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Justices of the Peace 1795-1839


Sep 14, 2015

The following is a list of justices of the peace of Somerset county from 1795 to 1839, with the date of commissions. Until 1840, when the office was made elective, appointees held the office solely by virtue of a commission from the governor:
Elk Lick township: John Hendricks, 1795; Shephat Dwire, 1797.
Milford township: John Leech, 1796; Jacob Knable, 1800.
Town of Somerset: John Wells, 1796.
Brother\’s Valley township: Jonathan Kurtz, Geo. Johnston, 1799.
Quemahoning township: Ebenezer Hickling, 1799; John Read, 1800.
Turkey-Foot township: John Mitchell, 1800.
Southampton township: Benj. Critchfield, 1802.
Conemaugh township: Abraham Hildebrand, 1802.
Stony Creek township: James Black, 1802.
Cambria township: Robt. Jones, 1802; Luke McGuire, 1806.

District No. 1 composed of Somerset and Milford townships:
Jacob Saylor, Jacob Schneider, Philip King, 1804
Jacob Baker, 1806
Abraham Morrison, 1808
Jonathan Rhoads, 1809
Thomas Wilson, 1812.
Same district, including Somerset and Milford townships and Somerset borough:
John Tantlinger, 1812
John Phillippi, 1813
James Carson, John Gebhart, 1818
District No. 1, including Somerset borough, Somerset and Milford townships and a part of Jenner:
Geo. Pile, John Kurtz, Jacob Loud, 1820
Geo. Ross, 1821
John Witt, 1823
Jacob Knable, Geo. Gebhart, 1824
Joseph Morrison, 1825
Samuel G. Bailey, 1826
Geo. Pile, John Gebhart, 1829
Abraham Beam, Andrew Stewart, 1830
Robt. Fletcher, 1831
Elijah Dennison, 1833
Alex, B. Fleming, Geo. Lenhart, John Neff, Wm. Philson, 1835
Christopher Beam, Benj. Masters, 1836
Mark Ross, 1837
Reading B. Conover, Samuel W. Pearson, 1838.

District No. 2, composed of Quemahoning and Stony Creek townships:
Jacob Glessner, Jonathan Rhoads, 1804
John Lehmer, 1806
Henry Fisher, Thomas Faith, 1810
Joseph Reed, 1811
Jacob Moses, 1813
Thos. Gaghegan, Andrew Dennison, 1815
Peter Rhoads, 1816
For Quemahoning, Stony Creek and Jenner:
Joshua Cooper, 1818.
For Quemahoning, Stony Creek, Shade and part of Jenner:
Reuel Peterson, John Latshaw, 1820
Geo. Foy, 1821
Henry Howard, 1822
Geo. Hartzell, 1823
Andrew Campbell, 1829
Rogers Marshall, 1830
John B. Miller, 1836.
For the above-mentioned townships and Stoystown borough:
David Hite, 1833
Jacob N. Clark, John Risheberger, 1835
John Lohr (of George), John G. Tantlinger, 1837
Henry Kennedy, Ezra Dunham, 1839.

District No. 3, composed of Pleasant Valley:
Henry Lore, 1805
Philip Walker, 1809
Same district composed of Brother\’s Valley, Allegheny and part of Greenville:
Geo. Waker, 1819
Christian Moyer, Jacob Kimmel, Jacob G. Miller, 1822
District No. 3, composed of Brother\’s Valley, town of Berlin, and parts of Greenville and Allegheny: Alex. H. Philson, 1831
Solomon Baer, 1835
Wm. Fletcher Dively, 1836

District No.4, composed of Conemaugh and Cambria townships:
Daniel Fiester, Thos. W. Jones, 1804
Peter Berkey, 1809
John Miltenberger, 1822
Daniel Berkey, 1827
Thomas Lane, 1833

District No.5, composed of Turkey-Foot and Addison townships:
John McMillen, 1804
Bernard Connelly, 1820
Peter Haldeman, 1822
Jonas Hartzell, 1823
John Piper, John Hanna, John Frey, 1825
For Turkey-Foot, Addison and the town of Smythfield:
Thomas Hanna, Michael Sanner, Jr., 1829
Zalmon Luddington, 1830
Andrew Craig, 1832
Hugh Connelly, 1833
Samuel Gaither, Henry S. Holbrook James Black, 1835
Moses A. Ross, David Black, 1836
Jacob Richards, 1837
John Hartzell, Bernard Connelly, 1838
James S. Hook, 1839.

District No. 6, composed of Elk Lick township:
Patrick Sullivan, 1808
Peter Deal, 1813
Michael Dively, 1816
For Elk Lick and a part of Greenville:
Douglas Baker, 1820
John Shirer, 1829
Yost Stutzman, 1830
Samuel Findley, 1831
John S. Weimer 1835
Joseph Griffith, 1837.

District No. 7, composed of the township of Southampton:
Wm. C. Dorsey, 1805
Adam Lepley, 1809
Jacob Martz, 1818
For Southampton and part of Allegheny:
Geo. Flickinger, 1818
Geo. Weller, 1829

(Source: History of Bedford, Somerset & Fulton Counties, PA; 1884)

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