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Early Physicians of Somerset County


Sep 14, 2015

Dr. William Gore Elder, was the first physician to locate in the town of Somerset.
Dr. Norman M. Bruce appears to have been the next physician to settle in Somerset, who remained any considerable length of time. We find mention of his name in the records as early as 1814, and as late as the middle of the century. He finally removed to the State of Iowa and died there.
Dr. Andrew Bruce, son of Dr. Norman M. Bruce, removed to Springfield or Columbus, Ohio, about the year 1851, and died there some two or three years ago.
Dr. Michael Berkey was a son-in-law of Dr. Norman M. Bruce. After practicing here some years he removed to Mount Pleasant, Iowa, soon after the year 1850 and there remained until his death. His father-in-law, the elder Dr. Bruce, accompanied him to Iowa.
Drs. Frank Chorpenning was a contemporary practitioner with Dr. Michael Berkey. He died in California some twenty years ago.
Dr. George B. Fundenburg, also a contemporary of Dr. Michael Berkey, came here from Wheeling, Virginia, about 1850, and remained eight or nine years. He then removed to Cumberland, Maryland. At the present time he is a specialist of note at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Dr. Edmund M. Kimmel
Dr. Joseph Covode
Dr. Theodore F. Livengood
Dr. Henry Brubaker
Dr. William Rauch was born in Jennertown, Pennsylvania, in 1859. He graduated from the Cincinnati (Ohio) Medical College in 1882. After practicing in Jennertown six months, he located in the borough of Somerset, where he still resides.

Dr. John Kimmel
Dr. John P. Cover
Dr. W. A. Garman
Dr. J. S. Garman
Dr. Henry Garey
Dr. J. K. Miller
Dr. W. R. Krissinger is a son of Charles Krissinger, of Berlin, and was born and educated in this town. In 1876 he entered the Baltimore College of Physicians and Surgeons, from which he graduated in 1878. He has since been engaged in practice in Berlin. Dr. Krissinger started a drug store in 1880.

The first physician who settled in Confluence was Dr. W. S. Mountain, who come in 1873, and is still in successful practice here.
Dr. B. A. Fichtner

Dr. Wesley Cunningham

Dr. J. W. Hamer

Dr. U. M. Beachly was born at Meyersdale in 1828. He attended the common schools, and in 1851 entered the Eclectic Medical College, Cincinnati, Ohio, graduating therefrom in 1852. He at once entered upon practice at Meyersdale, where he still resides, the oldest physician in the place.
Dr. H. Clay McKinley
Dr. W. H. Meyers
Dr. S. S. Good

Dr. David L. Meyers, was the first physician who settled in this town.
Dr. D. P. Welfly, was the successor to Dr. Meyers
Dr. W. H. H. Gardner, third physician in New Centerville.

Dr. Chauncey Forward

The first physician who practiced in Salisbury was Dr. Fetter, who settled here about 1835.

Dr. Robert H. Patterson was born in Philadelphia in 1822, and removed to Somerset county with his parents in 1826. He was educated in his profession at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, and has been in active practice in Stoystown since 1844.
Dr. J. M. Louther

The first physician in Ursina was Dr. H. L. Bevins, who came to the place in 1869, and practiced successfully until his removal in 1881.
Dr. William S. Harah
Dr. W. S. Kuhlman

Dr. Samuel C. Fechtig

(Source: History of Bedford, Somerset & Fulton Counties, PA; 1884)

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