• Sat. Mar 15th, 2025


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1843 Summit Township Taxables


Sep 14, 2015

The following were the taxable inhabitants of Summit township in the year 1843:
John Berkely, Sr., cooper
John Berkely, Jr.
Jacob Berkely, gristmill and sawmill
Sally Berkely, sawmill
Abraham Beachly
Daniel Beachly, tanyard
John K. Beachly
Elias Beachly
Andrew Brown, shoemaker
Jacob Brown, shoemaker
Chris. Boyer
Samuel Bittinger
Rudolph Bittinger
John Bowers, cooper
John H. Bowser
John Brougher, Sr
Jonathan Bawman
Jacob Breniser
Peter Boyer
Josiah Boyd, blacksmith
Jacob A. Brisky
Daniel Baer
John Barkholder
Daniel Boger
Samuel Barkley, sawmill
William Collins, shoemaker
Jos. Christner, Jr.
Jos. Christner, Sr.
Abraham Christner
Chris. Christner
Jonas and Joseph Christner, sawmill
Moses Christner
George Coleman, blacksmith
Molly Claybote
Frederick Doomer
John Fike
Jacob Fike
John J. Fike
Jos. Fike
George Felker
Elijah Fordly
Michael Fullem
Widow Flickinger
Samuel Flickinger
Harmon Grody
Jacob Gneggy
Chris. Gneggy
Daniel Gneggy
John Gneggy, Sr.
John D. Griffith
George Gradwell
Daniel Homer
Wm. Homer
Henry Hauger
George Hay, Sr.
George Hay, Jr.
John Hosteller
Adam Harmon
Conrad Hicks, merchant
Emanuel Hensel
Levi Hechard, tanyard
John G. Hutzel, shoemaker
Frederick Lotsedee, tailor
Philip Infelt
Henry Kuhlman
Bernard Kuhlman
George Keifer
John Klingaman
George Lichty, blacksmith
Gillian Lint, Esq., blacksmith
Jacob Long
“big” Abraham Miller, cooper
Peter Miller, Sr., distillery
Jos. Miller
A. Jonas Miller
A. Jacob Miller, oil mill
Abraham H. Miller, Esq.
William Miller
Samuel Miller, of Peter
Daniel Miller, of Peter
Samuel Miller, fulling, carding &amp; sawmill
Mary Miller
Josiah Miller
Magdalena Meyers
Peter Meyers, postmaster
John B. Meyers
Chris. Meyers
Peter Meyers
Jacob Meyers\’ estate, two sawmills, gristmill, distillery &amp; store
Barnhart Markely
Peter Mull, shoemaker
Frederick Mohler, distiller
John McCleary, fuller
Robert McCurty, blacksmith
Baltzer Meese, miller
Jacob Olinger
Daniel Otto, miller
Adam Ringer
Herman Rector
Gabriel Schrock, blacksmith
Samuel C. Schrock, shoemaker
Samuel Schrock
Chris. Schrock, Sr.
Jos. Schrock, carpenter
Simon Smith
Peter Shoemaker
Michael Shallis
Matthias Surry
Jos. Stoup, tailor
Abraham Sayler
Peter Sayler
David Sayler
John Sayler, Sr.
John Sayler, Jr.
George Shuck
Daniel Judy
Matthias Judy
Peter Tye
Jacob P. Walker
Frederick P. Walker
Perry P. Walker
Peter Walker
Peter Walker, Sr.
Widow Susanna Walker
William Weller
Samuel Weller, shoemaker
James Wiltrout
Martin Welfley
Frederick Walter
George Windmiller
Jos. Wimer
Peter Yorty
Daniel Yoder
Adam Yoder
Solomon Yoder
Daniel Y. Yoder
Jacob Yoder, Sr.
Joseph J. Yoder, axmaker
John Zufall
Josiah Zufall
Adam Zwarner
Jacob Zwarner

(Source: History of Bedford, Somerset &amp; Fulton Counties, PA; 1884)

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