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1832 Elk Lick Twp. Tax List


Sep 14, 2015

1832 TAX LIST of Elk Lick Twp., Somerset County, Pa.

Items crossed off below were crossed off in the original records. Values
shown are assessed totals for all items listed, given in dollars.

BACKES, Daniel: 150 acres (40 cleared); 328 acres (10 cleared), 1 house; 2 horses; 4 cows (867). $175 in promissory notes
BACKES, Daniel Jr: Singleman
BAIRD, William: Singleman
BAKER, Henry: Miller; 2 cows (39)
BAKER, John: 20 acres (2 cleared), saw mill & grist mill (305)
BEACHY, Abraham: 200 acres (20 cleared), 10 lots, 3 houses; 2 cows (970). $1,500 in promissory notes
BEACHY, John: 180 acres (15 cleared), 1 house; 30 acres; 2 horses; 4 cows (433)
BEACHY, Jonas: 112 acres (10 cleared), 1 house; 2 horses; 6 cows (425)
BEACHY, Peter (of A): 239 acres (70 cleared); 2 cleared acres, 1 house; 500 acres (100 cleared), 1 house; 4 horses; 6 cows; 1 pleasure carriage (3,507). $2,000 in promissory notes
BEACHY, Peter (of p): 293 acres (60 cleared), 1 house; 4 horses; 8 cows (1,112)
BEECHLEY, David: 1 house; 3 horses; 4 cows (168)
BEECHLY, Abraham: 199 acres (60 cleared); 75 acres, 2 houses; 4 horses; 6 cow (1,154)
BEECHLY, Daniel: 30 cleared acres, 1 house, 1 tanyard; 1 horse; 2 cows (664)
BEECHLY, John Jr: 170 acres (30 cleared), 1 house; 1 horse; 4 cows (809)
BEECHLY, John Sr: 318 acres (60 cleared), 1 house; 1 horse; 2 cows (1,388)
BEECHLY, Samuel: 157 acres (12 cleared), 1 house; 2 horses; 4 cows (761)
BlUBACH, Frederick: Cooper; 1 cow (107). $200 in promissory notes
BLUBACH, Simon Jr: Joiner; 5 cleared acres; 5 acres, 1 house, 1 lot; 1 cow (136)
BLUBACH, Simon Sr: 98 acres (45 cleared), 1 house; 2 horses; 3 cows (533). $200 in promissory notes
BOND, Samuel: 1 horse; 2 cows (39)
BOWLING, Peter: 400 acres (40 cleared), 1 cabin; 2 horses; 3 cows (260)
BOYD, Duglass: Singleman; Hatter (25)
BOYD, Isaac: Cooper; 200 acres; 1 cow (133)
BRAUCHER, Peter: Weaver; 25 acres (4 cleared), 1 cabin; 1 horse; 1 cow (113)
BRENEISEN, Jacob: 449 acres (50 cleared), 1 house; 380 acres (20 cleared), cabin; 4 horses; 6 cows (1,800). $2,000 in promissory notes
BRENEISEN, John: 118 acres (40 cleared), 1 house; 3 horses; 4 cows (758). $2,000 in promissory notes
BRENEMAN, Jacob: Miller; 1 cow (50)
BREWER, Henry: 7 cleared acres, 1 house, 1 lot, 1 tavern; 2 horses; 2 cows (327)
BROWN, Andrew: Shoemaker; 1 cow (32)
BROWN, Samuel\’s heirs: 16 acres (5 cleared) (25)
(BURGAR?), Alexander: Waggonmaker (25)
BURGHOLDER, Christian: 200 acres (2 cleared) (50)
BURGHOLDER, John: 50 acres (15 cleared), 1 house; 1 horse (198)
CHRISE, Michael: 1 cow (7)
CHRISTNER, John: 195 acres (30 cleared); 100 acres, 1 house; 3 horses; 4 cows (661)
CHRISTNER, John (of P): 80 acres (8 cleared), 1 cabin; 1 horse; 2 cows (181)
CHRISTNER, Joseph: 231 acres (10 cleared), 1 saw mill; 2 horses; 1 cow (248)
CHRISTNER, Peter: 137 acres (30 cleared); 15 acres, 1 house; 2 horses; 3 cows (334)
CHRISTNER, Samuel: Singleman
CLAPOLE, Mary: 70 acres (2 cleared), 1 cabin; 1 cow (47)
COMPTON, Phineas: Tinner; 1 house; 3 lots; 1 house & lot; 1 cow (202)
COMPTON, Robert: Tailor; [1 house and lot — crossed off] 1 cow (32)
