AKINS, Andrew: Shoemaker, 1 house, 1/2 lot ($150)
ANAWALT, John: Constable, 1 cow ($110)
ANKENY, Anthony: 2 lots ($20)
ANKENY, Isaac Esq: Sheriff, 2 horses, 2 cows, 4 lots ($280)
ANKENY, Joseph: 20 acres – 7 acres clear ($125)
ANKENY, Peter: 60 acres – 60 acres clear ($360)
ANNAWALT, Samuel: Carpenter, single man ($100)
ANTHONY, Philip: Innkeeper, 1 horse, 1 cow ($285)
[Armstrong, James, Laborer, single man $50 — all crossed off]
ARMSTRONG, Jane: Widow, 1 cow, 2 houses, 8 lots ($695)
ARMSTRONG, John: 11 acres – 11 acres clear, store, 1 cow, 2 houses, 2 lots ($901)
BAIRD, Daniel: Joiner, 1 cow, 1 house & lot ($300)
BAILEY and FORWARD: Attorneys, 1 cow, 1 house, 8 lots ($735)
BENFORD, Henry: Tanner, 1 horse, 1 cow, 1 house & 1 3/4 lots ($800)
BENFORD, Thomas: Tanner, 2 horses, 2 cows, 1 3/4 lots ($850)
BENNETT, John: Hostler, single man ($50)
BOGLE, Frederick: 2 lots ($20)
BRICKER, Isaac: Carpenter, 1 cow, 1 house & lot ($235)
BRUCE, Norman M: Doctor, 1 horse, 1 cow ($140)
CALVERT, William: Printer, single man ($100)
CAPP, Peter: [1 horse, 1 cow, 1 house, brewery — all crossed off], 3 lots ($30)
CARSON, James: [Attorney — crossed off], 1 cow, 1 house, 4 1/2 acres ($350)
CLARK, James: 1 1/2 acres – 1 1/2 acres clear, tavern keeper, 2 horses, 5 lots, 1 stillhouse ($520)
CLARK, James Jr: Gentleman, single man ($50)
CHORPENNING, David: 2 horses, 1 cow ($70)
CHORPENNING, Henry: 1 house & lot ($450); [house and lot (175); house & lot (85) — all crossed off]
[Coffroth, John: Gentleman, 1 cow ($60); 1 house & lot ($572) — all crossed off] transfered to ROSS
COLLINS, John: Hostler, single man ($50)
CONNIGEN, Jacob: Tanner, single man ($100)
CORPENNING, George: 6 acres – 6 acres clear, store, 4 horses, 2 cows, 3 houses, 2 lots ($1,486); 1 house & lot ($150)
COVER, George: Coppersmith, single man ($100)
CROOK & WITT: Misters House, house & lot ($250)
CROOK, Samuel: Wagon Master, 1 cow, 1 house & lot ($310)
CUMMINS, Alexander: Butcher ($75)
CUMMINS, Joseph: Tailor, single man ($100)
CURTIS, Hugh: Schoolmaster, single man ($100)
DOLL, Abraham: house & lot ($605)
(EHINS ?) , Henry: Under (–?–), 3 horses, single man ($80)
ELDER, John: Coppersmith, 1 cow, single man ($160)
[Elder, Magdalena: Store, 1 horse, 2 cows ($350) — all crossed off]
ELDER, William G Est: 6 acres-6 acres cleared, 4 houses & 4 lots ($1,471)
FAITH, Abraham: Court (Clerk 7), house, 1 1/2 lots ($115)
FAITH, Jacob: 1 lot, single man ($60)
FINECY, Jacob: Blacksmith, 1 cow ($110)
FINECY, John: (Laborer?) ($50)
FISHER, John G: Blacksmith, 1 cow ($60)
FISHER, Philip: Gentleman, single man ($50)
FLEMING, A.B.: Attorney ($50)
FLETCHER, John: Blacksmith, 1 cow, 3 houses ($50)
FOSTER, william R: Tailor, 1 cow ($100)
GARRITSON, Aaron: 1 house, 8 lots ($215)
GEBHART, Frederick: Storekeeper, 1 horse, 1 cow ($250)
GILBERT, Henry: Potter, 1 cow, house & lot ($426)
GLESSNER, Jacob: Cabinetmaker, 1 cow, 1 house, 2 lots ($330)
GOVENER, Thomas M: 1 horse, 1 cow, house & lot ($200)
GRAFT, Jacob: Gentleman, house & lot ($265)
GRAFT, John: Tailor ($100)
