The Progressive branch of the Brethren or German Baptists, under the leadership of H. R. Holsinger, organized a church in Berlin in 1881-2. Their house of worship, erected in 1881, cost, including lot, twenty-seven hundred dollars.
Membership in 1883, about one hundred; sabbath-school scholars, 85.
The officers of the church are as follows:
Bishop: H. R. Holsinger
Trustees: Jacob Musser, G. W. Brollier
Deacons: S. U. Shober, John J. Knepper, George W. Brollier, Jacob Musser
Another church, in Brother’s Valley township, is under the same officers. The house of worship was erected by the Brethren, or German Baptists (old style), about 1858.
(Source: History of Bedford, Somerset & Fulton Counties, PA; 1884)