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…bringing our past into the future

Justices of the Peace – Boroughs (Part 1)


Sep 14, 2015


Joseph Cummins, John Neff 1840
Chauncey F. Mitchell, Gillian Lint, 1845
Gillian Lint, 1850
Enos O\’Neal, 1851
R. P. Cummins, 1855
Gillian Lint, 1856
John C. Kurtz, 1860
Robert Laughton, 1861
J. C. Kurtz, 1865
Joseph Cummins, Robert Laughton, 1866, 1871
Robt. Laughton, Wm. A. Ogle, 1876
LaRue M. Hicks, Gillian Lint, 1881

John G. Tantlinger, Geo. Hartzell, 1840
Jonathan Statler, 1841
Geo. Hartzell, Jonathan Statler, 1845
Geo. Foy, 1847
Jonathan Statler, 1850
Geo. Foy, 1852
Jacob Custer, 1855
Jacob Thompson, 1857
Augustus Heffley, 1860
Jacob Thompson, 1862
Jacob Custer, 1865
Jacob Thompson, 1867
Fred. Groff, 1870
Augustus Heffley, 1872
Fred. Groff, 1875
A. Heffley, 1877
J. Custer, 1879
A. Heffley, 1882

Jacob Kimmel, Alex. H. Philson, 1840
Chas. Hefflly, Wm. F. Dively, 1845, 1850, 1855, 1860
Chas. Heffley, J. P. Philson, 1865
Geo. Johnson, 1869
John P. Philson, 1870
Geo. Johnson, 1874
J. P. Philson, 1875
Augustus D. Floto, 1879
Albert Heffley, 1880

Allen S. Will, 1844
Aaron Will, 1855
Wm. Scott, 1856
Aaron Will, 1860
Henry Freese, 1861
Wm. Scott, 1865
Sam\’l H. Dull, 1866
Aaron Will, 1870
Sam\’l H. Dull, Alfred Evans, 1871
Aaron Will, 1875
Wm. Flick, 1876
Aaron Will, 1880
Dan\’l W. Will, 1881

(Source: History of Bedford, Somerset & Fulton Counties, PA; 1884)

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