cleared; 1 horse; 1 cow (169.50)
BRANIST, John Sr: 1 cow (13)
BRANIST, Thomas: Bat (occupation); 300 acres – 5 cleared; 1 horse (238.50)
BRAWLY, Dennis: 440 acres; 1 horse; 2 cows (140)
BROWN, John: 100 acres – 25 cleared; 1 horse; 2 cows (200)
BROWN, Thomas: 400 acres – 4 cleared; 1 horse; 1 cow (114)
BRUS, William: 403 acres (146)
BURKE, James: 150 acres; 1 horse; 2 cows (108.50)
BURKE, Patrick: Bat (occupation); 100 acres – 1 cleared; 2 horses (90)
BURKE, R: 239 acres – 36 cleared; 1 horse; 1 cow (261. 50)
BURNIST, John Jr: 300 acres – 20 cleared; 2 horses; 4 houses; 1 cow (349.50)
CABLE, Jacob: Singleman
CABLE, Martin: 144 acres – 25 cleared; 1 horse; 2 cows (169.50)
CAMPBELL, John: 10 acres; 1 horse (20)
CAMPBELL, Patrick: No taxables listed
CANADY, Charles: 200 acres; 1 horse; 1 cow (65)
CANEY, William: 1 horse; 2 cows (40)
CONORY, Patrick: 50 acres – 7 cleared; 1 horse; 2 cows (51)
CORNAR, James: 100 acres – 3 cleared (100)
CROYLE, Charles: No taxables listed
CROYLE, Thomas: 400 acres – 2 cleared; 1 horse; 3 cows (135.50)
(CROYLE Mills 7): (200)
CRUM, Ephraim: 2 horses; 3 cows (45)
CRUM, Evans: 400 acres – 15 cleared; 1 horse; 2 cows (325.50)
CRUM, Isaac: 150 acres – 12 cleared; 1 horse; 2 cows (189.50)
CRUM, John: 300 acres – 30 cleared; 1 horse; 3 cows (335.50)
CRUM, Ruben: 400 acres – 13 cleared (100)
CRUM, Zacharias: 1 cow (13)
DAVID, Timothy: Cooper; 330 acres – 4 cleared; 4 cows (95.50)
DAVIS, Daniel: 100 acres – 2 cleared (40)
DAVIS, David: 100 acres – 1 cleared; 3 cows (66)
DAVIS, William: 400 acres – (27) cleared; 100 acres – 5 cleared; 3 cows (88)
DIAMOND, Daniel: 50 acres – 12 cleared; 1 horse; 2 cows (92)
DIAMOND, Philip: 50 acres; 1 horse; 1 cow (42.50)
DUNMIRE, Peter: 100 acres-8 cleared; 2 horses; 1 cow (84)
EWER, James: 135 acres – 20 cleared (16B.75)
EVANS, David (deceased): 100 acres – 2 cleared; 2 cows (62)
EVANS, James: 100 acres – 2 cleared; 1 lot (25)
EVANS, John D: M.G. (occupation); 100 acres – 2 cleared; 1 cow (2B.50)
EVANS, John J: 60 acres- 5 cleared; 11 lots; tavern; 2 horses; 5 cows (235.50)
EVANS, Joseph: Mason; 197 acres – 4 cleared; 1 horse; 1 cow (63.50)
EVANS, William Jr: 100 acres – 5 cleared; 1 lot; 3 cows (100.50)
EVANS, William Jr: 400 acres (50)
EVANS, William Sr: 400 acres – (27) cleared; 7 houses (70)
EVENS, Edward: 3 cows (30)
FORSYTH, Gabriel: 4 houses & 8 lots (150); 4 houses & 1 lot (20)
FOURAKER, Thomas: 100 acres – 10 cleared (100)
FOURAKER, William Jr: 100 acres – 4 cleared; 1 horse; 1 cow (119.50)
FOURAKER, William Sr: 100 acres – 14 cleared; 1 horse; 1 cow (119.50) “rernoved”
GALBRAITH, Samuel: “The house of James EDWART”; tavern; 2 horses; 1 cow (100)
GEORG, Henry: Mason; 400 acres – 2 cleared; 2 cows (132)
