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…bringing our past into the future

Conemaugh Township


Sep 14, 2015

Conemaugh Township
<strong><center>HISTORY OF THE TOWNSHIP</center></strong>
Conemaugh township was organized in February, 1801 out of part of Quemahoning township. The name is of Indian origin and means “long fishing place”. Conemaugh was a large township when first created as it included nearly all of the present townships of Paint and Ogle and a wide strip of Cambria county which included Johnstown. The organization of Cambria county and other townships has reduced it to its present size.

The first township election was held at the house of Jacob Miltenberger, on the farm now owned by Daniel Hershberger. Later, Joseph Yoder\’s home was the voting place and, afterward, Davidsville became the place of meeting.

Among the first settlers in the township were Joseph Buck, Joseph Blough, Peter Blough, Henry Hershberger, Philip Croyle, Christian Miller, John Mishler and Jacob Kauffman. The township was peopled slowly, but of late years has made rapid progress. The people of Conemaugh did not see fit to adopt the free-school system until 1865. Since that time the cause of education has made rapid advancement.

The first gristmill and sawmill in Conemaugh were erected by Philip Croyle on his farm in the northern part of the township. The township contains valuable quantities of coal, iron ore and limestone, but as yet there has been no development of these products except for local use.

The area of the township is 25,122 acres or about 39¼ square miles. In 1930, it contained 226 farms and had a population of 8,134 persons. At that time it was the most populous township in Somerset County. The principal towns are Davidsville, Jerome, Grazier, Maple Ridge and Hiyasota.

(Source: partially extracted from History of Bedford, Somerset &amp; Fulton Counties, PA; 1884)

<center><strong>AREA LORE</strong></center>
<a href=”articles.php?article_id=138″><u>Joseph Buck</u></a> &amp;#9472;&amp;#9472; <a href=”articles.php?article_id=136″><u>Pitch For a Drink</u></a>

<a href=”http://www.pa-roots.org/data/read.php?720,570541″><u>Godfrey Austead</u></a> – <a href=”http://www.pa-roots.org/data/read.php?720,363689,363689#msg-363689″><u>Abraham Blough</u></a> – <a href=”http://www.pa-roots.org/data/read.php?720,570644″><u>Jacob Blough</u></a> – <a href=”http://www.pa-roots.org/data/read.php?720,570645″><u>Jacob Blough, Jr</u></a> – <a href=”http://www.pa-roots.org/data/read.php?720,570539″><u>Henry Croyle</u></a> – <a href=”http://www.pa-roots.org/data/read.php?720,570542″><u>Henry Hershberger</u></a><br>
<a href=”http://www.pa-roots.org/data/read.php?720,570543″><u>Isaac Kauffman</u></a> – <a href=”http://www.pa-roots.org/data/read.php?720,570648″><u>August Koehler</u></a> – <a href=”http://www.pa-roots.org/data/read.php?720,570545″><u>Lohr Family</u></a> – <a href=”http://www.pa-roots.org/data/read.php?720,570647″><u>Josiah Swank</u></a> – <a href=”http://www.pa-roots.org/data/read.php?720,579279,579279#msg-579279″><u>David Weaver</u></a> – <a href=”http://www.pa-roots.org/data/read.php?720,570646″><u>David B. Wilson</u></a> – <a href=”http://www.pa-roots.org/data/read.php?720,570544″><u>Joseph Yoder</u></a>

<a href=”articles.php?article_id=95″><u>Conemaugh Township Churches</u></a> &amp;#9472;&amp;#9472; <a href=”articles.php?article_id=94″><u>Davidsville Churches</u></a> &amp;#9472;&amp;#9472; <a href=”articles.php?article_id=96″><u>Mennonite Churches</u></a>

<center><strong>TAX LISTS</strong></center>
<a href=”articles.php?article_id=85″><u>1823</u></a> — <a href=”articles.php?article_id=360″><u>1842</u></a>

<center><strong>TOWNS &amp; VILLAGES</strong></center>
<a href=”articles.php?article_id=122″><u>DAVIDSVILLE</u></a>

Located in the southern part, Jerome is the largest mining town in Conemaugh township. It was laid out by the United Coal Company in 1904. It takes its name from Jerome Coulson, the son of the founder.

Grazier, also known as Foustwell, is a small mining town in the eastern part of the township. It was started about 1900 by the Grazier Coal Company. Most of the houses in Grazier were built by the Cosgrove &amp; Mehan Coal Company in 1918.

<strong>Maple Ridge</strong>
Maple Ridge is a small mining town in the eastern part of the township. It was laid out in 1906, and the houses were built by the Shall-Mayer Realty Company for the Maple Ridge Coal Company. More houses were built in 1918. Maple Ridge post office was established in 1922, and Michael Hurley became the first postmaster.

Hiyasota is a small mining town one mile east of Jerome. It was laid out by the Hiyasota Coal Company in 1912. More houses were built in 1918.

1823 Conemaugh Township Taxables
John Alwine
Jac. Brubaker
Dav. Blough
John Blough
John Brown
Peter Berkey (gristmill &amp; sawmill)
Philip Croyle
John Croyle (gristmill, sawmill &amp; still)
Henry Croyle
Dav. Christner
John Conrad
Jac. Eash
Chris. Eash, weaver
Chris. Eash
Dan. Hershberger
Peter Hostetler
Irwin Hirvell (forge)
John Garver
Jac. Kauffman, wagoner
Jac. Kauffman, weaver
Sol. Kauffman
Chris. Kauffman, minister
Benj. Kauffman
John Kauffman, blacksmith
Fred. Kustard
John Lehman
Peter Lehman
Christley Lehman
Isaac Lehman (oilmill)
David Leviston
John Lyberger, blacksmith
Joseph Lehman, blacksmith
Chris. Mishler
Sam. Mishler
John Mishler
John Mildenberger
John McCracken
Tobias Miller, distiller
Henry Miller
Chris. Muller, Sr.
Chris. Miller, Jr.
Chris. Nixley
Jac. Reed, shoemaker
Garrett Ream (sawmill &amp; carding-mill)
John Sala
Dav. Stutzman
Christley Summer, cooper &amp; distiller
Nathan Smiley
Mich. Shoup
Jose. Schoutz
Geo. Thomas
Godfrey Theobald
Chris. Weaver
Dav. Weaver
Abr. Weaver
Jac. Wingard
Jos. Wingard
Jas. Walker
Robt. Wilson
Jos. Yoder (still)
Jos. Yoder (of C.)
Wm. Jonas

Single freeman:
Chris. Miller
John Mishler
Jas. Walker
Wm. Jonas
Chris Summer, cooper
Jos. Lehman, blacksmith

(Source: History of Bedford, Somerset &amp; Fulton Counties, PA; 1884)

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