CUTSHALL, George: 1 horse; 1 cow (32)
DEHAVEN, Jacob Jr: Singleman
DEHAVEN, Jacob Jr: 3 cleared acres, 1 house (63)
DEHAVEN, Jacob Sr: Shoemaker; 2 cows (39)
DICKEY, George: Carpenter; 17 acres, 1 cabin; 2 cows (71)
DIVELEY, Michael: Esquire; 128 acres (10 cleared), 1 tanyard; 9 acres (3 cleared), 3 houses, 2 lots; 2 horses; 2 cows (920). $200 in promissory notes; $200 in judgments
DURST, Henry: Singleman
DURST, Jacob: Singleman
DURST, Jacob & Henry: 142 acres (30 cleared), 1 house; 2 horses; 3 cows (597)
DURST, Sollomon: 172 acres (5 cleared), 1 house; 3 horses; 6 cows (413)
DWIRE, Isaac: Joiner (25)
ENGLE, Adam: Carpenter; 2 lots; 1 house; 1 cow (132)
ENGLE, Clemens\’ heirs: 200 acres (30 cleared), 1 house; 1 horse; 2 cows (491)
ENGLE, Frederick: 1 distillery; 1 house; 1 horse; 1 cow (141)
ENGLE, Jacob: Carpenter (25)
ENGLE, John: 215 acres, 1 saw mill; 14 acres (3 cleared), grist mill, distillery; 14 acres (3 cleared), (1 ?) house, 2 lots; 3 horses; 6 cows (1,004)
ENGLE, Martin: 3 horses; 2 cows (74)
ENGLE, Samuel: Cooper; 1 house; 6 lots; 1 cow (152)
FADELEY, John: 232 acres (30 cleared), 1 cabin; 3 horses; 4 cows (679)
FAIDLEY, Mary: 260 acres (80 cleared), 1 house; 2 cows (1,190)
FIKE, Jacob: 197 acres (130? cleared), 1 house; 40 acres (10 cleared), 1 house; 2 horses; 4 cows (841)
FIKE, John: 197 acres (10 cleared), 1 house; 3 horses; 4 cows (722)
FIKE, Joseph: 150 acres (10 cleared), 1 house; 3 horses; 3 cows (329)
FLICKINGER, Samuel: 111 acres (30 cleared) (457)
FORNEY, Christian: 2 horses; 4 cows (68)
FORNEY, Samuel: 1 house; 1 half-lot; 1 cow (80)
FULK, George: 200 acres (50 cleared), 1 house; 2 horses; 4 cows (735)
FULK, Jacob: 165 acres (40 cleared), 1 house; 2 horses; 3 cows (540)
FULLEM, Jacob: Cooper; 200 acres, 1 cabin; 48 acres; 1 horse; 1 cow (114)
FULLEM, John: Cooper; 280 acres, 1 cabin; 15 acres; 1 horse; 2 cows (131)
FULLER, Henry: Mason; 16 acres, 1 tavern, 1 lot; 266 acres, 1 house, 2 lots (300)
GLOTFELTER, Henry: 230 acres (30 cleared), 1 saw mill; 217 acres (30 cleared), 1 house; 1 horse; 2 cows (1,324). $100 at interest
GLOTFElTER, Jacob: Blacksmith; 1 house; 1 lot; 1 cow (217)
GLOTFELTER, Phillip: Tanner; 2 cows (64)
GLOTFElTER, Samuel: Blacksmith; 1 cow (57)
GLOTFELTER, William: 1 horse; 2 cows (34)
GNEGY, Christian: 100 acres (30 cleared), 1 cabin; 2 horses; 4 cows (400)
GNEGY, Jacob: 160 acres (50 cleared), 1 house; 3 horses; 3 cows (736)
GNEGY, John: 1 house; 1 horse; 1 cow (67)
GRAWALL, George: Potter; 1 house; 2 lots (95)
GRIFFITH, David (of J): 1 horse; 1 cow (37)
GRIFFITH, Ebenezer: 1 horse; 2 cows (44)
GRIFFITH, John (of D): 300 acres (50 cleared), 3 houses; 248 acres (10 cleared), 1 distillery; 116 acres; 400 acres; 2 horses; 4 cows (1,805)
GRIFFITH, John (of E): 2 cows (14)
GRIFFITH, Joseph: 65 acres (10 cleared), 1 cabin; 1 cow (114)
GRIFFITH, Samuel: 260 acres (50 cleared), 1 house; 4 horses; 4 cows (823)
HANDWERK, Peter: 30 acres (8 cleared), 1 cabin; 150 acres; 1 cow (95)
HANDWERK, Phillip: Singleman
HENDWERK, Henry: Singleman
HERSHBERGER, Christian: 160 acres (30 cleared), 1 house; 2 horses; 4 cows (344)
HERSHBERGER, Daniel: Singleman