GIBBIN, Daniel: 100 acres – 10 cleared; 1 horse; 1 cow (63.50)
GILBREATH, Patrick: 4 lots (2)
GLASS, George: 400 acres – 14 cleared; 1 horse; 2 cows (204)
GLASS, Henry: Singleman
GLASS, Jacob Jr: Stiller (80) “removed”
GLASS, Jacob Sr: 200 acres – 40 cleared; 3 horses; 4 cows (314.50)
GLASS, William: Singleman
GRIFFITH, William: 100 acres; 1 lot; 4 cows (49.50)
HAMLER, Christian: Hatter; 200 acres – 1 cleared; 2 horses; 1 cow (268)
HANSON, Lawrens: 200 acres – 20 cleared; 1 horse; 1 cow (69)
HAY, Michael: 150 acres- 6 cleared; 1 horse; 2 cows (87)
HIEKLING, Ebenezer: 5 lots (6)
HOBOUHER, Conrad (Newcomer): 100 acres (35)
(INLOES 7), John (Newcomer): 50 acres; 1 horse; 1 cow (36)
ISAAC, Eliza: 1 lot (20)
JACOBS, Thomas: Singleman
JAMES, Edward: 391 acres – 50 cleared; 1 lot (436.50) “removed”
JAMES, Edward: 400 acres – 7 cleared (471)
JAMES, Thos. Sr: 100 acres- 4 cleared; 1 lot; 2 cows (29)
JAMES, Simon: 100 acres – 3 cleared; 2 lots (26)
JAMES, Simon: “The land of William EVANS Jr”; 400 acres (50)
JAMES, Thomas Jr: 100 acres – 3 cleared; 2 cows (62)
JANKINS, Robert: 394 acres – 7 cleared (120)
JENKINS, David: 100 acres – 4 cleared; 1 lot; 2 horses; 1 cow (54.50)
JOHNES, John: S maker; 400 acres – 3 cleared; 3 cows (100)
JOHSON, Jeremiah: 100 acres – 3 cleared; 1 horse (35)
JOHSON, Thomas: 300 acres – 10 cleared; 1 horse; 3 cows (100)
JONES, Benjamin: 97 acres-6 cleared; 4 cows (31)
JONES, Samuel (Newcomer): 5 cows (50)
JONES, Thomas W Esq: Surveyor; 300 acres; 12 lots; 1 horse; 2 cows (130.50)
JONES, Thomas W Esq: 360 acres (90)
JONES, Thomas W Esq: 1 lot (20)
JONES, William: Weaver; 50 acres – 3 cleared; 1 cow (26)
KAISER, Peter: 177 acres – 12 cleared; 2 horses; 2 cows (220)
KEEFE, William: 35 acres – 7 cleared; 1 horse; 1 cow (140)
KNIPPERS, Godfrey: 150 acres – 8 cleared; tavern; 1 horse; 2 cows (62.50)
KUNS, John: 300 acres-l cleared; 1 cow (81)
LILLY, Joseph: 118 acres- 40 cleared; 3 lots; 2 horses; 2 cows (145.50)
LINGERFELDER, —–: 300 acres – 5 cleared (75)
LLOYD, John: 4 cleared acres; 2 cows (36)
LLOYD, John: 200 acres (150)
LOGAN, Dennis: 50 acres -1 cleared (12.50)
LOGAN, Michael: 200 acres – 2 cleared; 1 horse (69)
LONGSTUD, Daniel: 300 acres – 9 cleared; 1 horse; 2 cows (104.50)
LONGSTUTT, Bartholomew: 50 acres – 3 cleared; 1 lot; 1 horse (38.50)
LONGSTUTT, Margaret: 300 acres – 15 cleared; 2 horses; 2 cows (94)
LONGSTUTT, Philip: 100 acres-4 cleared; 1 lot (38.50)
LOXLEY, George 1\’1: 6 lots (3)
LOYD, Anthony (Newcomer): 100 acres – 2 cleared (30)
LOYD, Reese: M.G. (occupation); 100 acres – 6 cleared; 4 lots; 4 cows (144.50)
LOYD, Reese: “The land of William JENKINS”; 100 acres – 10 cleared (50)
LOYD, Stephen: “Part of Rhes LOYD land”; 50 acres (43)
L—-, Hugh: 5 cleared acres; 1 horse; 2 cows (30)
