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…bringing our past into the future

Livengood Reunion – 1920


Sep 14, 2015

<center>Descendants of Somerset Pioneer for Organization
Family Reunion July 30 Near Casselman</center>
MEYERSDALE, April 13– At a recent meeting of the great-great grandchildren of Peter Leibundgut, one of the earliest settlers, of Elklick township, Somerset county, held in Salisbury, the Livengood Family Reunion association was formed with a view to commemorating the life and achievements of their pioneer ancestor, to preserve and perpetuate the traditions of the family and to bring about a closer bond of friendship and fraternity of his progeny, scattered all over the United States.

The first step toward achieving this end will be the holding of a great “potlatch” or family reunion and festival, at or near the old homestead in Elklick township July 30, to celebrate the 145th anniversary of the location of Peter Leibundgut and family in Somerset county.

Peter Leibundgut was born in Switzerland about 1730 and came to this country about 1750, first settling in Berks county, Pa., where he married a Swiss girl, Barbara Nafziger, about 1758. He resided there until 1775, when he took up land on the west bank of the Casselman River in Elklick township, opposite what is now known as the borough of Salisbury.

The old pioneer lived to the age of 96. He passed away in 1826 and is buried in the little cemetery on the old homestead at West Salisbury where members of four or five generations of his descendants also repose. He left considerable property to the three sons and seven daughters who survived him. The numerous persons now bearing the name Livengood are descended from these three sons, Christian, Peter and John, and are scattered throughout many states of the union, as are also the numerous descendants of the daughters who were married to Christian Fike, David Joder, Jacob Saylor, Jacob Ruble, William Ogg, Jacob Breneissen and David Miller, respectively.

Temporary organization of the Livengood Reunion organization has been effected by the election of William S. Livengood of Meyersdale, president; A. E. Livengood, Elklick, vice president; D. W. Livengood, Elklick, secretary; and John Livengood Barchus, Elklick, Treasurer.

(Source: The Weekly Courier, April 22, 1920)

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