HERSHBERGER, Henry: 247 acres (50 cleared), 1 distillery, 1 house; 4 horses; 11 cows (1,030)
HERSHBERGER, Jacob: 288 acres (60 cleared), 1 house; 2 horses; 6 cows (566)
HERSHBERGER, Jacob (of J): Singleman
HERSHBERGER, John: 108 acres (25 cleared), 1 house; 2 horses; 3 cows (444)
HERSHBERGER, Peter\’s heirs: 280 acres (40 cleared), 1 house; 2 horses; 6 cows (986)
HONRICH, Michael: Singleman
HOSTEDLER, Adam: 140 acres (20 cleared), 1 cabin; 2 horses; 2 cows (273)
HOSTEDLER, Daniel: 313 acres (35 cleared), 1 saw mill; 48 acres (776)
HOSTEDLER, Daniel Jr: 1 horse; 2 cows (34)
HOSTEDLER, Henry: 400 acres (80 cleared), 1 distillery, 1 house; 200 acres (40 cleared), 1 cabin; 5 horses; 8 cows (1,761). $200 at interest; $800 in promissory notes
HOSTEDLER, Henry Jr: 320 acres (40 cleared), 1 distillery, 1 house; 3 horses; 5 cows (870)
HOSTEDLER, Jacob: 163 acres (60 cleared), 1 house; 100 acres; 3 horses; 6 cows (423)
HOSTEDLER, John (of Jacob): 100 acres (12 cleared), 1 distillery, 1 house; horse; 1 cow (147)
HOSTEDLER, John (-?-ed): 134 acres (40 cleared), 1 house; 3 horses; 2 cows (540)
HOSTEDLER, Jonathan: 250 acres (36 cleared), 1 distillery, 1 house; 3 horses; 6 cows (609)
HOSTEDLER, Michael: 3 acres, 1 house; 1 cow (57)
HUFFARD, Phillip: Singleman
KATEN, John\’s heirs: 100 acres (20 cleared), 1 cabin; 2 horses; 1 cow (196)
KIME, Jacob: 154 acres (50 cleared), 1 house; 13 acres; 3 horses; 7 cows (712)
KIME, Jonas: 133 acres (40 cleared), 1 house; 200 acres (15 cleared), 1 house; 3 horses; 7 cows (1,143)
KIME, John: 96 acres (20 cleared), 1 distillery; 200 acres (25 cleared); 2 horses; 6 cows (779)
KIME, Nicholas\’ heirs: 250 acres (80 cleared), 1 house; 77 acres; 45 acres; 200 acres, 1 house (1,593)
KLINGAMAN, John: 200 acres (20 cleared), 1 house; 3 horses; 6 cows (683)
KRETCHMAN, Widow: 170 acres (25 cleared), 1 cabin; 1 horse; 2 cows (203)
LANTZ, Jacob: Singleman; Cooper (25)
LICHTI, Samuel: 200 acres (25 cleared), 1 house; 2 horses; 3 cows (618)
LICHTY, Christian: 330 acres (80 cleared), 1 house; 2 horses; 4 cows (1,485)
LICHTY, Daniel: 170 acres (30 cleared), 1 house; 1 horse; 2 cows (639)
LICHTY, David: 1 horse; 2 cows (39)
LICHTY, Jacob (of C): 123 acres (30 cleared), 1 house; 3 horses; 5 cows (602)
LICHTY, Jacob (of John): 1 cow (7)
LICHTY, John (of C): 146 acres (30 cleared); 140 acres, 1 house; 3 horses; 4 cows (785). $175 in promissory notes
LICHTY, John Jr: 1 horse; 2 cows (34)
LICHTY, John Sr: 293 acres (50 cleared), 1 house; 3 horses; 4 cows (885)
LICHTY, Peter: 1 house; 2 horses; 2 cows (94)
LIVENGOOD, Christian: 100 acres (40 cleared); 216 acres (10 cleared); 92 acres; 24 acres (20 cleared); 20 acres; 50 acres, 1 house; 1 horse; 4 cows (1,439)
LIVENGOOD, Christian C: Singleman; Constable; 1 horse (50)
LIVENGOOD, Daniel: 1 house; 1 horse; 3 cows (91)
LIVENGOOD, David: Singleman
LIVENGOOD, Jacob: 96 acres (50 cleared), g mill, f mill, 1 house; 1 horse; 1 cow (783)
LIVENGOOD, John: 112 acres (50 cleared); 295 acres (50 cleared); 103 acres; 22 acres; 36 acres; 1 distillery; 1 house; 1 horse; 6 cows (1,675)
LIVENGOOD, John Jr: 305 acres (50 cleared), (1 house?), 1 cabin; 2 horses; 3 cows (893)
