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…bringing our past into the future

Disciples Churches of Shade Township


Sep 14, 2015

<center>DISCIPLES’ CHURCH</center>
The Disciples’ church, in the northwest portion of Shade township, was organized by Rev. Chauncy Forward in 1849. Among the original members were Ezra Dunham, Samuel Hunter, John and Jacob Berkebile, George W. Clark, and their families. The pastors have been Revs. Forward, James Lanphere, L.R. Norton, James Piatt, James Darsie and the present pastor, N.S. McCollum.

The house of worship was erected in 1855, at a cost of seven hundred dollars. The present membership of the church is thirty-five; sabbath school, sixty. The financial standing is good.

<center>LAMBERT CHAPEL</center>
Lambert Chapel Disciples’ church was organized in 1870, by Rev. Edward Bevins. Among the first members were Samuel Fleegle and wife, D.C. Lambert and wife, Joseph Lambert and wife, Mr. Small and wife. The pastors have been Revs. Edward Bevins, James Darsie and N. S. McCollum.

The house of worship was erected in 1882, at a cost of one thousand dollars. The congregation is out of debt. Membership of the church, fifty; sabbath school, fifty.

(Source: History of Bedford, Somerset &amp; Fulton Counties, PA; 1884)

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