St. Luke’s Reformed church, situated in Deeter’s Gap, on the top of Allegheny mountain, was organized January 15, 1861 by Rev. F.A. Edmonds. The original members and officers were:
Jacob G. Glessner, Elder
Jeremiah Glessner, Deacon
Jacob B. Hillegass, Deacon
W. A. Brant
Henry Deeter
George Glessner
W. Glessner
John Heckman
John Hoyle
John L. B. Miller
The pastors have been:
Rev. F. A Edmonds
Rev. F. Wall
Rev. William Rupp
Rev. J. W. Alspach
Rev. H. F. Keener (1875 to the present).
The church edifice was erected in 1861, at a cost of one thousand dollars. Present membership, one hundred and four; Sabbath-school scholars, sixty.
(Source: History of Bedford, Somerset & Fulton Counties, PA; 1884)