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1839 Taxables of Stoystown Borough


Sep 14, 2015

The taxables of Stoystown borough in the year 1839 were as follows:
John Armor, stage-driver
Geo. Ackerman, innkeeper
John Ackerman, smith
Conrad Althouse, tailor
Dav. Baldridge, physician
widow Bisel
Jos. Bisel, stagedriver
Benj. Berkey, joiner
John Bricker, stagedriver
Thos. Boyd, stagedriver
Jac. Custer
Dav. Clarke, wagonmaker
Ph. Custer, joiner
Geo. A. Clark, merchant
Harrison Dinges, shoemaker
widow Davison (tan-yard)
Francis M. Erhart, wagonmaker
Wm. Febrige, carpenter
Henry Fisher, Esq., hatter
Henry Fisher, Jr., saddler
Geo. Graham
John Garman’s estate
John Graham’s estate
Mary Graham
Thos. Greenwood, teacher
Geo. Hartzel, Esq. (tanyard)
Geo. Hartzel, Jr., tanner
John Hite (tavern)
Jac. Imhoff, tanner
Jos. Johnson, hatter
Dan. Kesler, smith
Sam. Kimmel
Andrew Longabaugh, cooper
John Leberkneight, weaver
widow Lehmer
Henry Little, merchant
Dav. Little, blacksmith
Rogers Marshall
Jac. Reily, laborer
Jac. Risherberger, stagedriver
widow Reily
Jere. Shaefer, coachmaker
widow Shumaker
Dav. Staller, tinner
Jona. Staller, merchant
Henry Shoemaker, tailor
Mich. Sherer, smith
Sam. Staller, Jr.
Val. Shoaf, tanner
John G. Tantlinger, saddler
Jas. Waugh (tavern)
Wm. Waugh, stagedriver
John F. Wolf, shoemaker
Alex. Young, coachmaker

Single fremen:
Wm. Armstrong, tailor
Jac. Brubaker, blacksmith
Alex. Bovard, stagedriver
John Cassady, stagedriver
Francis Cast, coachmaker
Jos. Davison, tanner
Geo. Deter, shoemaker
C. Fleeh, merchant
John Fry, shoemaker
Geo. J. Foy, clerk
Mich. German, tanner
Henry Harner, saddler
Wm. Hite, laborer
Wm. Johnson, saddler
Simon Keller, chairmaker
Adam Ketring, laborer
Rich. Odell, coachmaker
Cyrus Reily, shoemaker
Thos. Shepley, Jr., painter
Sam. Shank, stagedriver
John Snell, stagedriver

(Source: History of Bedford, Somerset & Fulton Counties, PA; 1884)

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