LIVENGOOD, Peter: 100 acres (30 cleared); 140 acres (30 cleared); 100 acres, 2 houses; 3 horses; 8 cows (1,020)
LIVENGOOD, Samuel (of C): 1 house; 3 horses; 1 cow (112)
LIVENGOOD, Samuel (of P): 120 acres (20 cleared), 1 house; 1 horse; 3 cows (205)
LONG, Jacob: 200 acres, 1 cabin; 1 cow (62)
LONG, John: Cooper; 150 acres (40 cleared), 1 house; 1 horse; 4 cows (351)
LONG, Nathan: 2 horses; 5 cows (65)
LOWRY, John: Shoemaker; 1 cow (32)
LOWRY, Michael: Coverlet Weaver; 1 cow (32)
MAUST, Abraham: 390 acres (20 cleared), 1 house; 2 horses; 6 cows (1,143)
MAUST, Christian: 2 horses; 3 cows (61)
MAUST, Daniel: 150 acres (10 cleared), 2 houses; 99 acres (10 cleared); 2 horses; 3 cows (523)
MAUST, John: 111 acres (30 cleared), 1 cabin; 1 horse; 2 cows (211)
MAUST, Jonas: 111 acres (30 cleared), 1 house; 1 horse; 2 cows (246)
MAUST, Jonas: Singleman
MAUST, Joseph: 295 acres (40 cleared), 2 houses; 1 horse; 1 cow (577). $100 in promissory notes
MAUST, Samuel: 1 horse; 1 cow (27)
MEES, Balzer: 6 cleared acres, 1 house, 1 lot; 68 acres (104)
MEESE, Daniel: 270 acres (20 cleared), 1 house, 1 grist. mill; 1 cow (852)
MEESE, George: 2 horses; 1 cow (47)
MILLER, Abraham H: 429 acres (100 cleared), 1 house; 4 horses; 6 cows (835)
MILLER, Adam: Singleman
MILLER, Benedict: 282 acres (100 cleared), 1 house, [1 distillery — crossed off]; 2 horses; 10 cows (749)
MILLER, Daniel: Wagon Maker; 200 acres (80 cleared), 1 house; 4 horses; 6 cows (850)
MILLER, Henry S: 83 acres, 1 house; 1 horse (91)
MILLER, Jeremiah: 143 acres (25 cleared), [1 house, 2 lots — all crossed off]; 119 acres (40 cleared), 1 house; 4 horses; 10 cows (903)
MILLER, Jonathan: 122 acres (50 cleared), 2 houses; 2 horses; 4 cows (536)
MILLER, Jonathan (of M): 115 acres (30 cleared), 1 cabin; 1 horse (208)
MILLER, Joseph: 50 acres (5 cleared), 1 cabin, 1 saw mill (195)
MILLER, Joseph: Singleman
MILLER, Michael: 182 acres (100 cleared), (2 houses 7), 1 cabin, 5 lots; 200 acres (15 cleared), 1 cabin (503)
MILLER, Peter: 1 tanyard; 1 horse; 1 cow (227)
MILLER, Peter (of A): 134 acres (25 cleared), 1 house; 111 acres (30 cleared); 2 horses; 8 cows (702)
MILLER, Peter (S ?): 1 cow (7)
MILLER, Peter Sr: 118 acres (25 cleared); 30 acres (5 cleared); 193 acres (20 cleared), 3 houses; 3 horses; 7 cows (803)
MILLER, Samuel: House Carpenter; 177 acres (40 cleared), 1 cabin; 55 acres, fulling mill &amp; carding machine, 1 house; 2 horses; 4 cows (809)
MILLER, William: 280 acres (50 cleared); 60 acres, 1 house; 3 horses; 4 cows (780)
MORT, Mathias: 53 acres (5 cleared), 1 house; 1 cow (110)
MORT, William: Shoernaker; 68 acres, 1 house, 1 lot; 1 cow (109)
MOYER, Abraham: 125 acres (20 cleared); 100 acres, 1 house; 1 horse; 1 cow (288)
MOYER, Christian: 356 acres (100 cleared), 1 house; 3 horses; 6 cows (1,350)
MOYER, Henry\’s heirs: 250 acres (50 cleared), 1 house; 250 acres (50 cleared), 1 house (1,253)
MOYER, Henry (of A): Singleman; 1 horse (25)
MOYER, Jacob (of H): Singleman
MOYER, John (of A): Singleman
MOYER, John (of M): Singlernan
MOYER, Magdalena: 2 horses; 2 cows (34)
MOYER , Michael: 1 house; 1 horse (60)
McCLOSKY, Thomas: Fuller; 15 acres, 1 cabin; 1 cow (46)