MAGUIRE, James: 70 acres – 2 cleared; 1 horse; 3 cows (49) “removed”
MARTIN, Alexander: 100 acres – 10 cleared; tavern; 1 horse; 1 cow (144.50)
MEYERS, Joseph: 200 acres – 1 cleared; 1 horse; 1 cow (76)
MEYERS, Joseph: S.M. (occupation) (75)
MEYERS, Nicholas: (Carpenter 7); 100 acres – 21 cleared; 3 cows (43)
MIXEL, Andrew Jr: Singleman
MOONEY, Richard: 50 acres – 7 cleared; 1 cow (35)
MORGAN, Rhees: 30 acres; 3 cows (60)
MORRIS, Morris: Mason; 400 acres – 2 cleared; 4 cows (186)
MORRISON, William (Newcomer): Stiller; 1 lot (100)
MUGH, John: 60 acres – 2 cleared; 1 horse (45)
MURPHY, James (Newcomer): 1 cow (12)
MURPHY, Michael: 400 acres-IO cleared; 2 horses; 3 cows (450)
MURREY, John: Farmer; 4 acres; 2 cows (48)
McAFEE, John: 100 acres (50)
McCLOSKEY, William: 250 acres – 6 cleared; 1 cow (78)
McCOY, John: 100 acres- 5 cleared; 2 cows (41)
McFEELEY, Bernhard: 300 acres – 1 cleared; 1 horse; 2 cows (116)
McGOUGH, James: 150 acres – 8 cleared; 2 horses; 3 cows (107.50)
McGOUGH, Thomas: 200 acres – 8 cleared; 1 horse; 2 cows (90)
McHATTEN, John: “Lots of Billy JOSPH”; 3 lots (20)
McKINZIE, Ely: 256 acres- 8 cleared; 1 horse; 1 cow (147.50)
McKINZIE, John: Carpenter; 1 cow (19)
McMULLIN, Enos: Tailor; 100 acres- 3 cleared; 1 horse; 1 cow (135.50)
McSELL, Andrew Jr: 400 acres – 10 cleared; 1 horse; 2 cows (140)
McSELL, Andrew Sr: 150 acres – 15 cleared; 1 horse (97.50)
McSELL, Martin: 400 acres – 12 cleared; 1 horse; 1 cow (409)
NOEL, Nicholas: S maker; 60 acres; 2 cows (100)
O\’CONNER, James: 100 acres- 6 cleared; 1 horse; 3 cows (131.50)
OHARA, Daniel: 100 acres – 20 cleared; tavern; 4 houses; 2 horses; 2 cows (283)
OWEN, Edwards: 4 houses; 4 lots (40)
OWENS, Thomas: 100 acres – 6 cleared; 1 horse; 2 cows (78)
OWENS, Thomas: Carpenter; 100 acres; 4 houses; 1 lot (50)
PARRAT, John: Carpenter (20)
PERRY, John: Laborer “no property”
PHILIP, Thomas: 356 acres – 2 cleared; 4 houses; 5 lots; 1 horse (140)
PHILIPS, Samuel: 220 acres – 1 cleared; 2 cows (75)
PHIPPS, Henry: 100 acres; 1 cow (50)
PHIPPS, Henry: 144 acres – 12 cleared (144)
PHLANEGAN, Peter: 100 acres – 4 cleared; 4 cows (140? or 1107)
PLUMMERS, Williams: 100 acres\’:\’ 7 cleared; 1 horse; 1 cow (69.50)
POWELL, Thomas (Newcomer): 1 horse; 5 cows (60)
PRICE, David: 107 acres – 6 cleared; 1 horse; 3 cows (134.50)
PRINGLE, George: 338 acres-8 cleared; 1 horse; 2 cows (85.50)
PRINGLE, Philip: 200 acres – 5 cows; 2 horses; 2 cows (85.50)
PRYER, John: 400 acres – 10 cleared; 1 horse (230)
RARIC, Henry: 100 acres; 1 cow (55.50)
RARICH, John: 100 acres; 3 cows (60)
RAUCHE, Philip: 300 acres – 8 cows; 2 hor so s : 2 cows (194)
RHEAM, Adam: 404 acres – 6 cleared; 1 horse; 1 cow (130)
RIGER, Jacob: “Land of Michael RIGER”; 400 acres – 40 cleared (370)
