• Wed. Mar 12th, 2025


…bringing our past into the future

Disciple or Christian Church


Sep 14, 2015

The Disciple or Christian Church of Somerset borough was organized as a Baptist church in the summer of 1817, by Dr. Estep, of Mount Pleasant, and Prof. Charles Wheeler, of Washington, Pennsylvania; as a Disciple church in 1829, by Thomas and Alexander Campbell.

Among the charter members, in 1829, were Chauncey Forward and William H. Postlethwaite, elders; Jacob Graft and Samuel Trent, Sr., deacons; Mary Ogle, Mary Morrison, Mary F. Graft, Jacob Graft, Isaac Husband and wife, Sarah Leichtenberger, Mary Strain, Kate Carr, Susan Stuart, Sally Plowman, George Probst and wife, Barbara Loehr, Clarissa Loehr, James Younkin and wife, Eleanor Bruce, Julia Johnston, Katie Tantlinger, Nancy Carson, Adeline Stahl, Samuel Trent and wife, Alexander Hunter and wife, Jacob Criley and wife, Charlotte Ogle, David Plowman, Miss Eliza Plowman, Samuel Stahl, Miss Mary Husband, Miss Margaret Foust, Mrs. Chauncey Forward, Charles Ogle and Emily, his wife, Jane Carson, Horatio Weigley, Miss Julia Weigley, Mary Ann Postlethwaite, Cephas Gillet, Alexander Fleming and wife, Dr. Norman M. Bruce, William Philson and wife Agnes, Samuel Huston, Peter Huston and wife Bettie, and John Hamilton and wife Bettie.

As a Baptist church it had only occasional preaching in the court-house by the organizers and a few others. As a Disciple church, Hon. Chauncey Forward, one of the elders, and a lawyer, did the regular preaching for a number of years, being relieved on special occasions by such traveling ministers as Wesley Lamphear, Dr. Young, David S. Burnet, Samuel Church, Pool, Harrison Jones, James Lamphear, David Kintner and others, including the Carnpbells. The first settled pastor from abroad was Prof. L. C. Loos, for a term of years in the thirties. Later came Leroy Norton in the fifties. About 1867, James Darsie located here and remained several years. In 1870-71, Peter Vogel officiated as pastor. He was succeeded by L. F. Bittle, and the latter in turn by W. H. Woolery. Peter Vogel returned in April, 1883, and now serves as pastor in charge.

The first house of worship was built in 1845. It was of brick, and cost four thousand dollars. In 1871, its walls were considered dangerous, and the whole structure was torn down. The present church edifice, also of brick, was erected in 1873, at a cost of six thousand dollars. A fine frame parsonage is now under construction. It will be ready for occupancy in the fall of 1883, and will cost about two thousand dollars. The lot was donated by Judge Jeremiah S. Black, who continued as a member of this congregation until his death.

The present members of this organization number two hundred and fifty. The Sabbath school attendants one hundred and seventy-three.

(Source: extracted from “History of Bedford, Somerset & Fulton Counties, PA; 1884)

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