McGUFFIN, David: Singleman
McLEANE, Allen: Shoemaker; 15 acres, 1 cabin (34)
NEWMAN, John: 24 acres (36)
OLINGER, Jacob: 75 acres (19)
PATTEN, Robert: 268 acres (30 cleared), 1 house; 2 horses; 3 cows (499)
PATTEN, Thomas: 1 cow (7)
PENS, William: 5 lots; 2 houses; 2 cows (200)
REMSPERGER, Henry: 100 acres (10 cleared), 1 cabin; 1 cow (42)
REMSPERGER, Stephen: 150 acres (1 cleared), 1 house; 1 horse; 1 cow (59)
RINGER, Adam: 1 cow (7)
RINGER, Elisabeth: 195 acres (1 cleared), 1 cabin; 1 cow (60)
RINGER, John Jr: 1 cow (7)
RINGLER, John: Turner; 150 acres (20 cleared); 2 cabins; 2 horses; 3 cows (244)
RINGLER, John: Singleman
SAYLER, Christian: 121 acres (20 cleared), 2 houses; 3 horses; 6 cows (695). $250 in promissory notes
SAYLER, David: 198 acres (50 cleared), 1 house; 1 horse; 1 cow (886)
SAYLER, David: Singleman
SAYLER, Jacob Jr: 224 acres (60 cleared), 1 house; 2 horses; 5 cows (696)
SAYLER, John (of Jacob): 162 acres (60 cleared), 1 house; 2 horses; 6 cows (633)
SAYLER, John (of John): 180 acres (50 cleared), 1 house; 2 horses; 4 cows (968)
SAYLER, John Sr: 192 acres (50 cleared); 80 acres, 2 houses; 2 horses; 5 cows (1,072). $200 in promissory notes
SAYLER, Peter: 187 acres (40 cleared), 1 house; 2 horses; 3 cows (781)
SCHRACK, Aaron: Blacksmith; 3 acres, 1 house; 1 horse; 2 cows (161)
SCHRACK, Andrew: Singleman
SCHRACK, Frederick: 99 acres (12 cleared), 1 cabin; 4 cows (133)
SCHRACK, Henry: Joiner; 10 acres (4 cleared), 1 house; 2 cows (108)
SCHRACK, Jacob: Singleman
SCHRACK, Jonathan: Singleman
SCHRACK, Joseph: Carpenter; 4 acres (2 cleared), 1 house; 2 cows (106)
SCHRACK, Samuel: Singleman
SCHWARTZENDRUBER, Daniel: Tailor; 190 acres (10 cleared), 1 house; 2 horses; 2 cows (285)
SEESE, Adam: 123 acres (20 cleared), 1 house; 1 cow (245)
SEESE, Benjamin: 400 acres, 1 cabin (105)
SHAUM, Christian: Singleman; Shoemaker (25)
SHIRER, John: Esquire; Joiner; 1 house; 5 lots (155)
SHIRER, Peter Jr: 1 horse; 1 cow (32). $700 in promissory notes
SHIRER, Peter Sr: 6 cleared acres, 3 houses, 5 lots; 34 acres; 37 acres (3
cleared); 29 acres (8 cleared); 3 cows (395). $2,000 in promissory notes
SHOCKEY, Levi: Carpenter; 1 cleared acre, 1 house; 16 acres; 1 cow (115)
SHOCKEY, William: Shoemaker; 5 acres (2 cleared), 1 house; 2 cows (107)
SHOEMAKER, Anthony: 62 acres, 1 cabin; 1 horse; 2 cows (44)
SHOMAKER, Abraham\’s heirs: 70 acres (20 cleared), 1 house (123)
SHOOCK, George: 100 acres, 1 cabin; 1 cow (37)
SHOOCK, George Sr: Weaver; 1 cow (32)
SHOOCK, Jacob: Shoemaker; 1 cow (37)
SHOOCK, Samuel: 1 house (50)
SHRACK, Casper: 26 acres (15 cleared), 1 cabin; 1 cow (59)
SHRACK, Christian: 172 acres (40 cleared), 1 house; 2 horses; 3 cows (543)
SHRACK, David: Singleman
SHULTZE, Adam: 2S0 acres (70 cleared), 1 tanyard, 1 distillery; 15 acres, 2 houses; 2 horses; 8 cows (1,027)
STEEL, David: Wagon Maker; 9 acres, 1 house, 1 lot; 1 cow (110)
STEINMAN, Daniel: Tailor; 1 house; 1 lot; 1 cow (97)
STERNER, Solomon: 80 acres (7 cleared) (121)
STEVANUS, John: Singleman
STUTZMAN, Jost J: Esquire; 1 cow (57). $500 in promissory notes; $1,050 in judgments
[Sullivan, —\’s heirs, 900 acres (100 cleared), 1 house (2,095) — all crossed off.]
