• Thu. Mar 13th, 2025


…bringing our past into the future

Reformed Churches of Jenner Township


Sep 14, 2015

Beam congregation of the Reformed church was organized June 14, 1844, by Rev. William Conrad, then of Berlin, Pennsylvania. The first officers were Abraham Beam and Christian Ludy, elders; Gillian Walter and Isaac Ankeny, deacons. There is no record of original members. The pastors have been Revs. D. B. Ernst, C. F. Hoffmeier, F. K. Levan, William Conrad, H. H. W. Hibshman, A. J. Heller, H. F. Keener, W. H. Bates, M. H. Diefenderfer. The first church was erected in 1841, at a cost of five hundred dollars, and was built previous to the organization of the congregation, under the labors of Rev. H. G. Ibbiken, who also had prepared for the organization of a congregation, but died before it could be effected. The present church, erected in 1873, cost four thousand two hundred and thirty-four dollars. The present membership of the church is one hundred and twenty-two; Sunday-school scholars, ninety-five.

Calvary Reformed church was organized by Rev. F.K. Levan, in 1858. The first officers were Jacob D. Bowman and Reuben Hoffman, elders; Solomon Bowman and Frederick Gonder, deacons. The pastors have been Revs. Levan, Conrad, Hibshman, Heller, Keener, Bates and Diefenderfer. The church edifice was erected in 1871, at a cost of two thousand dollars. The present membership is fifty.

St. Peter\’s Reformed church was organized by Rev. M.H. Diefenderfer, June 5, 1881, with thirty-five members. The officers were Jonathan Miller and Samuel Berkey, elders; Noah Brendle and Joseph F. Rhodes, deacons. Rev. M. H. Diefenderfer still continues as pastor. Membership of the church, forty-five; sabbath school, ninety-three. A church edifice was erected during 1881-2, at a cost of sixteen hundred dollars.

The above-named point has been a preaching place for the past fifty years, during which time several attempts have been made to build a church. The first attempt was during the pastorate of Rev. H.G. Ibbiken, and resulted in the building of the Beam church. The second, during the pastorate of Rev. D. B. Ernst, resulted in the Casebeer Lutheran church. The present edifice was attempted under the labors of Rev. W. H. Bates, and carried to a successful completion under his successor.

(Source: History of Bedford, Somerset & Fulton Counties, PA; 1884)

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