RIGER, Jacob: 100 acres – 15 cleared; 2 horses; 2 cows (99.50)
RIGER, Martin: 100 acres -14 cleared; 2 horses (83.50)
RIGER, Michael: tavern
ROBERTS, George: 400 acres – 1 cleared; 2 lots; 4 cows (125)
ROBERTS, George: 50 acres- 8 cleared (25)
ROBERTS, Hugh: Tailor; 100 acres – 4 cleared; 2 cows (84)
ROBERTS, John D: 100 acres – 8 cleared; 1 lot; 4 cows (48.50)
ROBERTS, William: Shoemaker; 400 acres – 2 cleared; 3 cows (88)
ROBERTS, William: 7 acres- 2 cleared (3.50)
RODRICK, Robert: Laborer
ROGERS, George: 200 acres-l cleared; 1 horse; 3 cows (130)
ROLLAND, Ellis: 100 acres – 6 cleared; 2 horses; 4 cows (158)
ROULAND, Griffith: 100 acres – 4 cleared; 1 lot; 3 cows (51)
RUS, Joel: 100 acres-2 cleared (67)
RUS, Theophilus: 193 acres – 4 cleared (25)
RUS, Thomas: 100 acres – 3 cleared; 3 cows (76)
RUSS, Rus: 100 acres – 15 cleared; 1 lot; 1 horse (135)
SAMPLE, Nathan: “Part of Nathan LOYD land”; 200 acres – 10 cleared (150)
SCHNYDER, Michael: 200 acres – 5 cleared; 2 horses; 2 cows (78)
SETTLEMYER, Godfrey: 50 acres – 8 cleared (64.50)
SHAVER, Henry: 150 acres – 10 cleared; 2 horses; 2 cows (114)
SHAW, William: 30 acres – 5 cleared; 4 cows (43.50)
SHORT, Peter: 200 acres – 8 cleared; 2 horses; 1 cow (139.50)
SHOUP, Peter: 100 acres – 4 cleared; 2 cows (45)
SKELLY, John: 150 acres – 12 cleared; 3 horses; 3 cows (106.50)
SKELLY, Michael: 330 acres -12 cleared; 2 horses; 2 cows (162.75)
SKELLY, Michael: 150 acres (25)
SKELLY, Philip: 300 acres-8 cleared; 1 horse; 4 cows (281)
SKELY, Michael Jr: Singleman
SMAY, Christian: 200 acres-l cleared; 1 cow (100.50)
THOMAS, David: 96 acres – 5 cleared; 1 horse (80)
THOMAS, John: S maker; 10 acres – 5 cleared; 1 lot (49)
THOMAS, William: Smith; 100 acres – 4 cleared; 2 cows (86)
TODD, David: 425 acres – 18 cleared; 1 horse; 8 cows (174.95)
TODD, David: 100 acres – 3 cleared (50)
ULSTICK, Thomas: 2 lots (20)
WEEKLAND, Zephina: 240 acres-55 cleared; 2 horses; 4 cows (400.50)
WEISEL, George (Newcomer): 230 acres – 11 cleared; 1 horse; 4 cows (160)
WELCH, John: 350 acres – 8 cleared; 1 horse; 1 cow (107)
WHITE, Samuel: 200 acres – 6 cleared; 5 lots; tavern; 1 horse; 4 cows (340)
WILLIAMS, Frederick: 100 acres-8 cleared; 6 cows (74)
WILLIAMS, William: B.S.; 4 houses; 1 lot; 1 cow (100)
WILLIAMS, William Jr: 100 acres – 4 cleared; 1 horse; 3 cows (146)
WILLIAMS, William P: 200 acres – 3 cleared (70)
WILLIAMS, William Sr: 400 acres – 4 cleared; 1 cow (140)
WILLIAMS, William Sr: 100 acres – 9 cleared (25)
WILMORE, Gbdfrey: 400 acres -10 cleared; tavern; 3 horses; 2 cows (380)
YOUST, Jacob: “Part of Samuel PHILIP land”; Tailor; 100 acres; 1 horse; 1 cow (50)
(YOUST?) , Jacob: Tailor; 300 acres-3 cleared; 1 horse (97.50)

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