• Mon. Mar 17th, 2025


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1816 Shade Township Resident Taxpayers


Sep 14, 2015

The following is the list of resident taxpayers of Shade township, in 1816, according to the duplicate returned by Sam. Gelbraith, assessor. Where the name of the occupation is not given, it is to be understood that the person named is a farmer:
Ph. Baker & Bro. (grist and saw mill)
Peter Bayer
Jac. Brollier (carpenter)
Adley Brown
Wm. Buchanan
John Custard
Alex. Custard
Nich. Coleman
Sam. Clark
Jac. Cable
Chris. Cable
Henry Croyle
Helfrey Deal
Henry Deal
Pat. Demsey
Jas. Fracur
Geo. Frey, Sr. (distiller)
Geo. Frey, Jr.
Chris. Frey
John Fyock
Martin Fisher
Dav. Fyock
John Frey
Geo. Gring
John Gibler
Sam. Gelbreath (tanner)
Sam. Gaghegan
Jac. Glessner
Jac. Helman
Dan. Helman
Henry Hummel
Ph. Huffman (weaver)
Jac. Huffman
Caspar Keller
Ph. Kocher
Geo. Lambert (sawmill and eleven hundred and forty- six acres of land)
Ph. Ling (distiller)
Chris. Ling
Henry Leech
Geo. Lape
Dav. Livingston (grist and saw mill)
Jac. Lend
Henry Lear
John Lambert
Jas. McAlea (weaver)
Wm. Miller
Peter Miller (blacksmith)
Jac. Moses
Jac. Murray
Geo. Messabaugh
Dan. McAffee (fuller)
Mich. Peterman
Jac. Perkepile
Andrew Perkepile (tavern)
Geo. Perkepile
Conrad Piper
Widow Paul
Wm. Perkepile (blacksmith)
Jesse Ringler
John Reese
Nich. Raymer
John Ripple
Nich. Ripple
Lewis Sutter
Conrad Seese
John Statler (tavern and eight hundred and three acres of land)
Sam. Statler (sawmill)
Dav. Shrader (joiner)
Mich. Summers
Melchoir Seese
John Stump
Emanuel Statler (tavern)
Dan. Server (tavern)
George Stauffer
Henry Stauffer (schoolmaster)
Christopher Speght
Andrew Speght
Geo. Sala (blacksmith)
Chris. Miller
Jos. Troyer
Henry Troyer
Thos. Vickroy
John Weible
Isaac Wendle
Mich. Waggoner (distiller)
Geo. Williams
Dan. Wambler (millwright)
Mich. Wolford
Widow Wolford
John Wertz (blacksmith)
Alex. Welker
John Wilt
John Yingling
Single Freemen:
Jac. Bettel
Jac. Lambert (blacksmith)
John Stump
Geo. Stump
Dan. Leech
Chris. Brollier (miller)
Jas. Walker
John Wolford
Jac. Wolford
Peter Short
Jac. Messabaugh
John Seese
Dan. Helman
Chris. Dick
Robt. Buchanan
Sam. Brant
Fred. Helman
John Clark

(Source: History of Bedford, Somerset & Fulton Counties, PA; 1884)

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