• Fri. Mar 28th, 2025


…bringing our past into the future

Railroads – 1883


Sep 14, 2015

The southern half of Somerset county is already liberally supplied with railroad facilities.

The Pittsburgh division of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad (formerly Pittsburgh & Connellsville railroad) traverses the county crosswise, following mainly the waters of the Castleman river, and crossing the Allegheny mountain a few miles east of Meyersdale. This railroad, fully equipped and in excellent condition, connects Pittsburgh with the Atlantic seaboard, and furnishes the minerals, etc., of the lower portion of Somerset county with a direct outlet to the eastern and western markets.

A short line of railroad, designed as an outlet to the steam coal of the Salisbury basin, is in process of building, and a portion of the road has already been completed. It ascends the Castleman river on an easy grade, and joins the Baltimore & Ohio railroad a short distance west of Meyersdale. This latter point, from whence all the steam coal of the Salisbury and Meyersdale basin will be shipped, is two hundred and twenty-seven miles from Baltimore, and one hundred and thirteen miles from Pittsburgh.

From Garrett a railroad ascends Buffalo creek to Berlin, thus opening up an important region of country, and paving the way for future developments. The Somerset & Mineral Point railroad has also placed the Coxe’s creek coals and fireclays in direct line of communication with the large cities east and west. But these coals are of somewhat inferior quality, and lack significance at present.

A line of railroad has, however, been projected along the valley of Stony creek, and the necessary surveys have been made. The road when completed will open up a vast tract of country as yet almost wholly undeveloped, and connect it with the great trunk line of the Pennsylvania railroad.

The projected railway is completed; and, connected with the Somerset Mineral Point road, is now known as the Cambria branch of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad.

The South Pennsylvania railroad is now in process of construction through this county.

(Source: History of Bedford, Somerset & Fulton Counties, PA; 1884)

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