GRIBBLE, Levy: Shoemaker ($50)
(GUTELIS ?) , David: Shoemaker, single man ($100)
HABLE, Margaret: 1 cow, 1 house & lot ($140)
HAINS, William: 5 acres – 5 acres cleared, Brickmaker, 1 cow, 1 house ($200)
HALTERBAUM, Martin: Blacksmith ($100)
HARRIS, John: Schoolmaster, 1 cow ($110)
HEMINGER, John: Laborer, 1 cow, house & lot ($160)
HOLLIS, Joseph: Saddletree Maker and Preacher, 1 cow, 2 houses & l~ lots ($485)
HOUPT, Daniel: Joiner, 1 house ($125)
HOUPT, Valentine: Joiner, 1 cow ($110)
HUGUS, Michael: [Innkeeper — crossed off], 6 acres – 6 acres clear, 2 horses, 1 cow, house & lot ($911)
HUSTON, Peter: Joiner, 1 horse, 1 cow, 1 house & 6 lots ($410)
IMHOFF, Joseph: Innkeeper, 6 acres – 6 clear, 1 house & lot ($1,246)
JOHNSTON, James: Innkeeper, 2 cows ($170)
KEELER, Henry: Carpenter, 1 horse, 1 cow, house & lot ($200)
KEFFER, H.J.D.: Reverend, 1 horse, 1 cow ($130)
KEIHL, John: [Doctor, Sheriff — crossed off], Gentleman, single man [($100) crossed off] ($50)
KElLY, Conrad: Carpenter ($50)
KERNAN, Francis: Butcher, 1 horse, 1 cow ($130)
KETTER, Jacob heirs: Tanyard, 1 house & 4 lots ($300)
KOONTZ, Samuel: Blacksmith, 4 acres – 4 acres clear, 2 cows, 1 house & 5 lots ($538)
KOONTZ, William: Blacksmith, single man ($100)
KOUTZ, Daniel: Cooper, 1 cow, 1 lot ($140)
KURTZ, John Esq: Hatter, 4 1/2 acres – 4 1/2 acres clear, 1 horse, 2 cows, 1 house & 5 lots ($869)
KURTZ, Josiah: Hatter, single man ($100)
LEACH, Thomas: Tailor, 1 cow, house & lot ($130)
[Leach, Peter J.: 1 cow, 1/2 house ($225) — all crossed off]
LICHTEBERGER, John: Tanner, 2 horses, 1 cows, 1 house, 7 lots ($945)
LINN, Alexander: 1 house & lot ($175)
[Linn, Margaret ($10) — crossed off]
LINT, Catharine: 1 cow, 1 house & 2 lots ($160?)
[Lint, Jacob: Wagonmaker, single man ($50) — all crossed off]
LINT, Samuel: Laborer, single man ($50)
[Logen, Daniel: Shoemaker ($100) — all crossed off]
LOGEN, Thomas: [Baker — crossed off], 1 cow, 1 house & 5 lots ($245)
LONG, Catherine: 1 house & lot ($200)
MAYER, George: W Maker, 1 house & lot ($185)
[Miller, Abraham Jr: Tanner, single man ($100) — all crossed off]
[Miller, John: Tanner, 1 horse, 1 cow, house & 1 3/4 lots ($800) — all crossed off]
MILLER, Peter: 1 lot ($30)
[Miller, William: Weaver, single man ($100) — all crossed off]
MORNINGSTAR, George: Potter, single man ($100)
MORRISON, Abraham: Attorney, 25 acres – 15 acres clear, 2 cows, 3 houses & 7 1/2 lots ($836); 2 1/2 acres – 2 1/2 clear per TANTLINGER ($–); 5 acres per ADDISON ($35); house & lot per KELLY ($160); 4 1/2 acres – 4 1/2 clear per TANTLINGER ($435)
MOWERER, George: Printer, 1 lot ($115)
MOYERS, Jacob: 9 acres – 6 acres clear, 2 cows, 1 house & 7 lots ($538)
[Mowry, George: Printer, single man ($100) — all crossed off]
MYERS, Jacob: Gunsmith, single man ($100)
[McGovernor, Thomas: Laborer, 1 horse, single man ($100) — all crossed off]
McMAHEM, William: Tinner ($100)
NEFF, Frederick estate: 10 acres – 10 acres clear, 1 house & lot ($894)
OGLE, Alexander Esq: 4 acres – 4 acres clear, 1 horse, house & 8 lots ($517); 1 house & 4 1/2 lots ($856)
