• Wed. Jan 8th, 2025


…bringing our past into the future

1817 Greenville Township Tax List


Sep 14, 2015

All items crossed out below were crossed out in the original records. (100) the total assessed value for all items listed, given in dollars.

ALBRIGHT, John: 400 acres (10 cleared) with 1 house; 2 horses; 1 cow; 112 acres (5 cleared); 200 acres (2 cleared) (1,174)
ARNOLD, George: 292 acres (30 cleared) with 1 cabin (450)
BAKER, Douglass: 203 acres (25 cleared) with 1 house; 2 horses (390)
BARND, Peter: tailor; 185 acres (3 cleared) with 1 house; 1 cow (294)
BEACHY, Abraham: 125 acres (187)
BEAL, Conrad: 200 acres (10 cleared) with 1 cabin; 2 horses; 2 cows (352)
BEAL, Nicholas: 161 acres (12 cleared) with 1 cabin; 1 horse; 2 cows (284)
BEAR, Absalom: 112 acres (3 cleared) with 1 house; 1 horse; 1 cow (253)
BEAR, Daniel: 200 acres (35 cleared) with 1 cabin; 2 horses; 1 cow (383)
BOYD, James: 164 acres (30 cleared) with 1 house; 3 horses; 4 cows (513)
BRENIZA, John: 236 acres (177)
CAMP, Jonathan: carpenter (50)
CRISE, John: weaver; 2 cows (70)
DEAL, Christian: 200 acres (30)
DEAL, Jacob: 20 acres (1/2 acre cleared); 1 saw mill (90)
DEAL, Peter: millwright; 97 acres (25 cleared) with 1 cabin; 2 horses; 2
cows (253)
DEHAVEN, Daniel: 300 acres (7 cleared) with 1 house; 2 horses; 1 cow (531)
DEHAVEN, Jacob: 202 acres (3 cleared) (318)
DEHAVEN, William: 162 acres; 1 cow (131)
ECKENBERGER, Jacob: 153 acres (10 cleared) with 1 cabin; 1 horse; 1 cow (282)
ECKENBERGER, John: 145 acres (3 cleared) with 1 cabin; 1 cow (238)
ENGLE, John: 261 acres; 1 saw mill (341)
ENGLE, Peter: 137 acres (6 cleared) with 1 cabin; 2 horses; 1 cow (247)
FINDLEY, John (of Samuel): 250 acres; 1 horse (212)
FINDLEY, John (of William): 400 acres (20 cleared) with I cabin; I horse (625)
FINDLEY, Samuel: 100 acres (35 cleared) with 1 cabin; 2 horses; 4 cows (228)
FINDLEY, Samuel, and Daniel BEAR, administrator of Samuel FINLEY, deceased: 350 acres (5 cleared (526)
FOUST, Abraham: 94 acres (12 cleared) with 1 cabin; 2 horses; 2 cows (207)
GARLITS, Henry: 183 acres (50 cleared) with 1 cabin; 2 horses; 2 cows (367)
GARLITS, Jacob: 97 1/2 acres (10 cleared) with 1 cabin; 1 horse; 1 cow (183)
HAIR, Henry: 152 acres (25 cleared) with 1 cabin; 2 horses; 2 cows (324)
(HOUGHSTETLAR?), Henry: 322 acres (483)
(HOUGHSTETLAR?), Jacob: 381 acres (30 cleared) with (1?) cabin; 4 horses; 3 cows (869)
HUTZELL, George: 57 acres with 1 cabin; 1 horse (105)
HUTZELL, Michael: 100 acres (15 cleared) with 1 cabin; 1 horse; 2 cows; 71 acres (6 cleared) with 1 cabin; 126 acres (40 cleared) with 1 cabin (678)
HUTZELL, Peter: 284 acres (35 cleared) with 1 cabin; 2 horses; 2 cows (484)
INFIELD, Philip: 200 acres (20 cleared) with (2?) cabins; 2 horses; 2 cows (365)
KEEFER, Adam: 183 acres (3 cleared) with 1 cabin (147)
KEEFER, Peter: Smith; 277 acres (20 cleared) with 1 cabin; 1 horse; 1 cow (565)
KLINGAMAN, George: 125 acres (40 cleared) with 1 cabin; 3 horses; 6 cows; 125 acres; 154 acres (25 cleared) with 1 cabin (778)
KLINGAMAN, Henry: 97 1/2 acres (12 cleared) with 1 cabin; 2 horses; 1 cow (188)
KLINK, Andrew: 100 acres with 1 cabin; 1 horse; 1 cow (180)
KLINK, John Sr.: 205 acres (40 cleared) with 1 house; 3 horses; 3 cows; 1 saw mill; 305 acres (1,135)
LINT, Christian: 277 acres (5 cleared) with 1 house; 2 horses; 2 cows; 1 saw mill (616)
LIVENGOOD, Christ. [Christian? Christopher?]: 100 acres (150)
MEYER, Jacob: 100 acres (2 cleared) with 1 house (160)
MILLER, David: 219 acres (40 cleared) with 1 house; 2 horses; 3 cows (538)
McKINZEY [McKinsey?], Samuel: 80 acres (3 cleared) with 1 house; 1 horse; 2 cows (205)
(RIVER?), Jacob: 206 acres (6 cleared) with 1 house (320?)
SHOCKEY, Christian: 165 acres; 1 horse; 1 cow (267)
SHOCKEY, Christian (Sr.?): 147 acres (30 cleared) with 1 house; 3 horses; 2 cows; 1 saw mill (437)
SHOCKEY, Valentine: 200 acres (6 cleared) with 2 houses; 1 horse (331)
SHOEMAKER, Anthony: 100 acres (3 cleared) with 1 house (180)
SHOEMAKER, Peter: 47 acres with 1 house; 1 horse (55)
SHULTZ, John: 234 acres (17 cleared) with 2 houses; 2 horses; 3 cows (290)
SHULTZ, Peter: 127 acres (92)
STAMM, Henry: Weaver; 100 acres (30 cleared) with 1 house; 200 acres; 2 horses; 2 cows (452)
SULLIVAN, Cornelius\’ heirs: 165 1/2 acres (248)
VERNON, Michael: 180 acres (12 cleared) with 1 house; 1 horse; 1 cow (353)
WEITZELL, William: 490 acres (30 cleared) with 1 house; 2 horses; 2 cows (1,083)
WORKMAN, Jacob: 68 acres (10 cleared) with 1 house; 1 horse; 2 cows (144)

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