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1854 Middlecreek Voters


Sep 14, 2015

The following is a copy of the official list of voters of Middle Creek township in 1854, one year after the organization of the township:
<center>A – K — <a href=”articles.php?article_id=311&amp;rowstart=1″><u>L – Z</u></a></center>
Christian Barkley
Dan’l Barkley
Dav. Barkley, Jr.
H. B. Barnes
Chauncy Barron
Geo. Barron
Hiram Barron
Moses Barron
Simon Barron
John Bongard
Henry Boucher
Hiram Boucher
John Boucher
Sol. Boucher
Benj. Bowman
John Boyts
Emanuel Caron
Gabriel Christner
Cassimer Cramer
Chas. Cramer
Chauncy Cramer
Dav. Cramer
Sam. Cramer
Jos. B. Crichfield
Josiah Crise
John Cummins
Wm. Curry
Geo. Davis
John Davis
J. G. Elder
Jona. Emert
Geo. Enos
Adam Felderkerchner
Geo. Feldkerchner
Geo. Ferguson
Adam Gary
Jac. Gary
John Gross
Aaron Hechler
Jac. Hechler
Jac. Hechler Jr.
Josiah Heminger
Wm. Henry
Jos. Herrington
John Hersh
John Hidler
Dav. Hoop
A.B. Hostetler
John Infield
Cassimer King
Geo. King
Hiram King
John King
John R. King
Jos. King
Missimer King
Sam. Kooser
Derrick Kreger
Henry Kreger
Arnold Kuhlman
<center><a href=”articles.php?article_id=311″><u>A – K</u></a> — <strong>L – Z</strong></center>
Dan. Lee
Geo. Leer
Jona. Lions
Elijah Lyons
Chas. McLehland
Jac. B. McMullen
Chauncy Meyers
Geo. Mickey
Jas. Mickey
Abr. R. Miller
Dan. A. Miller
Jac. L. Miller
John G. Miller
Jos. Mognet
Jesse Moore
Hugh Nichel
Mich. Nicholas
Christian Phillippi
Sam. Phillippi
Geo. Pile
Jere Pile
Josiah Pile
Solomon Pile
Dav. Pletcher
Dav. Pletcher
David’n Pletcher
Sam. Pletcher
Wm. Putman
Mich. Sanner
Dav. Sayler
Eli Sayler
Jere. Sayler
John L. Sayler
Jos. Saylor
Jona. Sayer
Amos Schrock
Christian Schrock
Jac. C. Schrock
Francis Singer
Dewald Snyder
Henry L. Snyder
John D. Snyder
Levi Snyder
Noah S. Snyder
Chris. Speicher
Jac. Speicher
Peter Speicher
Dav. Tedrow
Derrick Trimpe
Fred Uphouse
Henry Uphouse
Thos. Vanhorn
Abr. Walker
Henry Weyand
John Weyand
Peter Whipkey
Dav. Young
Sol. Young
Dav. Younkin
Eli Younkin
Isaac Younkin

(Source: History of Bedford, Somerset &amp; Fulton Counties, PA; 1884)

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