OGLE, Alexander Jr: (Occupation undecipherable), 1 cow ($250)
OGLE, Charles Esq: Attorney, 1 house & 8 lots, single man ($490)
PARKER, George (for the estate of —?—): 1 house & lot ($100)
PARKER, George: Saddler, 2 cows, house & 1 1/2 lots ($375)
PARKER, John: Hatter ($100)
PARSONS, Robert: 1 cow, house & 2 lots ($200)
PATTON, John: Printer, 3 horses, 2 cows, house & 2 lots ($586)
PHILSON, Robert: 6 acres – 6 acres clear, house & lot ($500). 2 houses & 2 lots ($400)
PHILSON, William: 5 acres – 4 clear, 1 cow, 2 houses & 3 lots ($468)
PILE, George Esq: House & 1/2 lot ($474). house & 4 1/2 lots ($555)
PILE, Samuel: [Innkeeper, 1 horse, 1 cow, 1 lot — all crossed off]($10)
PLOWMAN, David: Shoemaker ($100)
PROBST, Elizabeth: house & lot ($158)
QUIG, William: Laborer ($50)
RISINGER, John: Weaver, 2 cows ($120)
ROSS, George Esq: Attorney, single man, 2 houses & 4 lots ($1,055)
ROSS, George Esq (for M KING): house & 2 lots ($210)
[Ross, George: 1 house & lot (bought from J. Coffroth), 1 horse ($595); 1 house & lot (Beagle\’s property)– all crossed off] (no value listed)
SERGENT, Elijah: Shoemaker, 1 horse, 1 cow ($130)
SHEFFER, Michael: Joiner, 1 horse, 1 cow, 1 house s lot ($315)
SHELL, Jacob: 1 acre – 1 cleared, house & lot ($200)
SHELLENT, Ezekiel: Baker, 1 cow ($60)
SMITH, James: 1 cow ($10)
SMUCKER, Peter: Minister, 1 horse, 1 cow, 1 house & lot ($300)
SNYDER & LICHTEBERGER: 6 acres – 6 acres clear ($47)
SNYDER, Adam: 36 acres – 36 acres clear, 2 horses, 3 cows, 2 houses & 3 lots ($735). 15 acres ($105)
SNYDER, Jacob Esq: 2 horses, 1 cow, 2 houses & lots ($1,420)
SNYDER, John: [Store — crossed off], 1 horse, 1 cow (10) ($40)
SNYDER, John L: Store and (–?–), 1 cow ($210)
SNYDER, John L: 1 house & 1/2 lot ($225)
SNYDER, Joseph: Farmer, single man (no value listed)
STAHL, Elias: Storekeeper, single man ($100)
STEWART, Andrew: Tavern, 1 cow, 2 houses & 1 1/2 lots ($725)
SUTTER, Rudolph: Druggist, 1 horse, 1 cow ($210)
TANTLINGER, John Esq: [167 acres–crossed off] – 10 acres clear,Saddler, [5 horses, 2 cows — crossed off], 1 cow, 3 lots ($58)
TEDROW, —– estate: 1 house & 2 lots ($300)
TUDEMAN, —– estate: 1 house & 1/2 lot ($225)
TUDEMAN, Mrs: 1 cow ($10)
UPDEGRAFF, Harman: Innkeeper, 1 horse, 2 cows ($210)
URICH, Rudolph: 1 house s lot ($100). 4 acres – 4 acres clear, 1 cow, 1 house & lot ($361)
WEBSTER, John: 12 acres – 12 acres clear, tavern, (7?) cattle, 2 houses s 8 lots ($1,568)
WELLS, Musser: Surveyor, 1 horse, single man ($120)
WHITESIDES, Robert: Watchmaker, 1 cow ($100)
[Wilson, Michael: Gentleman, 1 horse ($80) — all crossed off]
WINTERS, Elizabeth: 6 acres – 5 acres clear, 2 lots ($65)
WITOSKEY (estate ?): 1 lot ($10)
WITT, John Esq: 1 cow, 1 lot ($120)
WOLLS, John Esq: 1 cow, 1 house & 3 lots ($410)
WRIGLEY, Horatio N: Attorney, single man ($100)
YORE, Patrick: (Turnpike ?) ($50)
YOUNKIN, Abraham: Tailor ($100)
[Younkin, Abraham: Tailor, single man ($100) — all crossed off]
[Younkin, Jonathan: Tailor, single man ($100) — all crossed off]
1824 Somerset Borough Tax List