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Article of Agreement – Ulrich Bruner to Adam Schneider


Sep 14, 2015

Articles of agreement made this 24th day of September, In the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven, between Woolrick Bruner, of Milford township, in Bedford County and State of Pennsylvania, of the one part, and Adam Snider, of Washington County, in the State of Maryland, of the other part. Witnesseth: That the said Adam Snider hath agreed with, bought and bargained with the said Woolrick Bruner, for a certain tract and parcel of land whereon the said Woolrick Bruner now lives, containing two hundred acres of land and upwards by estimation, be the same more or less; it being that part of the said Bruner’s dwelling-place which lays on the north side of a big road along the main street of a town which the said Bruner laid out into lots some years ago, which said whole land included about one hundred acres that the said Bruner bought of Harmon Husband, with another survey of about three hundred acres warranted in the name of George Bruner, and patented to him the said Woolrick Bruner, that part of which whole land being before sold to one Jonathan Buck, which lays south of the said big road and Main street of the said town lots; and for which said two hundred acres of land the said Adam Snider agrees to pay him, the said Woolrick Bruner, the sum of one hundred pounds current money of the State of Pennsylvania, in money, and one house and lot in Baltimore town, on Howard street, joining the widow Bankles, and occupied by Jacob Reader; and pay the said sum of one hundred pounds in two payments, that is, fifty pounds on the first day of October next and fifty pounds more on the first day of May next.

And it is further agreed by and between the said parties, that the said Woolrick Bruner excepts and reserves to himself, out of the said two hundred acres, one of the said town lots, being the second lot in number on the plan; and it is further agreed, that if the said land, when it comes to be measured, should fall short of the said two hundred acres more than ten acres, that then there shall be an abatement in the price in proportion to such want; but in case it shall measure more than the two hundred acres, ever so much, that there is to be no addition to the price; and it is further agreed that the said Woolrick Bruner shall make over and convey the said two hundred acres of land, more or less, to him the said Adam Snider, his heirs and assigns forever, clear of all costs, by good and lawful deeds of conveyance, as soon and on the payment of the last gale of fifty pounds, or give a sufficient bond of performance to complete the same as soon as the said Harmon Husband shall procure his patent to the said one hundred acres; according to the agreement made between the said Woolrick Bruner and Harmon Husband, and when at the same time the said Snider shall make the like title of the aforesaid lot and house in Baltimore town to him, the said Woolrick Bruner, his heirs and assigns forever, and for the due performance of the above agreement the parties above do bind themselves and each of their heirs, executors and administrators unto each other in the sum of two hundred pounds current money aforesaid, to be paid by the party failing. In witness whereof, the parties above said have put their hands and seals the day and year first above written.
<center>ULRICH BRUNER. (L.S.)</center><center>ADAM SCHNEIDER. (L.S.)</center>
Signed, sealed and delivered, in the presence of us:
<center>HARMON HUSBAND</center><center>HENRY BRUNER</center>
<center>=============================</center>The foregoing is the article of agreement by which the transfer of Bruner’s Town (or the present borough of Somerset) and adjacent lands was made by Ulrich Bruner to Adam Schneider. The signatures, with the exception of that of Harmon Husband, were written in German. The agreement itself was prepared by Husband in a plain, legible style.

(Source: History of Bedford, Somerset &amp; Fulton Counties, PA; 1884)

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