SUMMY, Jacob: 45 acres, 1 cabin; 1 cow (23)
SUMMY, John: 2 cows (14)
SWERNER, Adam: 2 horses; 2 cows (44)
TRESSLER, Daniel: 1 cow (7)
TRESSLER, Goodhart: Cooper (25)
TRESSLER, Samuel: Carpenter; 1 horse; 3 cows (56)
WACKER, Jonas: 2 cows (14)
WAGGONER, Elijah: Mason; 1 house; 2 lots; 1 cow (122)
WAGGONER, Jacob: Mason (25)
WAGGONER, William: Saddler; 6 cleared acres, 1 house, 1 lot; 1 cleared acre (119)
WALKER, Phillip: 250 acres (15 cleared), 1 house (428)
WALTER, Frederick: 100 acres, 1 cabin; 50 acres; 1 cow (49)
WELFLEY, Peter: Potter; 1 house; 1 lot; 1 cow (92)
WETZEL, Peter: Shoemaker; 60 acres (30 cleared), 1 cabin; 2 cows (69)
WILLHELM, Abraham: Singleman
WILLHELM, Benjamin: Singleman
WILLHELM, Christian: 300 acres (80 cleared), 1 house; 305 acres (25 cleared); 231 acres (8 cleared), 1 cabin; 245 acres (60 cleared), 1 house, 1 cabin; 4 horses; 12 cows (2,871). $1,520 in promissory notes; $80 in judgments
WILLHELM, Peter: Singleman
WILLTRAUT, Godfrey: Joiner; 200 acres (25 cleared), 1 cabin; 2 horses; 1 cow (112)
YODER, Isaac: 1 horse; 2 cows (34)
YODER, Jacob: 232 acres (90 cleared), 1 house; 4 horses; 6 cows (769)
YODER, Joseph J: Blacksmith; 16 acres (14 cleared), 2 houses; 1 horse; 3 cows (227)
YODER, Yost: 244 acres (90 cleared), 1 house; 200 acres (80 cleared), 1 house; 3 horses; 7 cows (1,597)
YUTZEY, Daniel: 1 distillery; 1 cow (150)
YUTZEY, Peter: 100 acres (10 cleared), 1 house; 1 horse; 2 cows (332)

Poor Children:

CATON, Catharine: d/o Thomas &amp; Polly CATON; aged 9 years
DORSEY, James: s/o Mary CRIDER; aged 7 years .
FULLER, David: s/o Polly STEINMAN; aged 6 years
GRIFFITH, Abner: s/o Jeddidiah &amp; Catharine GRIFFITH; aged 6 years
GRIFFITH, Elisabeth: d/o Jeddidiah &amp; Catharine GRIFFITH; aged 9 years
GRIFFITH, Henry: s/o Jeddidiah &amp; Catharine GRIFFITH; aged 11 years
GRIFFITH, Jenkin: s/o Jeddidiah &amp; Catharine GRIFFITH; aged 10 years
GRIFFITH, Mary Anne: d/o Jeddidiah &amp; Catharine GRIFFITH; aged 8 years
PARKER, Lidia: d/o Polly CATON; aged 11 years

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